Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time

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@odetotheseaweed Big big hugs to you and the twins. lot’s of rest for you this weekend. Hope everything is ok xxx

@raspberryjuice I asked this the other day in new baby thread cos I couldn’t remember with my first but I was talking to my fella about it the other day and we kind of remembered it was about 3 months. They kind of stop being in a sleepy daze all the time and have more set naps etc so a routine can start. Think it starts to get more noticeable over time. Try the huckleberry app for wake windows and naps. That was a godsend with my first!! But for now I’m still going with the flow with this baby as she’s still a bit young. I do generally make her try and see it is night time by 9 o clock ish and once that feed is done, make everything darker and put her to bed and she generally sleeps through as if she knows it’s night time. But i wouldn’t worry about a proper set routine for now
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That’s what I was trying to say to him. He still sleeps so much and it’s all a bit random apart from overnight so it’s hard to implement a routine unless I wake him up to start the routine every evening. He’s starting to be awake a bit more but for example 3 days this week he’s been awake for hours at a time and had say 2 hour naps to break it up. Today he’s slept pretty much all day again - maybe 2/3 hours awake (plus feeds) all day. If he was better at sleeping in his moses basket or something I’d have most of the day to myself 😂 I try to make it dark at 9ish too. That’s when we come to bed because Mr R has gone to work and he usually goes down easily. Yesterday he was sleepy at 8 so I tried to come to bed and he was awake every hour all night so that backfired 🤣
I kind of want to tell Mr R to just butt out. I have baby all day because he’s sleeping for work and I have him all night because he’s at work. Surely it’s up to me if I want to start a routine? I know he’s just seeing me looking exhausted though and thinks it will help me. But what I actually need is to be able to trust him to look after baby while I go for a nap on my own 😅
I’ll download that app 😊
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It’s the same here - proper random. One day she can be awake for hours added up through the day then other days she will sleep all day. Like today, she was awake from about 6am - 9am because I always have to carry her round the house with me whilst I get myself and 4 yo ready for the school run, then when we dropped him off we went for a walk and to the shops and were out until about 1ish. She just woke for feeds and her massive poonami. When we got home she just slept, woke got a feed, slept. Tonight she’s been a right grump and has been awake for over an hour crying but has just dozed off again. I think their too young for a routine personally. Their still in the ‘fourth trimester’ so I think they need to adjust to the outside world first before any routines but that’s just me

Tell your partner that you’ll wing it for now cos he’s still so little but you’ll carry on assessing the situation to see when the best time to start a routine will be. You’re the one with him the most it’s your decision!
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I’ve been feeling v nauseous all day & keep randomly vomming in my mouth. I’m 35 weeks & this hasn’t happened before, has anyone else had this?
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We’ve never had a routine 😳 I will with this one as oldest will have to need a routine to get up
for pre-school.

I’ve been in MAU for 3 hours because the painful lumpy bits around my incision, the GP thought it could be an infection. All fine they reckon. 3hrs to get poked in the belly and said ‘yeah that’s fine’ 🥴
Tbf the GP said go to A&E for a scan which I was doing until I remembered you could come here for a month PP so thank duck I didn’t do that on a Friday evening!
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@ellieb123_xo Yeah I got like that towards the end. Very nauseous. Is it actual vom in your mouth or is it acid reflux?

@littlepup sorry you’ve been in MAU! Is it your overhang that feels lumpy? That bit really freaked me out at first and I thought it was lumpy but really it just felt numb and a bit bruised
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It’s the same here - proper random. One day she can be awake for hours added up through the day then other days she will sleep all day. Like today, she was awake from about 6am - 9am because I always have to carry her round the house with me whilst I get myself and 4 yo ready for the school run, then when we dropped him off we went for a walk and to the shops and were out until about 1ish. She just woke for feeds and her massive poonami. When we got home she just slept, woke got a feed, slept. Tonight she’s been a right grump and has been awake for over an hour crying but has just dozed off again. I think their too young for a routine personally. Their still in the ‘fourth trimester’ so I think they need to adjust to the outside world first before any routines but that’s just me

Tell your partner that you’ll wing it for now cos he’s still so little but you’ll carry on assessing the situation to see when the best time to start a routine will be. You’re the one with him the most it’s your decision!
Seems exactly the same as us! He just keeps comparing us to his brother but they have twins, they had no choice but to try and establish a routine asap. But they’re also 6m older so much easier to get a routine going 🙄

We’ve never had a routine 😳 I will with this one as oldest will have to need a routine to get up
for pre-school.

