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I don’t think there would be judgment here (or at least I hope there wouldn’t be) if she was ever honest about anything. Showing a few seconds every other day of Wilby drinking from a bottle like he’s 4 months old is going to get discussed because it’s not particularly healthy behaviour for a 2 year old. But if she came on and said something like “Wilby’s actually really struggling at the moment with sone extra sensory needs, he won’t eat proper meals and we’re worried about his nutrition so we’ve been giving him formula top ups” I genuinely believe that would be accepted as a decent thing to do and we wouldn’t judge her and assume she’s being lazy.
You’ve explained it much better than I have 😂
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In England the school year runs from 1 September until 31 August, so anyone who's birthday falls between those dates will be the same school year. As Betsy's birthday is in August, she will have been the same school year as people born in the September the year before, meaning that some of her school friends will be almost a year older. At my school the oldest person in our year had her birthday on 2 September, and the youngest was 28 August, so only a few days off being a full year between them.
My kids are on both sides .. my 14yr old is 27th august, the majority of his friends are older than him, they are all 15 now while he still has a month to go.
My 7yr old is the eldest in her class, she is 8 on 15th september, some of her classmates have just turned 7 or still 6 where as she is 8 in 6weeks.

I can see a massive difference in how they have both developed through the school year being the eldest and the youngest.
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That pic Rachets just put on her story of josh cuddling her 😏 her tummy looks rounder than normal. Wonder if she's preggo?
Could explain the emotional outbreak she had cos Betsys in London, having a couple of days off at bringing up Rachets kids.
I thought that about the tummy
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Im pretty sure its only come in in the past 5 or so years. Its got to be fairly new because my friend says noone knows what will happen when it comes to senior school because noone who has been held back like her son has got to secondary school yet.
My parents where given the option! I’m 26 now!
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because that would require effort. teaching him to use it, having him cry for his bottle, having to clean up spilt water. all normal parenting things that she just cannot be arsed doing.

also im assuming thats cows milk in the bottle BUT it could be formula. She may be using it to give him the nutrients that his multipacks of crisps dont.
Cheesey Quavers have a bit of protein don't they???
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What the absolute fuck is she wittering about now ? Its reeks of collateral damage or plans afoot
Whys she telling her story again it has to be for a reason ? So much worse than who ever else look at me tho eh ?……
Iv just got a cob on because i shellacked MY nails two days ago proper loved them too
Multi bastard coloured like that waste of pissing skin has ….
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I was trying to be careful about what I said about South Wales Police, wankers is a polite description.
They were an absolute disgrace.
I was laughed at many times by these police, because they didn't believe me or didn't want to believe me. And the ex had several friends in the police force.

A few times, my ex husband attacked me & then got one of my daughters to phone 999 and tell the police to come quickly because Mummy was hurting Daddy. I never hit him back, I don't have it in me.
The police came, believed him and I got arrested.
The police are about as much use as Rachaele Fucking Hambleton.
So sorry the police were shit, unfortunately my disdain for them stems from similar (but objectively less horrifying) incidents, they’re extremely susceptible to manipulation by the abuser.
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Velvet Hour

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neither - my friend is born Sept 1991, and i’m born Aug 1992. same school year but almost a year older than me.
My son is the 8th September , turned 5 in his first school week and was the eldest in his year ( and in year 11 he was the eldest in the school)
My youngest is 23rd August , had just turned 4 when he started school and was the youngest in his year.
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Hi everyone! I have never posted here before, just lurked for ages. I have had my eyes well and truly opened. She has gone about this women’s centre the same haphazard way she has done her house. Nothing is thought through properly and she spends money like water. That bloody downstairs toilet 😳 I keep expecting to see Zammo from Grange Hill shooting up in there. . .
It won’t be Zammo shooting up 🤣
Love seeing new members on this thread. What brought you to the light side 🤔🤣
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Why the uproar about I hair?? My son had his bleached at 5 because that’s what he wanted. It’s their hair and I is starting secondary in sept so is finding his feet and identity.
B in London, good on her. Just a shame nearly a quarter of a million people know where she is, away from home, and not all of those people are huns….we know that by the dodgy going on in this thread.
rachels emotional blackmail stinks and it’s only because she has to actually parent the children herself instead of B taking care of them. My daughter is planning on working in the Caribbean next year. Am I gutted yes, but I won’t tell her that. I’ve told her travel and enjoy yourself whilst you can before real life catches up with you. And I’m 99% sure T said “hurt Betsy anymore”
dodgy going on in this thread? 🤔

I’m going to sound like an awful mum now 🙈 but my son went on his own to New York when he was 16 it was a month before his 17 birthday ( he's September birthday) he went to a film school for a month during the summer holidays, he had the time of his life! He has always been very independent and I knew he would be ok and Betsy seems the same so I see no harm in her going to London with her boyfriend (not her friends like her mothers trying to make out! ) just hope Rachel doesn’t try and clip her wings for her own benefits
Betsy is 16 what is the legal age of consent in England? If this boy is older like a lot of people seem to think well 🤷‍♀️
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I've been thinking about our Rachy and the part she plays in helping women & men (apparently)escape from the danger of domestic abuse.
Being an ambassador and patron of various charities, a tireless campaigner for women's rights & a rescuer of 6 women per week. Not forgetting all the other amazin things she does for the good of this world. I've often wondered how my experience as a victim of domestic abuse might have differed if I'd lived in Torbay and been able to access this amazin new facility The Patchwork Drop in Centre, or whatever the fuck it's called.
Or is it the Patchwork cafe/launderette?
Anyway, I've been wondering how it might have impacted upon or changed my life
I would have almost definitely gone there.
Because I was absolutely desperate for help.
The police were a fucking waste of time.
They didn't believe that my ex husband was capable of hurting me because he was such a wonderful man. Friends and family didn't believe me either, because he wasn't capable of hurting a woman..
And he was a well respected & liked doctor, so he obviously didn't abuse me.
Fortunately, I had a lot of help from Women's Aid, The Women's Safety Unit, the Samaritans, an NHS psychiatrist who believed me and thought my ex husband was the Antichrist (he is) and my solicitor.
I eventually got through it thanks the above.
Absolutely no thanks to South Wales police, you bunch of useless wankers. If you're reading this, any of the police who let myself & others down, shame on you!
So, if I'd gone to see Rach and Em, both highly trained, what would have happened to me?
I would have had lots of free coffee, clean knickers and what else? Would i be immediately been given a bed in a refuge? I don't think so.
I would have been laughed about behind my back, I would have had a few fake hugs, a pack of period nappies possibly, a goody bag of essential toiletries and some out of date food.
But most importantly I would probably become a character in a future Sunday Times best selling fiction book 💜.
Then, I would have gone back home to my husband, armed with the above and had the shit beaten into me again and been drugged and raped again.
My point being, this is what is very likely to happen to vulnerable women who turn up at this new cafe/launderette, in desperate need of help.
They won't get any help, because there is none to be given.
No help from Rachaeelee Hambleton who is obsessed by womens trauma, Emily the fucking friutcake and the Rest of the squad.
If you're reading Rach, carry on with the rest of your appalling, scandalous life, but please don't make false promises to desperate women.
And their children.
Lives will be lost 😔.
I'm sorry to hear what you went through 😔 what an absolutely horrendous ordeal, I hope you're in a much better place now 🖤
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