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And I quote "the poison that flows out of you for so many of us online that I’ve read will flow through your house and into your children. It’s sick." Please take on board your own words when dishing them out to others!
Fkin hate her double standards..who the fk does she think she is🤬🤬🤬
We don’t do name calling, but we call our kids little bitch and dickheads.🤬
Raise them kind was it Rachet.? You should wind your neck in and see your kids are far from kind. They are vile, all of them. They are a product of your doing. But you’re too busy laughing at their crap behaviour to realise YOURE the problem.!
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Iv just watched her stories and honest to god leave fucking tradesmen's tool the fuck alone!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Swear to god if he did that with my partners tool he would be knocked out!

Also, abit weird how shes trying to buy sebs girlfriend. She doesn't even go to that much effort for her own kids birthdays 🤣
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She tried to get me to bite by mentioning cancer and looking after my children! But having cancer doesn't bother me and I'm quite capable to taking my children on adventures on my own! Yes I'm with someone but we don't live together so I do everything she doesn't by myself! I've just starting to revamp my house BY MYSELF (if gives me something to do when I'm not "trolling" her or on tattle 🤣)

I didn't join tattle till 2020 so she couldn't use the 2019 on me!
Do you give your kids ice cream though? If you don't, then unfortunately you are neglecting them when you post on Tattle.
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Just had a look back to see what Ratshit got for Mother's Day. A £300 pair of jeans, and a £145 pair of trainers, plus cards from each child with a gushing message about how amazing she is.

For Father's Day Joyce got a public post telling the son they had together how he's ruined their lives.
At this point I'd quite enjoy some footage of Wibble kicking their arses all over the driveway. I'm not even ashamed 🤷🏻‍♀️.
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What kind of cowboy labourers leave a site with their tools still plugged in? 😳

Holy accident waiting to happen Batman.
Have the builders ripped the back off the house and gone home for the day?? It's supposed to rain in Paignton tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And leaving tools lying around with the non-verbal violent stage 3 autistic child that eats firelighters and smears shit and paint around, genius rach 😘
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Can you imagine being Seb and Lula living with those two horrors.

Neither of them work, they spend all day going on expensive lunches or ‘work’ trips to London. Basically swanning around doing whatever the hell they like all day every day. Sunny outside they head for the beach. No work to worry about for them.

They barely look after Wilbo, barely do school runs. It seems like they might cook once a week and to add insult to injury it’s Joyce’s vomit inducing roast with dish water.

Then you’ve got two kids that are at school/College all week, mostly fending for themselves see their lazy parents do bugger all while they go off to work hard on a Saturday morning. Leaving the layabouts in bed with Wilbo alone in his room. I don’t expect he’s allowed to bother them before 10am.

I used to get up to drive mine to work every weekend. Then make sure they had a decent meal when they got home. Like most parents do.

Those two lazy bastards can’t even cope with seeing their kids before they head off to work as it ruins their beauty sleep. (Tbf they need to give up on that idea, ain’t no amount of sleep gonna help those two fuglies)

It’s just horrible, nasty environment to grow up in. It’s a house of selfishness, confrontation, arguments, spite, hate, resentment and mental abuse.
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Raq....moved on!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

