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wow just watched that story. What an absolute bullying cunt. Can see his inner copper rising to the surface. Poor Seb Marshall, what a disgusting performance.
That boy needs to get out of that house. He's behaviour is like an evil stepdad not an actual father who insisted on having his boy torn from their mother.
I'm disgusted, and the fact she just sat there and let him carry on.
Hope someone who knows Samantha marshall can save the video before it expires and help her fight for ccontact had started to feel a bit sorry for josh but no more.
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Chatty Member
Just because 'Wilby can't understand' what shes saying why is it ok for her to sit with him on her lap swearing like that?! 'Bastard, wanker, shit, fucking hell'. How about get of your phone and sit with some books showing him colours, textures, shapes etc. Mouth like a sewer. Its embarrassing. And when playing with bubbles turn the screen off. Hes going to be over stimulated, any toddler would be. About time she got some common sense and booked onto some parenting classes at the Patchwork Launderette instead of fannying around with a xmas tree.
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Just because 'Wilby can't understand' what shes saying why is it ok for her to sit with him on her lap swearing like that?! 'Bastard, wanker, shit, fucking hell'. How about get of your phone and sit with some books showing him colours, textures, shapes etc. Mouth like a sewer. Its embarrassing. And when playing with bubbles turn the screen off. Hes going to be over stimulated, any toddler would be. About time she got some common sense and booked onto some parenting classes at the Patchwork Launderette instead of fannying around with a xmas tree.
And actually, I would guess that Wilby probably does understand. Just because he can't speak doesn't mean he doesn't listen and take things in. But of course she won't think of that, will she 🙄

WTF does she look like 😂
I have 2 questions regarding her choice of outfit:

1 - what the fuck?
2 - what the SHIT?

I'm no fashionista, mostly I wear leggings and a hoodie, all accessorised with cat hair, but I don't look like I've time travelled without my clothes and had to dress myself from a bargain bin at a charity shop!

Any minute now "for everyone who's asking about my leggings.....". Does the camel toe come with them or is that all your own hun?
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I hate to say it but I think Josh is gutted because he thinks he doesn’t have the ‘perfect’ son. He’s all about designer clothes, expensive cars, the latest trainers, eating out at expensive places. It’s all about how things look.
Poor Wibs doesn’t fit into his ideal. His other two sons are able to fend for themselves so he doesn’t have to bother with them or make any kind of effort, allowing him to carry on living the life of Riley guzzling expensive red wine and weekends away. Now he has this interruption to his life that potentially is embarrassing to his superficial shallow personality. I’d imagine he has not wanted anyone to know about it because he thinks it will look bad on him. Although I do believe he himself has some traits of something (not experienced enough to say)
but has been unrecognised.

The two of them just wanted a baby for the attention and the freebies.One that will fit in with their lives and can be palmed off to anyone when it suits. This is a harsh reality for them, but I don’t think for one minute that it will stop the weekends away etc. If anything they will employ a full time. carer and have even less time with him. I hope I’m wrong and they start putting him first, that gorgeous little boy needs security and love.
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I honestly wouldn’t give it to much thought.

She got what she wanted, more people paying for Instagram content via Patreon. During the week she is palming Wibble off on that woman called Lucy Pearce (who seems to already have her hands full,) and cocking around with her ‘team.’ (Paid by the huns mates.) Then at the weekend she’s anywhere, with anyone who’ll have her and Josh.

She doesn’t give a rats arse about any of those kids in any significant way. She just didn’t want to be criticised for it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Honestly, I’d ruin her if she was my family member. Literally blow her life apart without giving one shit. The kids would be better off anyway. The sheer hell of her going over and over and over everything, making up more shit as she goes along would kill me. I do not know how they have the patience!
Same. This is truly one of the most baffling things about all of her bullshit. Why has not even one person in her life spoken up and just annihilated her and all the crap she spouts?! There's not a chance I'd let someone shit all over me the way she's done to so many people without saying something. Even if it made me look bad too.

