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What awful chavvy tracksuits! They look very I'll fitting and unflattering! Who in there right minds is going to spend £50 on that awful hoodie 🤢
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You know what, I don’t believe there will ever be a big “downfall” mainly because it’s very cult like.

However, that being said, nobody in that house is happy. Josh isn’t happy no matter how much they try and pretend to love each other the hardest. Rach is definitely icked by him even though she pretends she isn’t. She throws lavish stuff at their relationship to try and keep it together for the sake of the gram. Both her and Slosh are looking more awful by the minute looks wise, they’re aging at lightening speed. They have no real solid friends just paid employees. All the kids are off the rails in some way.

When the gram has gone, and her kids have grown up, she’s going to be a lonely old woman, I’m pretty certain most of those kids will go low or no contact with her and slosh, might take a good few year but it’ll happen.

At the end of it all, she’s going to be left with just her Gucci sunglasses and mulberry bag - that’s karma enough itself.
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I know its very old news but just had to come on and say that after she shared something regarding Balenciaga .... Balenciaga are owned by a company called Kering... Kering also own Gucci .... so I really do look forward to her cutting up her Gucci bag and throwing her shades away ... you know because she has so much integrity .....
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Just catching up.....

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha the scammer got scammed! Such a dickhead, those trainers in adult size are not £400. Junior size Jordans don't even cost £100.

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Why does she feel the need to tell everyone about what her kids are doing? She is seriously thick! It’s not her business to tell! I recently wanted to get the medical record of my kid who is 12, from our doctors so I could check they’ve had all their vaccinations. The doc would give me the list of vaccinations, but not their medical records as apparently the kid (as they’re older than 11) is “in charge” (wrong word, but you know what I mean?) of that information. Data protection or something. Didn’t bother me, as my kid has always lived we me and we have a brill relationship and I know when we’ve been to the doctors, as I’ve been the one to take them. But if a doctor wouldn’t give a child’s medical info out to the kids parent, how does Rachaele think it’s ok to share all the stuff she does about her kids, without even WONDERING AT ALL if she’s crossed personal boundaries!
I’d be livid if I was 13 and knew my mum had spoken to, even her close friend about my sexual behaviour. Imagine how Lula feels knowing her mum has told thousands of paying customers on social media?? And the Trolls are the problem Rachaele? Seriously. Please. Just stop now. Take what you’ve already got. Stop begging for more. go and parent your kids properly. And delete your social media. For your kids sake.
But we all know she won’t. Narcissistic Nora won’t ever stop, because she doesn’t think it’s her fault. Pass the blame onto someone else. Never her fault. 🤬🤬😡😡
We’ve seen them being filmed asking Rachel not to film them - she doesn’t give a shit.

My 12 year old recently won a badge at school for his reading ability, I took a photo of him wearing it, he asked that I didn’t share it anywhere so you know what? I didn’t. He wouldn’t have known if I had as he’s not on any social media but I wouldn’t lie to him or disrespect him like that.
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Sorry to jump in but her story just riled me. ‘People just trying to live’ yet here you are showing everyone your ‘great investment cardigan’ FUCK. OFF. Read the fucking room you absolute prick.

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I really hope he follows through with this and gets as far away from them pair as he can. I also hope he takes issac under his wing and issac follows him as soon as he's old enough. Sebs 18 in 13 months time, he could make a killing releasing a tell all "my life in the patchwork shit show" book in 2024. Even if she has been cancelled by then, they'll be some huns still wanting the gossip.
Says it all when the eldest child has fucked off to another city far away from her, the second oldest can't wait to get far away and has made them know about it and the next eldest won't even confind in her as a mother 🙄
But she's not a regular mum... shes a cool mum 🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
National treasure? What? Yep thats our rachelelelele
Yea she’s right up there with Barbara Windsor 🤣
I think what people fail to understand is that no one would question all the nice things she has, or the house, car or holidays. If she didn’t constantly ask for people to pay for things, buy vouchers, subscribe to her private pay-me-con that she doesn’t provide the services she said she would.
If she actually worked hard, no one would care what she spends her money on
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So it’s not fast fashion.. that’s a hell of a lot of boxes for the first collection!!!
Coming all the way from Turkey 🙄
It’s en masse not mass - you would think she’d know that given her fucking obsession with putting “e” on the end of everything.

