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To be fair she is nearly 17 as she’s a summer baby. I went on my first girls holiday at that age and my oldest lad went to Leeds Festival at 16. I also had regular nights out away with my boyfriend. I think its all dependent on the individual and how mature and independent they are

You don’t have a choice of what academic year they are in My husbands birthday is 31st August (1971) his mate was 1 September but 1970 so they are in the same school year his other mate is 5th September but 1971 so whole school year lower. There has to be a cut off point somewhere
You can hold summer babies back now. My friends little boy is a june baby and hes 7 now but will be going in to year 2 in September because she decelerated him for a year. Its done him the world of good and hes now thriving in school.
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I don't think she ever puts ads on Facebook. Facebook probably isn't in the ad contract either. She would get paid extra for that. For example, the company would ask her to do so many stories plus a grid post for x amount. Or just 4 stories for x amount. Some will say a grid post + Facebook post + stories for x amount.
Hope that makes sense lol
Haha I do now thanks, at first I thought the cunt didn’t want her Facebook audience who may not have insta to realise what a grabby bitch she is 🤣
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So Joyce is on the beer and she's on the wine. Arsetrid's husband is ex met. Are they going to be driving home or will PA Jo come and collect them? Also, my eyes cannot now unsee this. 🤢🙈
Maybe Betsy could use the car seat she bought and take him in a young drivers car and go pick up her pissed "parents" 🙈
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I honestly agree with all the other posters that most stuff with W is sensory, she’s a shit parent because she’s not seeking him the help and diagnosis he needs. Plus sensory or not, he doesn’t need the amount of cake, sweets and coke he has, there are plenty of other options for kids with food sensory issues R, that’s why you need help and diagnosis. That poor boy 😢
I took my son to speech therapy when he was 2 because I didn't feel his speech was where it should be but he's 10 now & is very articulate & is reading way above his age! IF he has sensory issues then Ratchet should be a parent a proper one & address it , W is only 2 this month I think he's still v young
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I I I I ME ME ME ME, that's all I could hear whilst skipping through her stories regarding trevihouse, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what she was trying to express through her stories.....other than putting me off listening to them.....I love hearing about other women's trauma, she's an absolute fucking freakshow
And SO SO SO 😉
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I listened to a podcast yesterday (broken harts for anyone who’s interested) about 2 white ladies who adopted 6 black children. Their mother was very present and over sharing on social media, so there’s a large digital footprint. Anyway they were abusing their kids despite their online presence and in the end the whole family died. It’s clearly different to each and josh, but there were parallels I couldn’t ignore. Their son went viral at a BLM March and the mum obviously loved the attention. But all wasn’t as it seems and it just goes to show even people with an online presence aren’t what it seems, and these women were deemed a better option that foster care or their birth families.

Also no offence but Betsy wasn’t ‘casually’ in a Waterstones… she was sent there which is so embarrassing. Tragic.
It is an absolutely heartbreaking case. I thought the podcast was very well done.
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I was in Trago!!! Went to buy paint and saw them walking back through. I was so so tempted to hide in an aisle and shout "where the bloody money Ratchet???" but lost my nerve.
I'm sure I mentioned recently that she doesn't use the desk she had built specially for writing at in the hobbit loft 😂😂
I hate to say it but I don’t think B will be going to uni. Lots of reasons but one is that it’s very hard work, she sees her mum doing sod all and raking in the cash. Ratchet would love to brag about her going to uni, because in her world it would all be down to her that she gets a degree etc. I’ll eat my hat if it happens.

I can’t even look at her stories anymore she makes me want to heave. That lip!, the nose!, the hair 😱
Everything gives me the ick about her- trying to dress like a teenager, thinking she’s adored by every male with a pulse, even her stepsons mates.
She just loves to put it on on display for any man who will of course be struck dumb by her body. 🤢. Thrushy fanny and all 🤮
Don't you like our Rach? She is so so beautiful and talented & popular too.
Shame about her terminal thrush though 😫.
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So L didn’t have time to get ready for lunch at Astrids yet she’s already shown the table laid for 5 and Astrids daughters there too.I reckon L was invited only if they had to take W with them but as B has got him they don’t need her now 🙁
Don't they tend to use her to
So L didn’t have time to get ready for lunch at Astrids yet she’s already shown the table laid for 5 and Astrids daughters there too.I reckon L was invited only if they had to take W with them but as B has got him they don’t need her now 🙁
She is better off not being in that den of drunk judgers hooked on the gram
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I would hope they would go on weight rather than age, wilby isn't exactly a small lightweight child is he 🤦‍♀️
Ive googled a few and they go up to 15/16kg. I remember having them in the baby room at the nursery I used to work at and they stopped putting the older babies in them because they were to heavy for them.
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Chatty Member
That pic Rachets just put on her story of josh cuddling her 😏 her tummy looks rounder than normal. Wonder if she's preggo?
Could explain the emotional outbreak she had cos Betsys in London, having a couple of days off at bringing up Rachets kids.
Oh god, let's hope not. 😫
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