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I say this with the upmost concern, she is failing Wilby. She’s really shaking him into an entitled, bratty, greedy little boy, just like her other kids. I know we were discussing how she’s left it to the school to properly parent her child but THANK FUCK FOR THEM! Might teach him a few manners and boundaries! All R has to do is get him there in the morning and then reward her and her husband another couples city break for the absolute slog that is the school run. She’s pathetic.
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The more I think about that house… I mean it’s not like they are in a 2 up 2 down with their 6 kids, the house offered enough rooms. They previously had 3 receptions now 2 but not one of them is a play room or social space for the older ones. Crazy, it’s just a desk space with what looks like a futon.
Because Rachel’s priority is herself, not the children that are in her care and live in that house. She wants them all tucked away in their own bedrooms so they don’t encroach on the living space downstairs. She doesn’t own a single piece of furniture big enough for the whole family to sit together, and that’s not due to lack of space or cash, it’s because she is selfish. She does not want those kids anywhere near her, she wants selfish dinners with her camp husband while her children put each other to bed, and she wants a space to monetise her kids’ childhood’s in shitty basic poorly-written books whilst they’re packed away into their bedrooms plugged into iPads. She even put the parents of the family on a different floor to their baby son and young daughter. Selfish.
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So E got told of for having a bit of make up on the last day of school so today she goes in with a full face of it and her mum thinks it's funny to sit there and laugh and encourage it. If that was my daughter she'd be sat with a packet of baby wipes cleaning it all off before I'd even start the car!

This is what's wrong with the world today parents letting there kids get away and breaking rules! Won't be laughing when she goes to secondary school and she's put in isolation each day!
Here trolls have another video that I caught on a live the other day! There was also another where she was going off on one about Edie's dad's side of the family because they let her get her nails and eyelashes done before Xmas. Don't think I saved that one unfortunately 🫠
No Rachel Edie gets told all the wrong things by you to make people look bad as you don't want her there and what people search on there phones is Upto them so your the fool for making that phone call (if it even happened) and bringing it up because if someone said to me "oh yeah you've been searching this about me" I'd be like "and your problem is"
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Oh what's that, she's had to buy a table to fit everyone round for Christmas dinner? Thought the new breakfast bar was absolutely perfect for you and your family Raq?
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The Hun that she set up and faked to be a troll got a mention the other week 🫠
The Roald Dahl quote is becoming her reality!

"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly that you can hardly look at it.

how Karma is a bitch
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I bet she loved telling Katie she was supposedly being trolled. We know how much she revels in other peoples trauma, sick bitch 😡
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He's very similar to Josh is all. He makes me uncomfortable

(What I meant about working is not that teens shouldn't work, it's just that the particular job with Amazon is notoriously gruelling and I have a personal thing where I like my kids being in a part time job they have fun at when they were/ are in education. Though I also don't think they should work until after their GCSE's either, I'm sure lots would disagree with as well.)

Anyway, I see Jen bought her an actual sheep?
Hes not exactly held in that job at gun point is he? Hes in a better position than most to decide whether he stays or leaves 🤷‍♀️ hes earning pocket money, not relying on the pay to keep a roof over his head, so let the lad crack on.
He can't win. People slate him for taking Rs money and people slate him when he's earning it.
Leave the lad alone
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Nice little dig at the PTWM followers there.
Slagging off the ones who "helped her continue to do what she loves"...
Proof that she only wants people around her who tell her what she wants to hear.
Poor W if he ends up with rotten teeth eating and drinking all that rubbish so young.
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The last few years before he got sacked, Josh was the hedgehog police. Why and how would a wildlife officer be arresting Katie’s dad 10 times 🤣 she’s a pathological liar 🤥
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Exactly what I took from that story! And the look to the camera so huns will comment saying oh let him have it, you do so much, you’re so good, he deserves it etc etc
When she says to him you've got this toy at home he looks genuinely confused and says no, I'd lay money on that kid knowing exactly every single toy he has at home. He's having it, and he knows it, just like everyone else knows it.
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Yes if one of my children wrote 3 books that basically slagged me off and shared every mistake I'd ever made, I would love to shout it from the rooftops...
I guess we will have to wait a few more years until Lulas book comes out to find out won't we Rach??
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How does she trend from here? Unless all her kids friends are on Tattle too? I don’t think there was anything on TT about K or her dad apart from when J threw the trainers at her?

Also, is she saying that when S got with K, J didn’t happen to mention to R at all he knew her dad because he had arrested him 10 times? Ok sure 🙄
Only way you can trend from here is if you google yourself 🤣🤣 so if her kids friends anre telling them she's trending then they are googling her so clearly are trolling her too lol! It's just another lie that she actually reads here!
Ratchet still doesnt know what the definition of a troll is does she?? 🙄
She's just basically trolled Katie by telling her paying huns that her dads a crack head!
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My issue is that she has dragged the boys mum for years and years online and now on a podcast for all the problems she caused with her “alcohol issues” states that they don’t drink around the boys or keep alcohol in the house as it causes trauma to them 🤥 then shows in one days stories S coming in pissed, I with a can of alcohol and sloshy well being sloshy?! Make it make sense 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Because her kids are snobby bastards who look down their noses at kids in non branded clothes (because that's how they've been raised), so she assumes that all kids are like that. Same as she assumes all kids are drinking, taking drugs, having sex and vaping, because that's what her kids do 🤷
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Because sometimes we forget to be ‘us’ and ultimately we need to make time to be ‘us’ because it’s important to remember that in the middle of everything we need to be ‘us’ and though these times are hard they won’t last forever then it’ll be just ‘us’

* ‘us’ being R&J
** I fucking hate when she writes ‘us’
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Katie has the right idea, laughs it off, she obviously does not read here but Rach is all over it … desperate to use it for content. No one is trolling Katie or Rach, we are using a gossip site to air our opinions. Anyone who is a fan of Rach, can you honestly say you have never chatted to a friend about someone you know, never watched something on TV and commented how you don’t like the actress etc. Of course you have, it’s called FREE SPEECH, which is exactly what we are doing. No one is messaging Katie directly. RACH is a liar, exaggerater and someone who is desperate for your money.
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