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Chatty Member
Rachel telling people to go play with their children, £100 worth of Costa vouchers I bet wilby is on his own in his bedroom with his iPad for company
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From what I understand, she uses PTWM funds…. Is she allowed to do that?
That’s what makes it unclear. When she says she puts her own money in, does she put in money from wages she pays herself or from the PTWM pot earned from ADs etc.?
Firstly, when she did her end of year accounts for the CIC it stated that the then Directors (Rach, Jo and Emily,) hadn't taken a wage from the CIC profits. So to the HMRC they were not being paid by Patchwork CIC. (I assume PA Jo's & Emily's salary was being paid from PTWM business, but how they swung that with Emily I don't know because she was never involved with the PTWM business.)

She could use her own money made from PTWM on the CIC. However, she would need to make it a donation and tax needs to be paid on it. So essentially, she would be paying income tax on the money going in to PTWM from her books/ Ads/ Patreon then a second lot of tax after she donated it to the Patchwork CIC. That fundamentally makes no sense. You wouldn't pay the HMRC twice for the same lump sum of money.

If she used PTWM earnings on the CIC and didn't put it in any records for the tax bill on the CIC, then that is Tax evasion. Also from what I understand, all vouchers, shop or otherwise that have a monetary value (such as Costa Vouchers etc,) coming into the CIC also need to be logged with the HMRC as taxable income.

All this is because the CIC is a business not a charity. Charities have their own regulators. CIC's are easier to run and you can pay wages, BUT all income from Raffles, to Vouchers is taxable income.

((While I'm here. REBL is NOT a female owned business. It's profits go into to PTWM and Josh is a director and 50% shareholder in that. Therefore he owns 1/2 of REBL. Nothing like a bit of false advertising 🤦🏻‍♀️.))
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Where to start.....

Firstly thanks to our PatreCon allies, not to be confused as huns, who are spending their money so as we can witness the highs & lows of Rachel Hambleton.

Lula.... questions have definitely been raised and need to asked, addressed as to the huge vulnerability of this child, and she is a child regardless of how she acts, dresses, her actions etc.

L was so unwell that a mother who has had 4 children and numerous miscarriages herself felt it necessary to attend A&E. On their professional advice it was deemed more testing, further examination was necessary so sit and wait your turn, you'll be seen in due course. Of course if symptoms escalated you'd be in the right place for any emergency intervention.

But we're only in Liverpool for 1 more day and we've all got plans, shopping, meals, drinking, people to see so......let's not listen to sound advice but ask a few personal friends in the profession and see how it goes.....

Because we're on a short family mini break, what happened is so alarmingly personal, and no one else's business, why not go live on PatreCon to share the finer details with my fans ....and this is where it gets alot worse.

Rachel has purposely delivered the situation in such a way that everyone will question what genuinely occurred.

So L is on patches to help control her heavy periods. She is very slender & too much blood loss could cause her anemia so that's sensible..... however it's also raised the question of her now having underage sex.
Asking L the question of whether it could be a pregnancy, swiftly cancelling that as it not being the case but to then reference the visible veins and 'is their a kid in the clot'!
I know it's the festive season but the virgin Mary she is not!

Clearly that remark alone, BIB, as a parent would bring you a reality check that your 13 year old child is now having her periods, taking birth control, dismisses the possibility of her being pregnant only to realise that intercourse is necessary for a clot to contain RPOC and on telling her boyfriend, who incidentally would also be in a shit load of trouble, of the situation he then questions whether she's been cheating on him.....HELLO!
So he knows what they get up to when L said 'mum asked if I was pregnant but I said no'. Unless of course he is Joseph.

R, how many alarm bells need to go off for you to take a step back, access the situation and realise it's totally out of control?

How would you deal with this same scenario in your home?
How keen are you to follow a DV & Kidscape ambassador knowing she openly shares all this information which is not relevant to either role?
What does she have to do to make you sit bolt upright, take a deep intake of breath, shake your head & unfollow?
The professionals amongst you, how many lines has she crossed divulging all these details, not just L today but previously with S, I, W & B?
At what point is enough ENOUGH?

Honestly I could go on all day. This can't continue to be ignored by all the other adults in the family. One hopes someone from the school raises the alarm and speaks to L regarding the exposure and danger her parents are putting her under. The lack of accountability, safeguarding, educating. Every adult with access to these children need to have a word with themselves and step up.

Of course this information surfacing, the gossip and speculation, the potential situations L will find herself in socially, at school etc will all be the fault of the trolls.
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Well ladies and gents it's that time of year, let's all recount out favourite Ratshit and PC Titwank moment of the year 🥳
A strong first place for me is "oh are we" and the subsequent trip to (not)Barbados 🙊🙊🙊
Mine was when Slosh screenshot himself calling the account that had sent him the message saying he was a shit detective and got sacked. Absolute comedy gold. It had no profile picture or anything and he was acting like Liam Neeson.

