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Are the Huns as disgusted as we are 🤔
there’s a huge divide going down. Probably about 50/50 defending Rachel & the other half agreeing it was totally uncalled for.

But in typical hundom fashion they are arguing like mad amongst themselves with some describing the group as toxic as twattle 🤦‍♀️
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Imagine waking up in a morning and having to worry about what's being said about you on tattle, a WhatsApp group, Facebook and Instagram.

Then she has to get up and deal with 5 kids all with various issues caused by her lack of parenting, sloshy opening the red wine by 9am and following her round all day, various shops and centres to think about, cleaners and dog walkers to let in, and then she has to start working harder on the internet all day to keep the money coming in.

I honestly have no idea how she lives with the pressure. I'd have jacked the whole thing in months ago. This patreon and WhatsApp group is really sounding like it could be the massive eye-opener people needed.
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this has been screenshotted and sent over to Hundom this evening and has started a hefty debate with many agreeing that it is totally out of order for Rachel to be falsely declaring it’s a female owned business and not many defending it. More and more of her followers are now questioning her motives, how honest and transparent she’s being with her followers and audiences and all the while ripping the shitty REBL tracksuits apart. No wonder R is in a bad mood and PA Jo is trying to calm the waters!
All hail fridak!! 🤣🤣
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This is the start of it. Obviously a bit late for Rach to set the Patrecon huns over there now so will probably stay up till tomorrow. Poor Glomama SM team clocking off for the night thinking "thank god that's over. Who the fuck is Rachel Hambleton anyway?" 😂😂
Yeah that hanna is mates with mia I think. Shes also been a member here *hannabana or something like that.
THATS the real reason rach is going on a hate campaign against hanna, because she knows her in real life and knows that hanna knows the truth 🤷‍♀️
Clearly hanna doesn't give a shit 🤣👏 and shes not a troll because she's always used her own name and social media account.
Rach just loves to make it sound like they are all strangers who stalk her when it's not. Its people she has fucked over in the past coming back to haunt her... karma 😉
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Why do they always resort to ‘go and play with your children’ lol. So pathetic. Number 1 my children age fully grown adults, pretty sure they would think I was nuts if I asked them if they wanted to play! Number 2 - where are your children when you sitting on the internet defending that piece of shit?
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Well ladies and gents it's that time of year, let's all recount out favourite Ratshit and PC Titwank moment of the year 🥳
A strong first place for me is "oh are we" and the subsequent trip to (not)Barbados 🙊🙊🙊
Where to start?

When Foreskin Free Fred started tagging all his outfits, including his socks, and making sure his £5k watch was always in shot.

Or when he bought a trolley for "deploying" to the beach.

notBarbados was the gift that kept on giving, I enjoyed it more than Rabies did! Spending her 40th sweating her tiny tits off on a hired bike was a particular highlight for me, as well as Norman Noballs boring the tour guide to tears by telling her all about some birds and wishing he'd taken his binocs.

Oh and don't forget the gruesome twosome dressing up as Pamela Anderson and David Hasslehoff for Bratsy's 18th.
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I’m disgusted and horrified!
I have 3 Daughters. My eldest is 17 and has NEVER behaved or acted anything like queen B! My almost 13 year old will still play with barbies with my 7 year old when she asks her to!
The life of that family IS NOT NORMAL!!!!!
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Awww thanks babe! I couldn't do it without your love and support, and now it's the new year, I'd like to let you all know I'm starting up a Patreon so you can all help me continue doing what I love (being a Tattle bastard). Love you all!
You are so welcome HUN.

I was going to send you an ASOS voucher, but I've sent them all to the Prison Babies to rig themselves out this year (so demanding these 18 month olds, they want the world for nothing 🙄.)

Anyway, I'm just waiting on one of the kids selling their kidney so I can get you a lush REBL sweatsuit like Nikki's 💜

Happy New Year Everyone 🎈🎈 (not you though Josh. I hope you ladder your pretentious socks 👌.)
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I won’t name the Instagram account as I don’t think it’s allowed here but I have just seen a post on insta about ptwm. Apparently someone shared a pic on here and left her own profile pic visible so she was found and her info passed to Rachel. Rachel has messaged her the other day and she hasn’t been active on here since. So a tattle/troll rant is probably pending followed by some lick arse apology and backtracking from the caught out tattler
Thing is they need to be very careful here.
If I was a bastard I could very easily take something from a live, for example one says ‘I’m off to Paris to get married tomorrow’, come on here and say ‘I won’t be on for a few days guys I’m off to Paris to get married, see you soon’ you know they would hunt that hun down and accuse her of being me!
And if I was a really big bastard, I know what most of their full names are I could go on Facebook or insta and take their profile pic and put it where mine should be and ‘accidentally’ post it…
Now, I’m not saying I’d do that, but I could! Just something for them to think about when they are trying to track people!
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So obvious her 13 year old is having sex, the child, those conversations should not be filmed! That kid will look back & wonder why her mum let it happen (underage sex), film it & not get her seen properly if it was so serious. The kids friends etc have now seen that video my daughter who’s the same age would be mortified
I’m gonna try and be as careful as I can with why I think Rachet is sharing Lulas private life in glorious technicolour. Hopefully I’ll make sense.

