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Nae bother Mrs Andre 😂
Maybe you could send in a request to Dianne for Mysterious Girl 💃
Aye, yi never no eh🙄😂. Great detective work though, 1 comment on a celebrity post n now I'm the troll who, what, trolled myself about my weight🤔, I can see how u came to that conclusion 🙄. As I said you can say what you like about me smoking weed, u don't have the first clue what's going on with me health wise but that's ok as it's the people who are there to support me through it that matters. So again, u have a lovely night now😘
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Did you see the “tattle get in touch” 😂😂

I think you all look kinda cute btw lol

Well we knew that already. She’s a numpty bandwagon jumping doughball
Mine is cute but I’m imagining she’s got all sorts of filth in that wee present for the night of passion with Aldo
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One shoe magoo

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She’s been vile slagging off Someone’s weight, threatening to report her to the brew ( even though she works legit ) & all sorts 🙈 she’s a pretty lassie but is obviously not right in the head getting involved with someone like him especially when she has weans. Folk he’s fucked over felt sympathy for her getting involved with him as everyone knows what he’s like , but not now her behaviour is absolutely shocking. She makes Natalie the mad mental Pole look sane 🤯
The story he’s spun Gemma is he only likes lassies photos on insta and sent flirty texts. The daft cows believed it 🥴
Ach I'll give it a month or 2 til the next one catches his wandering eye. Then she will feel a fucking fool. What is wrong with these women's heads? After all that was revealed about him. Serves her right whatever comes her way. Hope she's getting herself checked. Wonder of he's still swinging at he doesn't swing but was a member of that swinging club. Can't mind the name of it.
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That's how I read cass's message too 😂😂 it's baffling but majorly amusing that this is all still going on and that new stuff comes out every other day its mental haha
I know. I honestly thought we were going under on last post until Yvonne revealed her texts lol
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Dianne and Gary knew each other b4 she was even way alan they were pals b4 that. The lassie deserves some happiness and it seems she is. Whoever is behind the property tosser page really is a tosser themselves. Saying dianne is on tattle outing ppl wen the lassie hasn't wrote anything for ages!! Rosie bush was engaged to a fkn psychopath after a week ffs and already they have fell out 347 times called off the engagement hot tubs been stabbed domestic violence all while children are in the house engagement back on and all living happily ever after 🤣 got fk all to do way anyone if dianne has moved on at least she was single wen she moved on and no pumping 20 burds behind a wife's back I.e Alan shields! I'm sure with her previous DV she is well aware of claires law and im sure she has put it to good use b4 deciding to take their friendship to the next level.
No one’s saying she doesn’t deserve happiness. Wouldn’t dream of comparing her to that train wreck. Pals or not one out the front door & one in the back door is a bit daft. She went through a traumatic experience with the reprobate that is PB very publicly. Personally I would’ve taken time for me & my kids to breathe & kept it all away from TikTok. They were upset by all this too.
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Sorry new to this thread, who was courtney?
Courteney Bourgyone . Aldo’s nickname for her is the goodnight girl a song about an affair . There were loads of flirty comments between them & folk took notice at the time of the Dianne thing , so she put out a video saying she hadn’t had an affair with him … then His wife caught him with lots of sus texts & phone calls from her on his phone , Susie phoned her up & she gas lighted the fuck out of her … she then deleted the denial video. There’s all sorts on her on the early prob boss threads here & tiktoks about her still floating about on @dianne_shout_outs and @the_property_tosser. she’s a really horrible wee lassie who is a complete catfish .
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It’s fucking crazy to me she’s sitting in the car with her man like “awww he’s just my type” “he’s so good looking” etc saying he has meets with two different girls next week🤣🤣🤣 how the fuck is that normal
Her man’s a damp squib from what I’ve seen of him on her lives just sits nodding his head agreeing with her .
Buckelled at Aldo being back on fabswingers after the big deal he made of not being a swinger , he swings both ways by the looks of things.
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She can aye lol I got told I was daft in her thread cause I was too soft lol but I say what I see 🤷‍♀️ 😂
It’s because you massively back tracked and started sucking up her arse when she threatened to expose you!! Your behaviour changed
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