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I just want to say, and I think I speak on behalf of us all, that I've added @DipsyDoodle to The New Years Honours List for services to the Empire. Both for Tattlers here in the UK, to as far out in the Commonwealth as Canada for @VCJR.

Here is you MBE with thanks 👏👏👏

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2023 predictions:

January: A warrior will arrive from the murky realms of “up country” and Rancid will fake cry while face fucking the camera with her giant slug wobbling, saying that all the lady needs to start afresh is £5000 in footlocker vouchers. Huns will froth at the gash to buy them then start fighting like vultures in the aftermath.
February: a heart warming tale of being so in love when they met, with so many tiny broken hearts to feed and only one portion of M&S reduced salmon a week between them all, they are now deserving of the £6k matching his and hers gucci dressing gowns for Valentine’s Day.
March: A month of deflection. Wobble lines up so many animals 2 by 2 he makes Noah green with envy before a sharp eyed tattler notices Seb has moved out to live with a girlfriend and the patchwork quilt is fraying at the seems.
April: 2 nights at herpes lodge is followed by a boozy lunch chez Arsetrid who later creams herself when a picture of her garlic bread goes viral.
May: The saviour of all women is 41! King Charles will announce an extra bank holiday and Cantina at goodrington will offer 241 on all cocktails between 2-4pm.
June: bratsy moves home. It wasn’t anyones fault, she loved her time in not Liverpool, she did absolutely amazing and 4 top modelling agencies were begging to sign her up. She simply missed sniffing her mamas perfume and twiddling her hair. Scouse Jen is swiftly unfollowed and never mentioned again.
July: FML the summer holidays have begun. Slosh deploys to the beach with 2 crates of merlot. Rancid retires to the loft to work harder on the internet. Bratsy mothers wobble. Edie lives at her Dads. Lula sets fire to Paignton train station. Seb hasn’t been seen for months. Isaac moved to the moon last year.
August: anniversary of being horrifically sliced in 2. Stabby reappears on the scene. She was always a bestie but things were complicated. Rancid employs her as gardener at Tracy beakers dumping ground. Her talents lie with the garden shears.
September: patchwork shop shuts its doors on winner street for the last time. Village idiot Jordan takes it over, branding it the hub for his latest CIC raising funds to help one legged, three eyed dogs rescued from Neptune.
October: 3 weeks in Australia. It’s hurts so bad to leave her babies that she FaceTimes once. Exploring Ayres Rock is a painful but cathartic experience when Rancid realises she is barefoot and covered in blisters, all because her Mum didn’t buy her trainers when she was 14.
November: a bout of BV so horrific that slosh shuts the windows in the attic, convinced the smell from Paignton harbour is drifting west.
A new trend for short back and sides in boys on instagram leaves rancid incapable of maintaining wobbles manbun for fear it will trigger his level 3 autism diagnosis and she will suffer his worse meltdown yet 😭😭💔💔
December: fizzy cats piss aplenty during a 2 night stay at a boutique hotel in bath while wobble puts up the Xmas tree single handed.
Rushed insta post about being more present.
PatreCON numbers have dwindled to 4
Appointment for universal credit sign on January 4th 2024.

Happy new year tattlers 😍
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The videos:

If it's true, Rachael is mental.

If it's not true, Rachael is mental.

If you are a parent letting your kids get involved with this family the way it is, you are mental.

If you are paying actual money to view this stuff about vulnerable minor's, you are mental, a bit creepy and complicit.

That's my Ted Talk for today. Thanks ✌.
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While we’re talking about huns and the book I need to have a little chat with them directly. Trolls might want to scroll on by coz you already know this…

Did you know that Vanessa has actually messaged PA Jo and asked that V and her girls (Betsy and lula’s half sisters) not be mentioned in the next book. She said it is making her suicidal and they have been put through enough.

Do you know what R did the second she was told this? She went on social media and taunted V by saying ‘I have all the evidence for the legal read so the trolls can go in my book’.

Now I saw how you all discussed V, S and the stepdaughters, I saw how you said R needs to have proof of everything so what she writes must be true.

Well, yes to some degree but let’s think about this evidence she has… V came on here. So yes, I suppose technically R can call her a troll, but what I’m sure she’ll fail to mention is that R was sending nasty messages about her daughter calling her mental etc (all evidenced on here with screen shots of the messages) so V did a Q & A to stick up for her daughter. I’m sure she said some nasty things to R as well coz I’m damn sure I would if someone was slagging off my daughter like she did.

Now that gives R the green light to write what the fuck she likes about these women and they have no comeback. Do you think that’s fair? Both V and S (the boys mum) have been suicidal over these books and she doesn’t give a shit. As long as she gets her revenge on them for daring to stand up to her.

