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I don’t know what to think of Ghastrid....she doesn’t do herself any favours in this photo that’s for sure....looks like a modern day Aunty Sally waiting for Catweazle! The whole relationship with Ratchet and the Gump is weird to say the least. I hope it’s not keys in the bowl but wouldn’t surprise me 🤮
She looks like the kid from the grinch 🤣

Yep the whole thing is a mess and devoid of responsible adults (unless Betsy counts). But who is making the most money from it? Rachel (and she’s dragged Emily and Jo into making cash from the situation too) - the self-confessed “mama to six” and wife of a police officer. She should know better and she should be stopped.
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Awww congratulations on your imminent bump 💞. (Save that picture for medical use only 😂)

Do you know, I rarely watch Wibble stories, I used to find his staring unnerving. I watched them and I still think it’s like he’s in a world of his own. I don’t think she vibes well with him, it’s a bit like she’s his Aunty if you get me.

ETA: I don’t think it was Wibbles staring as such, more that she films him staring. Hard to explain, just an odd feeling
She has zero maternal instincts towards him in my opinion.
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@doingtherightthing completely agree, I hope my comment about ‘female to male abuse’ didn’t offend you, of course it is gender less.
I guess my point is that the way the abuse is perpetrated can be different. For instance, a woman may actually use the fact her partner is physically bigger than her by provoking or assaulting him, knowing he can’t or won’t retaliate as his size will be used against him. Plus the general fear of not being believed.

This is from the mankind website. I was almost completely ignorant to it until 2019 when my brother was violently assaulted by his partner.

Seem afraid of or are anxious to please their partner
Go along with everything their partner says and does
Check in often with their partner to report where they are and what they’re doing
Are being belittled, humiliated, and humiliated – “he is a rubbish, weak men”
If a father’s children are persuaded by their mother to turn against him (Parental Alienation)
Threatened that if he leaves he will never see his children again
Threatened with false accusations that he is the perpetrator
Being convinced they are going ‘mad’ or losing their ‘mind’ (called “Gaslighting“)
Receive frequent, harassing phone calls from their partner
Talk about their partner’s temper, jealousy, or possessiveness
Have very low self-esteem, even if they used to be confident
Threatened that if he leaves, he will be falsely accused of carrying out domestic abuse, sexual violence and even sexual abuse against the children
Show major personality changes (an outgoing person becomes withdrawn)
Be depressed, anxious, or suicidal
Take up, or, increase drink or drugs usage
Not taking his appearance seriously (being unkempt, unhygienic)
Looking unwell (including lack of sleep/insomnia)
See this is useful to me as I’ve said before, I don’t know a lot about domestic abuse. Since Sarah Everard’s murder, I’ve started to read and learn more, but I’m still very much in the ‘haven’t got a clue’ phase.

What I’m doing is commenting on what I’ve seen between the two of them and that’s all. If I pretended I understood the complexity of what’s written here then I’d be lying.

What I always remember about Josh is the time that someone from here on an earlier thread messaged him on Instagram to ask if he was okay. I can’t think who it was (if you are still here, shout up.) The next day Rachael, Josh and Betsy were laughing into the camera saying ‘Oh but Josh is being abused apparently snort snort.’ It was horrible because the user here was quite concerned. From then on I just thought I’ll never feel bad for him as there was no need to be that awful or laugh in the woman’s face that publicly.

I’ll try and find it on the earlier thread. That’s just how I feel though based on no knowledge of anything to do with DA, so it’s open for debate with people who know more obviously 👍
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Chatty Member
Still peeved about her lying about Betsy loosing her job and the place closing down or what ever.....fuming when we have the screenshots to prove that it was Rachel that fucked that up
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Josh has gone too far in that latest video! How dare he! Steve Arnott is out of bounds and above criticism from anyone but Ted!!
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I like astrids style and I love her house, although I wouldn't follow her because her page doesn't interest me. I'm just baffled as to why they are even friends... its so so odd. They aren't even close in age? They literally have zero in common except the fact they live in the same town and breathe air 🤷‍♀️
Josh you look a twat with that hat
And thank god R took the hideous headband off, heres a tip, chuck them in the bin now!
Get off tattle and off your phone and enjoy your host's company ffs, I find it so rude when people are on their phones when you are entertaining or being entertained, so disrespectful
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I’m really interested to see how she plays this one out. I honestly can’t believe someone like Rancid is able to deal with vulnerable and distressed women 😣 it makes me so sad to think she’s going to be let loose to ruin lives under the guise of being a hero. Can you imagine the stories that are going to be all over Instagram? She may as well give herself a superhero name and costume right now 😂

Seriously though it’s not funny. We talk about how we’re still failing women (and men) in DV and other situations and then people like her can set up CICs relatively easy when she can’t even safeguard her own kids, let alone these women. Doesn’t matter how much zoom training she’s done, she’s not suitable for this and neither is Emily. I don’t know about Jo because I don’t know anything about her but if she’s leeching off the coat tails of R then she’s likely not much better!
Jo has been complicit in the thievery and general shitshow of Rancid for some time, she is just as bad in my opinion. If what V said in her post was correct and she raised her concerns with Jo over Emily being handed the role at the women's centre despite being neither qualified nor experienced, and Jo just brushed it off, that says all we need to know about Jo. Anyone with any sense would see that this whole CIC thing is so dangerous, I guess the alleged salary of £60k that Rancid pays Jo makes it worth her keeping quiet.
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I agree, I think the reporting to SS is someone she knows, local to them etc and blaming it on trolls is all for content.