I’ve been in MAU for 3 hours because the painful lumpy bits around my incision, the GP thought it could be an infection. All fine they reckon. 3hrs to get poked in the belly and said ‘yeah that’s fine’ 🥴
Tbf the GP said go to A&E for a scan which I was doing until I remembered you could come here for a month PP so thank duck I didn’t do that on a Friday evening!
That’s a big rubbish of triage! Can your GP refer you for a scan of your scar though? I’ve got one on weds because my scar is still really sore.
Could yours still be down to swelling?
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Seems exactly the same as us! He just keeps comparing us to his brother but they have twins, they had no choice but to try and establish a routine asap. But they’re also 6m older so much easier to get a routine going 🙄
Yeah I imagine you’d need a routine with twins!! Otherwise you’d go insane lol. Plus every baby is different he needs to remember that!
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It’s probably also because he likes routine. He needs to know exactly what’s happening and when for everything. If we’re doing something it can’t be “12ish” or “in the morning” it has to be 12:15 or an exact time in the morning 🙄 dread to think how he’d have coped if I’d gone in to spontaneous labour and not a planned section 🤣
It’s probably also because he likes routine. He needs to know exactly what’s happening and when for everything. If we’re doing something it can’t be “12ish” or “in the morning” it has to be 12:15 or an exact time in the morning 🙄 dread to think how he’d have coped if I’d gone in to spontaneous labour and not a planned section 🤣
Ask Mr R if he needs a bottle
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Those who’ve already had their babies/have older babies - what age do you try and establish a solid evening routine with them? We have a loose bath, nap, 10 mins of play, bottle then cuddles in bed with mummy til he’s asleep thing going on but sometimes it will start at 6pm, other times at 9pm depending on what kind of day he’s had or if we’ve been out. Tonight for example it started at 6:30 with his bath. Yesterday he had his bath much earlier because of a poonami so that wasn’t part of bedtime routine. He’s a good sleeper generally at night so im happy to go with the flow and just bath, bottle, cuddles and bed whenever he seems ready but Mr R who doesn’t have to implement this routine and does about 30 mins of childcare a day is keen to get him down for 8:30 every night so I can ‘get some time to myself’ (when Mr R is at work, so presumably so I can do bottles, tidy up etc…). But I think he’s a bit young yet. He wakes up around the same time in the night etc but apart from that I’m doing everything on demand. Should I be trying to get a routine going already?
I think we started with our first around 4m, we would do bathtime around 7ish, feed and then in the next to me cot with the monitor on whilst we went downstairs, then she moved to her own room at 7 months. I never really did scheduled nap times with her though like say ‘no falling asleep after 3pm’ etc until much later (toddler years)
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I know they say no 2 kids are the same but my 2 are worlds apart already! My first was quite independent, didn't like contact naps didn't like being swaddled etc, this one is glued to me and loves a good swaddle.
Not gonna lie I'm enjoying the baby cuddles ALOT its just so different to my first!
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Omg I want a clingy baby that wants to contact nap and cuddle all day. I know it’s be careful what you wish for but when my puppy was a baby he would NEVER sleep around me or on me ever. So I’ve not had that fix of a clingy person always wanting to be on me 🤣🤣 apart from my boyfriend but who wants that
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Whinge incoming, feel free to scroll past...

I am SO fed up today to the point I've just sat and cried.
I have awful acid reflux which is making me feel sick constantly and it's painful, but gaviscon isn't helping at all. My feet still hurt like they're bruised and they're insanely itchy.
I keep getting cramp in my legs and feet multiple times a day, and it's waking me up every night.
And I just can't find a comfy sitting or laying position no matter what.
Then I keep thinking if this is how I feel with 11 weeks to go and when I still have a very small bump then how the hell much worse is it going to get 😩
I guess I feel resentful that I'm not enjoying pregnancy like I wanted to. Then I feel bad for complaining when it took us so long to fall pregnant with this little one.

Mr B has man flu so I've been doing everything last few couple days, I'm exhausted. I just sat and cried and he didn't even come and comfort me cos he wanted to get back to the poxy playstation.
Fed up.
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Whinge incoming, feel free to scroll past...

I am SO fed up today to the point I've just sat and cried.
I have awful acid reflux which is making me feel sick constantly and it's painful, but gaviscon isn't helping at all. My feet still hurt like they're bruised and they're insanely itchy.
I keep getting cramp in my legs and feet multiple times a day, and it's waking me up every night.
And I just can't find a comfy sitting or laying position no matter what.
Then I keep thinking if this is how I feel with 11 weeks to go and when I still have a very small bump then how the hell much worse is it going to get 😩
I guess I feel resentful that I'm not enjoying pregnancy like I wanted to. Then I feel bad for complaining when it took us so long to fall pregnant with this little one.