So just to reiterate my point. Let’s just think about the fact I was in your group chat. If I were to write a book and say your most popular hun in the group was a nasty person who mocks mental health issues, for example. This would be untrue, she’s a lovely girl and seems very kind and caring. However I could take a very small part of your hun chat where she made a joke about suicide and voila, there’s my proof, that’s in the book and she’s a cunt! If I have a massive social media following and she doesn’t what’s she going to do about it?!

I must stress Popular hun is not a cunt, she seems to care very much about others and be really lovely caring girl. She just made one ‘dark humour’ joke. I’m just showing you how her ‘evidence’ is not as it seems. It just means she can’t be sued. Doesn’t necessarily show the whole picture.

Now knowing these books are contributing to at least two women being suicidal I guess it’s down to your conscience if you think it’s ok to buy it or if you think it’s probably best to cancel your preorder now.

happy new year everyone!
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Some are saying it’s good that periods are being openly discussed. others are saying miscarriage innuendos, joking or not, are triggering and shouldn’t have been said.
Quite a few have said they think it shouldn’t have been aired and that it’s asking for trouble from the trolls.

one thing I will say to the huns reading here this morning though is to have a long hard look at the difference between this “horrible vile cess pit site” and your own “fan club” and then tell us where the most arguing / bickering / back stabbing and toxicness goes down cos I’ll bet you your last dollar that it’s not on “Twattle” 😬. yes you’ll see occasional Butting of heads in here but nothing, I repeat NOTHING compared to what goes down in your little “women supporting women group”!!

As you were 👋👋
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Aunt Sally

Well-known member
Can I just highlight that while poor Lula’s health crisis was going on, she was dragged out on Boxing Day to the pub when her vile Mother thought it was perfectly acceptable to film her with her head on the table, clearly exhausted and in pain ( while losing clots or/and RPOC ) and her cretinous Step Dad was openly mocking her for her lack of engagement and conversation. Imagine knowing your 13 year old daughter was suffering with such a health crisis yet felt it would be good content to film her while laughing snorting at your husbands blatant ridiculing and bullying.
This continues in plain sight yet again. Sickening.
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Words actually fail me. What is going on on that greasy spoon head of hers? Honestly, what was her thinking in all of this (most likely none but you never know) poor T. If she has passed RPOC then sue needs to be seen. Womb infections are serious, especially for a child of Ts age.
I agree with everyone else, they left as Rachel knows that the hospital has a duty of care to report. If she left, it raises further red flags and a referral most likely has been made. Make it make sense you greasy haired, BV infected, lazy, non mother, cunt!

T if you do read here, reach out to someone at school. Your form tutor, favourite teacher, safeguarding lead, anyone that you trust. They can and will help you.
Contact numbers for you as follows:
Childline 0800 1111
Torbay childrens services 01803208100
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
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Firstly, when she did her end of year accounts for the CIC it stated that the then Directors (Rach, Jo and Emily,) hadn't taken a wage from the CIC profits. So to the HMRC they were not being paid by Patchwork CIC. (I assume PA Jo's & Emily's salary was being paid from PTWM business, but how they swung that with Emily I don't know because she was never involved with the PTWM business.)

She could use her own money made from PTWM on the CIC. However, she would need to make it a donation and tax needs to be paid on it. So essentially, she would be paying income tax on the money going in to PTWM from her books/ Ads/ Patreon then a second lot of tax after she donated it to the Patchwork CIC. That fundamentally makes no sense. You wouldn't pay the HMRC twice for the same lump sum of money.

If she used PTWM earnings on the CIC and didn't put it in any records for the tax bill on the CIC, then that is Tax evasion. Also from what I understand, all vouchers, shop or otherwise that have a monetary value (such as Costa Vouchers etc,) coming into the CIC also need to be logged with the HMRC as taxable income.

All this is because the CIC is a business not a charity. Charities have their own regulators. CIC's are easier to run and you can pay wages, BUT all income from Raffles, to Vouchers is taxable income.

((While I'm here. REBL is NOT a female owned business. It's profits go into to PTWM and Josh is a director and 50% shareholder in that. Therefore he owns 1/2 of REBL. Nothing like a bit of false advertising 🤦🏻‍♀️.))

this has been screenshotted and sent over to Hundom this evening and has started a hefty debate with many agreeing that it is totally out of order for Rachel to be falsely declaring it’s a female owned business and not many defending it. More and more of her followers are now questioning her motives, how honest and transparent she’s being with her followers and audiences and all the while ripping the shitty REBL tracksuits apart. No wonder R is in a bad mood and PA Jo is trying to calm the waters!
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Rabies: "ugh these trolls keep reporting me to social services"

Also Rabies: "hahaha my 13 year old might have just had a miscarriage but I couldn't be arsed to wait at the hospital to make sure she's ok".
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Bewildered Barbarella

Well-known member
I fell asleep too early and can’t sleep now so thought I would have a wee tattle catch up and I feel so sad for that girl. I cannot believe what this idiot of a woman has shared about her daughter. I can assure you, and I know everyone of you here also, I would not leave a hospital and send a pic to my friend instead. I don’t care about the wait, that needs to be seen to.

