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There’s a couple of extra mentions I haven’t yet seen on here so here’s my 2022 Oscars.

mid you have better suggestions I’m happy to reconsider my nominations

Best video - “Oh are we” reveal
Best holiday - Dubai (special commendation goes to the picture of the extra legroom seat that they weren’t sat in)
Best day trip - taking her mates for haircuts
Best lie - Josh is on a career break
Best outfit - it’s a toughie, her camelhoof trackies, her bright pink mulberry combo, her OTT gucci glasses
Best member of staff - Betsy for her efforts in the Patchwork store sat there reading Tattle
Best Police Officer - (upto June 2022 only) Joshua Marshall for excellent extra curricula detective work
TMI Award - a late entry… the blood clot

For them, 2023 means it’s now only 4 years away from Josh being able to REAPPLY to join the police force (barred list for 5 years apploed
In June 22)
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This is too short but for a thread title what about something like this?... PTWM, WhatsApp hun? 😂
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Like everyone else I am disgusted by the live last night and her admissions of L. I 100% think she’s sexually active. I think after the bullying and gossip that she told us was spread about L a few months ago at the school she went and got her put on contraceptives because it was true not gossip. I am not educated enough in gynaecology or a dr to be able to say if it was a miscarriage or otherwise but I can say like everyone else my daughter would be staying in that A&E to be checked over and have her ‘fist sized vein filled’ clot tested. I’ve said it before but I can’t understand why her kids have to have boyfriends so young, I’d be discouraging it as much as I could and I would absolutely not be allowing sleepovers with boyfriends at the age of 13. I’d also be furious as the boys parents at her basically openly telling her huns that my son is sexually active and could be charged with whatever. She has gone too far with this FML moment, there are some things that should be kept secret, if it was a period chat and L was able to give proper consent (let’s face it L is not mentally mature enough to be giving full informed consent for her mother telling her secrets or to be giving full informed consent for sex) then I’m ok with that as I do believe we should be able to talk openly about what our bodies do but this was not a period chat, this was alluding to her 13 year old daughter being sexually active and potentially miscarrying, let’s call a spade a spade here.

not sure if the videos are something that can be added to the wiki in case there’s any SW come looking for any evidence to their case? If it’s in the wiki they don’t have to search for it.

I just want all those babies to be safe from her and Josh. It’s been said many many many many times but money is the only differentiating factor to a family on a council estate going through the same.The council estate family would have their children removed from their care so fast and it makes me so sad that because their mum wears Gucci and they wear The North Face that they aren’t being taken seriously.

This isn’t a note for L as Tattle will absolutely be banned from her phoned so will never see our screams for her to get help but if her big sisters still read here or any other family member please intervene, don’t text her because it’s likely you’re blocked from her phone but please in some way contact her and make her see sense that she deserves so much more in life than where she is just now. They all do. 💔
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I know this is just going round in circles but I seriously can't get my head around her thinking and way of parenting, and also the huns thinking nothing is bad. I mean she has 4 teenagers, all of which have chose to do some pretty serious shit in the last few months and baring in mind their parent knows about it all!!!
I get teenagers make wrong choices and mistakes but what those 4 have done is shocking.
Betsy has been having underage sex since god knows when and underage drinking since the age of 13, bringing random people back to sleep with each weekend, being a drug runner for her mum, kicked out endless times and being an illegal taxi service for her mates.
Seb has been joy riding, getting into moped and car crashes, depends on drugs for his depression and has also had to visit a sexual health clinic numerous times.
Issac has been vaping since god knows when, and is wandering around the streets doing gos knows what.
Then you have Lula, who is quite clearly vulnerable in multiple ways, has been having sleepovers at her boyfriends house, been bullied at school, has an addiction to vapes, underage drinking, underage sex, ignoring rules set for her and setting fires inside of her home while left home alone.
I mean, come on!!! Thats not teenagers just being teenagers is it!!!
I said a few threads back that something bad is going to happen and it will be to do with one of the kids and its clearly heading that way!
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100% this! Still can’t believe they didn’t get her checked out. Only a parent when it’s for content! How many significant incidents is that now of not seeking appropriate medical care?

Lula’s clot, Sebs arm?! A niece?
But she was Ok spending the night in hospital when favourite child Bekind had tonsillitis 🙄
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there’s a huge divide going down. Probably about 50/50 defending Rachel & the other half agreeing it was totally uncalled for.

