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The Nipple, the Mullet and the beaker of toddler piss 🤮
Jesus christ on a bike. Scrap that barrel Rancid Hambleton and scrape it well.
I nominate 'the nipple, the mullet and the beaker of toddler piss' as the next thread title! Genius!! 👌
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Sorry, I'm trying to avoid a nose bleed!
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Personally I am fine with a teenage boy having one beer or cider with his Xmas dinner. The difference here is for years R has made a massive thing about the boys mums drinking and how she’s “fucked her life up” with it. For years she said her and J wouldn’t drink around the boys because of the stuff they’d seen from their mum. And now barely a day goes by without one of the family having a drink or drink being mentioned. Our own personal situations or feelings around teens drinking is irrelevant it’s the barefaced hypocrisy of R that is the issue
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Again tell us you read here without telling us
Cancel the homeopath. What he needs is a calm household that doesn't have random people coming and going week in, week out, his parents caring for him outside of school time rather than a "village," a mum that can spend more than a couple of hours with him alone and to stay put, at home, no escape trips to the middle of nowhere for a few months.

Stability, it works wonders on for little kids health. 🙄.
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Rachaele tribute

"Lie after lie" - parody of "9 to 5" by Dolly Parton 😁

🎵 Tumbled out of the loft
And I stumble in the kitchen
Josh has made another shit dinner
He loves me hardest cos I am his wife

Straddle him, we get grindin' and bumpin'
Online the tattlers start retching
And folks like me on the job
Telling lie after lie

Working lie after lie
What a way to make a livin'
Barely getting by
It's all fresh air and no giving

I just use Josh all the time
And I never give him credit
It's enough to drive both
Seb and Betsy crazy

Lie after lie
Pure greed and desperation
You would think that I
Would make up my own promotion

Wanna blank Wilby
But now Josh is back to working
I swear sometimes
That man is out to get me!

Since 2019 i ain't looked at tattle
But "trolls" always seem to get me rattled
I've got more schemes
That I'll never give away

A trip to Barbados I keep dreaming
On the beach while the ship comes in
Away from my tiny turds
Sipping on the gin

Working lie after lie
What a way to make a living
Can't be arsed to try
And be decent mum to Wilby

I just use my time
Opening "shops" up all round Devon
The PayPal is just
My idea of heaven

Lie after lie
I've got Josh where I want him
Mines a better life
And you're jealous of it aren't you

It's a insta Hun game
No matter what we call it
And my sheep spend their time
Putting money in my pocket! 🎵
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Chatty Member
I reckon if you fed all these buzz words into AI it could prob come up with Rs new Sunday times “bestseller” in about 30 seconds 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
More like he looked. Thought oooh amazon and was thinking it was an easy job,easy come easy go.yeh packing and stacking for amazon bro,sorteeeed. And wouldn't couldn't get any other job where it actually looks on paper like work..he clearly thought this was a layman lazy job for dosh.

Awful bully. Takes the piss out of all his siblings. Is particularly sly and shitty spiteful to W and picks on thigs Wilby can't cope with.
Oiss takes his dad and R. They might deserve it but he's still a shit.
He's not a nice person and would grease the palm of a chip to get whst he wants

Don't wreck9n this for a second. It will be his dad has said we will only pay for your USA trip or such and such if you show you can get a job.or say, he get so much money if he earns some. For his car even.
He's an entitled shit. No way is he doing this without a means to an end.
Not quite sure I understand your written word but I think I get the gist. You’re attacking the lad who was ripped from his mother and brought up within a vile bullying toxic household with a Dad who failed him and treats him with contempt every day. If I was belittled every single day of my life as a teen, I think I’d be a little sour towards those I’m pitched against.
No way is he working without a means to an end? Isn’t that why everyone goes out to work? We all have a means to an end with work. We want payment to be able to survive. I think he shows amazing work ethic.
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New thread title nominated by meeeeeeee from a comment by @ClArt20138. Had a whip round and got us some matching hat and scarf sets (not Victoria Beckham as we haven't all got an unending pot of PayPal, but they're excellent knock-off from Bognor market, hope you love it bubs)

The poll results are in, and a staggering 94.6% of us are resolutely NOT jealous of Rack, or anything about her life. So there you have it!

