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Another thread filled up in record time! New title thanks to @Chuff offohc 🤩🤩🤩 I had to edit it to fit, the full version was "josh was a bent copper until he got sacked, now hes doxxing a possible DV warrior who's Instagram was hacked". Sending you a free session with employment lawyer Kate!

Last thread recap:
- Fungus Fanny is, as always, a cunt
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- in yet another PatreCON video moaning about trolls (is this really worth paying a fiver a month for?) she said "they" were moaning about her asking for donations "when you have your nails done so you can afford it yourself". Listen love, it's not about your nails being done. It's about the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS you are raking in EVERY MONTH under the pretence of "helping people", when in fact there is never any evidence of you helping anyone except yourself and your wet blanket of a husband. And the bollocks about it being better for the environment for unwanted items to be reused by someone else instead of thrown away, and then you accepted #gifted brand new items from a shop over 200 miles away from Torbaydos? Very environmentally conscious 🙄
- in yet another tone deaf move, Flogging Freda has added yet another crappy jumper to the selection available at the shit shop. This one's caption? "Oh fuck".
- Rashflaps was "delivering a course" all by herself at the launderette, but still found time for a lunch date with Mangina Malcolm, who hopefully took the opportunity to have a dump in peace while she was out of the house.
- Jealous Julia happened to be filming when Crap Gravy Christopher started saying he admires Jen (from the distribution centre) for her positivity. Slug Lip Sally was clearly not happy that he'd noticed another woman!
- Another day, another advert, this time for Play Doh which is a new one, and included the bonus of a poem about parenting written by our very own Racquetball! If it had been written by Edie we'd have been impressed, unfortunately it wasn't really Sunday Times Bestseller standard, must try harder hun.
- in that constant source of entertainment/content the family group chat, Dickhead Dave asked Bratsy for her NI number. Do they not just talk to each in that house, or does Rapido insist on using WhatsApp so she can screenshot anything she likes? Anyway, BeKind was instantly suspicious, saying she didn't feel comfortable sharing, and asking why he wanted it. He replied with "I'm registering you to vote so you can make use of all your woke opinions".
- Ethel the dog is poorly, so of course Rigatoni is milking it for all it's worth, hoping for sympathy engagement. Bumbag Barry is probably praying into his Merlot that the best outcome would be to have her put down, seeing as he's previously said he hates the dogs.
- BeKind and Lula are arguing about clothes in the family group chat, with Gracie wading in (even though she's not part of the family). NotaPC Cunty encouraged the bullying by filming Lula going out to Bratsy's shed to collect her things, narrating it like he's deployed on a special ops mission.
- Troll Hunting Tina has gone into OVERDRIVE, and Tattlers are here for it! First of all, Deployment Dickhead got a late night message about a dripping wet 🐈, which could easily have been a spam bot. Instead of just blocking and carrying on with their lives, the gruesome twosome decided to spend the entire day ignoring their kids in favour of hunting down the so-called troll. Queen Lateetha decided to go with the narrative of "the same person has been sending me vile abuse for months", while Pencildick Pete's solution was to try and call them. This then turned into Rabies saying that one of her Patreon huns had recognised the profile pic, leading her to track the person down on Facebook. As per Doxxing Doris' usual practice, she failed to fully anonymise the details she shared. She then reckoned she'd got this person's employer, and messaged them to let them know their employee was a troll, but unfortunately they aren't open on weekends. How very dare they not have someone monitoring their social media 24/7 on the off chance the Patreon Saint of Paignton is trying to get in touch! Lazy bastards! Stone Island Simon meanwhile posted and then dirty deleted some stories where he'd messaged "a troll", which mentioned him getting the sack, and he referred to "the cess pit". So much for not having read Tattle since 2019! He even filmed himself trying to call them, making himself look like the massive twat that he is. He then claimed that Instagram had taken his stories down. As if they ever work that fast, we all know he was ordered by his overlord to delete them!
- Rumpole then went all in on someone, who clearly stated she had never trolled or messaged her. You can very clearly see just how much of an absolute bullying cunt she is in her messages: whoever you are, stay strong, you are a trillion times better than that lowlife piece of shit, no matter what she says. Tattlers have your back. Interestingly, the Tattler that this refers to has definitely NOT deleted their profile 🤷 but why would Rawhide let the truth get in the way of making herself look like the better person?