But in typical hundom fashion they are arguing like mad amongst themselves with some describing the group as toxic as twattle 🤦‍♀️
Those ones who are defending R.... YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!
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She wasn’t discussing periods though, because that would be ok. She was discussing she thought it was a miscarriage openly in front of her 13 ye old daughter & her daughter even made a comment saying they thought it could be. Then her mum stares wide eyed & says no & laughs! My 13 year old would be distraught & maybe naively doesn’t understand the whole miscarriage thing yet.
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Ok, had to find it before I go to bed! I wish I could let things go!! But here it is


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She is going to twist this Luna story to her advantage and make out that the trolls are the people who are in the wrong, you can 100% predict it can’t you. She always does it when she is in the wrong but has to make herself the victim.

Also, will call an ambulance for Josh when he has covid but won’t sit in an and e with her daughter. Mum of the year.
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You might have deleted them but there are screenshots 🧐
Yes that's right, delete them, on instruction from her child, because GOD FORBID, she makes or claims any decisions of her own.

She can 'prove' financial records. She should have a log of everything that's gone out of that CIC and to where in case she gets audited by the HMRC. That's a regular business practice. Nothing out of the ordinary.

To the followers (huns, idiots, whatever they are,) asking if charities have to prove where they've spent money. I donate to six every month via direct debit and have done for years. Including Childline actually. I have regular updates from all six and can access their website at all times to see what's happening to my money. You can't even get a fucking Christmas tree photograph from Styal Prison MBU to see if a penny of your money went anywhere near where it should. Utterly moronic women. Shameless.
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One last clip from that live…
‘Yeah I totally know what you mean about you not being able to understand what your non verbal child wants. That is exactly like when my very verbal, nonverbal, child tells me exactly what he wants but I don’t understand him’ 🙄😂
Quick search of Chester zoos website shows they don’t have crocodiles…..
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Chatty Member
PA Jo is literally Anne out of motherland.
So grateful for the crumbs thrown to her by “Amanda”.
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Going by both of their reactions in that latest video, Yep her 13 year old daughter is definitely having underage unprotected sex and R is very aware of that!
None of this should be on the internet.
God help Lula when she goes back to school, teenage girls are absolutely brutal (and boys can be too) they won't care what the real reason is, they will just spread their own rumours around that won't paint Lula in a great light! Poor girl (although L clearly thinks is funny and doesn't see how serious it is)
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I am prob the longest lurker of all time but this has really got to me .... I was 15 and I had a cyst wrapped around my fallopian tube, long story short two weeks later it was out and my mom was amazing, she made sure everyone knew exactly what it was, saved me from any embarrassment with family or friends and at school cuz 15 year old girls are vile as we all know.
R is just setting L up for abuse from literally everyone and I feel so so sorry for her
My eldest girl is 10 almost 11 and I just can't imagine even remotely talking to her like R has to L in a couple of years time, it's all well and good talking about periods openly or sex Ed openly but this is different this is just totally on another level
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Thanks to @Imfinallyhere for the thread title, I edited for the swear. We're sending you for your very own weekend away in a shitty student flat with skiddy bedsheets, you'll have to bring your own fizzy cat's piss though!