She's the one that's "fewmin" not us lot. We're just here enjoying the fact that she couldn't get one over on our Queenie
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Some of the responses saying how Wilby will treasure that letter?? Are we reading the same letter cos that's just bullshit isn't it. The huns make me cringe more than I've ever cringed before...
He might keep it somewhere so he can take it to show to his therapist one day, to save having to explain in detail how his useless parents have fucked him up.
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My heart hurt after reading that letter😭😭 when I was filling out forms for careers or dca (payments in Ireland) I’ll never forget on of the questions was basically asking me to list all his bad behaviours, I cried for an hour thinking no I’m not doing that he’s my child and he’s amazing but this headcase is writing her son a letter about his meltdowns just for the fun of it😵💫😵💫
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I hope Sebs girlfriends parents got their daughter a nice fancy cake for her bday, or there gonna feel pretty shit when they see Rancids gone all out & got her one!
She loves to take over, & buy ppls love.
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I posted a while ago that she even copied the colours from Punks shop, pink with leopard print. Does the woman/organisation not get annoyed at their ideas being copied??
Knowing the lovely lady who runs punk, she doesn't give a shit. We all know Ratshit is copying, and find it funny. Ratshit is trying to rile punk because she friends with V. It ain't gonna work, punk is far to busy actually helping people x
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@Queeniebee Have you had any messages from huns? Simply because there can't be any worse kind of person than a person who messages abuse to someone battling cancer. Classic Rach innit
I had a few with laughing faces, troll emojis and about 20 follow requests!
Thank you to everyone's nice comments! I did debate about posting yesterday cos I thought she's going to be on here checking but thought against it because I'm strong and stubborn enough to fight back if she gave me any shit! She really is the Cnut who likes to play the victim! Her problem lies with tattle not knowing who is saying what and she can't control it just like spotted Paignton page! Rach if your reading this..... give up thinking it's all everyone else because it isn't! We are all allowed to dislike people we don't know! I don't know Jim Carey but I won't watch a film with him in because he annoys the hell out of me! I watch you because your just a car crash and you life if you look closely is a lot worse than mine! Least I can hold me head up high when I go out and take my child to and from school without knowing people don't like me and you know what if they don't so what I don't care because there's more to life than caring what others think! Peace out bitch ✌
Just adding these here so when your coming on here to check out anything you can see and know that all this is helping me build everything up 👍

scribbled out my actual name and my face!


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That letter to Wilby... who writes that to their child. I heard what u were doing and ignored it, I watched you hurt your daddy and it upset ME, how about tell him about the positives? I don't know its just got to me this morning
She never has a good ŵord to say about that little boy. Never finds a positive and thrives on the negatives. Who the hell write a letter to a 3 year old outling everything he apparently does bad. She could hear the punches......what the hell is all that about. And that absolute sep of a lap dog husband of hers is pathetic. He was supposedly a police officer , but he can't handle a 3 year old child. I would have loved to see him trying to arrest a fully grown man resisting arrest. Her and that drip make me sick, and their relationship gives me creepy vibes
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I notice how she’s telling us that this is an issue for all of us - with or without autistic children. Funny how SHE never seemed bothered before Wilbo’s diagnosis 🤷‍♀️ She doesn’t give a rats arse about education or think it’s needed, so whys it so important for autistic kids and kids with special needs?! Surely they can all be lush like Be Kind and just not bother with school?
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I’m not reading that whole thing because the little snippets are vile enough!
It is totally beyond my comprehension that not only does she say she plans to hand her kid a box full of abusive letters to read when they’re 18 but that she is sharing both the plan and the abuse with the world AND then some twats are telling her how beautiful and wonderful this whole shitshow is???
Stop the world I want to get off!

I keep all the birthday cards I’ve sent my kids, I write nice things in them; what they’ve done well with that year or how we love xyz about them etc.
I’m paranoid that I might die suddenly 🫣 and I want them to never doubt my love (bit of an issue from my childhood) so knowing that if I did, they would find them and can read those kind words makes me feel at ease.
I would never leave them a negative to be hurt by!
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I am struggling to understand her reasoning for this little 'troll' hunt. What has been said thats so bad that she feels shes been trolled??? Shes the one who is whats wrong with the world! Shes deranged!
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Dear Wilby,

I just wanted to let you know that you ruined our fucking lives.


P.s. (who the fuck even considers writing the letter she has written to their son? Fucking lunatic) :rolleyes:
I read it and thought “ how do teachers manage these children as they must manage them otherwise there would be a class of screaming vomiting children” 🤔

that child has been dragged up and passed from person to person, indulged and neglected in equal measure no wonder he’s having melt downs

She had the option to be firm when he was much younger and get him into some sort of structured nursery routine but bottled it and now she’s reaping the results

I just think of all the parents of children with additional needs cracking on with it, who can’t remember the last time they got away together and whose every waking minute isn’t filmed for pity

she forgets we’ve watched her with him for years and half arsed is too lenient a description for her
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What a lovely time those kids will have one day in the future, sitting down to read a bunch of letters about how awful you made your parents lives...some things are most definitely best left unsaid
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