Hey Rach be a better parent and maybe you won’t get reported to SS by who ever it is.
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Chatty Member
It’s just one continuous car crash that this weeks feel more tragic - if that makes sense. The sad thing is, the kids won’t feel the effect of this for years to come and it’ll manifest itself in the most unexpected of ways. That makes my heart break a little bit.
On a lighter note - I cannot even begin to describe my fury at PC Plod trying to tell anyone about Line of Duty, fella. I’ll let most things slide, but I will not have anyone taking about LoD son. But then - J has been policing ducks and wildlife - all corrupt shits after food.
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She’s wearing that multicoloured shirt in the car. Then on Astrid’s stories she’s got a different top on and a cream jumper and now a yellow cardigan 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe she’s been horrifically vomiting after the two sips of wine she was having or maybe Josh got curry on her top when he was feeding her. Josh looks and sounds so utterly out of his comfort zone in their company....either that or he really is just very boring. Turn your cap round too you wanker 😂
She said Astrid gave her a top and jumper that she no longer wanted and whenever Rachel goes round, Astrid gives her stuff she doesn't want from her wardrobe.

Or Astrid thinks she dresses like a twat too and makes her change 🤣

I like the casual pose with the Coke bottle too.

She definitely reads here.

Hi Rachel, you thieving, abusive knob head 👋👋
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Wtf was that game "he's pretending he has just called round and doesn't know the kids names" it seemed like some foreplay game for them but with the kids in the room 🤢🤮
You know the scene in a film where the couple meet at a hotel bar, pretend to pick each other up and then head to the hotel room. Watching them "play" in front of the kids creeped me right out.

Thank god that mirror won't fit through the hobbit door to there room🤢 also cannot believe that mirror is not attached to the wall. They cannot manage to keep little one out of the loo, this is a scary accident waiting to happen😨😱 given me anxiety
I really hope for Wilbys sake that it is attached to the wall, that mirror weighs 60kg 😱

Omfg 🤬 its just leant against the wall !


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Nice of josh to blatantly ignore Isaac when he asked him a question about his favourite topic of birds

Also, what the fuck has she come dressed as? Is kurt cobain risen from the dead
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What the actual F have both of them got on their feet?
Astrids look like Birkenstock, their ones with the fluffy lining.

I don't like the fluffy ones but I do live in mine pretty much all year round!

The white ones that rachael is wearing look like docs my daughter has a pair but she is 19 not nearly 40
I wear Docs and I'm 40?! Didn't realise they had an age limit 🤣
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VIP Member
@doingtherightthing completely agree, I hope my comment about ‘female to male abuse’ didn’t offend you, of course it is gender less.
I guess my point is that the way the abuse is perpetrated can be different. For instance, a woman may actually use the fact her partner is physically bigger than her by provoking or assaulting him, knowing he can’t or won’t retaliate as his size will be used against him. Plus the general fear of not being believed.

This is from the mankind website. I was almost completely ignorant to it until 2019 when my brother was violently assaulted by his partner.

Seem afraid of or are anxious to please their partner
Go along with everything their partner says and does
Check in often with their partner to report where they are and what they’re doing
Are being belittled, humiliated, and humiliated – “he is a rubbish, weak men”
If a father’s children are persuaded by their mother to turn against him (Parental Alienation)
Threatened that if he leaves he will never see his children again
Threatened with false accusations that he is the perpetrator
Being convinced they are going ‘mad’ or losing their ‘mind’ (called “Gaslighting“)
Receive frequent, harassing phone calls from their partner
Talk about their partner’s temper, jealousy, or possessiveness
Have very low self-esteem, even if they used to be confident
Threatened that if he leaves, he will be falsely accused of carrying out domestic abuse, sexual violence and even sexual abuse against the children
Show major personality changes (an outgoing person becomes withdrawn)
Be depressed, anxious, or suicidal
Take up, or, increase drink or drugs usage
Not taking his appearance seriously (being unkempt, unhygienic)
Looking unwell (including lack of sleep/insomnia)
I completely agree, I too was abit ignorant to female on male domestic violence until my brother went through it (he now also has full legal custody of their daughter)
I hate to say it, but R and her followers don't seem to understand that it is just as high a male on female dv. They are very ignorant..rach never raises awareness of it at all, I'm pretty sure womens aid has also said in the past that it doesn't exist (or something along those lines) considering she is such a huge apparent advocate for it she doesnt seem to widen her knowledge that abuse comes from all sorts of backgrounds and all sorts of different people are affected and subjected to it.
She also makes out the abused women are helpless and weak and can't cope on their own. Shes a disgrace
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Chatty Member
I know it was said by someone yesterday that Josh deserves all he gets but I kinda disagree. Yes he is a prick and what he did to the boys mum is disgusting. But no one deserves to be abuse (mentally or physically) and by his face he looks half the man he did when she first started PTWM page.
I agree. I feel sorry for Josh now. He has been emasculated by the family. When he tries to have some order they film it and mock him, B & R. And he seems to have stopped with the one thing he was passionate about as she mocks him about that too 🐦🦉
If she can take the piss out of him for content then imagine how she treats him behind closed doors?
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