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I don’t know why she is banging on/ hinting at another baby she can’t be arsed with the toddler she has

how’s it going …. Let Wilbur do whatever he wants with no boundaries and no structure then wonder why he has the screaming ad dabs when some sort of control is attempted

it’s not fucking rocket science is it

Is it autism? or the fact no one has ever spent any proper one to one time teaching him anything or instilling any sort of boundaries at all just stuffing him with crap and allowing him free reign in the house or fobbing him off on teenagers and a miriad of strangers in the house

They are just never consistent and allowing an almost two year old to run down the street well 🤷‍♀️
here’s an idea each, put your phone down and deal with things properly rather than filming him oh and reigns?
That whole street debacle earlier was just ridiculous. She shouldn't have filmed that, she should have used both hands and dealt with him or like you say, if he has a habit of running off and refusing to hold hands then get him reigns or a backpack with reigns attached, I have that for my child and they are brill. As for josh, he's just a bloody wet wipe who let's all the kids walk over him, seb treats him like shit (understandable though lol) betsy treats him like a doormat, and he is scared shitless of wilby 🤦‍♀️
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I would pay your train fare to go and visit this complete farce.
To get the view from someone who’s lived DAand therefore 100% qualified to give an opinion on her set up would be interesting to say the least.

The whole thing sounds like an bad accident waiting to happen and a complete fantasy in the woman’s enormous head.
She thrives off attention, all this place is, is so she can get more of the hero worship comments saying how much she does for everyone and how amazing she is. ‘She even opened a refuge’ will now be the huns go to phrase for anyone doubting her 🙄Funny how no one can actually put their finger on what she actually does 🤔

The entire family and friends make me sick. Apart from poor Wilbo, and Sam’s boys of course.
I think she’s being very devious, same as she was about her wording with the PayPal. She’s been careful not to specify what the women’s centre actually is. She hasn’t said it’s a refuge for women to escape DA and she’s not correcting anyone who says it is.
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Chatty Member
I cannot believe the emotional blackmail she has put on babysitter slave favourite Betsy! Absolutely vile. I bet Betsy can’t wait to go to a big city
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I realise this is massively late but I can’t stop thinking about ‘spider gate’ it really looked to me like Betsy was coming home from somewhere… at midnight while her parents slept!? What if something happened and she didn’t come home… they seem to act like she’s an adult but she’s just a kid really. As a mother I’d be more inclined to comfort a girl that hysterical instead of filming her. I also think maybe it was all so manic because she’d been drinking. The whole garden bedroom set up really freaks me out even if they know for sure she’s home but letting her come and go without checking in feels so irresponsible!
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So are these women who are visiting this 'safe haven' expected to pay for the coffee and cake? What if they don't have any money like im sure a lot of them won't. As a previous poster said she might as well have opened a coffee shop.
I'm sure they'll be expected to pay, because Ratchet won't be handing out cheap value biscuits or value tea and coffee, like real womens help centres do.
Not our Rach, she'll be serving lush fresh cakes (her own words) & proper coffee from her bar.
Which is just what abused women need after yet another run in with their abuser.
Especially if pervy lurch is serving behind the bar.
The twat with "the most unbelievable blue eyes", and peg teeth.
So, yes, I'm sure there's going to be a charge for refreshments, especially as she will want to recoup the money she spent on a pile of tat in IKEA recently.
Why don't you just fuck off and disappear Rach?
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That pic Rachets just put on her story of josh cuddling her 😏 her tummy looks rounder than normal. Wonder if she's preggo?
Could explain the emotional outbreak she had cos Betsys in London, having a couple of days off at bringing up Rachets kids.
Her “emotions” yesterday were due to not having control over Betsy.
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I hated that creepy video of arstrid kissing wilberforce’s neck last year and I still hate it. What an odd thing to do
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I’d be more concerned that someone on insta worked out my address and that the post man found the house. More excellent safeguarding from Rach (obvs if this actually happened) 🙄
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Wow they are just blitzing the shops like there is an unlimited budget. They do realise that all these lavish items are really OTT for a women’s centre? I think she just wants it to be pretty because she always skated places on how they look, refuge etc. She is def keeping it all very vague so she can’t be pulled up on anything, hopefully once it’s officially open she will declare what the place aims to achieve and what therapy will be provided and by who.
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All this recent media about the law changing and abusers getting caught etc is nonsense. The police aren’t interested. It’s like they don’t even believe a man could do such a thing “yes we’ve had a word with him and he said nothing happened” well he isn’t going to say yes is he; “do you have any proof” yeah I just pulled out my phone while I was being battered; the one time I had recorded an assault that required hospital, they said it couldn’t be used because they don’t know what happened before!
As I've said, the police were absolutely useless.
My ex husband got arrested several times, but never got charged. This was because the there was apparently not enough evidence for him to be charged. The CPS ( crown prosecution service) were useless too. I actually forgot to mention them earlier. My bruises and injuries were not enough for them, neither was a psychiatrists report, about my mental trauma & PTSD.
I always said, what evidence do you want?
A body?
I believe my ex husband should be in prison. And struck off the medical register.
He abused his first wife, I was the second wife, he's now on his third wife.
I believe he is capable of murder and I think he will do it one day.
And then what should I say to the police, the CPS and friends and family who didn't believe me?
I told you so?
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Chatty Member
I don't begrudge her spending money on herself but what we need to see is her spending money on the things that she 'campaigns' for.