Also there should really be a full stop after the L in R.E.B.L OR there should be none at all. REBL or R.E.B.L.
You can have a mix of both, you’re either using full stops in your acronym or you’re not 🤦🏼‍♀️
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People ain't buying your shitty raffle tickets because
1.alot of them are getting fed up with you begging and having nothing to show for it.
2. The prizes are shit you got for free and clearly nobody wants
3. Its 4 days before Xmas, people haven't got the money and they definitely won't be delivered in time if your not drawing it or sending them until Wednesday 🤦‍♀️

I'm glad the raffle is doing shit. It proves that more people aren't willing to give her their money!
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So I wonder which scheme is paying for the works Xmas do ... Will Jo be whipping out the PTWM Bank card or is it coming from the private patreon fund or the patchwork centre subscribers or maybe the raffle paid for this one ..... sorry forgot about the R.E.B.L business too 😅 also the 'teacher' im guessing is one of the key workers at nursery. Beyond inappropriate. And why is her lapdog of a husband not home looking after the tiny turds instead of lunching with a bunch of women. Can that man get anymore feminine.
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Just backtracking to this she posted the other day. This attitude makes me so angry! 🤬
He’s a toddler. He will not understand or be excited by everything because the fact is, he’s a toddler. Implying he doesn’t understand anything other than x, y & z due to autism makes me angry.
I have a sibling who was born with cerebral palsy. They have to have everything thing done for them… EVERYTHING. Their mental age is not what it should be, but if my Mum took the attitude ‘They don’t understand anything you say to them’ it would have cut off a whole world to them. Because of my Mum’s perseverance, my sibling has surpassed expectations socially and speaks 2 languages.
Rachel’s ‘Oh woe is me’ attitude, pisses me off. It angers and saddens me that her attitude is holding Wilby back and hindering his development 😕

View attachment 1808682
My now 9 year genuinely wouldn't have understood a bean at Wobble's age. He was literally a shell of a person and my heart breaks thinking back to those times and what it was like. The meltdowns were very real and not the little whinge about getting into a car seat (probably because he didn't know it was coming). It infuriates me (and I've said it so many times on here) how "severe" she makes out that he is. From what she shows, he's a lovely little boy who is very clever, responds appropriately and wants to learn and interact, she's not giving him a chance.

As it, my beautiful boy has some inkling that this is an exciting time of year, even if he doesn't really know what's going on and it's the best feeling ever! :love:
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This is the company shes ripped off. Is she still shouting out this small business run by females? They made the green track suit she always used to wear. They must be very gullible to have given her all the details. Unless shes given them a one off payment?


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Ever relatable in her nearly £200 cardigan. It’s an investment piece apparently. She has 3 of them now I think. So that’s nearly £600 In cardigans.

I feel flush when I buy a cardi from H&M for twenty pound 😂😂
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It feels sometimes like this is their first child. They seem to panic whenever W seems anything other than silent or laughing.

Based on this I can only assume neither of them did much parenting of the older kids at baby/ toddler stage, or all of them were pretty placid and docile (my kids were polar opposites, eldest hated car seats, buggies etc and would scream to the point of being sick, younger was the complete opposite and just sat happily wherever you put him). I'd be embarrassed to be them - not just in relation to their parenting of W of course, on every level. But it is like they have no idea what a normal child reaction is.
When Ratchet had the girls she farmed them all out to childcare and I believe her sister (now toxic) looked after them a lot, Sloshy's boys were obviously parented by their mum. I agree, I don't think either of them ever had to do much parenting with their other kids when they were small, and despite Wilby being the sixth child in their patchwork family, he's the first that either of them has had to deal with and they just have no idea.
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