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Oh Rach Rach Rach I think hun what you posted last night is going to be your down fall hun

1. You clearly know your 13 year old daughter is having under age sex
2. You think it’s funny she could have had a miscarriage (no trigger warning before you posted those stories, those stories shouldn’t have been posted in the 1st place #youradickhead)
3. Not seeking medical attention can cause damage to your daughter
4. If this is to rattle up the trolls then you are in your words “poorly in the head”
5. Anyone who reports it might be T boyfriend getting arrested for under age sex
6. Your a shit mum and a cunt

As for Tic tac teeth a formal policeman well no words, no wonder he was sacked
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My heart hurts for Lula tonight, going by her comments it could have been a miscarriage and whether she knows for sure or not, it is something that will likely play on her mind for a long time. She is so young to have to deal with all of those emotions 😩 I had a miscarriage at 14 - I was a fucked up teen, and the impact it had on my mental health for years after Is no joke.

someone needs to intervene for Lula, her dad, sisters, Nan? Just someone give her some support and appropriate guidance without using it for content.
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So it was one of her first bedsits but she was in a bedsit at 15 (according to previous fiction), then in this she was 17 but has been best friends with this girl for 20 years which would make her 20? She moved out when the landlord sold it but it was her friend who owned it? Said friend rented out all the rooms to make money but her dad had moved in to look after her? And the current owner bought it from an indian couple who bought it from a girl whose mum died of cancer. That is not information the owner would be privy to. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER?
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Some are saying it’s good that periods are being openly discussed. others are saying miscarriage innuendos, joking or not, are triggering and shouldn’t have been said.
They are right. It is good that periods are openly discussed and perfectly acceptable.

However, when you as a Mother are openly discussing your 13 year old CHILD'S periods with 3000 strangers, alluding to her being sexually active with a boy who I also assume is a minor, and having a possible miscarriage. Plus admitting you did not not follow through with adequate healthcare for her and the said CHILD, who clearly didn't understand the concept of what was happening with her own body, but had obviously been left to administer her own contraceptive routine without adult supervision (hence the patch being on for 7 weeks, when it's a three week on, one week break cycle.) It's a problem.

So I can only think that they maybe inexperienced or confused, as no part of that scenario is defensible. If they need a chart to help them understand, let me know 👍.
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Chatty Member
When I was T’s age, I overheard my Mum on the phone telling her best friend something personal about me and I never confided in her ever again. One friend was enough for me to feel utterly betrayed. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have my innermost secrets broadcast for cash to thousands on the internet
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Imagine having a life where you are talked about on a forum, you can't have anyone else post about you because you get slated on their posts, you can't promote your books on publishers sites because you get negative attention, your talked about in a private WhatsApp group, your talked about in the school playground, your talked about within your family unit, you constantly have to monitor everything...... all because your a nasty person who throws everyone under the bus since the age of 14 and haven't learnt how to be nice and because your a scammer who sells out her own kids.

Yeah.... so jealous!
You don't get trolled Rachel... you get gossiped about because your truly a vile human being...even your own huns are turning against you 🤷‍♀️
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I just want to say, and I think I speak on behalf of us all, that I've added @DipsyDoodle to The New Years Honours List for services to the Empire. Both for Tattlers here in the UK, to as far out in the Commonwealth as Canada for @VCJR.

Here is you MBE with thanks 👏👏👏

View attachment 1843927
Also Victoria Crosses for @chickenshopcharlie @weeping cassandra and @jxhx for risking their own lives daily by braving enemy territory in Hundom.

(Apologies if I left any Resistance Fighters out)
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Go play with your children 😂

While reading on tattle our children have NEVER

managed to sit on the kitchen table
Eat firesticks
Knocked over a water lamp in their bedroom
Eaten or played with shit
Knocked over a tin of paint without getting any on themselves

oh but your son has done all the above and more, so who needs to play their kids 👀

not us tattlers🖕🏻🖕🏻
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So I got round to watching the live this morning whilst tackling a huge mountain of ironing and all I can say is WOW.
I actually can’t believe what I watched. I would never ever talk about my two daughters like that with close family members, never mind on a public platform!! And the sad thing is that L appeared totally unfazed by it all and even seemed to be enjoying the attention!!

After watching, I headed on over to Hundom to have a look to see if anyone had any opinions on there and it’s kicking RIGHT off on there 👀
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sorry (but not sorry) but if any of the huns watching that live still think that’s it’s acceptable to be broadcasting your daughters medical issues/possible miscarriage then you deserve to be ripped off and scammed.
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It’s all very quiet at Hambleton towers isn’t it? I mean I know she’s taking a break from social media (except Patreon) but the silence is deafening. Assuming Josh is taking a step back too, and the Patchwork shop Insta? Have the happily married couple fallen out maybe? Josh was obviously really pissed off that Rach let Wilbs fall asleep yesterday wasn’t he? Hundom is on the brink of collapse as the huns are divided, can Rach afford to lose even 25% of the Patreon subs? Her tat shop and brand new clothing brand are non essential goods and sales will be dire not only because of the cost of living crisis but post Christmas is always rubbish for that sector (who in their right mind launches a new clothing brand 10 days before Christmas?) She throws money at all these little projects then claims there’s nothing left for a carpet or food for her ladies. She’s fallen out with at least two of her inner circle, E and Jo. Has anyone seen Lianne since before she didn’t take R to Liverpool? She’s been nominated for an award that’s inadvertently helping to raise public awareness of her questionable goings on. And as if that’s not all bad enough she’s announced she’s going to spend more time being ‘present’ for her family and they all seem to have fucked off and left her to it.
Hambleton towers are crumbling before her very eyes!

A thread suggestion;

A guardian angel? You’re taking the pee, she’s the scammy mammy from Paignton by the sea!

Sounds like the residents in hundom are slowly but surely starting to wake up just like we all did before them.

Dear huns/soon to be ex huns, come on over to tattle I can guarantee you’ll have a much better time.
And it’s free 😀
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Chatty Member
I do think you’ve hit the nail on the head that we’ve offended them cos I saw a comment the other dayfrom popular hun something like “a lot of what the trolls say is valid and makes sense but then they spoil It with their nastiness and obsessions over rach”….
Obsessions over Rach? They’re paying to watch her, in an insta group for her followers and also have a WhatsApp, in addition to checking her thread in here.
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