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New thread title thanks to @Imfinallyhere 🎉🎉🎉 you've won your very own stay in the Liverpool house of horrors, complete with smelly pillows and bars on the windows. Enjoy!

Last thread recap:
- Lying Linda continues to be a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- still on the subject of T's medical details, Rabies said that she'd had to ask her whether she could be pregnant, and T asked "was there a kid in there"? 😬 so either revealing that T may be sexually active, or lying to imply that she is 🤷 what sort of mother would do that? One who's a useless prick, of course. This whole situation has caused a bit of a rift with the WhatsApp huns, with some praising her for talking openly about heavy periods, and others thinking she's crossed a line in sharing such personal information about poor Lula.
- Remember Capsule Wardrobe Colin desperately asking for permission to go and do some shopping in Manchester, and saying he'd get up early so he could go and come back before everyone else was ready for the day? She turned it around and reckons she told him to go and she'd look after the kids 🙄 and that he sent her a "really grim" message thanking her for letting him go. Tell me your husband is abused without telling me your husband is abused.
- Rambo's made a decision to "be more present" with her kids in 2023, because Bratsy's moved out and created herself a whole new life across the country (in Jenna's spare room), and it's made her realise how fast time goes and your kids grow up. We'll believe it when we see it hun, because we all know you can't live without viewing everything through your phone screen, and sharing it for likes and comments from your adoring fans.
- a Q&A on PatreCON threw up some cringey comments, including telling one Hun that "Wilby's proud of you" 🤢 no he's not, he's a 3 year old who gives absolutely no shits about some random arse locker who pays his mum
- in the Patreon huns WhatsApp group the queen hun has found out that someone's been leaking their conversations to Tattle, and is DEMANDING everyone sends her their Instagram handles so she can compare to the Patreon followers to make sure everyone is legit. But remember, we're the ones who need to "get a life" and "spend more time with our kids" 🤷
- the extremely prestigious Glomama announced their nominations for this year's awards! Of course, despite calling themselves "The BAFTAs of mamas", nobody's ever heard of them and they only have just over 6,000 followers on Instagram. Anyway, amongst all the nobodies nominated for their awards, our very own Wonky Teeth Wendy is up for the "Guardian Angel" award. How exactly the nomination works is unknown (she may have put herself forward, or Slosh/PA Jo could have done it). Anyway, she's up against a list of Instagram nobodies. As with anything the Torbay Tart is involved with, the comments section soon turned into a shit show, with some asking why she has been nominated, being nothing but an abusive scam artist, and others leaping to her defence. Bratsy waded in to stick up for her mum, what a life when your 18 year old feels the need to start arguing with strangers on the internet for you! Glomama started deleting comments and eventually turned them off altogether - whoever does their social media was probably not expecting that shower of shite on a bank holiday evening 😂 over on the Glomama Facebook page (with a whopping 120 likes), someone was doing the lord's work by posting Tattle links, Glomama had either not bothered to check their Facebook, or had given up and hit the wine, as nothing was deleted. Meanwhile there were unconfirmed reports of snarling, screeching and "Jooooooooooooooosh make them stooooooooop" in the Paignton area, and a truck of Rescue Remedy was seen backing up the drive to the Patchwork Palace. All this while posting on PatreCON for attention and a bit of doxing, but still pretending to "be more present" on the main PTWM page.
- on her PatreCON page, she showed Wilbert fast asleep in his room, with a star projection light on. The same light that was seen on the Amazon beg list for "babies in prison" 👀
- desperate as always for attention from Mrs Hinch, Rectum has pre-ordered her new kid's book for Wilbert 🙄 she's not going to be your mate Rancid, give it up. You just look desperate.
- Rasputin has managed to get her nails done, they're now black "to match my mood". Awww, are things not perfect in the Patchwork Shithouse?
- the WhatsApp group may be imploding, with many apparently questioning some of Rabid's actions, and none of them thinking that the new tracksuits are anything special. For any of you lurking here, come and join in, we don't bite!
- Devon Live published an article about a number of disciplinaries for police officers, including one "unnamed officer dismissed without notice" for accessing and misusing police information for non police purposes, and contacting members of the public using a false identity for non policing purposes 👀 it mentions the officer's mental health and a psychiatrist report, remember that Rambo made a big deal for a while about Joyce having therapy, which mysteriously stopped around the time he started his "career break" 🕵️‍♀️
- meanwhile, Sloshy was so worried about road works he ended up being an hour early for the school run and took the kids for breakfast (implying that had he been on time, they'd have gone to school without breakfast 🤷).

