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My beautiful Tattle besties, because you're all the lushest ever I know you worry if I'm not around, especially if we need a new thread. Just letting you know that I am off to Glastonbury (#paidfullprice #notanad #nofreebieshere). I will check in as and when I can, but signal may be ropey and I might be too busy doing LED hula hooping or having a gong bath 🤣 anyway, in the unlikely event that Ratchet and crew manage to be interesting enough to fill the thread before I'm back, I'd be grateful if someone could pick up the mantle of starting a new one.

Keep being lush, and make sure to love each other's kids like your own 💕💕💕💕
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So Rachel thinks it’s devastating that teenagers lives are lived through social media these days, blatantly glossing over the fact that her life is just about social media and all her children and stepchildren’s lives are played out online for us all to see. She is the absolute queen of over sharing and we know when her girls have their periods and how heavy they are, whether they are sexually active and what contraception they do or don’t use. There isn’t a day that goes by that those teenagers don’t have a phone shoved in their face filming the minutiae of their lives. Her hypocrisy just astounds me and to think that there will be huns across the country just lapping all this shit up and thanking her for her bravery in sharing her life with them. Rachaele, your teens deserve our sympathy because you film every aspect of their lives and make it their normal to live this way. They allow you to film them and share it with your followers because they just don’t know any different. You are sadly raising your children and stepchildren to be just as vile and entitled as you are.
You know what really, really upset me, fuck wit reading about bratzy going to Liverpool. Putting the emosh on, as if she had truly lost her, like she had God forbid passed away. Fuckwit almighty saying she could no longer smell her in her room. Try living with the actual loss of a child you fucking cretin, one you will literally never ever see again. Try living with the awful flashbacks to the moment of them passing. I'm incandescent with fucking rage over this charlatan. Perhaps I'd better give that poor excuse for a human being a rest for a few weeks. She has seriously upset me today.
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R will miss the whole thing cos when she ‘dances’ she’s bent over with her head hanging facing the ground. Pointless 🤷‍♀️
Slosh has just posted them eating in london with salad fingers mum & dad. Lush that they've not taken any of the kids
Oh I’m dying 😂😂😂 salad fingers
Oh dear, how unfortunate.
🎵Glasses to the left of me, nose off to the right
Here’s my teeth, all 800 on view🎵

(Won’t make much sense to the youngsters who don’t know the song 😂)
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Why was Sloshy sat on the tube with his hand on Austin's knee like they're a couple?

Also Joyce, when you play music on your phone in a public place, everyone around you thinks you're a massive cunt.
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Why does Josh think it’s acceptable to walk into Betsy’s garden shed without knocking? Why does her mother think it’s acceptable to film her husband opening the door of her teenage daughter’s bedroom without knocking. So inappropriate but then these two don’t think anything is out of bounds do they 😩
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I don’t know how I would feel had my mother left me when I was 4. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mum and she was quite cruel and maybe I would have liked to ask her why she treated me the way she did but it’s too late now. What I certainly would never have done was secretly film my mother whilst asking her questions about my childhood. Nor would I have then posted said videos online for my loyal sycophants to watch and then no doubt tell me how brave I am. Everything has got to be shared. Absolutely everything. It’s obscene. You’re a disgusting hypocrite Rachaele and whatever your mother did, she deserves better than you. Oh and by the way, I don’t pay for Patreon so cheers for the freebie you nasty c**t.
How can she not see that Tallulah’s anxiety is due to HER pushing her mother, T’s beloved grandmother, and making things awkward and uncomfortable. Why would she push to have these conversations with her children present anyway? They don’t need to know all about her trauma, she should be protecting them.
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The irony of that last paragraph was not lost on me. Telling people not to obsess about stuff in her personal life that she doesn’t want to discuss whilst releasing her 4th book about the obsessive details of other peoples lives that they probably don’t want to discuss either. Come on Emily I wish you’d write a book.


