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Chatty Member
Points I have picked up on today ...
1. She wears horrendous clothes but now admits to wearing lipstick
2. In addition to not cooking joyce blow drys the daughters hair ( what does she do?)
3. Delegates her kids out not one week into the holiday innaproriatly really.
4. I sincerely doubt a 16 year old city girl would be doing all this unless she even thought her mum was a shit parent 🥱
5. Wiby isn't making any tangible noises and he is almost two
6. They only ponce round Totnes as most locals think they're cunts ( fact)
7. They will categorically be on the piss today at Astrids
Observations of a cunt and a bigger one if she lets him out in the car seat in a randomers car ( highly likely)


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This is someone else who had a washing machine and food bank. Once Rach gets going I'll let the fb group know there's a new scammer in the bay.

The other thing as well, women fleeing dv, in need of benefits and housing etc. Saying aw that's shit hun doesn't quite cut it. What support is she going to offer, she can't just point people in the direction of castle circus to get housing and benefits sorted.
Wow!!!! Humanity Torbay sound so much like Rachy's new Patchwork club!
Let's hope Rach, Fruicake Emily and the rest of the squad get caught like these fraudsters did.
This isn't just about stopping Racheleles thieving of the PayPal money, it's about stopping a bunch of uneducated and untrained twats messing up the lives of women who have already been through extreme trauma.
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After watching the shopping spree I thought, at last, her huns will see this and think ‘why spend all that money on tat when it could actually be used to help the victims’. They might see the light at last. Then I thought, no, they’ll just see selfless St Rach spending her ‘own’ money to make it a nice space for her warriors 😡
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I wonder if she thinks the kids are just going to up and leave when they're old enough. And maybe she's actually realising they aren't as controllable as she is used to now they're getting older.

I also pray she is not having another child. No kid deserves to be born into an influencer shit show.
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Mr.Arsesrid is probably wondering how on earth he got caught up in this shit storm. He looks to be the only normal one amongst them. He spoke the only sentence of logic earlier as well whe he said to Rach " Josh is only speaking sense "

Altho I suppose he IS shacked up with the RonSeal Gangsta Granny so I guess anything goes 🤷‍♀️😆
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Let's just hope that when betsy eventually does move out, R doesn't broadcast her home address to 220k strangers!
She isn't upset that she is in London, she is pissed because she hasn't got a babysitter and general dogs body at her disposal
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I have so many things to say about her latest stories that I don't even know where to fucking start!

She's full of shit. I've never know anyone want to be a victim so much. How can she sit there talking about the women at Trevi and what they've been through and genuinely think she's been though trauma like that too? And how can she sit there talking about women that have made bad choices, had children taken away, that are lacking support etc when she has Seb and Isaac there and she feels no empathy towards their mum. I don't usually comment on the boys and their mum but fuck me, what a fucking hypocrite!

Of course she talks to social workers every week. Of course she does! Social workers that are snowed under with a huge workload, find time to call an instagrammer with no skill set, no qualifications, no common fucking sense and an over inflated sense of self importance. That's exactly what they need when they are already stretched to their limits :rolleyes:

She's also the only person I've seen that cries like Matt Hancock. She's completely lacking any sincerity.
If she felt any empathy towards people who weren’t able to have their children, for whatever reason, she simply wouldn’t have such a public profile and include her step sons in it at all. Regardless of why they don’t see their mother, because she knows for a fact their mum will see everything that’s posted. There’s a million reasons not to share her step sons online and she does. She’s incredibly dangerous, and probably doesn’t even recognise the risks the women at Trevi could place their own children at. Also I think it’s a Freudian slip- of course she’s obsessed with women’s trauma. She’s made a lot of money out of it!
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wonder Lu

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Odd that Josh being a policeman hasn’t pointed out that 200k plus people knowing where and what B is doing is a dangerous thing.
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New member
It won’t be Zammo shooting up 🤣
Love seeing new members on this thread. What brought you to the light side 🤔🤣
It was the Tattle rant! I expected a load of horrid ‘trolls’ but actually seen such lovely supportive comments, people who genuinely care about women suffering with domestic violence and it’s also very entertaining too 🤣 Seriously though, I hope she gets caught out, would hate to be her - I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.
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I hate her constant covert filming and the fact she has to belittle everyone. Told B to stop playing because W was asleep but it was fine for Josh to play because E wanted to ‘sing’. She plays everyone off against each other and I can just imagine her constantly reminding everyone that she pays for everything so they’re all trying to seek R’s approval 😡
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Thread suggestion:

Josh thinks Rach looks like a little lad,
He’s only with her to spend the cash from all the ads.
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So the patchwork house is just a bloody hang out for the witches of east wick. A front for further donations etc. And a place to plug the patchwork brand etc etc….

Just seen their jaunt around Totnes. W poor lad has no communication skills. He doesn’t understand what’s being asked of him, and gets so frustrated.
A regular 2 year old would be verbalising, No isn’t a hard word to say if they aren’t happy with something.

