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Imagine if she'd been in that situation as a child and her mum had taken her partner and 2 friends to a concert she would have loved to be at. She'd better not mention trainers again the hypocritical narc!
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The irony of that last paragraph was not lost on me. Telling people not to obsess about stuff in her personal life that she doesn’t want to discuss whilst releasing her 4th book about the obsessive details of other peoples lives that they probably don’t want to discuss either. Come on Emily I wish you’d write a book.
The hypocrisy of influencers making fuckloads of money by selling their personal lives then getting annoyed when the people that pay their wages dare to ask personal questions.
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I'm sick of the fucking sight of Taylor Swift. At this point, I'm convinced she's some sort of social experiment.
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Those stories with her mum just proves what a disgusting self centred trollope she really is!! Whatever her mum did or didn’t do should be firmly left in the past & not dragged up in the present just for content 😡
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I was in Torquay earlier, only a couple of minute's walk from the pantry of doom actually, and I saw a car with this website on it. I looked it up because I was curious and not sure what it's about, and it turns out that it is Torbay Council's very own domestic abuse website. At a quick glance, it looks very full of useful information - no mention of Rancid and the "services" she provides. I was wondering whether the link could be added to the Wiki, just in case anyone who happens to be Googling whether the wicked witch of the westcountry can help with their DV situation and comes across Tattle?
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In case anyone missed the cunts dancing on the platform like they're off their tits on spice...

Oh and I'd love to know how much she paid for those seats where they can't even see the stage 🤣🤣🤣 might as well have stayed home and watched it on Disney plus babe!


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The irony of that last paragraph was not lost on me. Telling people not to obsess about stuff in her personal life that she doesn’t want to discuss whilst releasing her 4th book about the obsessive details of other peoples lives that they probably don’t want to discuss either. Come on Emily I wish you’d write a book.
"... won't get spoke about"

Bestselling author 🙄
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Oh my god I've been doing it all wrong sorry gang! So I'm meant to be obsessed and love my friends kids as if they were my own, rather than only tolerating them because I like their grown ups! Does that mean that they are not actually my friends because I don't love their kids as if they were mine? Cos let's be honest I struggle with liking my own kids some days 🤣
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I had physically and emotionally abusive parents and remember a therapist saying to me in my late twenties that I had to let go of not getting the parents I deserved and wished for and accept I got the ones I did. It was painful but powerful. How she can treat her mother like this still surprises me even now. Not least because Rachet is so fucking neglectful and emotionally abusive of her own kids and step kids, in plain sight and for money. I wonder how often they feel abandoned and forgotten about. She doesn’t provide them with a safe and private space to have meltdowns or make mistakes, everything is public and everything is conditional. “You get nice things but you have to make content for them” seems to be the constant grind in that house.
I know I’m so bloody grateful I didn’t have social media as a mixed up teenager and it would have been me documenting and sharing too much not a parent, her kids have got no chance. It’s all out there forever. She has gifted anyone who wants to stalk or bully her children everything they need to. That Teflon coating is wearing off surely? Things are going to start to stick soon?
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I think it's plain to see why Ratchet is desperate to get her flaps around any man she meets. Joyce's embarrassing dad dancing combined with the fingering technique he displayed on the rubber fanny does not add up to a man who knows what he's doing in bed. Frankly I'm astonished that he not only managed to get two women to sleep with him, but that he got them pregnant as well 🤯
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I reckon that it’s one of two reasons why she’s back at school - either she never really left but was suspended for a fortnight, or safeguarding has been involved and it has ‘forced’ her back.
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You know what really, really upset me, fuck wit reading about bratzy going to Liverpool. Putting the emosh on, as if she had truly lost her, like she had God forbid passed away. Fuckwit almighty saying she could no longer smell her in her room. Try living with the actual loss of a child you fucking cretin, one you will literally never ever see again. Try living with the awful flashbacks to the moment of them passing. I'm incandescent with fucking rage over this charlatan. Perhaps I'd better give that poor excuse for a human being a rest for a few weeks. She has seriously upset me today.
Take a break, don't let that tactless cunt affect your mental health and wellbeing. Sending you (and anyone else in your shoes) all the love and support 💕
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Oh God, please tell me they’re not getting a puppy. I feel sad for Edie,I’m all for girls expressing themselves and experimenting, but she’s at Primary school and she doesn’t need to think this is what she ought to look like. Why anyone looks up to anyone in this family is beyond me, they are everyone I hoped my kids would avoid growing up and especially at Senior School.

I’ve long since deleted Ratshit, Hinch, Solomon and all the other child exploiters and my feed is so much nicer and less depressing. I really wish someone would do a proper documentary on this phenomenon and the effects they are having on their families and the people who follow them. Tired of it being a one sided story about trolls, I’d like to see them prevented with the evidence and see what they say. Dr Phil did something recently but it didn’t go far enough.
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I'm cringing my fucking back out at those 2 cunts at a Taylor Swift concert. My daughter is obsessed with her and she'd die if me and my husband rocked up at a concert. Buy tickets for L & E, leave them to it and pick them up afterwards you fucking absolute pair of cringebags. It's not cool, it's making me want to climb up my own fucking arsehole. The cringe is real
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That video of them dancing on the platform. The guy they’re with comes across as a right knob who loves himself, but you can tell he can dance, has rhythm etc. Josh genuinely moved like an awkward robot and has zero style or presence. How he’s managed to sleep with two women I don’t know 🤣
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Those stories with her mum just proves what a disgusting self centred trollope she really is!! Whatever her mum did or didn’t do should be firmly left in the past & not dragged up in the present just for content 😡
It reads like she expects Tallulah to come over and check in with her and see if she’s ok, as though T is the adult. It also definitely reads as though she wants Tallulah to “see her nan for who she is” 🙄 and somehow validate Rachel’s feelings.
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My questions are, why did her mum leave in the first place? Where is her dad? Why did she leave his care? We see R's perspective and don't get me wrong, she is allowed her perspective but the only way to move on is for her to ask these questions. I've said here before that my relationship with one of my parents wasn't great due to their past experiences, we've talked about it and understood why things happened and got past it. I also haven't made a living off it either.
Her mum fucked off with her dads best friend. Her dad kicked her out because she was a spoilt little brat who bullied her step mum and doesn't want anything to do with her.

Hope that helps 🤣
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