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I read an article in the guardian today about what a hellhole tattle is, and rach is mentioned without being named. A Devon based influencer who’s had social services called on her apparently..

Rach that was the dentist mate.
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Velvet Hour

Chatty Member
Just caught up with this thread - regarding the apple, Rachel would have been better to cut the apple up put in a dish and sit chatting with Wilby and engage him, talk about the colour of the apple, the texture, how good it is for him and praise him for eating it . All the while encouraging his hand to eye co ordination and sitting down calmly to eat. Instead it’s all ‘life through a lens’ and everything recorded for desperate content .
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Straight away she got my back up with them saying “we want” how about “we would like” “we would appreciate” my mother always said “I want never gets” then to actually see the wish list, full of over priced crap that the kids opened and played with last week via the very ad. Asking for kindle tablets…are these the same as the ones she advertised and were never seen again. Imagine if she had packaged back up all the hot wheels, Lego, barbies carefully. She wouldn’t even need an Amazon wish list for presents for warriors. A £20 Costa voucher, I know when I was skint and living off credit cards just to feed my kids that I would
Of sold that for a tenner and got 3 chickens for a tenner from Asda, that’s 6 meals for them, she’s not got a fucking clue
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Somethink less

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I was a caregiver for a 2.5 year old who wasn't talking much. I suggested to his parents that we remove his dummy during the day (sleep only) and I made a plan of ways to encourage him to talk and expose him to language - asking questions, giving him time to communicate to "answer", listening to kids music and the radio, singing, reading books. etc I'm a natural talker anyway so I narrated things all the time. Within a few months he went from not saying much to always talking and parroting everything! He'd talk my ear off all day long 😆 Perhaps Wilby does have some developmental delays, but also with time and energy put in, it can make a difference! Take away the ipad (biggest pet peeve personally, kids zone out on them so much, how can he pay attention?), focus solely on him, give him opportunities to "answer" his own way, stop constantly saying "do you love it, do you love it" because that is so fucking irritating I'm surprised he doesn't smack you Rach :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: and actually MAKE A PLAN for your child! I can't comprehend how she's had 3 children yet seems to have no fucking clue how to actually parent??
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There’s something about Astrid that she seems able to carry any outfit off. If I saw anyone else wearing that I’d honestly think WTAF/ Have they lost a bet/ What a twat they look (see Rachael for eg) but she actually looks good in it.
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Joyce trying to discipline/belittle Seb while he's pissed again and she's snorting and giggling is an absolute disgrace. Who actually enjoys watching this shit? And as for Joyce saying Seb is boring and speaking monotone - hello!!!!!!!
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Poor Seb just trying to talk to his dad about his journey home and gets told he’s boring. You can see the sadness on his face.
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Who is she kidding when was the last time
a. She done a school run and
b. Got out her car and went into the playground and finally
c. Had the come at me cunts attitude considering she’s scared to leave the house alone🙄
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Active member
Ok her latest videos…

we had a “flag” with my daughter feb 2020.
march 2020 booked for speech therapy and developmental paediatrician assessment.
Covid hit.
so yes we’ve waited 2 years.

rach. Don’t do what you’re about to do.
the nhs is so fucking stretched and you have the money to go private. There’s nothing you can do that any parent with a child waiting for help hasn’t already done.
We are so fucking lucky to have the help and yes there’s a long waiting list but to put yourself in the same category as someone like me who couldn’t afford private care and had to wait and put a bad spin on it all is shit.

put your phone down and get off the internet. There’s so many tools and information online.

And your weekends and midweek trips way should stop. So should josh drinking. Pricks.
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Hey Rach here's an idea, you know the PayPal money you're still hiding, the patreon money, why don't you put it to good use and pay for a private assessment if the services are that shit? Why not free up a space for that "single mum" you was 12 years ago who wouldn't of coped with the situation you currently face.
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VIP Member
Yes! This stood out to me too!
But if he learned this skill in the two days he seemed to be allowed at nursery, along with “wow”…how much more could he learn if someone actually nurtured him?
I think services need to look a lot harder at WHY he is so behind, instead of jumping to the autism label.
totally agree, he was at soft play the other week and learned to say "ta" thanks to her mate Dani with an hour or 2. They have failed him time and time again - mamma, dada, hiya, ta etc - those are words that should have been spoken to him from the off.

My grandson is 3 months old and all of us have been talking to him every single day. he'll be sat in his chair while his mum is cleaning up. making bottles, making her tea and she's constantly talking to him telling him what she's doing. Subsequently he has then found his voice and "talks" back to her. Obviously its only little squeals and babbling but twit and twat never did any of that with Wilby. If he wasn't being breastfed he was left on the sofa in front of the TV.

Lazy parenting is one of my huge pet hates and that's exactly what this pair are and the ones suffering are the children who will eventually grow into adults that become society's problem when they need help dealing with a neglectful childhood.
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The comments on her post, mainly be more Wilby and what wonderful parents they are🤔
Then this.
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£13 for 5 rolls of wrapping paper and £15 for a pair of scissors…get yourself to Wilko Rach, it’s only £1.50 a roll and a pair of scissors are about £3. She is so out of touch !!!!
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Chatty Member
Here’s me, wanted a pair of boots that cost £50 for about a year and still haven’t brought them because i can’t justify £50 on shoes, especially ones that aren’t great for practical stuff so I literally have one pair of trainers. Meanwhile thiefy mc thieferson is hobbling around in £700 shoes and begging strangers to help warriors. In real, and laughable that she gets away with it.
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To be fair, I’d be tamping if I spent £700 on boots and still looked like I’d fallen out of Wilby’s wardrobe. You might have money hun (however you got it 👀) but you have zero style and class.
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Crazy coincidence that the one day she goes to the cinema she manages to bump into someone with their children, (one who is autistic)....and on the same week she has alluded that W is autistic.....such good timing Rach 🙄
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