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The whole community larder/fridge thing irks me....the whole point of those are that they are anonymous. By having one in the shop makes me feel like they are luring women in to the centre to then use them as part of their scheme.
Makes me uncomfortable
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As if W has climbed onto the table via attached chair! Seriously do she think we are all stupid?? His little face at the end of the video 💔.
He’s only just started being able to climb up a 3ft slide. I doubt he’s done that by himself 😂 my sons a climber, but no way would he have been able to do that. Also, I have so much hatred/worry for his dinner chair. It worries me that it will break, especially as he’s not a little lad
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This is a bold statement of me to make but I've got a funny feeling this womens centre isn't going to work out and it's going to eventually fade into the backround never to be spoken of again...
I was just thinking the same, she hadn’t made a success of anything she’s tried to do. You never hear anything about all the “warriors” she used to post all her ramblings about. Will be interesting to check back next summer when we’re on thread #194 to see what’s going on with the centre.
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I also can’t imagine B is big in to books. Does Waterstones sell siblings belongings? That she would be interested in, then again she just takes so wouldn’t pay for that either
R probably told her to look for a waterstones store to prove the tattle bastards wrong 🤣
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Why is she so bloody dramatic? It's not like betsy had upped and disappeared to Australia. Shes gone to London for a week. Stop being a needy shit and allow your daughter who you love the most ever to enjoy being a teenager and explore a new city
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Most of the Huns can only afford Primark slippers same as me and nothing wrong with that. Those sheepers are ridiculous
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He’s nearly 2. He does not need a bottle of milk during the day, just water or i know people like to give juice. Each to their own. My nearly 2 year old still has a bottle for bed time only. It’s his comfort. He doesn’t need milk apart from night time and will only drink water during the day. It’s lazy parenting that she would rather stick a bottle of milk in his mouth than parent.
My niece (who is adored, the entire family on both sides is obsessed with her and loves her to death), used to have milk during the day. Not because anyone was "lazy", but because she likes it, even now at three and a half she'll ask for milk sometimes during the day. Maybe, if he does have the sensory issues everyone thinks he does, it's something he needs? His diet's appalling, but it won't be the milk that's the problem, it's all the junk she feeds him.
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Chatty Member
Just watched her stories 🤢 Shes pathetic. What does she think she's raising her kids for if not to prepare them to go off into the world (actually, don't answer that!!) Love how brutal T was 😀
The fact she went in to T and starts rabbiting on about queen Betsy is disgusting... errrmmm what about T I’d she went would you even miss her Rachet?
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Not a chance in hell I would’ve been allowed away for the night with a boy when I was 16!! Actually I wouldn’t have been allowed to travel to another city with even a girl mate alone at that age for an overnight
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Fuck me the wonder tit is out tonight 🤢🤢

And I’m not just talking about her latest post
I breastfed all my children until they were Weebles age now.
You're not the only person who has breastfed successfully Rach.
I don't have any breastfeeding photos either.
And if I did, they would not be on social media for the world to see, you fucking weirdo!
Any excuse to expose yourself on the internet.
Is the calendar ready yet?

Lovely to see Rachy spending quality time with one of her children(even if it's one that isn't hers).
Normal people spend quality time with their children, because they love their children and want to be with them.
But not you Rancid Rach, you only spend time with "your" children when it earns a lot of money for you!
Are you going to take all 6 children on holiday this year? It would be such a nice way to spend the money that they have helped you earn.
Or are you going away for another dirty weekend with Dirk Diggler?
Congratulations on looking after your kids for Emily fruitcake yesterday, you really are a fucking gem!
Looking after your own children so that Emily could have a day off 🤨.
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It's almost like she reads here ....

Taking Wilby out and actually talks to him instead of leaving him crying when he traps his foot in a bicycle wheel and using the TV as a babysitter ✅

Posts about how much she does for Trevi and how passionate she is about women/DV (instead of just being a lying thief)✅

Hey Rach...where is the PayPal money and why are you neglecting your children?

I know why she talks to social workers weekly. It's when they knock on the door....
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Chatty Member
Agree with all the above - nobody would be judging her if she was honest. But she’s built her persona and then drifted so far away from it she’s now just a shit tele channel with constant ads. Actually she’s channel 5.
W is such a cute kid - she would be so much more relatable to a whole new audience if she opened up about any issues and parenting. Can’t keep calling yourself PTWM and only flogging iconic hun.
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I’d say minimum she gets would be £500-£1000 per ad and so far this month she has done 22 ads so she has probably earned at least £11k. Which is ridiculous and everything that is wrong with this insta culture.
It’s really bad. It’s relatively cheap advertising for the brand yet simultaneously overpriced wages for the influencer (hate that word) and who is actually losing out? The sad fucks who follow these people’s every word and spend their actual hard-earned cash buying crap they don’t need because someone is BEING PAID to tell them it’s good.
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Honestly her army are nuts. One word rancid. SAFEGUARDING! This is why you don't share your teenage daughters location to millions of randoms and make sure she knows to do the same. By all means she can ask for advice on things to do there but she doesn't need to broadcast when she's there, where etc.. And no it's not a lovely response it's weird and creepy that some woman none of you know would know who she was and be excited and calm themselves an "auntie". I can't even deal with the bog standard betsy is amazing you should be proud, you've raised her so well after a shit start, she's an angel bullshit comments too
Creepy AF
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Will they be able to have a serious conversation with someone vulnerable without sniggering and bursting into laughter with flared nostrils??
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