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Chatty Member
Anyone else think it's odd that she invited a complete stranger from the internet to her house to cuddle her baby? If I got a message like that I'd be blocking the account asap
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Looks like some of them were questioning it but I can't see these comments now. View attachment 536243

Also did everyone notice Josh trying to cover his red wine teeth on the latest vomit worthy snuggle vid?
If it's made to order, how the fuck can you get it so bloody wrong! Is she doing this on purpose - ordering something she knows won't fit just for content?
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She’s a selfish pig! Makes me sick. Betsy is 16. 16 and she’s spending her beautiful sunny Saturday babysitting her toddler brother because her mum is a selfish lazy arsehole.

Guess what Rancid, like someone above said, if Wilby hates Astrids then YOU JUST DONT GO! That’s the life of a parent.

That’s really annoyed me for Betsy tbh.
Imagine your not yet two year old hating a grown adult so having to keep them apart. Who is the parent here Rachaele?
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Chatty Member
The worlds most boring man doesn’t like the best TV programme ever to exist, oh what a surprise 😂 Josh please stick to helping hedgehogs cross the road! MOTHER OF GOD.
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Isn't Lincolnshire where her mum moved to when she "abandoned" rach??
yeah it is that’s why I was asking, just seems weird I mean you know seeing as she doesn’t talk to her mum or didn’t when she was younger so many lies I can’t keep up 😂

Was bored last night so was going over her old posts 😴😴 anyway found these ones. Seb going round teachers for dinner money because she forgot to give him lunch money but only the ones who follow her 😂😂

Then the post about arguments with Betsy because she told her she has to stick in at school because in this day and age you need good grade erm I thought she said you don’t need good grades 🤦🏼‍♀️

And the one about her mum leaving when she was 5 I mean she said she was 4 in a different post but hey. And the fact her Dad didn’t want to know her and her mum didn’t know her because she walked out


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That Seb story is just so silly. How do people believe that shit? Do they not engage their brains?
You can buy a reasonable meal in a secondary school for a couple of quid
Why would he need to ask several teachers? Would they all give him like 30p each? What sort of a shitty teacher would do that? And why would the school need to ring her to tell her that he didn’t have money if they did that?
And that’s leaving aside that most schools are cashless these days and his account would just go into debit.
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She literally makes a drama out of nothing......"Oh ditsy me forgot to get fuel in the car"
You're about 5 mins from a petrol station you stupid bint, it's not a story!!
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The more that gets posted by Rachel, Betsey and the estranged Apicella family the more uncomfortable it feels and it’s not just watching a duplicity, greedy, immoral , thick as mince Influencer anymore.
Entirely the bloody reason I’m still here (aside from you lot.) Once you see it, it can’t be unseen and it plays on your mind. They are dodgy and they are now looking to open a centre for vulnerable women.
I find it hard not to be concerned and ignore it because what would that make me?
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Betsy won’t be fine just now, no way can she be with the shit show that is her life being played out for thousands while trying to bring up her toddler brother. She must have felt awful about what happened last year and all she done wrong was work her socks off to earn her own money.
There will come a point though where she will have to take responsibility for her mums shit parenting and it’ll go one of two ways, she’ll either go onto great things or become like her mum spitting out kids to keep men and damaging more little lives.
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So Rach has only known Sia, sorry Astrid for 18 months!!!!!
It seems weird and stalker like to contact a stranger on social media and ask to meet up for a cuppa and cuddle the baby 🤦‍♀️
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It’s not that big of a deal, Everyman and his dog on Instagram can write a book and sign a deal these days. The travesty is them thinking they’re fucking authors, can’t wait to find out what ‘jo’ gets up to.
What makes me cross is that there are decent writers who have written brilliant novels and not got publishing deals yet Thick-as-shit Thea over here, who can’t spell to save her life and whose collection of books is small enough to fill one shelf even when it includes the bullshit book of her own life, has Penguin asking her to write a fiction book, paying her an advance and then not even caring that she’s so shit she’s missed the deadline by a fricking YEAR.
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I don’t know 😩. I mean are they ‘getting away with it’ in life? I have to say since we were talking about signs of DA the other day, I started to realise how much weight Josh has lost. He’s like clothes on bone. They both look fucking awful in hindsight
He also looks ran down. In the old photos of him I think he looked OK looking. But now like you said he has lost weight, looks ran down and like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.
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Trying to keep w quiet while J sleeps. Maybe get him changed and go for a nice long walk. She is lucky to live somewhere with lovely walks. Instead she is finding lush new pages to follow
Omg THIS 👆
She lives in a gorgeous location
She’s able bodied and has a decent pushchair
The weather isn’t bad, why not get out there and you know post some different content even if it was just with W 🤷‍♀️
how many of us would flipping love to live somewhere like that
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