I would put money on him being on the Autistic spectrum, the way he reacts to it all. I have an autistic child ( yes I know they are not all the same), but just seems so familiar. My little lad is hard work, so I wish them luck with the lack of routine/ consistency etc that he has at the moment. 😐
I don’t know why she is banging on/ hinting at another baby she can’t be arsed with the toddler she has

how’s it going …. Let Wilbur do whatever he wants with no boundaries and no structure then wonder why he has the screaming ad dabs when some sort of control is attempted

it’s not fucking rocket science is it

Is it autism? or the fact no one has ever spent any proper one to one time teaching him anything or instilling any sort of boundaries at all just stuffing him with crap and allowing him free reign in the house or fobbing him off on teenagers and a miriad of strangers in the house

They are just never consistent and allowing an almost two year old to run down the street well 🤷‍♀️
here’s an idea each, put your phone down and deal with things properly rather than filming him oh and reigns?
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Chatty Member
It’s so sad how T feels that she has to pout, preen and show her body off to the camera, to get attention from her mum and all the huns
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I've only just watched the video of the womens centre/ launderette/cafe/ bar.
Having frequented 3 different Womens Aid centres, and a womens safety unit, i have never seen one quite like this before.
The front door on Rachy's new place doesn't seem to have a particularly secure entrance, ie, one where you can only get in after being viewed by staff on a security camera and then being buzzed in.
But this place doesn't appear to have that, but then maybe that's because it's not actually a place where abused women can seek the real help that they desperately need, in my opinion.
This is a laundetette/cafe/bar.
There were never bars, community fridges or washing machines in the centres that I went to, probably because they weren't necessary.
If you have escaped a violent situation in a hurry, these above services are not a necessity immediately.
Or if a woman drops in for a chat, a cup of tea or coffee and help and support is what is needed.
Qualified and trained staff are necessary. Immediately.
Safety from the abuser is necessary immediately.
I was once given a clean set of clothes and a bag of toiletries, which I greatly appreciated.
I didn't ever bring a load of washing, or come in for a cappuccino and some lush fresh cakes.
And what and who will be in the therapy room?
Because the way this place has been set up, I'm thinking along the lines of beauty treatments?
Waxing? Get your muff tidied up and hairy legs sorted. A little nail bar in the corner.
Because when your husband or partner has just tried to smash your brains in, beaten shit into you and almost murdered you, this could be just what you need.
A pamper session and a coffee and a cake, clean washing and a bag of food to take home for the children's tea.
If I was home in Wales I would definitely be driving down to Devon and checking this place out.
I will definitely do it.
I just hope it hasn't been closed down by then.
Actually I do hope it has been closed down by then.
And a cappuccino a lush fresh cake would be perfect when I visit.

Almost forgot Rach, I'm pretty sure ALL the staff will need to have been vaccinated against Covid, you too Rachelelele!
And don't forget the food safety inspection and certification for your new bar/lush fresh cake shop & community fridge.
You probably need permission to be running a laundetette too.
Don't mention it Rach, I've spent a lot of time in real womens safety refuges and centres, so I have a bit of experience with how they work.
I would pay your train fare to go and visit this complete farce.
To get the view from someone who’s lived DAand therefore 100% qualified to give an opinion on her set up would be interesting to say the least.

The whole thing sounds like an bad accident waiting to happen and a complete fantasy in the woman’s enormous head.
She thrives off attention, all this place is, is so she can get more of the hero worship comments saying how much she does for everyone and how amazing she is. ‘She even opened a refuge’ will now be the huns go to phrase for anyone doubting her 🙄Funny how no one can actually put their finger on what she actually does 🤔

The entire family and friends make me sick. Apart from poor Wilbo, and Sam’s boys of course.
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If they make it look too much like a drop in coffee shop with daily fresh pastries and no security lock on the door then they will have every tom dick and Harry coming in off the street thinking its just a normal coffee shop/tea room!! So many problems with that in itself, it will just disrupt the whole purpose of people coming for therapy. I still think she has this whole vision of women fleeing or experiencing dv to look like people in movies and have their shit together when in reality they will be the complete opposite. Desperate women who are terrified of every noise, looking over their shoulder to see if they haven't been followed or caught out, exhausted, battered, bruised, clock watching, the list is endless. Iv been that woman and even now 15 years later I still clock watch and look over my shoulder. The last place I would feel comfortable going to is a shop with a full frontal window with frosted glass that you can see into up close and be sitting in the bloody window on show to everyone!!!
Unfortunately as Rachet doesn't really have any first hand experience of domestic abuse, she won't have thought about any of the things you mentioned 😔.
Along with being unqualified, she doesn't have the right kind of personality or any level of maturity to deal with vulnerable women and children 😫.
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Chatty Member
Those perms are ket wigs in liverpool and the owners of ket wigs can mainly be found burning bins and riding motorbikes without helmets …. Boss la! ( not )
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Yeah there's no way he climbed up there 🤣🤣🤣 and even if he did, how dangerous!! He could have pulled those benches off and been seriously hurt.
Rach, its not content and its definitely not funny. Parent your fucking kid!!
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