Mr B has man flu so I've been doing everything last few couple days, I'm exhausted. I just sat and cried and he didn't even come and comfort me cos he wanted to get back to the poxy playstation.
Fed up.
Oh Brew 😔
On a practical level -
See your GP for some omeprazole for the acid reflux. In the meantime over the weekend you can buy Nexum over the counter which is similar and may help more than chugging gaviscon.
Have you seen anyone about your itchy feet? It can be a sign of ICP. If you haven’t already make sure you mention it to your mw. I think you can take an antihistamine for the itching. It may be worth ringing triage so they can give you a check over, check it’s only because of the swelling when you were away and maybe tell you what you can take for it. It’s probably just the heat and down to all the swelling you had on holiday but it might be worth a check in with them.
Get magnesium spray for the cramps. I always thought it was utter bullshit but I found it really helpful for my leg cramps in the third trimester.
Is it during the day or for sleeping you can’t get comfortable? Is it down to the weight of bump? Have you got a decent pregnancy pillow?

Don’t feel guilty for not enjoying pregnancy. Pregnancy is really tit. None of us do it for the pregnancy part, it’s for the end goal. Nobody is going to judge you (especially on here) for moaning about how rubbish you’re finding it all.
Stop doing everything! The dishes and dust will still be there when Mr Brew is feeling better and he can sort them then. Relax and put your feet up. Have a bath to soothe your itchy skin and take some weight off your bump. It’s rubbish he didn’t come and comfort you when you were upset but he can keep his germs to himself because they’re the last thing you need!
Sending you lots of love.
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@littlepup sorry you’ve been in MAU! Is it your overhang that feels lumpy? That bit really freaked me out at first and I thought it was lumpy but really it just felt numb and a bit bruised
Yes, above the scar on the tied off end but it literally feels like there’s a cooked sausage sitting under the skin, a long ridged lump that feels stabby and burns. She said something about internal stitches/scar tissue. Then I get pain around my belly button that goes from nothing to can’t even touch the skin which she said is nerve related.

That’s a big rubbish of triage! Can your GP refer you for a scan of your scar though? I’ve got one on weds because my scar is still really sore.
Could yours still be down to swelling?
I didn’t know they did that. When he said scan I gotbthe impression he meant scan for infection, if that’s even possible. I said GP, it was at the surgery but the bloke was actually a dispensing paramedic or something so I wonder if he doesn’t have the credentials to refer. I guess he just didn’t have the same knowledge as an obstetrician. It’s quite swollen but the doc at MAU said it’s healing well, looks weird to me compared to before though). Midwide visit rescheduled to Sunday now so I’ll have a word with her.

I accidentally knocked baby’s cord off earlier, it was almost ready but I pulled down their top and popped it off 🥴 Think they might have oral thrush too. Forgot how wild these early days are even though they don’t do anything much.

@Brewtime87 it sucks when you can’t enjoy it after you’ve wanted it for so long but just remind yourself pregnancy is the journey, not the destination. You rarely enjoy the journey but it’s always worth it x
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It’s an internal and abdominal ultrasound they’re doing just to check the scar and everything going on in there. They referred me when I went about the pain a few weeks PP. Mine had the weird sausage feeling above it too. It’s smaller now but still solid and numb where the sausage bit is. There’s also like a solid baked bean size lump just underneath the incision.

Definitely get the midwife to have a check because she’ll have seen thousands of them but also keep an eye and go back if you need to. I kept getting told mine looked perfect/normal/no sign of infection from the outside but it’s still incredibly sore nearly 8 weeks on and not in my actual incision line but above it like yours.

But maybe you just had a messier/rougher surgeon this time and it’s just healing differently. Keep pestering them though!

Hope little one is ok and doesn’t need any meds 🤞🏼
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Had a scare today, had some bleeding and it’s the first time anything bad has happened since the embryo transfer. Babies are all good, they listened to the heartbeats and they were both fine. They said to monitor over the weekend and if it’s still happening on Monday to call and they’d get me in for a scan to see where it could be coming from.

it’s mostly stopped now but I’m feeling so wobbly this evening, just so desperate for these babies to stay safe and keep growing
Sending love to you, I hope everything is okay xx
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Baby R was awake from 5:30 in his next to me, not crying but not sleeping just making noises and staring at his hands. Would drift off for 2.5 minutes if I put my hand on his chest or face but wouldn’t actually sleep. So I got up at 7. As soon as my bum hit the sofa he fell asleep on me and has been asleep since 🙃
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