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I'm starting worry about stabby Jo. She hasn't been seen since the Halloween party that I can remember.

Has she been moved to the toxic circle?

Has she been stabby again?

Did Sloshy mistake her for Rach at the party and try some role play with her?

Be a love Rach and let us know 😄
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I am quite frankly disgusted at finding out what I have about this woman, stole someones husband, stole her kids too! Lies about her previous jobs, takes peoples money to spend on herself and not alll these fake warriors! She then calls all her followers on insta and fb knobheads and cunts and tries to get them to join patreon at a fee. Basically you get the same content for whatever fee you pay except and I quote if you pay more its "because you can and you really love me". Massive bellend. I seriously hope her followers start realising what a user/abuser husband stealing charity money stealing woman she is!
She stole 2 husbands btw 🙄🤣 first she stole the girls dad from his previous wife and children and then she stole josh from his previous wife and children.
Shes far from this perfect advocate she tries to paint herself as...Shes nothing but a home wrecking con artist.
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Makes me chuckle the way she assumes everyone has fake accounts just because she has a few herself. Don’t judge people by your own trolling standards Rach 👌

ETA: She said the best present Josh bought her was a vibrator 😂😂. The shade. Can’t he hit the spot for her? No wonder she’s a mess hahaha
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Dog mama

Chatty Member
Who’s her friend who cares for W which the two additional needs girls?? Why is someone who already obviously has their hands full looking after her kids? Why don’t she return the boots and pay for a private assessment!
Personally think the tears were a “ shit I’m gonna have to fucking parent now” kinda tear.
She’s not helped the poor kid from day one. She’s tried to keep him a baby as long as she could, she breast fed forever, weaned him onto a bloody bottle and the kid still wears sleep suits. He also has no routine, he never seems to have a set bed time, never knows if his parents will be there or not, goes out for joyrides with his learner driver sister. There seems to be no interaction play. She sits on the sofa with that rag over her. There’s no hugs, play, learning, nursery rhymes.
I was thinking this get advice from said friend but why Rach letting someone look after him who has so much on when she does fuck all
She’s scared of her son and she needs to now start learning his “world” as she so keeps saying

The fact she plugged the patreon made me lose any inch of sympathy I had as for josh if what we saw of him being like with seb last night is him being the best father in the world then I feel for wilby. We have a mute niece I can assure you my brother and sister in law would love to hear her drone on with a boring story so if wilby is mute then I hope he grieves for the kids he has done wrong by in years fo come when he is more frustrated at a 15 year old unable to communicate because he deserves absolute shit that man

The only hope from this is she closes the womens centre so she isn’t fucking up more lives while needing to be there for her son she has failed
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Just watched her stories. Found them so insincere I'm afraid. Shes mourning the patchwork perfect family she thought she was creating. Also looking forward she knows it means a lifelong commitment to a child with additional needs which neither her or her husband can selflessly commit to. They should change their lifestyle but most likely wont. W was the final peice of the jigsaw and it wasnt that long ago she was hinting at another baby. Its time to put that graft in for once and start caring for all the kids they already have.

I was confused why she kept saying she wanted to be part of Wilbys World? She should be the centre of his universe. Hes 2, his parents and siblings should be all he loves and needs. Instead hes no routine and left for days with difftenct carers. Even when it was the kids birthday she took him on a weird holiday with strangers. Away from his home and his siblings to film him and laugh when he cried. Theres a catalogue of errors we have all seen. Anyone who has dared to mention her sons delays, shes blocked. I feel bad she puts on Betsy. J ringing her and demanding she go get a 2yo in a car seat? It's just madness.

