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Racket: oh Trevi is an amazing organisation, they work so hard to allow women with addiction issues with their babies

It's OK to support women with addictions unless it affects her family. Then they can go fuck themselves. The hypocrisy is breath taking, more fool those woolly headed huns who feed into her bullshit and pay for the privilege.
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Somerset girl

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At this point we can write it for her "trolls", "jealous", "poorly in the head", "obsessed with me", "mothers", "they have jobs!" etc etc.

She's soooo boring.
100% guaranteed her and tic tac teeth have filmed themselves privately. Shes just waiting for the right time to tell people.
They are so fake with all this sex talk constantly. Thats the ONLY thing they have in common and for a marriage thats a really crappy thing to rely on. But this what happens when you marry your mistress 🤷‍♀️
For a husband of 7 or 8 years to say the only thing they like about you is your arse and tits its terrible imo.
She only spouts stuff about her sex life because she behaves like a teenager and thinks it will make people jealous, including waynbo.
I've never known an adult talk about sex so much. She behaves like a teenage boy bragging about loads of sex etc when they aren't getting any. She reminds me of Jay of the Intbetweeners!
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can anyone confirm that video? did she speak in front of 100s of judges and very important people today. jesus no wonder our courts are so behind and the justice system is cuput if they are all there watchign rachet today.
Honestly. If she was speaking to the Swindon and Wiltshire Family Justice Board, I doubt the judges from that area would even have time to be there. If they did, it would be no more than a couple of judges. I seriously doubt there were judges there though. The point of the board is to submit a united voice go the central team. This, I presume, would be coded and thematically disseminated to the judiciary. And, no, there is not a chance a judge would change the way they do things based on what that cunt says. They make decisions on a case by case fucking basis and will be guided by the voice of the child and their legal representative from CAFCASS. Why they have some dense nobody from a hundred or so miles away with zero qualifications or genuine life experience speaking to them is beyond me
Not local and not evidence based. Just the voice of an unsafe/toxic/poorly-in-the-head deluded amoeba. Definitely worth someone local to Swindon and Wiltshire challenging them on their choice of speaker with a copy of Queenbee's video attached.
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As someone who was a Army wife for 18 years before hubby got out I’m telling you now he would of been disliked and ridiculed bet he was a brown nose to the officers and grassing people up nasty little man he is
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100% guaranteed her and tic tac teeth have filmed themselves privately. Shes just waiting for the right time to tell people.
They are so fake with all this sex talk constantly. Thats the ONLY thing they have in common and for a marriage thats a really crappy thing to rely on. But this what happens when you marry your mistress 🤷‍♀️
For a husband of 7 or 8 years to say the only thing they like about you is your arse and tits its terrible imo.
She only spouts stuff about her sex life because she behaves like a teenager and thinks it will make people jealous, including waynbo.
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Chatty Member
Fingers crossed she does go on whatever crappy show it is. I have always believed that R’s downfall will be herself and her greed. The more she puts herself into the public eye, the bigger the risk of exposing her true self.
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That’s just weird, even if you’re trying to save money surely that would be the last way to do it!! Maybe I don’t know, don’t get a hugely expensive campervan and kitchen renovation?? It’s like she forgets that she films everything and saying something like that just sounds ridiculous! My daughter is 12 and is the most private person when getting ready/showered. No way on Earth she would agree to that and no way I would suggest it to ether.
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How does I having a “burner phone” stop his mates from filming and posting him doing stupid illegal shit??? That’s not parenting him so he realises the consequences of whatever it was and makes decisions about his behaviour. That’s damage control to prevent your shitty parenting being made public
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Just imagine her trying to get out of the hobit hole after she’s shit herself 🤢😂😂 there’s a fml moment for rach! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Considering she has to scoot on her arse across the floor 🙈 poor old Linda will earn her money scrubbing those skid marks out!

