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110 words in one sentence. Surely that’s a world record.
Mrs Cunty Comma
its all a but rich isn't it coming from the person who puts her own needs before the kids every day. Where were they on lula's birthday? Issac's birthday? How many holidays have the kids had compared to them 2 in the last 10 years? Who put their phone on aeroplane mode so the kids cant contact them when they are away. Who leaves a toddler playing in his room upstairs alone, and has done so for the last 12-18 months, so they can sit talking to strangers on the internet? But yes, sam is the selfish one.....
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Again, why does Josh go? Surely to God with Wilby and his issues and the teenagers problems the most important thing would be to stay at home with them and oh I don’t know, maybe parent them?
Remember, Sloshy allegedly took his "career break" to spend more time with the kids (and specifically Wilby following his diagnosis of level 3 autism).
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I can’t keep us with PTWM or these threads but just been made aware of the TikTok account made up about her… I knew she was a scammer but the main thing that has shocked me is the amount of designer shoes, bags, watches etc they have despite claiming not to have any money. How has she been able to carry on doing what she’s doing? I need to read more of the wiki!
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If she had the shits so badly yesterday that Josh had to clean her up, why is she wearing the Anneka Rice jumpsuit today which isn't the best thing to wear if you needed the loo in a hurry?


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Chatty Member
Woah I just read the wiki and my mind is blown 😳😳 I followed her in 2016 for a few years and gosh she portrayed such a wholesome life for a while. She is clearly anything but!
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Chatty Member
Epic recap, you girls keep me young.

Sorry, did I just read that she has told Seb he is like the men they tell women about at the centre? Aka when unqualified people make sweeping generalisations about abusers and act the expert? How disgusting. Top class parenting as ever. Slightly hypocritical as, as someone who is qualified to run a freedom course, I can name several characters her and Slosh resemble - remember the Headworker ratchet? You are meant to teach people the character babes, not play them.

I try really hard not to be personal about these people but she remains my big concern as to the messaging she spreads and the fact she continues to “work” with vulnerable people and the damage she can inflict. If people want to listen to her ramble, ignore problematic behaviour and blatant lies and pay for her lifestyle then so be it but she really needs to stop with the hero complex stuff.

once again, is she on the scrounge for Patchwork or as a private individual? Where is the audit of where all this money and Costa vouchers are going? Even refuges have to keep audits and the like, they can’t just fling money at people. As nice of a treat as a costa would be, they have to prioritise things like clothes etc. Ratch might actually know this if she wasn’t cos-playing at being a womens worker. Once again, a dangerous individual.
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I have no words to that latest story....why does Josh need to clean her after she's 'shit the bed' she a baby? 🤢
She loves shit, the fucking wrong un. She needs professional help, shes a freak
Hands up if you would be mortified if you shit yourself as an adult woman. Fucking hell, I would die if I farted infront of my husband never mind full on shit coming out of the bumhole 🤢🤢🤢 I was mortified thinking back on pushing 2 humans out of my vagina while he was looking. Shes disgusting 🤢
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Bit of extreme barrel scraping to log into everyone's accounts and set up a fake conversation between 3 people 💅
For starters, Seb wouldn't call her mum and never has.
If that’s Edie texting I’ll eat my hat…..she has impeccable spelling for a nine year old… anything real with this bunch of twats
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If three of them had the trots yesterday, what on earth are they all doing mixing with loads of people today? Is it no longer the done thing to adhere to the 48 hour rule and try to stop bugs spreading amongst the family and wider community?

I do hope Wilby’s new random babysitter is being paid danger money for potentially picking up a bug!
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Nice one Wilby. Covering the sofa with yogurt. Maybe don’t leave a “level 3 autistic” toddler to eat on his own???
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The poster last night asking for confirmation of which dad parented which child was simply to just join dots IMO.
They made no mention of searching out their socials or passing comments of their lifestyle, appearance which others have implied was their motive.
It's as innocent a question as which dad parented each child of Katie Price, Kate Winslet, Mel B, Blac Chyna etc.
None of us here are rich enough to be calling people out asking for this information. It just helps people realise which parent R is directing sly digs at. Just because you know, it does mean they do.

Edited typo
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She has publicly admitted that she shat the bed & lanky twat cleaned it up!
Unless she was unconscious or very seriously ill, she could have used a toilet (she clearly isn't that unwell). Or even slept in a room near a toilet.

Or she could have shat in the gravy jug?
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Is she also forgetting that she withheld contact from Edie's father and he had to start court proceedings to win contact. And looks like she's wanting to put a stop to that contact too, saying they're unsafe and dropping hints that he abused her too.
I think if she ever came out and said it in black and white that edies dad abused her, she would literally get pitchforks at her door from the whole neighbourhood 🤦‍♀️
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I really do hope Beunkind gets an upgrade to business or first class, for her flights home. She surely will when the check in staff realise who she is and who her Warrior mummy is
Unless Rachel has already given B the money that the huns have given to her, and she's already paid for a business or first class seat.
Then hopefully she won't starve.
Or, would you believe, major airports have restaurants in the departure area that you can eat in before your flight, or get a take out from, to eat later!!!!
What a lush world we live in ❤.
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