Let's take Marcus Rashford. Tons of money, obviously skill level is in a different field and he has more skill in one dead skin cell than she has. Clearly rich and spends money on himself. But... Also donates openly, and campaigns constantly, with trackable results. So would we say he can't spend money being flash? No - but he has got the balance there in balancing it out. She just wants to show off constantly about what she can afford and doesn't show any evidence of what she actually does, literally none whatsoever.

All goes back to the dubious PayPal stuff. She doesn't need it now, so anyone donating to that should expect it to go straight to the charitable side without any deductions. Her own wage she earns from ads is hers but she really would make herself a lot more likeable if she balanced it out with showing her charitable work.

There is a massive movement of people coming to see her true self now and are staying to watch the car crash. A bit like mod and fod. It's a morbid curiosity!
I think you have hit the nail on the head there its balance !
I often get narked when people make comments about people on social media being seen to spend money when others don’t have it/ have suffered through the pandemic etc. People should be able to spend money on whatever they want and if you don’t like it then don’t follow. BUT she has built her brand (which is the very reason she is lucky to get these opportunities) around being a compassionate campaigner.
No one is saying she has to give away her money, though an actual answer that would solve the paypal debate would be nice, but all those gifts and things she receives some of them could be sent to people in need and it would be nice to see some active campaigning happening and not just a poverty porn tour
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Can't believe she's shared a line from her book about staying strong after a husband abandons you. She is shameless and has no conscience.
she can’t even ‘stay strong’ when he is at work. She always used to post about calling him to come home from work as she couldn’t cope.

someone asked on the last thread how many ads she was on this month, I think it’s 21 or 22. I’ll do a full count up at the end of the week as no doubt they’ll be at least 5 more to come.
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She is such a vile hypocrite! Is 'OBSESSED with women's trauma and wants to understand it'???
Where is the understanding for her Mum? Constantly bringing up that her Mum abandoned her at 4yrs old and showing no sign of trying to understand it.
What about the boys' Mum? Where's the understanding there?


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Chatty Member
"if I had all the money in the world I would still clean especially my dyson filters"
Well you have the huns PayPal money and you do a fine job of doing fuck all !!!
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VIP Member
So are these women who are visiting this 'safe haven' expected to pay for the coffee and cake? What if they don't have any money like im sure a lot of them won't. As a previous poster said she might as well have opened a coffee shop.
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Mine went straight onto sippy cups from about 12 months ish, bottles are so bad for their teeth. It's not just the fact he's having bottles of milk, she's setting him up to have no teeth at all in a few years time.
With the state of her teeth and Josh’s tic tac teeth he stands no chance anyway
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