Last thread recap:
- Lip Filler Lisa is, as always, a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Wobble and his animals were taken for a lovely festive day the Volvo garage. With both adults at home without jobs, you'd think one of them could do errands while the other looked after the level 3 autistic, violent toddler. Anyway, they've had the "worst day in months" with "meltdown after meltdown" and "he hurt himself lots". If he was whingey it was probably because he's 3 and he was dragged to the car showroom, and he got very bored very quickly 🤷 yet again no evidence of any meltdowns or Wilbert being hurt.
- @chickenshopcharlie regaled us all with a highly amusing round up of the implosion of a WhatsApp group set up by the Patreon huns, the full details can be found here it's a long read, but I promise it's worth it! The "hubster" 🤢 of a hun (code name Derek) promised to come on Tattle and fuck us all up (here's the voice note, unfortunately poor old Derek didn't manage to keep to his word, and we all remain sadly unfucked! It turns out the huns have been raising money amongst themselves "for the prison babies", with one of them giving out her PayPal and bank details - sound familiar?! Rambo asked them not to discuss Tattle as it "makes her poorly", yeah sick at the thought of her loyal PatreCON customers coming here and seeing us talking sense about her scamming.
- some dickhead has sent a little gift for Wobbly (a colouring book). Of course Rancid thinks it's totally lush and not at all creepy that a complete stranger has managed to work out her address 🙄
- the parents of the year are taking their favourite kids off to Longleat for the day, and old Socks 'n' Sliders Steve asserted his authority by giving Isaac specific instructions for what to do when his delivery of a bird turns up. Oh, and Lula's not coming either, she's manning the till at the tat shop. On Patreon, Ratchet had said they were going to get up and off to Longleat between 7 and 8am, but at 10am they were still at home because loads of huns told her it was really busy. Ratfink emailed Longleat saying she's got an autistic child and asking if there's anything they can do (most SEN parents who need to make use of any special provisions would have done this in advance so they can plan appropriately, but what would they know?).
- meanwhile, Bratsy video called Scouse Jenna while she was cleaning her room naked - early attempt at starting her own Only Fans?
- it appears that the visit to the Volvo garage was to get Sloshy a new car, as while the monkeys were climbing all over it, he could be heard saying "I only got this yesterday". Who picks up a brand new car and the next day takes it to a safari park?
- apparently the queues were too long to get dinner, so instead the kids were given ice cream in the rain, and Wilby had a meltdown in the car on the way home (did he Raq? Was it actually a meltdown, or was it because he was tired, bored and hungry, because his ridiculous parents didn't plan properly for taking 2 children out for the day?).
- meanwhile, in Liverpool, Bratsy's trying to launch herself as an influencer, showing "a random day in the life, getting my eyebrows done". Yawn.
- Rectum threw a party for the women at the centre (aka her employees and hangers on), with the sort of buffet that hasn't been seen since a church hall kid's party in 1989.
- Rambo spent some quality family time with Mannah and her husband on Christmas Eve - by getting them to fold her laundry while she filmed them in the kitchen. Such an amazing host!
- on Christmas day, Wilbert was given more animals, and Edie commented "all we need now is Seb and Betsy" 👀 has Seb moved out as well?
- Edie's got the Dior lip oil she asked for, complete with her name engraved on it (which would have made it £40, entirely appropriate for a 9 year old). Apparently Lula had wrapped all Edie's presents, because Ratface was clearly far too busy.
- as a special Christmas treat, we finally got to hear about Sloshy's row with the bin man. Thrilling stuff, although Slosh was disappointed that he didn't knock on the door to congratulate him on doing his recycling correctly the next week.
- OF COURSE there's a "FML" story about having no cooking oil, so Volvo Victor has packed all the kids up in his new motor to go off to try and get some so they can make their dinner. Horse Pubes Helen is missing Bratsy, and won't do a Christmas picture without her, but it's all ok because they're off to Liverpool to see her in a couple of days. The Santa at Wilbert's preschool went off sick, so they asked old Red Wine Raymond to step into the role. Luckily the fake beard covered most of his face and the tic tac teeth, so he didn't scare the kids too much.
- she's probably on the beg for an ad deal, because she tagged the cookware they're cooking their Christmas dinner with.You can use whatever pots and pans you like hun, your husband still serves up dishwater gravy!
- on Boxing Day Rancid and Merlot Malcolm headed out with some of the kids to have a boozy lunch Arsetrid and Simon, and Sloshy was complaining about Lula being bored and slumped on the table. Rumplestiltskin spilt her hot chocolate on Arsetrid's cream coloured jeans, and afterwards in the park she bit Lula on the head 🤷
- the trip to visit the golden child is looming, and Rectum couldn't be more excited to be reunited with her favourite. Meanwhile, Bratsy can't do anything without Jenna reporting back to BV Brenda, with texts being screenshot and shared 🙄
- despite claiming that she can't drive on the motorway, Lip Filler Lesley managed to drive all the way to Liverpool, which apparently took ten hours. Well done hun, you definitely deserve a fizzy cat's piss or two after that!
- Silky Penis Steve was allowed out without Ratchet surgically attached! I mean, he was only allowed to take Wilbert to the zoo, and probably had to send his live location to the most beautiful woman in his world every 30 seconds to make sure he wasn't falling chipolata first into a hot female keeper.
- the older kids appear to have been left to their own devices in a strange city while the gruesome twosome headed out for a meal. Poor little level 3 autistic, violent Wilby, staying in a strange place surrounded by strange people, however will he cope? Just fine, apparently 🤷
- it turns out that the "lush" Airbnb that Rabies rented in the city centre is actually some scummy student accommodation with locks on all the doors 😂 no expense spared when she's off to love Knife Tattoo Nigel the hardest, but when the kids are involved it's the cheapest and shittest she can find. Tallulah had a medical emergency involving passing blood clots "the size of a fist, with veins", and was taken to hospital, but the wait was 12 hours so her loving mother took her back to the shit rental (and put a clot in the freezer to show the doctor when they get home). Excellent parenting, not only not bothering to get appropriate medical advice at the time, but talking about it to the paying huns.

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their "career break"...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page


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And she wonders why T has a crap time at school, this shouldn’t have been shared esp to paying “customers”
I don’t think she can go any lower than that, I’m shocked.
Terrible mother
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I’m sorry but if none of lulas family, and I’m including people like her Nan, Hannah and granny marshall etc in that or her teachers don’t take this further then I literally despair.
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