I truly believe Rachel thinks that by sharing this, her huns will think shes “not just a regular Mum, but a cool Mum”. Furthermore, and this is where I need to be careful with how I phrase this, she actively wants her kids to grow up before their time. She wants L to be sexually active and for boys to find her attractive and want to sleep with her (it’s so fucked up, but I hope I’m making sense)

It’s so Rach gets validation for creating these kids whose behaviours are way beyond their years.

It’s another way for Rachet to live vicariously through her kids, and for them to follow in her footsteps. She’s showing off. It’s gross. It’s weird, illegal and beyond comprehension.
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Bewildered Barbarella

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She did talk a while back about taking L to the sexual health clinic so its pretty obvious its for that reason and not for heavy periods. At the hospital they would have taken a blood test to see if it had been a pregnancy. It doesn't always show on the shop bought tests but would still show in blood. She would've at least been able to definitely rule that out. I can't imagine not getting my child seen by the hospital if she was loosing blood clots.

To the huns thinking its marvellous their leader is making the world more aware of periods .... really?! Half the population has one every month. Were not in Victorian England, I'm sure there's enough info out there without some random person on the Internet talking about her 13 yo daughters?! They really are scraping the barrel to condone her behaviour.
I don’t want to be that person but I am pretty dubious about the reasons for her being on the patch and I don’t think it’s for heavy periods, I think R has put her on it as she knows she’s sexually active, which if this is the case, she should be 100% helping that child with managing it!

My sister at that age suffered really badly and in the past year I’m experiencing really heavy periods and looking back at my sister and myself now, I stick to dark colours at that time of the month. I’m not saying T has to dress as a Victorian ghoul but I find it very strange that a young girl who is experiencing abnormally heavy periods isn’t insecure or worried about leaking or anything showing through. She’s always wearing light colours and extremely short skirts, I’d have been terrified at that age to wear what she does when I was on my period.

*i don’t have a problem with teenagers wearing short skirts, they all do it, we’ve all done it, I’m just highlighting I wouldn’t at that age if I was experiencing a very heavy period.
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Rachets face on that video where Lula says about, so could it be a kid. You can see the panic in her face. She tryed to play it down incase Lula dropped her in it.
This whole fucking family have stooped to a new low.
I didn't think they could get any worse.

Betsy is thinking, now this is why I fucking moved away.
Wherever that family go, they bring a drama.
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Fantastic recap as always.

It’s all just funny to R though. T does seem very ‘ok’ for someone that was passing massive blood clots the night before. And not the best colour skirt to be wearing. I don’t know what to think. It jumps all over the place, one minute I think it’s true, next I don’t. Ruby was there as well though, I cut her out the side, so if she’s lying she’s dragging her into it too.
I can’t find the bit of T saying about the ‘kid’ it was a flippant background comment and the lives were an hour and 20 mins long. @weeping cassandra if you haven’t watched yet and are going to maybe you can get that bit coz I’m not watching it all again! 😂
None of it makes sense because in that clip Lula says its definitely not a pregnancy and that she told her boyfriend and he asked if she had cheated (implying that she doesn't have sex with her boyfriend) yet moments later (or before) she asks her mum "so could that have been a kid then"
So either Lula is sexual active with her boyfriend and is keeping it from R, they are trying to cover up the fact shes had unprotected sex and its resulted in a pregnancy, or R is being dramatic and implying the pregnancy to start the rumour mill going... which all 3 of those are despicable anyway as her mother!!
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Somerset girl

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I'm just catching up and everything I thought has already been said. However, I would ask the huns - do you see how much us "trolls" are concerned with the wellbeing of T vs her parents?!

WE are supposedly the bad, poorly in the head, sad, child neglecters but everyone is showing concern and support for T.

On another note, I'm re-reading Emily's post about the centre. Its very cleverly worded in my opinion. She wishes the centre well etc but never actually mentions Rancid. It's brilliant in what it doesn't say without R being able to pick "toxic" holes in it.
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Ohh Nicky Nicky, I have family and friends specifically in Tyldesley, might share your fb profile and hunt you down then message your family, friends, employer….. we can all play cat and mouse 😂😂😂
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I have just watched itv news and they had a section tonight on how domestic abuse charities are struggling due to the cost of living crisis. Through out all I could think of was that vile woman taking money from huns who think that they are helping these women in need but are actually financing that stupid bints lifestyle and its made me so angry
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She did talk a while back about taking L to the sexual health clinic so its pretty obvious its for that reason and not for heavy periods. At the hospital they would have taken a blood test to see if it had been a pregnancy. It doesn't always show on the shop bought tests but would still show in blood. She would've at least been able to definitely rule that out. I can't imagine not getting my child seen by the hospital if she was loosing blood clots.

To the huns thinking its marvellous their leader is making the world more aware of periods .... really?! Half the population has one every month. Were not in Victorian England, I'm sure there's enough info out there without some random person on the Internet talking about her 13 yo daughters?! They really are scraping the barrel to condone her behaviour.
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PA Jo securing her bonus 🤢. R is ill, won't be doing much this week. Will try do some writing from the sofa though. Was at 4 chemists looking for night nurse but couldn't get any. Still got her nails done though 🤷‍♀️
Fucking hell Jo give it a rest 🤢 that is fucking embarrassing. Surely no amount of scammed money is worth your dignity!
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