No worries though cos poor W's life is and probably never will be his own now. How can he make her accountable for selling his privacy since the day he was conceived if he may never grasp the concept of it? Wilbys World will indeed be used to her advantage. Just imagine you are a single mum going through this and shes charging 5 pound to view her content. It's the Rachel Show none of this is for her son and never will be. It's all about the money yet again.
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I cringe to think of these kids in 10/15/20 years time. Being googled or googled themselves and their parents. Prospective employers or partners. Imagine all of those intimate details floating around the web for anyone to find. And what for?! A witchy pair of boots, wonky teeth and a couple of crappy cardigans. Vile.
They've all been failed and it'll become more evident as the years go by.
I can see the story unfolding with Wibble. We've all called it already. The campaign, the merch, the new page and most of all the money rolling in. Her UBP is going down this route quicker than we can say PayPal.
They're in so much deeper than they realised. Help is out there. She can afford to go private. I'd like to feel sorry for her. But I can't. Poor Wibble has more issues than he can be diagnosed with or named. Many of those issues have been caused by their shite lack of parenting.
Shameful. Poor kids.
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Does she realise that she is setting those families up to fail? So you get the kids want they want for Christmas......then their birthday comes around and they'll be expecting the same, but their families can't afford it.
And the use of the word WANT was telling.....what you would LIKE would have made it seem less demanding. Sounded like a pair of spoilt brats!
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Josh still feeds Rachael and Edie. I doubt Willy has ever been given the chance to do it himself as it probably create mess that neither of them can be bothered to clean
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I don’t have a child there but I’ll pay petrol
Sadly I’d need a valid reason to be there. So it didn’t look like I’d turned up just to rag the Beyoncé out of her. Which I’d happily do for free.

Unfortunately for Seb and all of them really, they are never going to know anything different to the parents they have until they become parents themselves, because seemingly no one cares enough to show them. If my lads Dads treated them like Josh does his kids, they would volley him into next week, or my Husband would, or I would, even their grandparents would actually. Culpability extends way beyond the situation and far into the standers by. It’s really so very sad.

The demoralising of that lad will take years to fix.
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So it begins, she’s now a campaigner for disability rights and miraculously overnight Wibble can use his motor skills to feed himself.

I can’t be arsed anymore. I’m drowning in bullshit. I’ll just quietly manifest bad vibes towards her when I get spare five minutes throughout the day.

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There is a shampoo and conditioner set for TWENTY FIVE POUNDS on that list! You could get 12/13 sets for that!!!
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I guarantee not a single thing donated will make its way past rach to anyone in need.
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And then you do the maths on her patreon account, if everyone subscribed paid the basic £5 then that is £73,740.00 A YEAR! And she is asking her followers to donate to her AGAIN! Fucking shame on her!
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Its not so much the fact these kids don't deserve these gifts, they absolutely do. But it was only a few weeks ago she was gifted over £1000 worth of toys and now she is begging for more out of others pockets. U can get cheaper elsewhere, iv just got my son a pair of Adidas goalie gloves for £15, 60 quid is ridiculous. You can nip into b&m and get some great hair gift sets and lynx sets. What happens when she gifts these families the tablets and they can't afford to pay for Internet, will they be made to go into the centre for their free WiFi just to be able to use it!! Its not realistic at all.
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She’s on a train journey after a gifted weekend with a couple of her family and all she can think about is raking up her past yet again? I had a shitty past. Apart from my husband, I’ve never told anyone. Loads of people do. Shut the fuck up and move on.
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I haven't joined in much over the last couple of days (just busy with work and life!) but I've been keeping up and my thoughts on her "Wilby's World" ramble have already been said by you lot. So much whining and trying to muster up a real tear (without success), followed up by a plug for her Patreon 🤯 every time you think she's sunk to the lowest she can, she manages to find another level doesn't she? And all the reposts of arselicking messages from her huns 🤢

Will she still be fucking off to Bristol to love Josh the hardest ever, leaving her non-verbal child who "loves routine" with a babysitter? Mind you, his parents being absent is actually part of his routine now 🤷
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“Come at me you cunts” charming!!! And anyway she doesn’t stride it it he playground she bumps her bloody huge car up on the pavements narrowly missing other children and parents like she doesn’t give a shit and then sits there on her phone and wait for Edie to come out like she really can’t even be bothered to be there. That is when she doesn’t sit on her arse doing nothing while sloshy does the school run.
Don’t want people bitching about you…. Be a better person!!!
I don’t remember more than a handful of comments on here ever being from anyone local who has actually seen her out and about. I’m sure most of us are dotted round the country and only got invested due to being burned by her lies. Imagine being able to just drop out of school runs for a whole month too. Most of us don’t have a choice, regardless of what’s going on in our lives or who we think are talking about us in the playground 🙄
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