Just a reminder that a D&C police officer was dismissed for misconduct, with the date of this article being the same date as a certain person started their career break...👀

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.

If you are new, please read the wiki (pink button at the top) and if you are in need of support or advice in relation to domestic abuse, there are some links and helplines listed at the bottom of the wiki page
Brilliant once again, The imagination behind the names is great.. Queen Lateetha😂😂😂
Anyone who gets any messages from her, Please screenshot and take them to police as harassment, do not delete.! I feel she’s not letting this go unless she gets her way. It’s bullying and she wil do her best to make herself look like an even bigger cnut than normal..
To the lady who received the message, Stay strong, head up and don’t panic, We stand as one..
“Tattle cess pit family” 😂😂
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Insta Josh post. Apparently she's been sitting and typing since Friday night, with just one hour to take Wilby out... so obviously all the troll stuff couldn't haven't happened, if she were sat writing her next book and doing nothing else...
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Josh pretending this whole troll narrative hasn’t dominated their weekend after his dirty deletes 😩
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I hope Ethel pulls through but going from her posts I don't think she will 😔
Rach get off social media for a few days, concentrate on your dog and your children who are going to be heartbroken if she doesn't pull through. Sort your priorities out and stop with the sympathy vote after you know youve fucked up at the weekend. She shouldn't be an after thought to us bastards on the Internet. You got more upset about a 'troll' than you did your own dog.
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Rachaele Hambleton get a bloody grip of yourself. Have a look at how you are going on. Where are your children? Who is looking after them, comforting them while their dog is seriously ill? Your life is controlled by Instagram. You are not a happy person. If you had any decent true friends in your life they would step in. No one is forcing you to read here and if your ‘friends’ are screenshotting and sending to you, ask yourself why. What is their motive in doing so if it hurts you so much.
What a fucking shit show.
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Rachel Hambleton has now publicly shared her suicidal thoughts twice in just a few weeks.
All her hunnies will have seen it, along with Tattlers & Instagram followers, including her own children and family members.
Surely social services should be involved with a parent who has considered suicide whilst pregnant and possibly other times too?
Suicide and self harm is real for victims of domestic abuse, people who she is supposedly supporting, rescuing, and rehoming.
Self harm includes alcohol and drug misuse.
I know from personal experience that a bottle of wine numbs the pain & eases the anxiety after a good beating from your abuser. And then another bottle, for good measure.
She's not mentally stable enough to be involved in any way with victims of DA.
Also, her followers, many of whom are likely to be victims of DA, don't need to listen to her sad, poor me posts.
But she's now running a Freedom Programme from her Patchwork social club & a trauma course with the help of her unqualified hypnotist mate.
She needs an urgent psychiatric referral & assessment & then treatment in a long term secure psychiatric unit.
She isn't important, but her children are, as are the many DA victims she's continuing to let down.
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I have just read the article about the police officer dismissed in June, it all fits time wise with Joyce. I wish I knew someone in the police I could ask, I am a bit stuck where to go from here. The only thing is actually phone Devon and Cornwall police and ask for him directly. I think that might bring there downfall if it could be confirmed he was sacked. I don’t even think the Huns would think that is okay, that is a major lie. Aaagh I can’t think what to do 🙄
If you are really keen, here is what you do:

Go back through the pics of him in uniform and get his collar number. This has been visible in several photos.

You can email him using the police collar number and dcc email, like so...

[email protected]

Obviously, that is not his collar number.

In theory, if he is still employed, you might get some sort of out of office or automatic forwarding/response. Possibly, if he was fired, you'd get a bounce back saying that the email address does not exist. Or you might not hear anything in any case. Whatever the outcome, this would not really prove much.

I'm not suggesting you do it, but it is possible to do it. I'd be very wary and certainly wouldn't do it myself as it could stir up all sorts of shit.