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I can't get my head around J; a former proud soldier and police officer. Now reduced to being filmed blootered at a Taylor Swift gig, in a (not even real merch) TS tshirt, wearing beaded bracelets like a teenage girl and dancing like that.
I find it baffling.
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I don’t know how I would feel had my mother left me when I was 4. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mum and she was quite cruel and maybe I would have liked to ask her why she treated me the way she did but it’s too late now. What I certainly would never have done was secretly film my mother whilst asking her questions about my childhood. Nor would I have then posted said videos online for my loyal sycophants to watch and then no doubt tell me how brave I am. Everything has got to be shared. Absolutely everything. It’s obscene. You’re a disgusting hypocrite Rachaele and whatever your mother did, she deserves better than you. Oh and by the way, I don’t pay for Patreon so cheers for the freebie you nasty c**t.


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Oh God, please tell me they’re not getting a puppy. I feel sad for Edie,I’m all for girls expressing themselves and experimenting, but she’s at Primary school and she doesn’t need to think this is what she ought to look like. Why anyone looks up to anyone in this family is beyond me, they are everyone I hoped my kids would avoid growing up and especially at Senior School.

I’ve long since deleted Ratshit, Hinch, Solomon and all the other child exploiters and my feed is so much nicer and less depressing. I really wish someone would do a proper documentary on this phenomenon and the effects they are having on their families and the people who follow them. Tired of it being a one sided story about trolls, I’d like to see them prevented with the evidence and see what they say. Dr Phil did something recently but it didn’t go far enough.
I'm waiting to see how long it is before this generation of kids who have grown up being exploited on the internet are old enough to come out and tell us their experiences - what was it really like, having to wait until Mum says "action" before you can do anything? How does it make you feel when you tell your parent something personal in confidence, and then find out they have either secretly videoed you to share, or typed it out to share with millions of strangers online? At what point did you realise that this wasn't anything like a normal childhood?

They are fucking up their kids in pursuit of the likes, comments and messages that will lead to the ads and freebies.
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Another bloody great thread title from @Lucyinthesky88 🤩🤩🤩

