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Yet Rachaele Hambleton and her sacked police officer husband (who is on a career break to look after their level 3 non verbal son), have been in London for the past couple of days attending book launches, meetings that could have been done over Zoom, meals out and visiting sex shops. Only days ago she was describing how hard the "school runs" for Wobble were, how he kicked the shit out of Josh while he tried to take him to school and escaped his car seat in the scampervan, and now she has managed to entrust the very difficult care of this severely autistic child who thrives on routine to anyone she can find to do it!
Banging on about being desperate for support over the past couple of years
Does she think people are blind and stupid
She has not been interested, she just palmed Wilby off on anyone whilst she built her patchwork empire or modelled her designer gear, make up, period pants, endless freebies and went out for lunch every week, or weekends away with her husband whilst the rest of her children, assorted mates and bloody dog minded Wilby

Then she got sick of being called out and started her pay per view, started cutting back on what she showed

she thinks we are thick

Now Wilby has to start mainstream school and slack arse has to do something she’s now playing the doting mother albeit making time to write long rambling posts about how awful he is and what a nightmare she and his father are finding it dealing with him oh and crying about the rest of the ignored brood

Now I’m not saying you can’t have some free time as a parent but don’t go on as if you have sacrificed all your spare time to that child because that really is taking the piss and stop comparing yourself to parents who do try their absolute best every single day
Fucking fraud
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Unbelievable. I hope yet again that they aren't actually helping anyone as they could have potentially identified whoever this was.
Sorry am that shocked that I've just remembered that they don't work with idvas, they will send on a referral but nobody would just turn up at the police hq and any referrals would go straight through to a legit organisation in Exeter and not this bunch of untrained halfwits.
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Sorry who's put this? They do know that an idva is an actual professional role, where you need actual qualifications to be that specific role. And it's such an important, vital and specific actual job? I have never ever heard one of "the ladies" have anything to do with training or getting qualification with this. and it's actually f****** offensive if they haven't. and dangerous if they think that this work is done by someone random working at a "play shop". Not to mention actually f****** dangerous if they don't have the skill set and the training to do the role. it is such a powerful and delicate role next to the victim you are there key person in need at this time.
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All last night. She has shared a post which you posted on international women's day
😂😂 she commented on that on my post!

It's bad when you accuse someone of "trolling" you and you have to share a quote from their Insta rather than the messages I've sent her!

maybe I'll share the messages we exchanged!
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Omg that letter! How awful. How about just a happy fathers day ! She loves a bloody drama. And there’s spelling mistakes in there ! So much for being an author.
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Shes definitely got childhood issues.
At aged 40 she plays shops, hairdressers with her bestie in her bedroom and wants everyones dad to be her own 🤦‍♀️
She needs professional help
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Tattlers ( my bestest friends...ever) I'm in need of starting a go fund me page...or is it PayPal. Never mind I'm sure you will let me know, anyway I need therapy urgently. I discovered last night I've been banned off Mother Theresa's Facebook page. Oh what am I going to do? Last night I was so upset I had an awful snot fest, snorting, panic attack, and it made my head poorly. Nobody here to fetch my paper bag ( all whilst being filmed) so i wrote a letter to my late husband on how cruel he was at leaving me all alone. Does this qualify me for a go fund me/PayPal scam account?
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@Queeniebee I’m wondering if you have ever posted a screenshot from IG or Facebook and you could see your profile pic, that’s how she has “found” trolls before. It’s pure chance not mad detective skills. Can I just say raising a family and fighting cancer YOU are a real warrior woman 💪🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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New member
“Happy Fathers Day, we love you” would have done the job, Rach 👍🏻

It’s not always about you.

How about you put that level of creative writing into your next Sunday Times Best Seller?
I'm fearful these 'Letters to Wilby' will be her next book 😳 or should I shut up and stop giving her ideas?
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Chatty Member
Bit of damage control playing happy families at the beach this morning, unless it’s old footage that she is using to pretend 😂😂

I still can’t believe the way they all spoke to each other yest morning, pure hatred. I also wished that Sloshy had taken that phone and smashed it when he realised she was filming it, knowing it would be shared.

How they think they will have any respect from their kids when they act like kids themselves 🙄🤔
The irony of Josh lecturing about staying off social media for the first hour of the day, while his snorting wife, still lying in bed, is recording every conversation taking place…for social media.
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That letter has made me feel very sad. Why not big up all the positive traits about her husband and what he does well for each child… instead it has turned into a post about how difficult W is. Imagine reading that as an adult…that you’d nearly destroyed your parents. It’s totally unnecessary
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1st of all..... bullshit on all that.
2nd.. josh crying with Wilby and then again in the driveway..didn't happen! He admitted he doesn't cry at anything so doubt that happened.
3rd. If you really need to write ur kid a letter, keep it private ffs.
4th..u don't need to write him a letter, he just needs to internet search himself in the future 🤷‍♀️
And finally, she has basically just put down in words that josh is a far better parent than her because he actually tries to learn and understand Wilby!!!
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Excatly! She's an idiot! I know where all my kids are because I've fetched them up properly and they respect me enough to tell me or keep there locations on! My son who is 10 plays out, he knows if he switches his phone off and I can't track him he isn't allowed to play out the next night, sometimes he will message to say his phone is dying but he is so and so place! My 16yr old know she has to be in by 9.30/10 on a college night (normally it's around 9.15) My children have consequences for there behaviour and this they know. They don't just go out whenever they like and roam in at god knows when because they wasn't raised like it! So next time you go and tell someone to "spend time with your children" then please do the same!

Yep I think she expected the grovelling apology and me to say I'll delete all my accounts!
She won't go for you again now because she knows it gets her nowhere.
She tried it with vcjr and hoped she would disappear but she's still here to tell the tale 🤣
She needs people like you who won't back down and give in to her, shes not used to it and will literally have an epic tantrum because of it.
Shes Verruca Salt x100
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The aggression on Josh's face combined with the fist clench when he hits Issac, makes me want to break his bandy legs 🤷🏻‍♀️. I'm so grateful that my Husband and my two other lads Dads aren't like that. I would have been a nightmare.

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There’s always that one person in your family that’s an embarrassment isn’t there? She’s that person. I had an aunt that turned up at weddings in a lacy dress complete with lacy parasol which was clearly to upstage the bride.
the banner she had made just didn’t work for the protest at all, it wasn’t a walk for a start and if you saw it shared on social media you wouldn’t have a clue what it represented, she isn’t interested in helping anyone else’s children only her own and the banner made that obvious. I reckon there will be a T-shirt in the pipeline using the same design and hashtag. She makes it sound like Wilby has been failed at school before he’s even started but as someone else has already mentioned, the school environment is his routine and structure that he clearly thrives in and I believe that an outsider looking into that classroom would not pick out wilby if they were to compare him to what is written on paper about him.
Her bent, sacked copper husband is just a fucking weirdo, the way he acts, talks and dresses, everything about him gives me the creeps and he shouldn’t be allowed out unsupervised, not because he might fall penis first into someone (anyone) else but because he’s fucking creepy. Imagine him trying to chat you up 😂😂🤢🤢.
Gutted that they chose Chasing Cars to play over their not a walk protest too.
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