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She really is delusional, isn’t she ? She can wreck women’s lives, harass supposed trolls, slag trolls of online say how vile etc they are.

If anything is ever aimed back at her she kicks off. You reap what you sow Rancid.

It’s says a lot about her with her high turn around of friends, employees etc. She’s clearly not a nice person.
fucking hell.....the hypocrisy is strong with this one

never mind what she does to the boys mum which is bad enough but it's been 36 years since she was abandoned on the curb side of a smackhead octogenarian's pissy bedsit and she still drags her mum for it on a weekly basis.
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Chatty Member
I’m sorry but going from suicide while pregnant and mother of 3 already to fucking my little pony adverts.
She is obscene.
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I've said before that old RashyFlaps is welcome to go to my boss. She's a regular on another thread . We've had quite a few conversations about the scamming harpy from Devon.
No skin off of my nose. My mates also agree. Again, many RL convos had over your neglectful parenting, mutually abusive relationships and toxic family. Not to mention the inevitable questions about paypal/Raffles/go fund me. Crack on hun 💜

Excellent recap and title. I'd like to send you both a voice message. From the employment solicitor Kate to her best friend.. here's a transcript..

Kate : That fucking loony PTWM has been sending me voice notes all weekend. Doesn't she realise how deluded she sounds. She's been stalking a tattler and messaged her. Yup! Messaged her. The woman has never had contact with Rach but she's still in her in her inbox harrasing her. Shes crazy. Honestly. I wish she'd never asked me to help out with her creepy husband's work hearing. Twat got sacked anyway 🤣. Creepy cunt deserved it for doing what he did.
Obviously I'll keep taking her money, she seems to have plenty to throw around #noquestionsasked. I'll take her money, pretend that I give a fuck about her 'trolls' and then ill block the mad cow and sod off to Barbados for a month.
Anyway, see you later, she's messaging me AGAIN. Wonder if she's on a come down from last nights shitfaced antics..

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As others have said, the person that she's supposed to have been messaging is still active on here. They were viewing this thread 2 mins ago. I'm unsure if I think it's genuine or if I think it was actually just Rachaeaeaeale arguing with herself. Handy that everything went the way she wanted, apology, admission of being wrong and unkind...blah, blah, blah...
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I want going to but I just explained to my old man the latest going’s on. I just had to stop him going into Joyce’s Instagram to offer him a ‘chat’ he was fully prepared to give name, employer etc. He’s actually wanting his boss to be emailed now. He takes no shit from anyone.
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Firstly, Sunday Times bestseller, the use of ‘my family and I’ in that sentence is incorrect 😁
The Tattler’s comments aren’t the worst I’ve ever seen on Tattle about Rachel and co.
To say that the Tattler has spent months here and the comments are ‘grim, stomach churning’ is an over exaggeration. The odd comment about Josh and Rachel’s teeth. Not enough to get the sack over.
The Tattler that those particular comments are attached to, didn’t join Tattle till November 2019 and didn’t comment on the PTWM thread till January 2021. They weren’t around for the suicidal thoughts at 8 and half months. No need for that apology.

The whole thing doesn’t make sense. The screenshots don’t make sense. The conversation doesn’t make sense.
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there was also the other one that he filmed himself FaceTimeing - that name looked like it ended in "ski"
That picture has had me heaving laughing all weekend. I was trying to talk my Husband through what went on and he was like 'Okay, stop laughing you tit, I can't understand you.' 😂😂😂😂😂
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Something that is bugging me, in her rant with the ‘tattler’ Carrie Lou asks for the post with photos to be removed, rancid replies with No. As far as I can see nothing was actually shared with photos or personal information for Carrie because the previous Facebook SS was for the person who sent the rank fanny message to jubai. Two separate ‘trolls’ Then on top of this there was the messages jubai shared and since deleted of the person calling him out for being sacked, this is who he was trying to FaceTime. So three separate ‘trolls’ 🤷‍♀️ I’ve got a headache trying to work this out. 😂
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Eyes Wide Open Now

Chatty Member
Oh I really hope the little dog is ok. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

when my dog was really ill and in the vets before we lost him, I was beside myself, trying to keep my shit together for the kids.
How she had the headspace to go on a troll hunt just shows how self absorbed she is 🙄 freak

I am finding her bullying and gaslighting really disturbing.
Same. I found it really triggering.
And how she only shows certain messages to change the narrative, she’s a gas lighting and very manipulating person
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Temper, temper Rachel, that was a major toy throwing incident!!
You need to get better control over your temper if you're working with vulnerable families (as well as your own child)
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Well-known member
I think I've sussed it. Right, Carrie posted a screenshot on here that had her profile picture on. She also 'liked' some posts on Instagram that were 'nasty' in Rachaels opinion (maybe Emily's page or someone else's??,) in her own account with the same profile picture.

So Rachael had the profile picture from the screenshot and the profile picture from the posts she'd liked on Instagram which also would have had Carrie's name. Matched them, looked her up on Facebook and had a shit fit. (See second paragraph in the screenshot 👇.)

