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I’ve just remembered @RenesFondon i meant to post this earlier but didn’t want it to get lost because it’s a whole new level of piss take.

For baby loss awareness week, you can donate to… PTWM of course, where else?! 🤷🏻‍♀️
Fucking hell, I missed that one. Remember her talking about baby loss while posting a photo of herself heavily pregnant. What a vile bitch.
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Why can’t the £300 of Tesco vouchers go to the family of nine who have no food and no presents. Why do they have to go to “our women” who’ve already had all the presents and vouchers previously collected, along with their bath bomb making & xmas decoration making course??
Because 'our women' are her mates. Shes only interested in herself and her 'girl gang' She couldn't give a shit about the family of 9. Shes disgusting
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When you realise that an ITS collaboration is never going to happen so you have to design your own shitty clothing range 😂 Launching a week before Christmas too 🤷🏻‍♀️ The country is on it’s knees but hey ho Rachaelenciaga is flogging t-shirts at £38 a pop because the huns will buy them. One poor sycophant has already said she can’t afford it but she’s spent over £90 anyway - let’s hope her new hoodie and joggers will keep her warm when she can’t pay her bills 🫤
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And R wondered why she gets reported to SS, she is negligent 100% in terms of those children’s care. What she has shared about T is totally inappropriate and someone needs to stop her surely?!
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I think the live was about 9am yesterday morning. Don’t think anything major was going on on here
Love that you are all over these screen records. What size memory do you have on your phone or do you just have a tropical storm's worth of cloud storage somewhere? Sure we could set up a gofundme to make sure you don't run out of space.
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Where was Riddled? Why couldn’t she be on taxi duty or Slosh??
Honestly they literally just let other people take responsibility for their kids.
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That’s it exactly she’s thinks she’s a hero and a victim.
For the first year of school, I’d have to carry my son in stiff as a plank screaming and crying. He wouldn’t walk, if I put him down he’d just lay there. The teachers had to come and get him every morning. Whilst trying to push his sister one handed. He had to go cos I needed to work etc. Nearly every morning getting up to go to school is a battle still.

I never made school mum friends. As he was always the one kicking off, trying to do a runner etc. Also all the mums used to complain about him being disruptive.
He didn’t get invited to one party or play date from year R to year 6. Luckily for me it never bothered him & he still saw people as his friends.

She just needs to stop trying to make W worse than he is. She can’t cope now. Can you imagine if he was worse. She needs to focus on the positives. It makes it so much better.
I used to read these threads and contributed a few times but I haven’t been on for ages - mainly because it was looking like Wilby had developmental delay and/or autism and my son has both. Basically I was internalising some of the comments here when it’s not about me or my son. Anyway I thought I would pop back to see if Dumb and Dumber had opened their mind to a possible diagnosis…only to find it very much looks like she’s trying to make out he’s “worse” than he is.

What a dick. It blows my mind that anyone would make out their child’s needs are worse than they are (I bet the DLA application form was a hoot) for attention. I don’t have any other children so my parenting experience is solely autism and GDD and it’s difficult to see here that she’s lying and not celebrating the wonderful things he can do. Not in any way shocked though.
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Pretty dangerous ground letting a teacher into the shit show of parenting.
Maybe the nursery have agreed to doing it to build a picture and to document the goings on 👀
When they were going to Jubai she said she'd messaged his teacher saying if the plane crashes would she adopt Wibble and the teacher said yes. :rolleyes:
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Any basic company would do a bit of planning or communications planning… like woahh we have a clothing line being launched 2hours before Christmas let’s just have a think about what else we should do over that period?
as My old favourite boss would say it’s all “back of a fag packet” ideas.

She seriously started to annoy me over the summer and it’s just got worse and worse.
To make matters worse Every time I think of her I think of her knickerless hoof in that lilac turkey trackie suit - vom

At the end of the day of her huns want to keep on giving then we really shouldn’t be bothered should we, more fool them for falling for the most obvious blag I’ve ever come across
I know it's their money, they can do what they want etc, not my responsibility, however what does piss me off is people are flinging money they can't really afford at her in the belief it's going to help people in need. That's money that could be given to their local food bank, or local domestic abuse service, or rape crisis centre etc. That's money that could make a real difference in their local community, and instead of giving it directly to them, they're sending it all to a scammer in Devon who'll spend it on Gucci bags and eight million different pairs of trainers.
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But having a nursery assistant look after your child rather than the teacher doesn't sound nearly as important or special does it? Only the best for Rancid.
Give it a couple of hours, the Head of Offstead will have taken a days annual leave to drive all the way there to look after him.

Bloody hell! :sick:
But having a nursery assistant look after your child rather than the teacher doesn't sound nearly as important or special does it? Only the best for Rancid.

Bloody hell! :sick:
Give it a couple of hours, the Head of Offstead will have taken a days annual leave to drive all the way there to look after him.
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Why would any Mother buy their child something so that said child is then proud of them!?? What a strange emotion to want off your child?
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Reading this thread and agreeing with every post, makes me wonder if any of the huns will screenshot any of it and send it to Ratchet. The fact that so many of us are posting the same thing makes me think not 🙁
They don't need to, she absolutely reads here, despite what she says.
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
I constantly used to ask my abusive ex if everything was ok between us, if he was happy etc. Probably because I was trying to divert whatever shitstorm was coming next.
Is that what slosh is doing?
I don’t think he knew she was filming at first, and what cunt films something so private
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National treasure? What? Yep thats our rachelelelele
Why does it always come down to “Jealousy”.
The trolls are JEALOUS, They have no lives, They sit at home all day because they don’t work. They have no lives….REALLY.???
I have a very good life, I work hard, provide for my kids and family, And Rachet has absolutely NOTHING that I would want and I am certainty NOT JEALOUS of her life😂😂😂
Half the people who comment on her posts are just sucking up looking for friendship and recognition, Sad little people… 😂😂😂
Anyway, Must go, Need to finish packing for my Xmas break.. ✈🌍
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That carpet will not fare well in that house, the hook and loop carpets are the worst for heavy traffic and pets in my experience. They'd have been much better with a lovely soft shag 😂😂 not like budget is an issue after all.

Her sitting silently in the hall on her phone while Wilby was in the bath was (to use a word Rach likes) horrific! She couldn't even see him from there, at least sit in the bathroom and pretend to be paying attention to your "level 3" SEN child babe! Edie didn't look overly ecstatic to see you after a weekend with her dad did she? She's great with Wilby mind you, they have a lovely relationship.

Also he did very well showing you an animal what lives in the sea, a pink animal etc for a child that understands nothing, same as when you re-enacted the Dr's visit the other day, almost like he flourishes with a little attention isn't it? 🤔 If my severely SEN child came on in such leaps I'd be throwing a party tbh
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