Last thread recap:
- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public
- of course coming back from Rome the gruesome twosome managed to be in the wrong terminal 🙄 unfortunately Italy didn't want them any more than England does, and they managed to get back in order to give Bratsy and Lula their gifts of a new pair of trainers each. Neither of them said thank you until they'd tried them on and decided whether they liked them
- following the stories from Rome and grid post of Rumblestrip wearing her £1000 Gucci loafers, she was straight back on the beg for food to sell on in the pantry.
- finally, the podcast guest we've all been waiting for. As hotly anticipated as Martin Bashir and Princess Di, Racquetball has finally done an interview with Linda (the cleaner and general dogs body). Of course Ratchet couldn't wait to muscle in and shit all over everything- she referred to Linda's dad's death by suicide as "gross", and when Linda talked about her mum having lost two babies who were both boys, and said "I should have had two brothers, which would have come in handy", Rabies agreed, saying "yeah, especially when I was living with you as a teenager". The bare faced cheek of taking the story of how a woman she had never met had tragically lost 2 babies, years before Rancid was born, and inserting herself into it plumbed new depths of Rambo's sense of self importance.
- Rashflaps was packing for the trip to Eurocamp in France, which of course included loads of new clothes for Wilbert.
- over on PatreCON she was asked about her "journalling", so she shared some screenshota of notes she'd made. Basically showing herself being too involved with Seb and Lula's relationships (including showing a message supposedly from Lula's ex, where he's telling her how amazing she is and how grateful he is for everything she's done for him etc etc).
- and the Clampitts are off to France! But only taking Wilbur, Isaac, and Mannah's oldest. Of course Ratfuck splashed the cash for two cabins on the ferry, one in case Wilberforce needed somewhere to calm down, and the other for the older boys so they could have their own space. Sadly they're staying in a teeny cabin thing, and Toxic Theresa was moaning that there's no oven, toaster or kettle, and the washing up sponge provided was very low quality, so it's a good job they brought their own.
- a grid post of things that never happened detailed a foreign lady apparently telling them they had to leave a restaurant because Wilbert was being noisy, and playing with his dinosaurs in the plants. Just to nail home how awful and rude the lady was, Ratchet claimed that the woman and her companion had been "chain smoking throughout the entire meal", forgetting to check whether smoking is allowed inside in France (it isn't).
- this was swiftly followed by another grid post, this time of Leather Faced Leonard apparently knowing exactly how to calm Wibble when he's "dysregulating" (aka having a usual little kid tantrum).
- Wilby played with dinosaurs at their shed
- Wilby played with dinosaurs in a restaurant
- in case nobody has ever seen inside a supermarket before, Rack decided to invite her followers to "come food shopping with us". Wilby was bought pretty much anything he even looked at, including ice cream, sweets, a chocolate lolly and (of course) a dinosaur. For some reason Ratchet was amazed at the cereal, yoghurt and fruit on offer.
- back at the campsite, Ratface treated her followers to a quick video around the laundry room (oh look, there's washers and dryers, and some ironing boards).
- Rhubarb is obviously hating her life and her holiday to France, because she showed endless videos of how shit everything is. They tried to take Isaac and Alfie go karting, but the place was closed. Wilby said he hates her because of her arms, and later told both parents that they're "old and ugly" while throwing some stickers he'd been bought on the floor. Basically he was mean, rude and bad mannered, showing how badly he has been parented. Rambo also made out that some horrible French bloke had had a go at them for parking in a disabled bay even though they have a blue badge for Wilbert.
- Sloshy complained about Isaac using his phone and how he's "proud" to be from a generation that grew up without them. Conveniently forgetting that if his wife wasn't permanently attached to her multiple phones, he would still be having to work a real job, having the piss taken out of him by his colleagues (PC Pretty Boy), and he wouldn't be driving his Volvo, or campervan, and he wouldn't be walking around in head to foot designer gear and sporting a five grand watch 🤷
- a tattler messaged Rawhide, pointing out that regardless of whether he's autistic, the behaviour from Wilbur is unacceptable, and asking where he had learnt the language he uses. Despite being off having a *cough* wonderful holiday, Ratchet took time out of the busy schedule of visiting the supermarket and making up stories about people being awful to her to reply. Apparently one in five of EVERY CHILD IN RECEPTION have been subject to abuse, so have spent their lives seeing and hearing terrible things. Funny how Wilberforce managed to learn "cuntasaurus" before he was even at school with all these poor children. She also stated that some autistic people are "always violent and aggressive" while in public. When questioned about whether the constant buying of toys was a suitable way to deal with him, Rambo said that he can't cope with receiving a lot of gifts for his birthday and Christmas, so he gets less then and more throughout the year instead. Sure, Jan.
- Wilbert went to the bar to ask for some more Pringles, and was told to wait his turn by the barman. Amazingly, this didn't result in the horrific screaming and neck-slashing we've been led to believe results from Wilbert not getting exactly what he wants when he wants it. Almost as if his terrible autistic meltdowns are mostly made up for attention...
