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My biggest highlight has been watching Wilby once he started nursery/ childminding on a regular basis. Once he was no longer being just dumped every day in front of an iPad his speech developed and his social skills also.
Yes it appears he has some characteristics that puts him on the spectrum but as he spends more time with people outside that home he is not as developmental delayed. She is a scammer and a con woman but I think my hatred of her is about how she lets down the children she has in her care. Her and Josh constantly put themselves before anyone.
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Tallulah is clearly vulnerable, not very bright and has always craved her mother's attention. I'm not a fan of Betsy but at least when she was there she had someone to talk to. I can't believe R and J didn't wait at the hospital with her. J could have gone home with the kids while R stayed but nooo R had plans with Betsy so no way could a health issue encroach on that. If they were living on a council estate they would definitely be on social services radar but because they're fed, dressed and have a comfortable home they get away with it. I really hope Edie's dad steps in and stops her ruining Edie too. She should not have been listening to that conversation but then again when she was 5 Rachel thought it was hilarious for Edie to repeat on camera that mummy's favourite part of daddy was his willy. Those kids are going to need a shit load of therapy!
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Here’s the clip! It’s hard work trying to keep up with in real time her let alone try and reiterate what she’s saying!! 😂
View attachment 1841199
I'm sorry Racheallleeeee what?? Can you repeat that?? Like realllllllyyyyy slowwwwwwly so it actually makes sense? Shes deluded. What a load of bullshit. Also did she say when her mum came she got kicked off the ward??? If so what ward? I thought her nan was dying in the dining room of the house that was owned by an indian couple then her best friend then the pet budgies sister in laws golden retrievers goldfish? I'm confused
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I know there’s people on here that are on the Hinch thread so I could get shit for this but I don’t see how you can compare the two.
Obviously some people won’t like Hinch, that’s cool, everyone’s different. but I’ve never seen her beg her followers for anything or ask for donations etc.
I get people would get jealous of her being gifted things when she can afford to buy them but that’s life. The rich get free things so us poor people see it and want it but we have to pay for them. That’s why they gift to them.
To me she’s just a cleaning lady that got lucky and good luck to her.
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I’ll actually agree with Ratchet for once, periods are normal and should be spoke about as there is such a stigma about it, which is ridiculous considering it’s 2023 (oops nearly wrote 2022). HOWEVER, that little rant of hers the other night was, in my opinion, not about periods at all. It was in fact about planting little seeds of gossip that her daughter may be/have been pregnant. She (Rancid not L) is an absolute vile creature and I love the fact people are getting under her skin so easily and Tattle is living rent free.

P.s Radish, I can guarantee everyone on this who has a kid looks after them 100%. Parents make little mistakes, it’s normal after all, we are all figuring life out for the first time and just trying our best, but your level is out of this world. You’re not raising awareness for something normal like periods, you’re raising your views and money at the expense of a vulnerable teenager. Get a fucking grip.
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Well said @chickenshopcharlie.

I think also, people need to remember that Vanessa was a victim of DA herself, some of which was perpetrated by R herself along with Wayne (Betsy and Tallulahs dad).

In Sams case, can you imagine your husband leaving you for Rach on your sons birthday? And then having a breakdown, and then additionally having R drive you around because you’re in crisis - the woman he left you for. If that’s not abusive behaviour disguised as being a saviour then I don’t know what is. Manipulation at its finest.
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Chatty Member
Do you reckon that’s why they legged it from the hospital? If the staff had discovered it is a miscarriage rather than effects of the patch, they know SS would have to be told. If my 13 yo was passing clots like that then I’d sit in a+e for as long as it took! Either way, blabbing that for god knows how many followers, is just disgusting.
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This was meant to be a family break to visit Betsy and it’s turned into an utter shitstorm. They haven’t spent the majority of the time with B, Rachel has spent a couple of hours on Patreon Live implying her 13 year old is having a miscarriage, they do a runner from hospital and then go out on the piss leaving said 13 year old to mind level-3 Wilby in mouldy shit-stained accommodation with stray children for company.

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"Everyone used to pull me apart because I sulked so much"
Well at least your Father never uploaded a video of you having "a moment" like Lula did on Boxing Day in the Cafe with your evil Step Mother then ripping you to spreads like Slosh did - to thousands of strangers

Her lack of self awareness is shocking.
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2022 was quite the year for Shady Sheila & Co, wasn't it?! I do have a favourite moment, but special mentions have to go to Dangerous Derek and the voicenote of doom, the neck fanny party dance, Racket advertising a personal stylist/shopping service, Detective Dickhead trying to videocall the "trolls", and the revelation that Trendy Trevor is a secret supermarket shitter.

