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Chatty Member
I'd say the more complaints, the better to be honest 🤷‍♀️
But I'm glad the person they mentioned is taking it further. She doesn't seem like she will back down either 👍
I think one concise, well written complaint from the person affected with the attached evidence is much more powerful than a load of random complaints, as that just feeds into their troll narrative.
The person affected literally has the evidence. They can go straight to the chief constable of D&C police with that to ask why a serving police officer (although on a career break) is allowed to threaten people.

Also how absolutely revolted did she look when he called her beautiful?!?! He gives her the ick.
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So there's Patchwork Women's Centre which offers a community fridge, washing and the fake Freedom Course however they are hardly open. You cannot find them on Facebook or online to contact, not even a website with DV links for help, numbers to call etc. There is one email to make an appointment but what if you cannot email and need help immediately. It does not come up as an option if you google DV help or similar either not even a phone number to call for them.
From what we know if someone DM's her, you get ignored. Apparently they get referred people all the time to help but then people come out of the woodwork that she posts saying how they "contacted Rach" and she helped them... blah blah. HOW? how did they contact. We know the referrals from SS and the like are bullshit. It's nearly impossible to contact them, am I missing something?
The only people we ever see in there are her employees. Also, the Patchwork Store it says all profits go into the Centre. Do they though? Doubt it. If so they would be able to make up food hampers etc for people struggling and not take them to Food bank or wherever they went last time.
While I'm at it What about the shitty clothing storage room she was so proud of. Anyone able to access that or is it where Jo sells her stuff online secretly for her.
Maybe if she concentrated on one area and built it up to assist people they all might actually help someone like they claim to do.
Sorry for the rant 😬
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She’s deploying the very tactics that got her husband the sack. Make it make sense it’s not normal 😬
If she’s sharing the names and addresses of people who have bought from Rebl with a 3rd party or using that info for purposes other than what the data was provided for without their permission then … Rebl was a very shortlived business venture 😂

I hope she gets reported to the Information Commissioner by Melissa if she exists.
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So now you're saying she DID message you? But it still isn't trolling!
She's getting on my last nerve now. You know sometimes when you are on here, because of the sheer amount of personal shit she shared about the kids. You can find yourself thinking 'Oh I could probably advise there,' to help the actual child (not her or that sack of shit she's married to,) but the child. It's hard not to feel like helping kids who seem to be struggling from a lack of guidance.

I wouldn't message myself because I'm not like that, but someone who actually works with kids etc, probably can't help themselves offer a helping hand.

Yet rather than just fucking accept that, accept that she is the one that has built up strangers investment in her kids, by making them communal property. She now has a shit fit because someone had the audacity to try and help her when she's sobbing into a camera at them.

You've got your £15k a month from your minions Rach. You've got your shitty book fodder, you've even got away with lying your arse off for years. Stop moaning, picking out individuals that you think you can bully and shut the hell up. Making a fucking show of herself because crazy Instagram woman is gassing her up 😐.
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Chatty Member
Nearly forgot...
Yeah dead cute and not at all similar to the punk pantry already running all over torbay, who also run a free uniform shop (something she also tried to get her atucky little fingers into).
I personally know the "punk" and will be letting her know that Ratshit is upto her bullshit again.
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Magpies fan

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The way she says “they’re being caught” as though being on tattle is an actual crime, that the police - you know, the police force that Joshua Marshall was sacked from - would be interested in 🤔🤔.
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There’s definitely motive for her posting these videos recently. It does seem like she’s throwing Josh under the bus.

Firstly the what looks like secret filming of how he speaks to Seb. She then pipes up with, “darling….” trying to make herself look like the good parent. Then with Lula’s, Josh calls her dramatic and Rach acts like she’s defending her.

Oh and with her just wanting Betsy to have nice things when she returns 🙄 whilst Josh is moaning yet again.

