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That room was rammed with toys ,vtech etc etc and yet an even bigger supply in the "surplus stock room" ..SO now NOTHING left hardly ? And wanting more??!! ,but raised funds from the coffee morning shyte and raffle?
We already know the mountain of gift bags were already there from another agency!! So where is ANY evidence these toys and gifts were actually donated ?

And as for the designer BRANDS, I'm sorry but if you are in such a vulnerable place and have hardly anything,your teenage son with a lacoste jumper on whilst the rest of the family have NOTHING but a george at asda outfit on ain't going to make much difference is it !!!!

The idea would work better if she was kitting young men out for job interviews ,but the the jobcentre see to that don't they.

Lost for words
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Considering her line of work, she’s incredibly out of touch with what she posts. How can she say she’s an advocate for women and children in struggling circumstances and then shares all the expensive things her and her kids have. Not to mention the audacity of selling a trackie for over £100. It’s so contradictory. There’s not an ounce of humbleness or wholesomeness within that household. You’d think she’d instil some altruism in her family with all the tragic lives that come in and out of the centre? All they think about is themselves and the stuff they have. If I was a woman in need looking at her page id click off pretty quick. Id see the image she’s attempting to paint of herself but the rot from their spending outshines it’s all. She’s a proper lunatic.

also, those nails haven’t been on since nov 18th! and there’s clearly no car seat next to W! She thick?
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I don't think anyone would seriously think anything inappropriate happened with Betsy & Seb.

However when you share content like that, it can get photographed and dropped somewhere like here or at their age, say a WhatsApp group chat, all without context. Then all of a sudden you have rumours floating, people gabbing and before you know it, there's a situation for both kids that could have been avoided if their "parent" turned her damn phone off when entering a private space (like a bedroom, first thing on Christmas morning.) it happens all the time, so why not use a bit of common sense when you have adult children that have relationships and jobs to maintain outside the family home. She is a prick.

Same with that picture of Edie on Josh's account when he doesn't feature any others kids (bar Wibble the odd time.) I'm pretty sure Rachael posted it, but leaving it sitting there without a comment makes it look innocuous and makes Josh look even more weird than his outfit already did yesterday.

Keep it clean woman.
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What I don't understand is they've had a nice few days in Poland away from the turds, now she's packing two of them off to Liverpool for over Christmas.
View attachment 2633131
What a sad and hollow existence right there. B and her mum both taking pictures of the other taking a selfie. A poor, vulnerable, 14 year old doing the turned in toes, bum/stomach out pose while Mum looks proudly on. In another context this could easily look like part of a female/child exploitation advert. You can almost see the £££ in R’s eyes. 🤢
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Just putting it here for evidence!
I know it's beside the point but I can't begrudge Seb that. He's been giving Cinderella vibes. She's encouraging him to go packing 10 hours a day in an Amazon warehouse, probably on minimum wage (also to buy the others presents whatever that's about.) Meanwhile his step sisters are off having Christmas fun after Rachael paid them for wearing her Trackies.

Next level underhanded wicked step mothering there 😒.
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What a load of bollocks she spews from her mis-shapen and ugly mouth.
I literally knew nothing of that list of facts she's just told us about K's dad.
Shes vile and her side profile is beyond weird. Fucking oddball 🙄
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The little boy who ‘hates Christmas’ looked incredibly excited and looked like he had a great time.. strange that eh??
Why does Betsy go on about being ‘steaming..’ like it’s something to be proud of.. what a happened to the days where you’d sneak back home and try and act as sober as possible so your parents didn’t realise you’d been drinking.. or maybe that was just me and my mates.. although, we didn’t drink underage and I don’t think my parents have ever seen me drunk.. 🤷🏻‍♀️
When Betsy says "off her face" where I come from and other areas around me that means off there faces on drugs not being drunk!
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Jesus can she not say “no” to that kid 🤬
And why on earth are there ‘left over presents’ at the centre ?? Why have people donated stuff and it’s still sat there ?? Why have they not given everything out to people in need. ? And then for Wilby to want the toy and her to stand there making stupid faces at the camera !!!! Bloody woman !!!!! Not like he gets spoilt enough 🤬🤬🤬
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I think the cringey, crappy dance/walk thing they filmed when they were camping giving us all the big F U and then it getting re-used mocking them was a highlight.

Sloshy in his awful festival/clown outfit was also pretty special from Bestival.
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Just been catching up and saw that she’s posted about a local launch party that I have already agreed to go to. Can’t wait to see her there…! 😂
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Here I am feeling sad that Christmas is over and I’ve only got three more days to hang out with the kids, and she’s just left them. I just don’t get it.
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Is this a teacher who is using text speech, can't spell or construct a sentence?

I have a genuine question for you tattlers. Why do some women want to discuss what happened to them and others just want to put the whole thing behind them and move on. I understand that sharing our stories may help other women but I don't think doing a podcast with Rachel is going to help anyone except Rachel's bank balance. Rachel has never really gone into any detail about her life with domestic abuse, nor has Slosh. They just keep repeating that they are both victims.
For me, I tell my story to not let my abuser win.. he silenced me for so long, longer than I realised.. I’m not a domestic violence victim.. im a domestic violence survivor. I also believe in talking about things in the hope that others may feel less alone - not just regarding DV but other experiences I’ve had too. This is me.. others are different, we all have our own stories.. and as Dr Who once said.. ‘we are all stories in the end..’
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She didn't have time to put up a Christmas tree as she was too busy with work deadlines. With two little ones in the house I find that so sad. No Christmas spirit there. I'm also absolutely appalled at Betsy's language. My kids would never swear in front of me as they have more respect. And she's working in a school!!
Last year she pissed off to Jubai to love Sloshy the hardest, and got Lula to drag the tree out of the shed so that Jo could decorate it while they were away. She absolutely doesn't give a single shit about trying to make it nice and festive for the kids.
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Anyone else's boss get them a 'little apple watch and a bang & Olufsen speaker' for christmas? No?! Just Rachael then 🫠


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The Eskimo

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Just for a moment, adopt a Shakespearean level of disbelief suspension. Imagine that our favourite author was pure of heart and everything that she does is transparent and with good intent. With that in mind, if she wishes to purchase enough clothing to stock out a small shop, that’s her business. She earns the money and can do as she wishes (remember that we are suspending our disbelief here.) With that in mind, and remembering that she has the interests of ‘The women’ at heart, it is clear that there should never be a shortage of available clothing, for example, for those in need, as Saint R could simply purchase it herself. She chooses not to. She can afford to, as evidenced by her own purchasing frenzies, but she makes the decision not to and to further her own wardrobe.

Leaving aside all accusations and questions about her financial integrity, it is undeniable that she has the income to offer help in a range of ways if she chose to. She chooses not to. ‘It’s her money, so she can do what she wants’ is not actually a defence, it’s a quite damming indictment of the choices she makes.
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I can’t get on board with her squeezing out some tears for the less fortunate when she’s been trotting about in the the most ugly expensive garms I’ve ever seen. It amazes me that she can’t see through her own twattiness
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