As for my number one, it couldn't not be "ohhh are we?!". Especially when you compare it to this, Seb telling her she's going to Barbados. (Love him for this 😂)

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I have an 18yr old and an 15 Yr old girls, neither dressed or behaved like this. Why can they not be left alone to just be children. Ratshit is just a deplorable being.
I think the issue is they are left alone too much, no supervision, no discipline, no consequences for how they behave. Lula used to be quite a sweet girl, she loved animals, now she's vaping, drinking, taking and posting inappropriate photos on her public social media, potentially having sex, and she's not even 14 yet. You'd think someone who has been so relentlessly and horrifically trolled would have a tighter rein on what her kids are doing and posting online 🤷
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Im actually lost for words. How can anyone think it's ok to share that online???
I could hear E in the background. She is way too young to be hearing that content. Id rather be skint than exploit my children like that.
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Chatty Member
I don’t want or wish to repeat the sentiments of everyone but I will! This has got to be one of her most despicable lives to date (and I have said that many times before). This woman, this ‘saviour’ of women is causing so much harm and damage in her wake. Poor L, to even have an undertone that it could be a miscarriage is disgusting. Even if it was said ‘light heartedly’ about herself and/or a 13 year old. If it is ‘just’ a clot, that is also potentially serious (particularly if she is already using hormones to manage periods). I was only a year older than she is now when I was first hospitalised with something very similar, I was put on a drip and force fed iron tablets. I was in a different country to my mum staying with my dad. It was horrific and scary and, as you can imagine, embarrassing. The first thing my mum did was get on a flight, no thought about what she’d need to pack etc, just got a one way ticket and was by my bedside within 24 hours. That’s where she stayed until I was finally released a few days later. Everything was dealt with sensitively and with me in mind. The idea that she would then broadcast it for paying strangers just defies belief! Those poor children, each and every one of them, deserve so much more and at this stage are being let down by anyone in their lives who are privy to this kind of abuse. Because that is what it is.
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The thing is with autistic girls, they are so easily led. I feel so so sad for that girl, I really don't think she understands the implications of her mum sharing that.
Even if she isn't autistic, she's clearly very vulnerable and naive (like most 13 year old girls?!) and here's mother of the year snorting away.
How about put down your phone and take your bairn back to the hospital to be checked over
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Bewildered Barbarella

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She wants to be more present, oh fuck off. She’s read on here how everyone, including her huns are disgusted about the T situation and she’s been told by management to stay off social media till it dies down. She has a serious addiction to her phone, see how long she lasts. But this absence is purely damage control, out of sight, out of mind and if she disappears for a few days so will all the talk about T and she’ll come back as if nothing ever happened. I won’t forget this latest instance where you severely let your child down and I’m sure others won’t.

Edited to add, this or she’s either got some new year nights out to attend and doesn’t want it documented that she’s leaving her kids, again. It’s normal practise for her after she’s been away with the kids to bugger off with josh when they get back home.
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I am very lucky never experienced a miscarriage, but if it was one, is there not a chance of infection? Does Lula not need to be checked over?

They have literally described a horrendous miscarriage I had aged 21, I had to be ambulanced to a and e, followed by a D and C procedure. It was terrifying, painful and traumatising. Large bloods Clots and yes veiny and 37 years later its still vivid in my memory. The blasé comments by all of them is unbelievable 😳 get that child to a hospital asap. And next stop to a clinic eho can maybe talk the entire family through the basics of reproduction, fertility, safe sex , sti and appropriate relationships . Horrendous.
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20% believe and really hope she is spending time with the kids.

80% believe she is going away with Josh because that's her priority and people don't change.
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I think its supposed to read sage, referring to the colour, not safe..... you think she'd check the text wouldn't you!

Re L last week. I've thought about it a fair bit and I might have misjudged Ls comment re the boyfriend.
He said 'have you been cheating on me' which now leads me to think he means it can't possibly be me (boyfriend) cos we don't do that so if it was a pregnancy it's definitely someone else.
So hands up for misunderstanding that.

That said, chat about periods, be open, educate, normalise the topic, they're absolutely nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.
What IS embarrassing is knowing your child is struggling with pain, discomfort and NOT SEEKING MEDICAL HELP DESPITE BEING ADVISED TO DO SO.

You bagged B a cubicle when she had a chest infection. You dragged your sorry ass to A&E when you had another water infection. J was called an ambulance when he had covid (this I've read here so shamefully adding) & W graced A & E for eating a firelighter.
What you didn't do was take S to get treated for broken bones, your nice for again...broken bones and L sadly inconvenienced a jolly holiday so no medical intervention again.
I've missed others for sure, who broke their finger?

Also the wearing of the patch, when to replace, take a break, side effects etc. You R absolutely did not monitor the use and administration of this. You essentially left L to fend for herself which is SHAMEFUL absolutely SHAMEFUL. Even J could have offered some guidance as there's plenty of dads out there with daughters going through puberty and managing to parent properly.
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