I'm only really posting this here to make them sweat a bit about the fact that all the anonymity in the world won't protect you.

Also, if it was Slosh who was fired, my money is on them paying for a psychiatric report a bit like the autism diagnosis. It takes years to get seen within the CMHT and I doubt he'd meet the threshold for that level of support.
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You know what she should have done, she should have messaged the woman privately. Telling her she has found her profile and what she’s written about R. She should have asked the Tattler to delete the comments and her account and that should have beenough. Maybe an apology too.

But the reality is, she loves to publicly shame people. We’ve all seen how she publicly humiliates her kids, including small W. Her friends. Her husband. Herself. Anyone.

What she did was revolting.

Why should the tattler delete her comments and apologise?
It's a gossip forum. R knows what it involves hence the original Tattle rant. If she doesn't like it, she shouldn't look!

And yes, what she did was revolting.
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I remember the boys mum once saying on fb that this is the kind of messages R and J sent her all the time - relentless bullying messages designed to grind her down.
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No wonder shloshy can’t get it up when his wife is trying to mirror image his sister, he much preferred it when rancid looked like a little boy.
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I'm honestly gobsmacked that people are not jumping on the fact that this person didnt even message her privately at all? And shes admitted this? Yet still getting support from huns and encouragement to seek full revenge? 😳
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One thing struck me …the speed in which she wrote to Neath Council …
but decided not to immediately write to the Norfolk “ account managers“

Why were they treated differently…
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He is already down.

He's got no job, no friends, no personality, no hope really. Half his family are MIA and he spent last night trying to FaceTime an Instagram account with no profile picture. Whilst recording himself doing it. All after sliding into the DMs of some random whilst his wife was on her phone blaming someone in Norfolk for suicidal thoughts she had three years ago. It was Saturday as well. Now his little lad is cutting about in pink hair grips.

I mean, could it really get worse?
He still has his looks tho 🙈🤢🤢 nah I couldn’t even keep my face straight typing that 😂
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The police, by that is she referring to PC Wet Wipe. I'm a 'newbie' but not a newbie this dickhead when creating her account didn't realise that she was quite identifiable by it so deleted and recreated.

She just makes me sick. I never realised the extent of all of these 'influencers, thought that they were just normal people like us, then thanks to you lot I've realised they they basically are no better than those lovely scamming phonecalls from Adam in Nigeria telling me I've won a million pounds
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How can she write about her real life troll experiences, starting in 2019 and not mention Keels and Tattle? It’s all here to see and date-stamped. How can she change that?
The tale shall be told as a woman named 'Kayleigh,' and a website called 'Twaggle,' and we all will laugh, whilst eye rolling and face palming 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😂
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Somerset girl

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I’m expecting a long ass post tonight at 7pm for prime engagement time. She’ll have spent the whole day drafting it and getting Josh to read through. Getting my bingo card ready for the following:
Horrific, vile, poorly in the head, trolling my inbox since 2019, my family are happy and my fave - THESE PEOPLE ARE MOTHERS.
I'm going "hate website", "picking me apart" and my personal favourite "jealous" 😂
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I agree the 'outed' tattle user is online now. I hope you are OK. I won't judge anything you did or did not say if you are a genuine user. We don't know your life or what you have going on in the real world and neither does St Rach Bekind. You have done nothing wrong in thd 3d world you've kept it on here and I hope you can sort it out if she does send those petty threads to your employee. There is no hate or malice in what you have wrote and she can't prove its you. Hope you have support at home x
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You never hear any updates from her about these police/troll investigations do you. You'd think at some point in the last 3 years she'd have told us the outcome of at least 1 of them.......
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Can you just imagine the tension in that house ... shes sat in a room on her own filming herself pretend crying over strangers on the Internet. Mentioning police and solicitors. Then the look she gives and change of tone when someone walks in. I just hope none of the kids are around all this. Horrible atmosphere that she's choosing to project in her own home. Just don't read here love, simple. Go have a happy, greedy, grabby existence with the rest of the influenzas.
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