All of those, coupled with Josh finally “admitting” he was sacked from D&C Police… hmm.
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From those lives, it's just all a bit mad.

She's sending people here to look for comments about her interior decorating, when nearly all the comments are about her questionable CIC financials and that she lied about Josh getting the sack. Not to mention her ex friend saying she is a con artist yesterday.

No one else, no strangers, no followers or Tattlers are to blame for any of that. She can out who she likes, that won't change.
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Here are the others. He's such an embarrassing dickhead.
Fucking hell. Did he really say something about finding peoples addresses and they need to watch out?!

Between fucking Dangerous Derek and Merlot Marshall, we don't stand a chance 🤭🤭🤭🤭

And all this spend time with our kids doesnt really hold any weight now you've shared a video of Seb begging to spend time with you pair of cunts and you two trying to stop it.

I'd hate to be married to you as well Josh with your teeny tiny limp dick, stained red teeth, week old wine breath and a dependency on horny viking pills.

Ridiculous that they could prove everyone wrong and this would all end, instead they choose to, every 3 months, get all lairy after a few shandys, threaten everyone with house visits, tell everyone to spend time with their children, pretend to catch a few trolls and boast about doxing people then it all goes quiet again.

Honestly, lie better or fuck off you pair of cunts.
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Just been rewatching Happy Valley and the police officer says that looking random people up on the police database is a sackable offence, and it reminded me that Slosh was sacked!!
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If J is on a career break he should still behave like a serving officer, not swearing, doxxing and threatening. I think he's raging in those stories.
I found the S stories upsetting. He is craving affection and their time but they are too selfish to care.
They are 💩 parents.
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Poor Betsy parents her mother, that’s why, it’s so evident. Having been that mother before who’s eldest daughter used to try and take on a parental role to me because I was broken I can spot the signs a mile off. It’s not healthy Rach, thankfully I pulled myself together and she’s now thriving in uni. You need to pull yourself together because your 18yr old mothering you is disgusting.
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@DipsyDoodle i know you already put an obscene amount of work into the recaps, but could we please have a poll on the next thread? There seems to be a lot of new members and more traffic through this thread in the last few days so would be interesting to see where they've came from!

Poor Seb! I wonder if he knows that his dad, PC Joshua Marshall was sacked for gross misconduct 🤔
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Here are the others. He's such an embarrassing dickhead.
Alright Billy Big Bollocks 😂

Imagine being married to a cringe like that! And again ‘go and spend time with your kids’ where’s your kids slosh? Little 3yo Wilby left to his own devices? Playing with his shit and eating firefighters?! I am by far the perfect mum. But I have never let any of my children do this

Both getting all brave because they’ve seen tattle aren’t letting in any new members…
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Speaking of mums, (which Rach does a lot) I wonder what Mummy Marshall thought about her son being sacked from his job as a police officer because he accessed the police database to search for people who dared to disagree with the ethics of his wife…
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Chatty Member
I was going to put in a complaint with D&C police regarding this video, but if you are already sending it to them then 👍🏻.
I have just spoken to my partner who was in the police, he is shocked and disgusted at Sloshy anyway from what I have shown him he thinks he is a complete bellend, but after showing him these videos he said his area commander should be aware of what he is doing, and he also said since we have video evidence he doesn’t have a leg to stand on.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
So she actually very clearly says in that video that her ‘troll’ HAS NEVER MESSAGED HER!!
So how is she trolling her?

Maybe Joshua Marshall can look up the definition of troll now that he’s been sacked from Devon & Cornwall police in may 2022.

It’s not being a troll, it’s having an opinion on you and chatting about it on a gossip thread.
Does she go through mumsnet looking for troll’s because it’s literally the same thing.
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Sorry, don’t often post here and just catching up. Forgive me if I’m wrong but was PTWM’s husband PC Joshua Marshall of Devon and Cornwall police sacked? For misconduct? I thought he was on a career break? 💜
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