Even her oldest girls dad. She's slaughtered his character for years and years.. its pretty clear he's far from an angel but why has he not spoken up about anything? It doesn't make sense. How can one nobody from Devon have so much control over so many different people's lives.

There is not one person on this earth who could silence me if they were slandering my parenting, my children, my family etc. Unless they were a serious gangster with a group of hitmen for friends and would kill all my family if I spoke up 🤣😂. Rachet is far from a fucking gangster ffs. Shes a buck toothed nobody with a wet weekend for a husband. Grim
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All the money she spends on these hideous clothes, she could actually do a whole house renovation in one go if her priorities were different 😆 i mean, its nice to treat yourself but she's rocking around in £700 shoes eating meals for £150 a pop and her kids are walking around in cheap Chinese shein clothes eating homemade roasts and her house is upside down 🙄🤣
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Those shit boots and a cardigan would have probably paid for 2 private appointments at least!! A couple of ad payments and ur well on your way to a full diagnosis 👍
(I have no clue what private costs, but you get the picture lol)
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My sympathy is for W and the other kids. It's quite clear she and Josh are taking their frustrations out about W's development on them- particularly S as shown the other night. It's also quite clear why B hasn't been around much recently I would imagine she's trying not to be in the house so she doesn't have to parent her brother because his actual parents don't want to! The absolute hypocrisy of going on about how W needs routine then leaving him home every weekend- and of course the shilling of the patreon 🙄🙄
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She's so full of herself. Every single school playground is full of a bunch of mums who stand there and bitch about literally everyone, even the ones they are friends with 🤣🤣🤣 its not because people are jealous of you, its because your a cunt, simple as that. And if u waded in like beyonce calling them cunts, I'm positive they would then confront u to your face, so go ahead 😆 maybe if some locals did call her out to her face it would knock her down a peg or 2. Cocky twat
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They just can’t read the room can they?

Thousands of families up and down the country are sitting with no heating and using food-banks etc (probably a large percentage of her huns). Now I love to dig deep and help campaigns if I can. I’ve had a look on her Amazon wish list and frankly she is taking the fucking piss! The cost of one item alone is what most families have to budget for a few kids - she makes me sick.

I’ll tell you what Dumb and Dumber, put your hands in your own ill gained pockets or use your ill gained funding to supply these imaginary women/kids that bomb your launderette out every day with a Christmas gift. (yeah yeah of course they do Rach 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥). Btw do they only visit during your part time opening hours? Grrr she’s rattled my cage. Again!
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Sloshy is a massive cunt to Seb. I can't wait for the day when Seb tells him to "go fuck yourself" and go somewhere where he's cared about. Guessing Sloshy never watched R's dots of death where her rambling goes on.......and on............and.....on aaaaaaand.......ooooooon.

Wow!! 1 flapjack for breakfast is bad enough but allowing him to have all of them. Learn to say........NO and learn how to handle his meltdowns. I also noticed the state of his teeth, imagine the meltdown getting him in a dentist chair?

ETA: R is the biggest troll. Quick to say stuff on her page but if someone confronted her face to face, she wouldn't do shit. She wouldn't know what to do!
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She’s on a train journey after a gifted weekend with a couple of her family and all she can think about is raking up her past yet again? I had a shitty past. Apart from my husband, I’ve never told anyone. Loads of people do. Shut the fuck up and move on.
And just happened to have a photo of her parents blind date and wedding to hand. Naturally
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I think this distancing started when R celebrated on her stories Emily’s alleged first report to social services.
I imagine her boyfriend’s ex would have had concerns about social services involvement, as might her sons extended family.
I know if my child was going to stay for part of the week at a home where child safety concerns had been raised, I’d be asking questions. Gob-shite Gail probably doesn’t think that some people won’t find it all hilarious.
And I'm sure just after that she was advertising Emily being single and stalking Love Island contestants. It looked rather obvious that the SS topic and the break up were connected.