Last thread recap:

- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public
- kicking off the new thread in style with a new TikTok, pointing out the discrepancy between how Ratchet says she supports women, and how she treats the boys' mum (including some absolutely vile messages she sent to someone she believed was Mrs Marshall the First)
- in one of the most ridiculous ads she's ever done, Ratchet is now apparently promoting online safety for children 🤯 considering her half her own kids and stepkids were online while still underage, and only recently 10 year old Edie was engaging with "chrolls" on TikTok, Tattlers don't think this stupid cow is the best person to spout about online safety (and that's without going into all the safeguarding risks she exposes the children in her house to, day in, day out).
- in a terrifyingly cringey effort to flog the Webl tat, Doormat Jo joined in with her lord and master with fannying about on the landing, what a pair of twats
- Bratsy played taxi by picking up a bunch of pissed up adults from the train station - Wilbert's mate's dad (the salad fingers kid), who she'd never met before, climbed into the boot of her car. Ratfuck found this absolutely hilarious for some reason, while Bratsy (in her dressing gown) looked as bemused as us Tattlers. Videos shared later showed Racket happily knocking back a fizzy cat's piss, despite hating the taste. Salad Fingers' dad meanwhile ordered no less than 4 drinks at once, saying "I don't go out much".
- because Wilbert said he didn't like Christmas, Rabies told him what Father Christmas is bringing him. When it was delivered, she "accidentally" opened the parcel in front of him, then gave it to him because he wanted it there and then.
- on Patreon Rabies said that they're not fully supporting all women from the centre for Christmas "because they're not living in poverty", so they'll just be giving out gift cards instead.
- Awww, poor old Rashflaps didn't go to Sloshy's work do in the end because they couldn't get a babysitter for Wibble. Or was the real reason that she couldn't find a revealing enough dress to show off her baps AND her flaps to all his new colleagues. No news on whether Bucket Hat Benny was let off the leash to go on his own, or if she kept him under her watchful eye at home.
- Racket headed off for a spa day with Bratsy, of course they both took their phones in because did it even happen if you don't put it on Instagram?
- Seb announced that he wants to go to New York for his birthday, the entire family laughed and took the piss while Rack filmed it. Never mind the fact that for Bratsy's 18th she got a party, and then got an all expenses paid extended holiday for months 🤷
- then Seb said that he wants to go to university, the entire family laughed and took the piss while Rack filmed it.
- Sloshy apparently wants to be dumped on a mountain in Spain after he's dead, so the vultures can eat him and he'll be "recycled into nature". Unfortunately, with his stringy stature, he won't make much of a meal for the poor birds.
- a new TikTok appeared , featuring a clip of Rashflaps saying (about the women they 'support') "most of them aren't living in poverty", and then showing the various begs from the last few years (vouchers, toys etc). It also pointed out the lack of audit trail by using vouchers, and also showed a few clips of vouchers being given to her mates as birthday gifts etc.
- for some reason, "cleaning out Ratchet's coffee machine with the gifted Dyson" is on Doormat Jo's job description, all while dressed head to foot in WEBL of course. Imagine paying a cleaner, and then also paying your PA to do cleaning, while you snort and film it all for the 'gram. What a life.
- while out shopping with her mum Raq was complaining about price of Jellycat toys. You'd think the queen of selling stuff at grossly inflated prices would keep her massive gob shut about such practices.
- Rancho showed a clip from the PatreCON where she said she'd had a row with Slosh, and had to "self soothe" herself to sleep because he wasn't talking to her (and she normally has to cling to him like a stubborn skidmark on the bottom of the toilet bowl). One of the Tattlers on Patreon told us that the argument was because she's being made to go to London for a meeting (because she refuses to send through what she's written for the next book) and Sloshy won't go with her. Clearly this means he doesn't love her, and is nothing at all to do with the fact he's now got a job so can't drop everything at a minute's notice.
- poor old Winston has got dementia, so is on loads of medication, and needs routine and stability. Shame he won't get it in that shitshow of a house 💔
- Ratshit did a voiceover video on PatreCON if doing her hair, if she was going for the look of Cameron Diaz in There's Something About Mary, she absolutely nailed it 😬
- Edie's Christmas list has appeared, and is worthy of a grid post. Of course it contained all the usual things a 10 year old asks for - expensive cosmetics, trainers worth hundreds of pounds, a tracksuit (not one from Mum's cheap Chinese range).
