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I had a huge catch up from the last thread and there’s 14 pages on the new one as I type so I’m just jumping in here.

I was a bit surprised to see a couple of people say Josh should take the boys and leave - it’s probably not as simple as that, especially if there is DV. It wouldn’t be ok to say that to a woman if a man has behaved in the way Rachel had plus is the suspicion is correct from her screenshots, the mortgage/house could be in her name only so he maybe doesn’t feel he has anywhere to go. She strikes me as a nightmare when she’s in a good mood, I can only imagine how awful she’d be if you were on the wrong side of her. He might be worried about not seeing Wilby (is he even on the birth certificate?) or the girls.

I didn’t see the vid but unless we know for sure Betsy definitely didn’t know she was being filmed then I don’t think it’s fair to compare her to R. Maybe it’s been said already she didn’t know then that would be wrong. Sounds like V is playing R at her own game - delete it and pretend it didn’t happen because she’s probably worried about this CIC launching abs it causing more harm than good.

I know others have said this but I’m wary of the second hand stories that the boys mum is a nightmare. I don’t get on at all with my brother and if I was that way inclined I could tell all sorts of lies to people and just because we’re related, doesn’t make it true. Plus a long time has passed since they lived with her, people change - what’s happened has happened but I wouldn’t be a surprised if her issues are NOT the reason the boys still don’t see her.

I don’t believe the Social Services letter - there’s not even an electronic signature on it (I work from home for the civil service and we can still get letters out by electronically signing them and they’re printed centrally). And the letterhead doesn’t look overly professional either.

I don’t watch her videos so I wouldn’t know how Wilby is but my son is autistic and has Global Developmental Delay and putting him to nursery was the best thing for him - he came on so far and tolerates other children pretty well. He was a year when he started going but I think nursery is great for all kids and I think we’re lucky in Scotland to have free nursery from 3+.

Sorry that was a bit long-winded!
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The book has been announced its fictional but it’s about her really with a really imaginative name Jo 😂

I wonder if the shagging in the woods behind someone’s back will be a chapter.

what a shit show
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yeah it is that’s why I was asking, just seems weird I mean you know seeing as she doesn’t talk to her mum or didn’t when she was younger so many lies I can’t keep up 😂

Was bored last night so was going over her old posts 😴😴 anyway found these ones. Seb going round teachers for dinner money because she forgot to give him lunch money but only the ones who follow her 😂😂

Then the post about arguments with Betsy because she told her she has to stick in at school because in this day and age you need good grade erm I thought she said you don’t need good grades 🤦🏼‍♀️

And the one about her mum leaving when she was 5 I mean she said she was 4 in a different post but hey. And the fact her Dad didn’t want to know her and her mum didn’t know her because she walked out
She's fucking ridiculous with her lies. That one about Seb and his dinner money is one of the best ones I've seen. Of course that happened :rolleyes: You'd think someone with that much imagination would be able to write a half decent book, but nope, apparently not!
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Astrid can't invite them all over because of the rule of six anyway
That's the thing, they can it's either 6 people or just two singular house holds irrespective of how many people there is so the kids could easily go they'd just rather live life like they had none
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I often think of Seb’s mates and how they’ve coped during lockdown. As Rachaele previously said, they’ve all got a huge crush on her. When you fancy someone and can’t see them or be around them it is PAINFUL. Especially if you’re a teenage boy.

Yeah shit got real for me when I saw the B video, the poor soul. I’m reluctant to even think about bringing Rachaelelele to justice over PayPal etc because I can’t stand the thought of any of those kids feeling the consequences rightly or wrongly!
Does she seriously think that teenage boys/children are attracted to her?!!!!
She really is mentally unwell 😫.
And she is not an attractive woman.
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I thought she had headphones on when I first saw that. The door on the right and the headrest😂

The bottom lip looks bigger than ever today. Someone really needs to take her to one side and say that the headbands are not a good look.
Im convinced she hides the Paypal money in those those fucking headbands!
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Rachel has made bad choices too, she still gets to see her kids, when she can be arsed to parent them.
This is what I think.

We’re often reminded that Sam isn’t an angel and she did bad things etc and then we’re not to talk about her or anything she did/does. Frankly, I keep in mind that no one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors and know one truly knows how they would react if they were in someone else’s situation. That saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes rings true.
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Both on the alcohol and not even bothered to take Wobble with them this time. Must be nice to be hard-working full-time parents (🤥) with six kids and full-time jobs and still be able to spend Saturday afternoon child-free at your mates’ house 😒

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