- meanwhile, back at the Snatchwork mansion, Lula (who's too anxious to go to school and will be attending a £7,500 per year online school instead) managed to invite a load of girls round for a party.
- back home, off round to Raffy's house. Wilbert "hates" the Red Arrows so didn't want anyone else to watch them, clawing and scratching at Joyce's leathery old chops.
- on the PatreCON - Bratsy apparently brought a couple of male friends home. Ratchet and Sloshy had no idea, so there were two strange men wandering around the house and one walked in on Ratchet while she was "only wearing her period pants". Lush bubs, a tenner says they won't be back
- Rabies picked a bit at random to read out from her book, and what do you know, it was a letter to herself when she was 15". Because of course that's the section, out of the whole essay of bullshit you managed to select at random, we believe you hun. She's now moved on to slagging off her stepmum, mentioned bouncing around foster homes until she happened upon Linda (who she loves endlessly and forever), then she seamlessly moves on to shoving drugs into her vagina to take them on trains. Because everyone knows you get searched on trains 🙄
- back on PatreCON, she said that the previous night on a live someone had asked her about Palestine, which ended with them messaging her to tell her they're unsubscribing. But she doesn't care, it's fine, if anyone doesn't like her they're free to leave at any time etc etc. The lady doth protest too much
- Tattlers could be forgiven for thinking that the legend who threw a milkshake over N*gel F*rage was wearing a WEBL tracksuit, however on closer inspection it said AYBL across the front. Looks like Ratchet has yet again ripped off someone else's design (Ed Hardy t-shirt, anyone?).
- a few days into Lula's home schooling, and she's sitting in a cafe eating cake, going horse riding, and getting ready to speak on Racket's podcast. Don't forget, she'll be doing her GCSEs in exactly a year's time.
- a Q&A revealed that Lula is home schooling because school was "unsafe", due to horrendous conditions like the food being cold, and her struggling in Maths but not wanting to change classes because none of her friends are in the other one and it smells. In other words, the usual teenage moans about school.
- there's new WEBL tat dropping - a bubblegum pink, embossed sweater. Lush.
- Rancid and notaPC Pete headed off to a #gifted #prstay in a fancy tent on a farm, with their new besties Lizzy and Austin. But she was very clear to point out that even though it was #gifted it was so lush that they've booked to go back and PAID FULL PRICE. Whatever, Trevor.
- Bratsy missed a flight home but luckily she managed to get another for 4x the price (Ratchet thinks it's a flex that your kid is so disorganised and gives so few shits about wasting money)
- the gruesome twosome went out for a morning run together at 7.15, begging the question of who was getting the violent, severely autistic 4 year old ready for school. Probably Lula now that she's "home schooling" (which also seems to include horse riding)
- desperately trying to drum up support for her new book of bullshit, Rabies is offering a prize draw for people who pre order, as well as pushing her crappy tour. Yet again, she's organising it all herself, and charging the huns a fortune for the privilege of being in the room with her for a couple of hours. She's also very conveniently arranged it for the start of the summer holidays, meaning she'll be "working" instead of spending time with the kids. Again.
- Raahflaps decided to read another section of her book out, and just so happened to land on a bit where she talks about a song that her and Bratsy used to sing about Waynbo, but now it's a happy song blah blah blah. And basically, she wants a song that reminded her of her (apparently abusive and violent) ex at her funeral.


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It’s bizarre that she feels qualified to remind people how unhelpful it is to obsess over stuff from years ago when she’s made an entire ‘career’ out of it.
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Never will not find it fucking disgusting and unethical that someone that runs a community fridge/food bank constantly publicly shares the costed menu of the overpriced places they eat at.

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So she didn't realise how "disconnected" her and her mum were until Bratsy went to stay in Jenna's spare room? Has she forgotten that she was already slagging her mum off for abandoning her when she was 4 long before that (both online and in her published books)? The story about smashing up a phone box because she couldn't have the trainers she wanted was well before Betsy moved out, as was the tale of chipping her tooth on a bus seat while on her way to visit her mum.

I don't know who looks more stupid, her changing her story every 5 minutes to suit whatever narrative she's pushing this week, or the huns for believing it all.
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My mother was and is cruel. I spent my teenage years in a childrens home. I have been completely estranged from her for 11 years. I would NEVER have a conversation about this with her in front of my kids and they are both adult now.
Tallulah is getting anxious because she's hearing shit she doesn't need to hear. She loves her grandmother no matter what, she doesn't need to be hearing her questioned like that. It's so inappropriate to even attempt that conversation in front of a child.
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