- not seeing the irony in posting on the same day as Edie's ridiculous Christmas list, Racket started off the big Christmas beg. While wandering around the women's centre (which is a massive fire risk, and in no way a 'safe space' for women who have been through abusive relationships), she listed off exactly how many families and children they were supporting, with a breakdown of how much each family will get (£30 voucher per child, £20 voucher per mum or dad, £20 supermarket voucher per family). After being criticised on Tattle last year about lack of transparency, it seems she's attempting to show her working out. Unfortunately, Tattle always keep the receipts, and last year she claimed to be helping 20 families, and wanted £30,000 of vouchers for them. This year she claims to be helping 43 families, but is only asking for £4,840. Strange, considering the latest raffle raised over £13,000. She also waffled on about being asked by Children's Services to support a further 40 children, plus some mums and babies from the local hospital maternity unit. There's a fundraiser that the huns can donate cold hard cash to for all this, she won't make the mistake of asking for donations of goods etc as she's still got brand new duvets lying around the centre from last winter, when she said they were desperate so the huns all sent them. Additionally, she showed off a room full of gift bags with presents in, plus the full to bursting second hand clothes room (and a room filled with boxes of 'overfill' clothes and shoes). Basically, all items that Racket*could* offer out to other local organisations in the community, but won't because she wants to be the hero 🙄
- oh dear, silly old Ratface forgot it was non uniform day at Wilbert's school, whoops! But she's never been good at remembering stuff like that (apart from that time Seb forgot and she filmed Shit Tache Shawn telling him as he walked out of the door in his uniform).
- a new TikTok appeared, showing loads of donated gifts from last year's Christmas beg still sat at the centre
- Linda the cleaner was roped in to sell REBL crap at the shittest Christmas event ever, then it was off out with the Snatchwork gang for a meal while the violently autistic Wibble was babysat by Seb's girlfriend (no doubt paid off with a free tracksuit and a couple of vapes)
- back at the house of horrors, a girl who lives nearby came round to play with Wilbert. Racket had clearly been told not to film her, as she was very careful not to include her in any videos.
- Racket spent Sunday evening telling Wibbly that in the morning he was going to Jo's house for breakfast, and she'd be taking him to school. Young Wiblet, who is autistic and hates any changes to his routine, didn't give a shit.
- another Sunday, another shit roast with piss water gravy by the bent, sacked copper.
- for some bizarre reason, Ratchet pretended to be in London on her own "for the first time", but then Sloshy blew her cover by posting that he was also there. Bet that affects his allowance this week!
- Edie was filmed reading to Wilbur, and it looks like she's had her nails done (or got press on ones).
- Wilby's found yet another Christmas present, so of course he's got that one too. There'll be nothing left for him to open at Christmas at this rate.
- while looking at what Lula did with the elf, Rabies filmed a toilet full of piss 🤮 quality content there hun.
- down at the pantry, Ratface showed us all around - including showing piles of hoarded food out the back. She said that when the weather is dry they put food outside when they leave and people come and get it when the pantry is closed because they don't want to go in (assuming more will do that now she's said it, as if they come when it's closed they won't have to pay for the food that Beggy Mitchell didn't pay for in the first place). Always on the beg, despite the piles of hoarded food, toys and clothes, Rumblestrip was asking for yet more (food deliveries , vouchers, the Snatchwork Patreon, the prize draw that's already raised more than twice the target, and the Snatchwork store)
- Wilberforce's teacher managed to email Rabies, despite her not having an email address 🤥
- there was a very bizarre interaction at the breakfast bar, with Lula droning on about geography while Bratsy did some sort of grooming on her back. Then Bratsy got distracted by a tube of Durex lube left on the side and started waving it around 🤐
- a new TikTok appeared, exposing the shady practices behind the REBL tracksuit scam. Firstly that you can get the exact same items without the shit logo for a fraction of the price, and also that Rapido does it all as "pre order", so she doesn't have any excess stock when she orders it all from China.
- the latest REBL promo photos appeared, including a couple of extremely inappropriate photos of Edie 😬 the reason she was included is unclear, considering that the clothing doesn't actually come in children's sizes. She was also the only "model" to be wearing shorts rather than leggings, which when combined with the adult sizes fleece, looked like she was just in her knickers. Basically, a pedalo's dream 🤮🤮🤮