So many things going through my head, Edie being involved in that conversation, no, just no, if I was her dad I’d be having serious words with her and not allow her to be involved with social media anymore. Shes too young to be hearing this and a possible miscarriage being discussed so flippantly.

poor T, she really isn’t emotionally mature to be dealing with any of this, her attitude in the clips show this, she doesn’t realise how serious this could be/could have been. How would some of her followers who have miscarriaged feel, watching them laugh and make light of this situation.

And if this is some sort of sick twisted “gotcha” story to catch the trolls then she is seriously, seriously fucked up, someone really needs to intervene with that family. If she’s lying, she’s involving 2 of her children, making them part of the lie, she’s totally exploiting them. I noticed in the first clip she is talking about how heavy her periods were and twice T tried to say something, well she kept talking over her so she couldn’t get a word in. Was this T trying to correct her lies or innocently tell the truth so motormouth had to drown her out. I think T was going to say her periods weren’t that bad but R wants us to think that as she knows she’ll be in deep shit if it’s a pregnancy.

T, I sincerely hope you get help where it’s needed love, your mother is truly letting you down. R you need to realise it’s children you have and not mini besties, start parenting and stop being so blase when it comes to very adult issues that your children are experiencing. It’s not a joke or a fml moment but it’s possibly a moment that could really affect T mentally if it is a miscarriage. Keep acting this way with serious matters then unfortunately it’s going to happen again and again, the poor girl has no boundaries and in the space of 5 months she’s had sexual rumours circulating about her in school, constant rumours of her out on her own god knows where and to what time, her wee pyromania stunt, a serious addiction to vapes (wtaf!?!?!) and now mother of the year is hinting at a possible miscarriage. Someone step in, please. Sorry for the long rant but she’s went too far, she’s disgusting and I really hope the WhatsApp group are reading this. You should be ashamed of yourselves if you think this woman is any kind of saviour.
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Chatty Member
I think I might have to take some time away, today has actually really upset me which I’m quite surprised at as I was never heavily invested in PTWM. I’m a mother of a child just a few years younger than T. I’m finding it too much of a struggle to watch a 13 year old girl be exploited online for financial gain by her own mum. I can’t fathom how this could even be deemed slightly acceptable. For any huns, please remember T is a child, she has not given her consent to having her life splashed over social media, the stuff that has been put out there will forever be online. All potential employers, partners and friends will be aware of private conversations she had with her mum when she was 13 and younger. I’m actually sickened.
Spotlight management…you are nothing more than a pimp in this massive game of charades. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
To all you tattle trolls…wishing you a fabulous New Year !!!
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So it’s been a weird day in Hundom. The main ones who have taken issue with R’s latest live, which I didn’t explain this morning as I was writing quickly in between jobs, were feisty hun, popular hun and a couple of their side kicks and, as a result, it’s been a very feisty-furious day all round.

After stating they didn’t agree with what she shared re L, everything kicked off amongst the huns and resulted in more than 500 messages of arguing between them all in the space of a couple of hours.

Feisty hun (who incidentally is Drippy Derek’s owner - that’s right isn’t it @chickenshopcharlie?) & popular hun have been accused of being typical schoolgirl esque playground bullies and ganged up against one poor hun who stood up them and told them that no one else feels able to speak in Hundom for fear of being attacked.

Many a hun tried to diffuse the situation by saying that all they were doing by engaging in all this arguing was proving the trolls right and fuelling the fire. There were arguments about the WhatsApp group feeling like a cult by some, with others arguing they should have freedom of speech. Some were crying that Rachel would be horrified to hear they were all turning on each other and one particular hun called for queen Nikki to close the group down but alas Nikki was nowhere to be seen throughout the whole battle that ensued. Many a sarcastic reference to “rules” being put in place again were made also.

at some point behind the scenes, feisty, popular and 2/3 others have obviously reached a mutual decision to totally ignore any huns who try and address their behaviour whatsoever,before coming back into the main group and literally spending the day talking about chocolate and pineapple flavoured lube, llamas, yurts and baby goats (no word of a lie 👀👀) and even though I’ve seen at least 4/5 huns try to address the problems within the group since, they've been totally and utterly ignored and blanked to the point it’s painful to read.

the numbers in the group have fallen by another 10/15 people since last night and many are worried about being branded trolls if they leave too.