I have added a few bits to the wiki and moved some stuff around ✌

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their "career break"...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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Just so there’s no misunderstanding, this wasn’t a live, it was prerecorded. So when he’s staring intently at the screen, he’s not looking for comments, he’s staring at himself looking well ‘ard. Knobhead!
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Is she seriously thick?! That’s a genuine question though. we’ve just been talking about her husband getting the sack for using the police system to track trolls (PC JOSHUA MARSHALL WAS SACKED!) and here she is flaunting using her REBL database to get the private information on a ‘suspected’ non troll. Using the same illegal ways as you’ve done previously Rancid. You just can’t help yourself. Your victim complex just can’t stop you from trying to make out that little old you is a teeny tiny little victim of everything.

she should absolutely not be in charge of anyone’s data, she’s scary. What do you have us enough information to track down where you live and where your kids go to school so you think it’s ok to abuse GDPR rules to try find out where we live. Difference with us Rach hun is that we keep ourselves private not because we don’t want YOU to know where or who we are. It’s that we know how safeguarding works.

The ICO take GDPR breaches very seriously I’d hate for you to be reported and get a fine Rancid. Just as a heads up though you’ve broken the GDPR rules and can expect a report from them for sharing personal information relating to a purchase from a customer who you suspect to be trolling you which is in no way related to what you gathered their personal information for in the 1st place.
Rachel Hambleton has been reported to ICO by me and the other person she doxd.
And to Devon and Cornwall police, who know Rachel Hambleton and her sidekick Joshua Marshall extremely well. Legal professionals are also involved.
And I didn't forget about her bestie, Samantha Morshed MBE, who shared my private email and email address with Rachel Hambleton.
Hi Samantha Morshed, it's such a shame you shared my personal information with Rachel Hambleton and then subsequently ignored all my emails, to you asking for an explanation.
Not to worry, that's why people like myself employ legal professionals 😐.
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She's done a live on paetron - not seen all of it as yet - but she has had her meters read and is now being charged £792 a month for her energy 😲
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The comments about PCNoMore Josh Marshall on the Daily Mail article are brilliant. This is my favourite.


It was true ten years ago and it's still true now. Except back then he was using his job title to get his name into the papers, whereas now he doesn't have a job title, he's desperate to keep his name out of the papers, and he's tagging his socks on instagram in an attempt to become a fashion influencer.
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If they haven’t messaged you, it’s not harassment 🤣

ETA, I think she means she’s got their address from the pretend tracksuit order. Rather than fb.
But again. Definitely didn’t happen and she’s deflecting as much as she can away from her fuck up about L and her husbands sacking!
Also trying to scare all the WhatsApp group that if you dare go against her, look what she will do.

Still can’t see how manipulative she is?
A really important point. She's now filming herself conducting the same nasty, vindictive tactics that she's employed in the past to any one that crossed her - ex partners, ex partners ex wives, ex partners children, family members, former friends etc. All that was once carried out behind closed doors is now all over the internet. Forever.