- over on the home account (remember that?), Racket had Jo fannying about putting up a load of pictures in the second lounge. Remember when she went to Homesense and she showed off a load of prints she'd bought, and added a box for the huns to tell her places she could get lush prints from? Yeah, the clear beg for freebies worked, as she's got a couple #gifted for a #ad. Unfortunately they're terribly tacky, so fit right in at the Crackhead Barbie Dream House. Jo was sticking them all up on the wall with command strips while Ratfuck was filming and laughing at her.
- finally, the big day arrived - the drop of the brand new REBL fleece. Unfortunately, the website defaulted to pre order, so lots of huns were not happy, as they'll now be waiting up to 12 weeks (meaning they'll get their lovely coat fleeces just in to for spring). When they headed to the comments to complain, Raq either ignored them, or got all pass-agg as per usual.
- loads of Instatwats were seen in their brand new #gifted fleeces, the heady heights of Stacey Solomon's undead sister included. Nobody tagged in Ratchet or REBL though, she had to find the posts herself and then repost them.
- the toxic twosome headed out to someone's house party, with Slosh dancing like he's never heard music before in his life. The next day Wilbert was shown after having had a 3 hour nap, clearly his parents were hungover.
- after saying multiple times that children's services had approached the Snatchwork scam artists to provide Christmas gifts for 40 children, another organisation turned up with the gift bags they'd fundraised for. Despite this, and the fact that Racket's crowdfunder was thousands and thousands of pounds past the target, she hasn't closed it and continues to plug it to the huns.
- yet another shit roast, all the food was anaemic and awash with watery gravy, Rancid even managed to get a dig in about the fucking milk pan, proving once again that the chrolls live rent free in her grotty little head.
- surprise! Rambo and her lapdog have fucked off to Krakow for a few days. Never mind the fact they have one child in his first year at primary school, and another in her last year. A quick grid post of her looking ridiculous, which garnered comments about having left Wilbert, despite claiming that they can't leave him. She was replying aggressively to comments left, right and centre, and then came on with a rant on her stories saying she'd "not checked her phone for 5 hours", and justifying herself that they've only had a couple of nights away in the last 6 months, and have been working really hard getting Wobbly used to having Betsy and Lula putting him to bed and getting up with him in the night. As a reminder - Betsy is 19, has a full time job, and sleeps in the shed. Lula is 14, is currently working towards her GCSEs, and sleeps downstairs next to the kitchen. Neither girl should be expected to regularly get up in the night with their little brother because his parents can't be arsed.
- Rambo's looking ridiculous in a REBL tracksuit, sleeping bag coat, stupid padded scarf thing, and a new Vicky B hat and scarf combo, despite it being a mild 7° in Krakow.
- Betsy's used resources she's learned from her new job to make a timeline to help Wilbert understand his parents being away (although it says they're "at work"). A simple thing that could have been used with him months ago, if his parents had bothered.
- Wilbert was farmed off to his mate's house, and brought one of Raffy's toys home.
- Rabies was having such a wonderful time that she filmed herself telling Joyce through gritted teeth that they're not getting scooters at 6am (and reminded us all of that time they rode a scooter in Jubai and she hated it so much she threatened to divorce him)
- back at the ranch, Wilbert's slept through both nights and not asked for his parents (because he's more used to them not being there), and gone off to school in his Christmas jumper. First ever one for him, and his parents aren't there because they've pissed off on their jollies.
- an update from the school showed Wilbur pouring gravy on to what Ratchet says is "his first ever roast dinner", making us all wonder what he eats when Sloshy serves up his anaemic slop 18 times a week
- some hun messaged about how amazing Wilbert's school is, to be encouraging him and providing daily reports on exactly how many peas he's eaten. Cue a paragraph of word salad from Ratcunt about how lush and amazing the school are, and every school should have time time and resources to do this for every single child. Change the fucking record Raq, we all know you waved his paid-for diagnosis around to make sure they all know how severely autistic he is, and how they'll all have to pander to his every need 🙄 unfortunately all Wilby is doing is showing up how useless his parents have been, by thriving in a supportive environment, with adults who take the time to encourage him to develop his skills, instead of leaving him with a bag of quavers and an iPad like he spent the first few years of his life.
- don't forget guyzzzzzz, it's the last chance to order your crap polyester fleece emblazoned with the initials of someone else's children, that won't arrive until Spring because Scammy Susan won't order any until she's got your money!