Hardly investigative genius, I guess if you don't want to be 'outed,' be careful maybe? I'm sure that Carrie said what she said to shut her up and send her on her way. Sometimes it's just easier to give people what they want isn't it? And her boss isn't going to give a shit anyway

View attachment 1605087
She’s sick of her pretending she’s a mother of 4,that’s golden !!!
I’m sick of rancid pretending she works and parents 6 kids 🤣🤣🤣
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I wonder if she is starting to realise it was a mistake opening the business with “friends” involved, with them slowly loosing interest and dropping off one by one 😆😆 the only one who seems to be solidly by her side is PA Jo. At this rate it will only be Dani and B left working in the shop & I can’t see B lasting much longer she will be too bored.
I thought Rambo was buying BeKind a ticket to go travelling for her 18th 🤷 imagine being promised a ticket to Australia and instead you're slaving away in your mum's empty tat shop!
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Am I the only one thinking that it’s not ‘normal’ to have the direct line to the pastoral lead/team?
This tells me that you are communicating on a regular basis, because T is struggling.
Why then, would you show her being belittled and taken the piss out of by her older sister and step Dad and snigger about it on social media?
Bear in mind as well that we only see what she chooses to show. She's quick to point out that "you only see five minutes of my day", if those five minutes show you neglecting your kids and allowing one of them to be bullied by her sister and stepdad, what goes on that isn't filmed?
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Active member
Unfortunately, that's what Rachel Hambleton does.
She lies.
She fantasises.
She steals.
She claims to run a women's centre that helps victims of domestic abuse.
She's running a launderette, a social club & a tat shop.
She claims that she genuinely cares about abused women.
She has no interest in the welfare of abused women.
She claims to re-house abused women & their children frequently.
She's fiddling rent money with Jezza.
She claims to be an ambassador & a patron of Domestic Abuse charities.
She does non of the above.
I know from personal experience that she does not care about abused women, she never has done.
She disgusts me with all the wrong that she has done, yet carries on without the slightest care or regard for all those that she has let down, abused & hurt.
It's really upsetting to hear how she let your relative down. I hope she's doing okay now.
The next abused woman who reaches out to Rachel Hambleton & gets ignored or turned away, might just go straight back into the arms of her abuser and the last beating she'll ever have.
Because of Rachel Hambleton, PTWM,
and a let down to society 😭😭😭.
It boils my blood. Cashing in on women’s trauma.
She pretends to do all this stuff to leech money out of people.
my relative is doing very well, her new partner is amazing and the kids adore him.
Rachel is playing a very dangerous game and I look forward to seeing her internet presence crash n burn.
I reported her accounts and post for bullying, harassment, mentions of suicide and self harm. Hope they take her insta down.
blaming that tattler for her (probably fake) suicidal ideation was absolutely disgusting, admitting she would harm her unborn child by harming herself is terrifying. But to place that on the shoulders of a person who said they struggle with mental health was foul. That could’ve pushed that woman over the edge and it would’ve all been PTWM fault! No ifs, buts or maybes. Ahhh I’m full of ranty things tonight.
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Chatty Member
I wonder how many times this one will be sent back for editing 🤣
Lush book lady; We ran it through grammarly and it deleted 20,000 unnecessary words, can you add another 40k so we have a chance of this crap being long enough. Ta, lots of love, Lush book lady xxx
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I've lurked here for a while but I feel I need to post today as last nights FB stories triggered an anxiety attack for me :( The whole tone was vile, goading and just downright disgusting.

How can they say they're getting trolled and it's so bad, when they can goad someone with the fact that they can get them sacked (yes we all know it'll never happen as the perceived incident has no credence and no employer would take such action, but what an evil thing to taunt someone with) and that's okay?

Honestly, that's just sick.

I'm not looking for any sympathy from you guys by the way, just I felt I needed to post.

Rach - "Be Kind"
Also Rach - "I'm going to try and get you sacked"
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This is so fake.. the simpering poor me voice preparing to fake cry. Then she says anyway its all in hand in a totally normal voice. You don't go from sad to fine in 0.2 seconds.. shes beyond ridiculous. I think shes so deluded she actually believes her lies. She needs some dbt not hypnotherapy.

Also no one set out to ruin your life you sad cunt. COMMENTING ON TATTLE IS NOT TROLLING. Fuck me the people she has around her must all hate her because if she was my friend, I'd sure as shit be telling her how psychotic she looks and advise her not to read here if she doesn't want to be offended. It's a simple solution 🥴

She is an abuser. No one could make me believe otherwise. Slosh might be a bad person but shes fucking abusing him. 100% convinced of it. Coercive control, emotional abuse and manipulation. She is sick
I was just thinking this about PA Jo. Surely the money isn't worth having to deal with this shite week in week out? It wouldn't surprise me if she jumps ship next.

I did suspect that stabby Jo was still around and just not being shown in camera. Now I'm not so sure. I can't see her letting R carry on like that all weekend and I'd bet R is more scared of stabby than stabby is of R.

Also now I've just typed that out, I've realised that it could be that its actually stabby going awol that has caused R to become more manic as times gone on.

Someone that knew them implied on here a while ago stabby was working for a charity and was actually well respected at work. I wonder if she helped Emily to see the light and that's why R is now on the edge and taking her aggression out on everyone else. Maybe Vanessa is even in touch with them. 3 members of staff walking out over 12-18 months when there was only 4 to start with seems very odd.

(That turned into a long post I didn't expect 🤣 just thinking of hypothetical scenarios out loud)
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I wonder if shes setting that new rebl shop up in anticipation of the patchwork shop closing and transferring all the stock over to there 🤔
Dodgy as fuck if you ask me.
And if this is in addition to everything else shes opened then shes an idiot. She can hardly run what shes got open 🤦‍♀️
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