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It really annoys me that people have been telling her something isn't right with W for a long time, yet she chose to ignore it because she believed that he was the perfect baby, the one to connect their ' patchwork family' and she carried on doing nothing.
Yet now is looking for someone, anyone to blame but herself.
My nieces little boy is 7, he has autism and is non verbal and that girl has done everything for her little boy, she had him young at 22 and she has bent over backwards to get him the help he needs, he now goes to a special school after a 2 year fight for him to get a place, she had introduced flash cards with pictures on them from an early age once they realised something wasn't right and he wasn't hitting his milestones, he is such a beautiful happy little lad he may not he able to speak to us all, but he will communicate in his way, he puts his hand on your cheek when he wants something and will take you to the kitchen and will sign for a drink or for food, my niece and her hubby do their upmost for him and even though he is nonverbal, he has started saying dada and mama but in his own way which isn't understandable to others, but we know what he means, my niece works in the nursery he went to from 6 weeks old and has been on courses for makaton signing and all sorts of stuff like that to help our boy. I think R & J need to take a long hard look at themselves because before they even get a diagnosis which could take years, they still could be helping W and finding ways of getting him to communicate with them, and tell them of his needs and wants.
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So she’s posted the full address of the Laundrette. So it can’t be for DA victims. There never seems to be food in the fridge, just drinks, neither seem to be there, the giant Christmas tree must take up half the shop. Think the lottery need to do some checking on what their money has been spent on? Bet her accounts would make a better fiction book than she could write.
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I bet she is fuming that we all get to read her Patreon stuff and that she has a tattler subscribing 😂😂 thank you @Lucyinthesky88 for taking one for the team. What a load of utter shite.
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“Nothing better than biting into an apple to flob it on the floor”

rach, you’re going to have to start telling him no because soon he will be at school and by allowing him to do stuff that you would tell the rest off for is not only failing him but making his teachers and speech therapists and sen teachers life very difficult.

you have to start treating him like the rest because treating him differently will make him feel different.
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I am really angry at her writing and sharing this, yet again throwing people under the bus, throwing people under the bus that are no longer alive to defend themselves.
I had and have had a shit life, my mother died of covid a few months ago, she was not the best mother to me ( another poster posted the other day about telling her mum about her step dad abusing her and the mum stayed with him, that was the same for me) my nan my mums mum passed away a coupe of weeks ago, she wasn't the best mum or nan either, they both had hard childhoods, but that is their story to tell not mine. I had not seen my mum for 9 years when she passed and didnt get to go to her funeral, I reconnected with my nan 6 weeks ago after 23 years, we had just a few hours together and it was lovely, then her cancer gripped her and she was gone. I have her funeral next Friday.
I guess what I am trying to say is, we all have our faults and we all fuck up, but let the past be in the past, let the ones that have died lay restfully, Rach and other instagrammers love to say if you got nothing nice to say then say nothing, well they need to apply that to9 their own lives.
Yet again Rach is woe me and talking about people that are no longer here.
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Pretty sure Edie isn’t Kobeeeeee’s bestie but never mind, it’s not like they have a boy his age they could have taken instead 👀 maybe they could have even blown all our minds and taken two of their own kids at the same time 🤯
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Thank god neither of them are dealing with a child with a stammer. My boy has one and no matter what I'm doing I stop, make eye contact and listen for as long as he needs me to. Sometimes it takes him such a long bless him but I'm there to make him feel secure and safe to take as much time as he needs and its important I'm free to give him my time and patience, always. Regardless of that I do the same with my daughters too. W is non verbal at the moment but if and when he does start chatting I can imagine them two dickheads not even putting their phones away and giving him the attention and praise he needs. Ask for Slosh and Seb one day his boy will be a man and one day it might be him getting ignored and dismissed as an elderly sad old man. You get back what you put into your kids. In my opinion hes backing the wrong horse with old horse teeth herself. No one should come before your kids. Lifes a long road. Mind you he might bugger off on his own to Spain and leave her in the end 🤣
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It confuses me how she thinks people will/do judge her for having a child with (?) ASD.

Anyone who does that is vile. No two ways about it.