Imagine what W could pick up if they actually sat down and properly tried to interact with him and kept repeating words - mind blowing!! He might actually repeat something, surely they can see he has the capability they just need to put in 110% effort in, find his interests and get pictures and repeat words.
So he's been watching peppa pig and can now say atchoo. It's becoming glaringly obvious how much he has been neglected up until now. He is picking things up really quickly now they have been forced into doing something. Shame on the lot of them, extended family included like Han the Man and Ganstsa Granny for not stepping in or taking that pair of twats to the side and having a word. We saw GG that day at her house wanting to tell him to stop putting his fingers near the sockets and not doing so cos Ratchet was filming and snorting. The whole family are a disgrace and they have let that poor boy down massively.
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How thick is she exactly? And how much parenting has she ever actually done? Why is it “lush” that the parent at the cinema was taking her 7 year old autistic child? It’s normal, where I come from? Our local independent has autism-friendly sessions too, so you don’t even have to worry about making too much noise etc, it’s also quieter volume than regular sessions. My kids were both quite sensitive to noise as small children, they both used ear defenders for cinema, theatre and fireworks etc until they were 8 or so. It’s like she’s the one who lives in a bubble where she has no fucking clue how to parent properly.
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Thank you! This whole time all she has done is talk about autism like is a nasty disease. Being autistic is not life limiting. I know it comes with challenges because of people like R but equally people with autism can be ridiculously intelligent, and absolutely excel in work etc. I’ve dated, worked with and friend last with people with autism - at no point did I even consider them to have a disability. I also know there are amazing services for children with autism run by experts in their field. Of course she prefers the drama of the perceived negatives as that’s where the money lies.
I was gonna comment also saying autism isn’t a terminal illness etc. My cousin is autistic and never spoke till he was over 4. He is now married in his 30s and he designs airplane engines, has a crazy low golf handicap and speaks a few languages. When a young child he was treated equally to his brother etc

Wilbertson hv will have referred him for assessment and perhaps by the time he meets the top of the waiting list he could come on leaps and bounds. The best thing she could do is get him into a nursery as they will link in with the health professionals during the assessment process.
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He missed his milestones on a standard HV check up and she’s talking about him in past tense as if his life is over.

She is actually mental. Completely off the charts incapable of doing anything other than creating a disaster.

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If Edie was my child, I would be telling her to keep her feet off the seats and having a quiet word about other people using the train and how they may not want to travel all the way to London with her screeching singing in their ears. But that’s just me.

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Interesting that Attachment Disorder often presents like Autism.......
I have Reactive Attachment Disorder as I went through the care system and massively failed by it. I can honestly say that it's something I wouldn't wish upon anyone (there's quite a few things tbh) I think that poor Wilby might eventually have an attachment disorder because of how shit his parents are, and it will mentally screw him up as he gets older. If you don't have warm, loving attachments with your primary care giver at his age then sadly he has been failed, not a little bit failed but 200% failed. Though saying that, who is is actual primary carer? 'Cos it sure as hell isn't one of them lame excuses for parents. He's an absolutely lovely little boy and if he had the proper love, care and attention he quite rightly deserves, then maybe his needs would have been picked up quicker and the right help and support put in place. Considering they had 5 previous babies before him, they really are clueless. Ffs, slosh get off the red, rancid, put the flipping phone away and parent Wilby. You might then begin to understand how lucky you are to have him, quirks and all.
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Chatty Member
Begs the question why didnt she give him a yogurt and a spoon at least a yr ago? I think he probably flung it on the floor a few times and she gave in. I get the feeling they are both very controlling. Dont like mess or him just playing up. Like when J was feeding him the other day. Just give the kid the bowl and let him do it his own way. Yeah it will be everywhere. Probably up the kitchen walls but it's a family home not a show home. Whatever family meals you have you give the baby / toddler the same. It's the only way they learn. They never plate him a roast up. When he flung his bottle on the floor the other day and she said he was naughty? Not really just pick the bottle up and say please dont do that again instead of filming him and laughing. Hope it's a big wake up call for them but I doubt it. Probably be even more filming and snorting.
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