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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Chatty Member
I really hope the school sit edie down with a wet wipe and make her take it all off. I hope they do that every day but they won’t.
The problem with today’s schools is teachers have no back up from parents.
We have parents storming upto school most days because we dared to tell little princess her skirt is too short or that she needs to remove her acrylic nails
Then little prince rings up mummy because he was told that the hoody he is wearing is not uniform.
Rachel is one of those parents, undermining authority.

What annoys me is what’s going to happen when these kids get jobs where a uniform is compulsory etc etc
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Is she off her head? The only thing anyone knew was her name, and that’s because Rachel tagged her. The newspaper article about her dad is open for all to see. No one mentioned he was an addict, or had ptsd, or that K has 3 sisters, or the J has arrested the man 10 times. ALL THIS INFORMATION COMES FROM YOU RACHEL!
she just can’t keep her mouth shut can she. She’s like that person we all know, that can’t wait to pass on a “secret” or let it be known That “she knows” something. Makes her feel important and needed.
honestly, anyone who believes a word she says, deserves what they get! I hope 2024 is the year that cancels these twats and holds them to account for the crap they spout. Anyone with half a brain cell has distanced themselves from her.
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Absolutely had no idea that Katie's dad is a heroin addict and I don't think any of us here knew either, thanks for letting everyone know Rach! You are the biggest troll I've ever come across!!! Anything for a few likes 🫠🫠🫠

Edit - She later on says how they've got Katie's dad a thick jumper, some chocolates and will give him £20 in a card.... I honestly don't think that's a very good idea, throwing money at an addict 👀🫠
She's quite literally made all of that story up.

What on earth does she mean "trending?" She's never trended anywhere that I've seen (unless she means on here, which is one small website 😂. Delusions of grandeur in full flow there.)

No one knew Katie's Dad was an addict, we all read the same newspaper story that didn't say that.

If Josh had arrested Katie's Dad "10" times, why is she making out she did not her history before we did? Obviously she did.

No one trolled the girl either other than Rachael and Josh. Remember when she called Katie a bitch for spending her birthday money on a chinese for Seb that they didn't want to open the door for? That's how the convo started over her Dad. We said we hoped he hit Josh for slagging off his daughter on a public paid for platform.

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