We all know that Rabies is OBSESSED with poo and desperately wants Sloshy to watch her take a shit, what's the likelihood that she shit herself on purpose to get a kick out of making him clean it up?
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And this is why I can't stand the woman. Last week she was "apparently" talking about helping women and their children yet here she is again skating one, talk about throwing Sam under the bus!
Ratschitt is scared shitless that she's going to lose either I or S to there REAL MUM and expose her secrets and lies

And who the fook spends 10s of thousands of pounds renovating a rented shop! You just wouldn't!

is the ship sinking Rachel? Ah never mind least you have your wet wipe hubby and your shit pink kitchen

p.s who the fooks faints when seeing a BP machine.... what a fanny!
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IF the boys mum has served R with a cease and deacist letter (however u spell it lol) then does R think patreon isn't covered in that? I hope the boys mum is aware R is still publicly talking about her (whether R thinks its private or not, patreon isn't, R is monetising on it) I hope she gets into trouble.
Its no ones business what goes on with those kids. Shes only done it to get her side of the story in there first.
The court did not stop contact for the boys mum. She was given contact, R and J didn't carry it on or allow the contact and the boys mum can't afford to go back to court to challenge. So shes stuck in a hard place.
If you can do it for strangers, why can't you do it for your step children??
Shes evil
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I don't think she (or any of them inc her followers) get what she is doing. She's not speaking to these people peer to peer. She's the test case 'victim' that they will listen to because they are ordered to this conference and then they will go back to their jobs and get on with it within regulations. Essentially to the people in that room, she is the same as the women who come into her centre are to her.

It's absolutely fine if you are happy to be the victim (which obvs she is,) but don't dress it up like you are part of the change making process. You are a tick on a sheet of someone's working week and it's not worth unsettling, plus leaving your kids in absolute chaos for. Wibble has missed saying bye to his friends now 😬.

Plus it's not even altruistic as she's sandwiched in a AD for her patreon saying she'll speak about it more on there where she is paid to. So she could raise awareness to 250k followers for free, but instead she'll do it to 4k followers for money.

Honestly fuck off 🤗

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It's a stupid endeavour. So much so that two 14 year olds were in a virtual sense, laughing in the creators face last night. It never achieves anything when people make trolling accounts on open platforms. It's been done so many times now and is always pointless.

Plus, the money issue isn't an issue. She doesn't cover up how much money she has, she's actually one of the worst braggers I've ever known and if she's not doing it, Josh is. So revelations about what she has materially aren't revelations at all. If you look at that account as an unbiased observer, it does look like people dislike her because she has money.

There are so many concerns that keep this thread pumping. How she treats people, how she uses/ treats the kids, how many outright lies she's told to keep this lifestyle afloat, how her followers bully people, how bloody thick she is, should she be giving advice to vulnerable women, what's the deal with Josh job wise and should be have access to vulnerable people, how often she neglects her role as a mother. I could go on and on.

The money aspect is easily explainable. She earns a huge amount from her personal Patreon and it's in black and white (however ambiguous,) what that's for. Oh and never forget, she loves it when people dislike her because of her income. It inflatesher sizeable ego every time.

Sorry, I'm aware it's 8.50am and this looks like a boring as hell lecture on something that's not my business, but fuck me, it's worth saying.
I thought the video was good 🤣 it basically just introduced who R was. And I think lulas comments have been deleted now anyway and rightly so. Hopefully all the kids have been blocked from that account.
The account did say new videos every so often so hopefully they will do some on all the things u have listed 🤞
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so does his exwife work? I thought from what’s been said and written by R, she is an alcoholic and addict so serious, that she can never have contact with her sons. Any how, I assume, if she is paying maintenance, she has halved it as I lives at his Aunts house
She's a nurse from what I recall. I don't know about the addiction claims to be honest. What is an alcoholic to Rachael? It's a bit rich that she zones in on her drinking given the amount Josh drinks. I think it's massively subjective from whoever you want to believe.

(For instance I can say I've witnessed Josh on her stories absolutely steaming drunk on multiple occasions, and there's always drink around them. Therefore I'd call him a functioning alcoholic if anyone asked me. He's even got the threaded bulbous nose. I think people in glass houses should be careful....)

Actually since he left work, he's barely functioning really. He's just filling space.
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She can’t write so it takes reading it about 6 times to make any sense of it - I thought it was his gran’s old number the first time too. I wish she knew what a burner phone was though, hilarious 😂

And I guess those creepy seb vids were all about proving some pathetic point after they found out about I getting in touch with his mum
Surely, as a self proclaimed drug dealer who used to travel County lines, she would know what burner phone is? 🙄

Wouldn't surprise me if Isaac had found a new phone himself and they've just caught him using it trying to speak to his mum.
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