No one is judging them for Wibble possibly having a diagnosis. People are judging you (both) for your completely lax parenting. Your inability to say No to him. The lack of routine, the red flags when you shut the door on a crying child to continue talking to your huns. The list goes on and on..
It's a huge and important difference and one she determined to ignore to fit her troll/ woe is me narrative.
It could be argued that the lax parenting is due to Wilbert's struggles. I'm sure thats true in part. Sadly the other 5 kids are testament to a different story.
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do you reckon that she has an “astrid” wardrobe, “emily” wardrobe “chav” wardrobe?? she seems to merge into whoever is flavour of the month.
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There will be a day that Seb needs to tell them something really important and the worry is he won’t feel he can. Slosh just actually thinks he’s funny, he’s about as funny as arse ache. His awkwardness makes me cringe inside out. My daughter can tell me a story and go that far round the houses with it she’s forgot what’s she’s telling me. But I listen and get her back on track 😂 it’s called being a parent. Seb and Isaac will be out of there as soon as they can.
As someone else has pointed out Wilby probably hates having his teeth brushed too so mix that with the absolute shit she feeds him he’s got no chance with his gnashers 🙈
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The video of W with the apple reinforces the fact she will never say no to him or correct his behaviour and any diagnosis he may receive will (in her mind) justify this! W is going to go to school never having heard the word no and he will be a nightmare. I can guarantee R will take the view that the teachers are the issue and don't know how to deal with W whilst continue to ignore her own lax parenting of him.
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Don’t know why she finds it funny Betsy moves out for a week. 17 yr olds don’t just move out. I did at 16 because I hated my mum. Maybe Betsy is fed up of being Wilbys other parent.
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No-one is jealous of her. Thats just what her huns tell her when they blow smoke up her arse. I bet the local school mums know all about her real life antics and she hates that she can't paint a fake picture of the Patchwork Family in the school playground.
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“Come at me you cunts” charming!!! And anyway she doesn’t stride it it he playground she bumps her bloody huge car up on the pavements narrowly missing other children and parents like she doesn’t give a shit and then sits there on her phone and wait for Edie to come out like she really can’t even be bothered to be there. That is when she doesn’t sit on her arse doing nothing while sloshy does the school run.
Don’t want people bitching about you…. Be a better person!!!
Who wants to remind her that most schools break up early to mid July? Not going into the playground for a whole 15 days sounds less impressive though I suppose.
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HV's are making home visits in my area but I'm up in the North West
Thanks, I did think it might vary by area but I wouldn’t put it past Rachel to make the whole thing up!

I just can’t with her gross entitled nature. She’s literally just gone “If you see a gift on our wish list that you think is too expensive, feel free to shop around, buy it somewhere like Very (no #ad here either), and post it on to us, now let me show you my brand new £32 Christmas jumper I’m about to take with me to London with my husband, who has no annual leave left, and 1/6 of our children, not including the two who probably have additional needs, where we’re going to have another overnight stay despite having spent the week crying about how much Wilby needs his routine adhered to,” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
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So their “brainstorm” for a “Christmas campaign” is to go on the beg on their biggest platform (the one that doesn’t get exclusive content of the actual women’s centre etc) asking for toys for select children in Torbay who access that particular women’s centre.

Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I’d rather give loads of kids a small gift than a handful of kids £80 plastic tat toys when their parents potentially can’t even afford to feed them the rest of the year?! Seems a scandalous misdirection of money, if that makes sense? Like, they could be doing so much more to help people if they had any clue, but again it has to come down to materialistic Rachel and what she wants. She didn’t get expensive trainers when she was 15 and was traumatised for life so she now thinks chucking money at problems solves them 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m not going to lie, I looked at the list as I was tempted to donate, I hate the idea of kids going without at Christmas but as I kept scrolling, I couldn’t believe the price and quantities of gifts they were asking for. She probably gets paid more for an AD, than her followers get in a week doing 40 hours. This is nothing more than attempt to stroke her ego. I would love to know exactly what off the list they are both purchasing and if they do, I bet my life it’s through the company so they can claim VAT back !
I would never donate anything to Rachel, how do you know any of these toys are even going to make it to a child in need? Probably the Patchwork Team’s kids’ Christmas lists, you’ll see Freddie and Wilby playing with it all come Christmas morning 🙄 it’s not like they can film vulnerable families and children receiving and opening these presents. You would better off buying a gift and taking it to your local food bank for them to gift to a family.
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Thank you! This whole time all she has done is talk about autism like is a nasty disease. Being autistic is not life limiting. I know it comes with challenges because of people like R but equally people with autism can be ridiculously intelligent, and absolutely excel in work etc. I’ve dated, worked with and friend last with people with autism - at no point did I even consider them to have a disability. I also know there are amazing services for children with autism run by experts in their field. Of course she prefers the drama of the perceived negatives as that’s where the money lies.
That exactly what I thought! I have autism but I live a pretty normal life, I struggle socially and getting my words out. But it’s not like I have some horrific disease, and I’m certainly not embarrassing.
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