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Vomiting right now at her thrusting her crusty vag at him tempting him to love her the hardest with his silky penis and to practice his fingering skills on her and not a rubber fanny......sorry I've gone too far
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From what I recall, she was originally a hun, she joined on here and posted a couple of times, and then went back to being a hun. Almost as though they'd planned it between them so that Ratchet could post all about a "reformed chroll". She was a paying Patreon follower all along though.

I still love the fact that Rabies thinks getting Jo to log into the internet banking was "showing her the accounts" 🤣🤣
Yes. That was weird and yet not the weirdest thing she's done this year. I reckon the 2023 moment, and there has been many, has to be the Paper Bag 🤦🏻‍♀️😂.
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God they’re a weird lot aren’t they! Why is he semi-naked dishing up dinner? Why is she nosing at Seb’s phone? Why is she so obsessed with Katie at the moment?

When you think that she originally came online to talk about the struggles of being a working mum and over time this morphed into loving trauma (hers or other people’s, she’s not fussed)…to the present day where she spends the majority of her time moaning about ‘trolls’ and invading the privacy of anyone who steps foot over their threshold. So blooming weird.
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I agree, she is very cocky dissing the majority of her followers just because they don’t pay to watch her crappy, bonus, inside, “secret” insta.

Yes we are those bad trolls who comment on her 4 yr old drinking coke, you’re not at all a crappy parent encouraging him to love that teeth rotting drink.

I don’t know what’s sadder, R acting like she has a load of best friends, but they all pay her, or the huns thinking she genuinely loves them, if they weren’t paying her she would be treating them with the same snide attitude as the rest of the huns who don’t pay.
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Chatty Member
Definitely the paper bag performance. Strategically placed phone on record, the glance towards it to make sure they were in frame, the whiney baby voice “oh it makes my head poorly”, the monotonous lines Josh had to perform - clearly learned earlier, THAT paper bag 😂
All over us laughing at her hooker wedding outfit.
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I know it's been said before, and he's being doing it for years, but how sad is it that he only plays in his bedroom and he no toys downstairs. I don't have small children at home anymore but they always had a toy box each in the living room, I don't think that stopped till they were high school age. Couldn't imagine leaving a toddler to play on their own upstairs. We even have another toy box in there now for the grandkids when they visit.
Why is she even making that into an autistic trait 🤦‍♀️ ffs just be honest and say "having toys downstairs ruins the aesthetic of my home so we only let him bring one toy down at a time" 🤣
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Why does she paint every relationship bad other than Josh - when that looks pretty shit?! Also, when she was with Es dad surely that was a happy relationship, he is a decent guy. Is she now making out she regrets being with him as then there would also be no E. She is such a
spiteful cow, I’m sure everyone male or female regrets ever having anything to do with her, she is the common denominator that seems to cause all the problems, but sure blame everyone else.
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Edie needs to mind her own business and stop searching peoples phones.
And R equally needs to stop involving her in adult business and squabbles ffs 🤦‍♀️
Exactly what I thought. If she's using someone's phone she should have respect and only go on what she needs to. Why is she nosing at their search history?
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Nope, you're not ok, you're both bad people who hate their own kids.... You never just hang around with them, you can't bare to be in the same room as them and Rach just pays them so that they stay away from other family members! And unfortunately you're stuck with wilby but even then most the time you palm him off to anyone and everyone 🫠🫠🫠

Edited to add - hope you're enjoying your break 4 days after Christmas without your other 5 kids, whilst pretending you're still at home on ptwm 🫠


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She felt “gross” for years for having a same-sex relationship? What is this, 1950?
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She looks full of glee that Katie & her dad have been slagged off dosent she, just like she did when social services were called on Emily (probs rach that done it)
Well, she's picked the "wrong hate group" here cos nobody knew or mentioned her dad being a heroin addict, also nobody cares either.
Tattle dosent "trend" either so maybe she has haters/trolls on twitter which I wouldn't be surprised about. Conniving cunt she is.
Also, looks like rancid has had her lips done again to me.
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Another gifted sofa.
That looks really uncomfortable. Has this bitch ever paid for a fucking sofa? The last one in that room was #gifted as well, the one that used to be in the conservatory was #gifted. Living the high life and dripping in Gucci/VB/a different pair of Nike trainers for every day of the year, and she's accepting #gifted furniture all over the place. Bet you within a week she's begging for a sofa to be donated for "one of the women at the centre" as well.
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I've been with my husband for over 20 years, I don't think in that time my parents have ever bought presents for my inlaws or vice versa. They've done cards and maybe some families do a token gift, but S & K have only been together for 5 minutes. She just can't help but try to buy everyone.
It would be a bit weird for a serving bent, sacked police officer on a career break buying Christmas gifts for someone he has previously arrested too, wouldn't it? She's hilarious with her lies. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Rach often makes up utter crap about things that cannot be proven, J arrested Papa K 10 times? impossible to prove or disprove. Much like the career break he’s on, or specific service users she has like the families that have lots of children, the old lady. All confidential information that she can’t show proof of even if it were true. Even Wilby’s ear infections could be made up because no one can go to her gp and ask for the truth. She’s a liar, con artist and master manipulator of the vulnerable. I don’t know how she sleeps at night because all the money in the world couldn’t make up for that kind of existence.
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Did anyone else get disappointed that the stool didn't just collapse from under them? That would have been such belting content 😂.
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I'm losing the will to live with this bloody woman. Now she's put a post up about exploitation of women in Dubai. Are you only just aware of this rach? I guess so because you were quite happy to go there just a year ago with no mention of it ? You are a fucking moron, and nothing less !! But hey ho don't worry about it because education, geography, cultures, and what goes on in other countries is unimportant, we will all go and buy a webl fleece and all will be well !!!
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