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“Happy Fathers Day, we love you” would have done the job, Rach 👍🏻

It’s not always about you.

How about you put that level of creative writing into your next Sunday Times Best Seller?
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Am I just too logical but if she’s getting food for free that she is then charging for, that money should go towards the items she needs. Like the free from stuff. Instead she charges, pockets the cash then begs for people to buy the stuff.
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Not that it should matter the state of someone's health, she shouldn't be doing it anyway, but Rachaele Hambleton, wife of sacked Devon and Cornwall police officer PC Joshua Marshall is now bullying someone with cancer???? And her huns are ok with this? Nevermind the fact it's not trolling if you've not been nasty in her inbox. :rolleyes: @Queeniebee you are obviously made of far stronger stuff than this nothing from Devon.
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Tattlers are flapping their gums and panicking??? where is she looking because from what I see the only person who backed down and gave up was R 🤣🤣
Queenie hasn't gone anywhere and she certainly doesn't give a fuck.
I most certainly don't give a fook! She actually doesn't know who she's trying to pee off!! She's trying to make me out to be a troll! Well I'd rather be that than a scammer!
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Chatty Member
Let's just take a look at the concerns part of the report from the ed psych for a moment. It needs a bit of unpicking. Firstly, she's published it out of context. What else was written in the body and analysis of the report? Then, let's read between the lines of the language used...

The ed psych has clearly stated Wilby "displays" a slight sensory sensitivity as he SMELLS his food. Just for R's benefit, you can't smell beige, so he can eat other colours.

Wilby's difficulties are worst during the holidays and new places. So, yep, we all know he loves being at school and the holidays are a shit show of chaos and new places. All at times when he is with his parents who do nothing to take account of his needs. And then the pair of tossers head to London to spout off about how the system is damaging their kid.

"He has shown some aggression"... this is not a concrete assertion that professionals believe he is aggressive. It is just reflective of the parents' account. The word "some" appears to seek to minimise the concern. For example, if the concern was significant, there might be something added along the lines of "Wilby had shown aggression and this has sometimes led to accidental injury to his carers". It doesn't say that though because it would be harmful to Wilby's future (hint R, stop posting online that he is violent) and could prevent him getting into the right school for him, which imo is a mainstream school where he will thrive.

Josh is concerned, his parents are concerned... this is code for professionals don't share these concerns in any way and so the report is including them, but the ed psych is distancing themselves from the concerns.

Anyway, I won't unpick it all, but we can see that a lot of what is written is just attributed to parental support and not about professional concern. Even with the potty training, the ed psych clearly disagreed with them and has written the advice given within the concern!

The bit about Wilby gets upset in some way on most days. It doesn't say dysregulates, nor does it say he needs to have time in a safe place, nor does it say that he needs significant adult support (above that needed by any other child) to recover. Some children get upset daily in nursery and pre-school settings and there are lots of reasons why.

Also, the bit about struggling with adult-led tasks. Speak to him through an iPad and all will be well. 🤣🤣🤣 He has no routine and boundaries at home (despite line 1 of the concerns).

When she says Wilby doesn't understand her asking what he did at school. That's true for many, many children at his age. Why the hell does she not know this? Why does she think all children's settings provide information to parents/carers to tell them what they've been up to and send whacky artwork home. She has no idea about child development.

As for all the talk of young people and suicide. No trigger warning, which is dreadful. She uses weird euphemisms to begin talking about the subject as though she realises it is all kinds of wrong! By the way, did anyone else pick up that she'd be angry if she was "holding a banner and Wilby wasn't here any more"? Firstly, the mere fact that she's considering that about Wilby's future appals me. Secondly, when considering potential future grief in relation to any loved one (not just children), most people go with sad, devastated, heartbroken, etc, etc. Not many people would go straight to angry when asked how would you feel if XYZ died? She is a genuine psychopath or a robot. One or the other. Yuk.View attachment 2257855