Carry on hun - keep exposing yourself.
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First time commenting 😂 cringe at when he said you’re getting 0 from us, errr you mean 0 from the huns because that’s who’s funding your lifestyles as you got SACKED FROM THE POLICE!!! You don’t have a job 🙈
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instead of outing Melissa as a "troll" even though she admits Melissa has never messaged her, just that she comments on Tattle, maybe she should prove us all wrong and show the documentation from D&C Police confirming sloshy's 5 year career break. How about the paypal records from mr twigger? How about proof of where all things from the amazon list went? maybe she could show who the winners of ALL the previous raffles were. No instead, lets give out the personal information of a subscriber who's helped to pay her wage for the last 14 months to thousands of people because she's posted something about her on tattle.

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Eyes Wide Open Now

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In one breath she’s saying she wants to be more present because they don’t stay little for long and she’s mending her tiny heart because the oldest left home.
4 days later calling the 2nd eldest a 3rd wheeler because he’s gatecrashing when you want to disappear alone for another lunch when you don’t work.

Seb is the same age as my youngest, I’d be grabbing my purse, car keys and picking my jaw up off the floor if she wanted to do something with me rather than with her mates 🤣 he is such a lovely lad, cheeky but funny with it!
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Having had a child who really suffered as a 3 year old , I can’t imagine when they were having a melt down having ‘ fat sobs ‘ and ‘ hand in head for 5 mins’. What comfort does that give a child…? When my daughter was going through this period I just stayed calm and showed her strength . I never let her see how hard I found it, because why would I make her feel unsafe when she was already feeling unsettled ? Her emotions were always valuable and I’d do my ‘ fat sobs’ in private . I still took her everywhere , I was raising her and another child alone , it didn’t take two of us , and I never let her see it was breaking me because MY JOB AS A PARENT WAS TO COMFORT THEM AND MAKE THEM KNOW THEY ARE LOVED ALWAYS.

They are genuinely two of the worst parents I’ve ever seen and they really should be under social services . They are bullies, they are unable to cope with a child who may need support , they mock a child who may have had sex way too young and they bully another child. The most sexual child they treat as a queen and tbh I find it all very odd
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I wonder what would happen if Devon and Cornwall Police were sent that video of one of their Police Officers who is currently enjoying a Career Break (snort), off his head, making threats and describing how a stranger online - who pays his wife a monthly sub - found out that another strangers husband has an, alleged, criminal record and then sent his wife this information.

Devon and Cornwall Police would be duty bound to reply.

These two cretins never think ahead.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
So the WhatsApp group were ordered not to look on here, not to comment about here, not to draw any attention to anything here, because it made R poorly in the head,
Can the WhatsApp group see now that she reads here, takes what’s being written here and lies that it’s in her inbox?
Can the WhatsApp group see that they both read here even though they lie and say they don’t? That basically R does exactly what she wants and expects everyone to tow the line and do what she says?
Is it all starting to click into place, are the dots joining up that what she says doesn’t match with what she does?

99% of the people that comment on this thread were fans, followers and honestly believed she was doing good things.
What’s going to be your lightbulb moment? It’s interesting to see how many lurkers are now commenting, how many more are trying to join.

She runs her business on gaslighting, smoke and mirrors.
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Just seen this on another thread, does suszie dent follow here???

PC Joshua Marshall was sacked from D&C Police 😘
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They also found time in all of this to take the piss out of T as well. I wonder why she had a bad day at school? 🤔 couldn’t imagine why that would be 🙄


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If they are so innocent why don’t they go on PTWM and declare how absurd the stories of him being sacked and her being a thief are false and show us some proof?? Seems to me they are hiding behind the private account preaching to the huns that so say believe their lies anyway. The gruesome twosome are getting very cocky considering half the WhatsApp huns are inbetween sides. I feel like it’s a bit “Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough” but really they’re just gas lighting at its finest.
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It would be absolutely fantastic if Seb replied with 'what the fuck would you know about having a job dad. You fucking deadbeat!' 😂😂😂
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That’s pretty impressive to have made two huge transitions new bed and potty trained successfully considering he is level 3 autistic, non-verbal and doesn’t understand anything you say to him!! WOW 😮
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