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VIP Member
I for one think it’s fantastic how W copes with all these new people.
Yes he might like them but liking them is very different to being left with them.
She’s very very lucky he adapts so well, especially with his level 3, non verbal autism. I know I wouldn’t be leaving my non verbal child, who can’t understand anything with anyone but me. Especially as he’s unable to tell them if they are horrible etc. But hey ho what do I know 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I hated when Emily would post a photo and Rachel would comment 'nice dress from my wardrobe ' or 'i recognise those boots' . Always had to have a dig.
Ugh, remember that time Emily had ordered a load of dresses online and sent Rabies photos of herself in them and she shared them? There was probably a reason Emily didn't put them on her own Instagram (didn't like them, didn't suit her, didn't look like she expected etc) but Ratfink went ahead and did it anyway.

With friends like Raq, who needs enemies?
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Re the distribution centre being uses for this new scam. Also Joyce topless and advertising £100 tracksuits while a lot of her followers will be choosing either heating or eating is fucking awful.

Further to my previous post.....
That house is a shithole.
Why has she got a whole load of stuff for women fleeing DV situations up country, but not got anything for the family of 9, fucking liar.!!!
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Who’s bright idea was it to launch a new (not cheap) fashion label 10 days before Christmas when most folks have spent their Christmas budget already, Royal Mail are striking and the other couriers are struggling to keep up with demand, January sales start Boxing Day so yeah someone’s going to spend their Christmas money on a new hoodie and not the Viv shoes they’ve been saving up all year for, that’s if they aren’t already relying on getting money for Christmas so they can pay the fucking gas bill. You crack on Rach! Your dwindling huns won’t fund your lifestyle forever
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It’s all just so unbelievable isn’t it. She spins it like there is a DA bus that ships in families from all over the country to be rescued by st Rach of Paignton with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Having never tasted a Costa before these poor women are given a Costa voucher a selection box and offered a £240 trauma course.

Can’t afford £240? It’s ok come and work at patchwork where I will plaster you all over my Instagram xx
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Chatty Member
It’s nice to see other SEN parents and know you’re not alone in this battle . I too have been made to do parenting courses, the same sensory course 3 times . Sleep courses and again more parenting courses. We have a team around the family meetings , 12 weekly sen reviews and 3 children in the spectrum.

that poor boy isn’t being spoken too, isn’t being interacted with . He’s being picked up and stuck in a car with zero communication where he is going . I’ve seen my child hurt themselves during meltdowns , drag their nails down their face till it bled . My child will do this at school at home , half the time they don’t speak and are so immersed in their own world. But we still talk to them, ask about their day it may not make sense their answer but I still ask . I’ve been hurt some many times by my own children , but I still love them . Still try 100% with them still communicate . She doesn’t even make me angry she makes me sad , because he deserves better . And the sheep that think the son shine out of her arse feel such pity for them. When she’s living off others donations and hasn’t a fucking care in the world .
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She doesn't need vouchers. She apparently has a community fridge and stock cupboards courtesy of the idea from nina @ eat that frog!!
Why doesn't she regularly stock that like a food bank??? That was the whole point right?? So people in the community can access much needed food essentials in times of crisis???
Shes full of shit. There is no family 9!
People seem to forget that she sets all these things up to "help" people then weeks later begs for vouchers that these ideas she had can come into play!!!
Shes had £30k worth of items gifted to her for who??? Because it wasn't the prison, it wasn't for homeless people, it wasn't for a food bank, no big Xmas toy appeal. Who exactly are these people recieving thousands of pounds worth of stuff because I ain't believing her word of "a family of 6" here and "a family of 9" there. Her word alone isn't evidence.
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She needs some vaseline for that skanky giant bottom lip. It looks drier than my vaj when I see owd Sloshua topless
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Just backtracking to this she posted the other day. This attitude makes me so angry! 🤬
He’s a toddler. He will not understand or be excited by everything because the fact is, he’s a toddler. Implying he doesn’t understand anything other than x, y & z due to autism makes me angry.
I have a sibling who was born with cerebral palsy. They have to have everything thing done for them… EVERYTHING. Their mental age is not what it should be, but if my Mum took the attitude ‘They don’t understand anything you say to them’ it would have cut off a whole world to them. Because of my Mum’s perseverance, my sibling has surpassed expectations socially and speaks 2 languages.
Rachel’s ‘Oh woe is me’ attitude, pisses me off. It angers and saddens me that her attitude is holding Wilby back and hindering his development 😕

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It’s not that he doesn’t understand. Just because he doesn’t react, doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand. If he’s anything like my boy he will be soaking everything in and, once he’s (hopefully) been taught how to express himself, they will be in for a shock.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Why does everything revolve round her? Why does everyone have to protect her because it all makes her poorly.
I don’t dislike Betsy, I feel sorry for her because she’s had so much responsibility put on her from a young age to parent her siblings and look after her own mother.
Keep as far away as you can Betsy, have a stab at a normal life where you can be 18
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I just can't believe in her head it's ok for Betsy to secretly buy her 13 year old sister wkd to take to a party so she appears 'cool' to her friends. Wkd is alcohol you idiot and the boys mum is/was an alcoholic so you'd think she would know the dangers of drinking from a young age! As long as the kids are out of her hair and not bothering her she doesn't give a shit. My kids went to parties where a parent was present and I always always went to pick them up afterwards not only for safety but because we used to have lovely chats on the way home. Instead of going for dinner with Arstrid last night why. Didn't she say ' so sorry to miss your birthday dinner. I need to spend a bit of time with Tallulah as she needs me right now' Arstrid is a mum of girls (seems to actually love them too) so she would understand. But no, her daughter is addicted to vaping, possibly sexually active and drinking alcohol but she couldn't get away quick enough..and social services don't see the need to get involved?? Hope the school are aware. She absolutely disgusts me and do all the sycophants around her enabling her antics. Josh's mum and sister, her mum and the whole patchwork crew. Do not understand the hold she has over them all.
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Omg...imagine if Queen Nikki was actually one of us all along...set everything up to pull in the diehards then BANG...evidence central 🤣🤣

Sadly, it's more likely that she's just a twat like the rest of them, but it's Christmas time so we get to make wishes 🤣
plot twist.....Nikki is Keels/Empen/Qwerty 😂
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So superfan Nikki could be bringing about said downfall. It's almost poetic.

Boasting about buying tens of thousands of pounds of stock not knowing if it will sell will leave a bad taste in a lot of her followers' mouths.
Would you not order tens of thousands of pounds worth of stock AFTER your research of what would sell and what your potential market wants?!
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Also interesting that Seb wants to go to uni far away from them and Bekind. I though he was stuck to R's arse?
I really hope he follows through with this and gets as far away from them pair as he can. I also hope he takes issac under his wing and issac follows him as soon as he's old enough. Sebs 18 in 13 months time, he could make a killing releasing a tell all "my life in the patchwork shit show" book in 2024. Even if she has been cancelled by then, they'll be some huns still wanting the gossip.
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