Her behaviour genuinely disgusts me.
All the huns will lap this up, but anyone who works in a professional capacity can see exactly what is being said here.
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If she does another crying post about “horrific tattle” it will just bring another load of new tattle members 🤩 because that’s how I joined in the first place ,thanks Racheal 👋👋 👋
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Apart from a bottle of milk or maybe a yogurt I can’t see what she has there that would benefit the homeless people Sloshua invited in. They can’t cook a pizza or pasta, I doubt they’d have a bowl and a spoon for cereal, they don’t have a kettle for pot noodles or a microwave for the Charlie whatever’s meals. So please explain to me you two, how did your “pantry” help the homeless?
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Poor Sam, I really feel for her. Not only is Rach not content with trolling decent people like Queenie, who is a stranger to her, she is clearly making the life of the woman whose children she stole and completely destroyed in the process, an absolute living hell. She is disgusting and morally reprehensible .View attachment 2262832
No idea how this lady is coping with the constant 💩 but I’m thinking that I is with Hannah & they’re still up Raqs arse so he isn’t allowed contact with his mum?
Gangster Gran telling the kitchen fitter she’s famous spoke volumes.
I agree, they are nasty, vile individuals & money is the only reason they’re onboard.
I sincerely hope those boys contact their Mum & bridges are built ❤
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"Police officer" punching kids. Joking or not, you could see the aggression in his face. Same as the way he kicked the ball at Seb. He's an absolute cunt!!
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Chatty Member
Ott posts of the birthday cake and gifts and look at what's next to the tv😳
Someone remind me what did she do for her own daughters birthday (t)? Oh yeah it was Swan off across the country to sell books and rescue remedy to people from her instagram
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🤔 noticed some interesting activity, someone on here was reacting to lots of posts on an old thread around 4am, all the posts mentioned cancer/chemo…
Might be nothing but it’s piqued my interest
Love this. Honestly, if I ever go missing I want Tattlers on the case! Nothing gets past us 😅
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Court ordered??? What judge or civil servant does she know? Would she not have to be a licensed service to be court ordered with actual professionals with actual PHD’s?

and why would a court order anyone to go to a Freedom course…? It’s not like it’s anger management…. So they’re not there by choice? Wtf!!!!

Like this woman is so beyond deluded it’s bizarre.
Well she did do a two day online course. Plus she can describe in detail how her 3 year old is beating up his 45 year old ex police officer Father and family on the daily and she can hear punches being swung, which is a rare talent in itself. Who knows what's true at this stage 😫.
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Both my sons just barge in, no knock, no hello, just busting in looking for a towel for their shower, a hairbrush, where are my clean clothes, can I borrow your hairdryer for my fringe mum 🤣 I can honestly say I have never told either of them to fuck off. I've never videoed them, snorted, and did an FML post. Its what they do, kids can be a huge pain in the ass but I chose to have them, therefore its my job to give them what they need until they are old enough to get it for themselves
This. I had kids. They're mine. I take the good the bad and the ugly. They fight with each other most of the fucking time and drive me to despare some days. Some days they are absolute legends and make me laugh. It's being a kid. One thing I will say, when and if my kids go anywhere, with their friends and their parents. I get comments on how polite and what lovely kids they are. The other week, my 15 year old got of his school bus and helped a man with a flat tyre. My kids can be little shits with each other sometimes but they fucking rock and make me proud.
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Rach, if your son is climbing out of his seat, maybe put him back in a harness clip one? (I don’t know if that’s actually what they’re called 😂)

your polis husband should know this 👍🏻

That’s all I’m going to say, because the rest of the letter makes me so mad if I started I would never stop 😒
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“Oh look at us in a sex shop, we never stop shagging…”

Sure babes 🙄
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Well, that wasn't the father's day post I was expecting.

I don't understand why she wrote it. Well, that's not true, I get that it might have been therapeutic for her, but why on earth does she want to give it to Wilby when he's older?! And if she wanted Josh to read it, why couldn't she write it down, print it out, send an email, WhatsApp it to him, etc? Why can't she just say she wrote something and wants to share it?

As for the letter itself, it just follows the typical Rachaele format of lie, poor me, dramatic exaggeration, horrific vomiting, sympathy please, repeat as necessary.

I did enjoy the part about how Josh misses work, though.

I know he misses it. I know some days when he speaks to his colleagues or reads about a job online he’d have been involved in he gets a little pang in his heart of wishing he was still involved…but he’s here.

Which colleagues would these be, Rach? The ones he said goodbye to in a WhatsApp group, before immediately leaving said group?

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