Oh, I almost forgot - one hun who also disagreed with what R posted admitted that as soon as she saw it she knew that the trolls would be having a field day with it and so she came over to “Twattle” to see what we were all saying. This made some huns really angry cos it makes R poorly in the head when we venture over to that cess pit but then that fired up the feisty-popular group again who said they are all grown women who will read wherever they want too and discuss whoever they want to. They still think they were all cunts over here but slowly but surely there’s more talk of the tide turning over there.

finally, popular hun asked has anyone had a rebl hoodie / trackie yet before leading into another conversation about how they are too expensive, not to their taste and bad timing (right before Xmas).

Last I saw they were still going with their one liners and everyone else had been bullied into submissive silence and that concludes on another day in Hundom!
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Is this story some kind of sick wind up to get at the trolls? I'm struggling to believe it. Essentially, Lula was having a gyny incident, she doesn't know if her 13 year old miscarried, and she & Josh bolted from the hospital with her. Then left her 20 odd hours later, in a city, without adults, to go out on the piss???? Come on. This can't be true.
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Yes periods are natural and should be talked about but as someone else said in the other thread, Lula is 13. Still a child. She can't give proper consent to her Mum discussing all of this and understand the consequences of that! Also how can they seriously defend R as a Mother, who refused to seek further medical care as RECOMMENDED by medical professionals. Absolute disgrace.
if she was talking abut periods then she could have said something about how sorry she feels for L, she got her period over the holidays and she suffers terribly from pain, heavy bleeding and clotting. Its the norm for a lot of women but it is horrible when she's still a child. To try and help her the GP suggested contraception to see what works, we decided to go with the patch and see how things went. She's been using it for xxx many weeks and this is how things are now. It really upset me that my baby is now having to take hormones at such a young age but its better than seeing her suffering in so much pain every month and its L's health that matters.

instead what she was was that Lula hasn't changed her patch for 7 weeks and is loosing clots that had a vein in it. she then asked her if she was pregnant and L said no, her boyfriend accused her of cheating on her, she sent a picture to a mate who is a healthcare professional and she advised we go to the hospital, there was a 10 hour wait to we came home and put the clot in the freezer. L asked if there had been a kid in there.

She did nothing to highlight periods.

All she did was highlight the fact L may be sexually active, that she has been left to deal with the contraception on her own and has therefore failed to administer it correctly for it to work to help the periods and the pain and that yet again a child in her care has been left without the medical attention that was needed and recommended by another professional.
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Everyone ready for round 2? Someone’s posted a link to the wiki here on the Facebook page for glomama 😂😂😂

Fizzy cats piss at the ready! 🥂
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Chatty Member
It’s kind of irrelevant if it was a period or miscarriage - the main issue is that Rachaele has shared information about her underage child that has invited speculation. She’s a total disgrace.
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Chatty Member
I am old, and struggle to understand the exploitation of children, especially on social media,
Think, if this scenario occurred in the high street, ie a mother with sitting with her three children, with a microphone, telling explicit details of her child’s blood clot and menstrual difficulties, to people passing by, she would be arrested and possibly sanctioned . ( or I secretly hope stoned 🤡)

The media rants about keyboard warriors, trolling etc BUT , what about those that exploit their children by filming and posting on line, for money.

It’s exploitation of minors …plain and simple,
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Chatty Member
I'm a safeguarding lead at school and this.....this has just sent me over the edge!!! 😡😡
Disgusting behaviour from a PARENT...If this was shared like this via social media by her friends there would be serious consequences. Social care direct need to be informed of this exploiting your child. We give talks in school over and over to kids about online safety.....but to have this from her own Mum?!!! Wow...this is a whole new level!!
How does she know whos paid to watch her patrecon shite.??!!! Does anyone vet them to make sure their not some sickos??? Or child perverts????

Plus...leaving a blood clot in a freezer that isn't even your own. Feking hell fire....she is beyond words!!!!! 🤢🤢🤢🥺
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VIP Member
Some are saying it’s good that periods are being openly discussed. others are saying miscarriage innuendos, joking or not, are triggering and shouldn’t have been said.
Quite a few have said they think it shouldn’t have been aired and that it’s asking for trouble from the trolls.

one thing I will say to the huns reading here this morning though is to have a long hard look at the difference between this “horrible vile cess pit site” and your own “fan club” and then tell us where the most arguing / bickering / back stabbing and toxicness goes down cos I’ll bet you your last dollar that it’s not on “Twattle” 😬. yes you’ll see occasional Butting of heads in here but nothing, I repeat NOTHING compared to what goes down in your little “women supporting women group”!!

As you were 👋👋
If Rumblestrip wants to normalise talking about her own periods that's fine, she is an adult and has made that choice. Tallulah is a 13 year old child, who has been conditioned to think that having intimate details about herself shared online is normal, and even desirable (because it gets her the much-craved attention from her mum). Even if she agrees with these details being shared, is she giving proper, informed consent? Or is she a vulnerable child being exploited by the one person who should be protecting her?
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