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That’s crazy that they call to your house prebaby.
In Ireland we have a public health nurse, I presume it’s the same as your HV. First you see of her is when she calls within the first week of returning home to do a heel prick test.

I’m also so curious about these yellow and red books 😂 do you bring these to all your appointments?
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I've been in MAU all afternoon for reduced movements, he still isn't moving much but I've been sent home and have to go back tomorrow for a scan.
Doctor said she thinks my body is getting ready for labour 🙃
Oh my gosh! How exciting!! We’re having a baby every week now 😁
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Chatty Member
Well, little one had other ideas!
My waters went at 2.30am and after a frantic but thankfully short labour, I’m now feeding them on the ward.
I still got the c-section but as an emergency, it was going so quickly, I was panicking I wouldn’t get it.
I’ll update with a pic later x
Oh my god congratulations!!
Enjoy all the little cuddles 💗💗💗💗
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Chatty Member
For those of you who had a c-section what was your bleeding like?
I bled fairly heavily yesterday/ this morning but then this afternoon it's just very light!
I have no clue what is normal cos I didn't bleed for 6 weeks after my last one 😭
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No judgement ours is the same 😂 I reckon Baby Rasp will out eat us on his maccies order though - probably by 5 years old 🙃
Can see him getting a family bucket from kfc at 6 😅
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Well, little one had other ideas!
My waters went at 2.30am and after a frantic but thankfully short labour, I’m now feeding them on the ward.
I still got the c-section but as an emergency, it was going so quickly, I was panicking I wouldn’t get it.
I’ll update with a pic later x
Congratulations x
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Is he one of those blokes when it’s snowing is out in a pair of shorts 😂😂😂
Yep! 😭

My boyfriend also has one pair of jeans. From Next. They’d discoloured to fuck, started off black, basically now grey. But please, keep buying £200-300 tops/jumpers but being too stingy to buy a second pair of £30 jeans!!!
This is Mr R! Except his next jeans are blue and probably 2 sizes too small with his pregnancy weight 🤣 he’ll spend a fortune on designer tops, T-shirts, shorts, hoodies etc but 1 only pair of next jeans. I can’t get my head around it because I have a whole drawer full of just jeans 😂
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I've just put my fave sleepsuit on the baby and now I need to go buy it in all the sizes cos he looks so cute 😭 View attachment 3024173
Love this! Where’s it from??
Absolutely massive me-rail so will NOT be offended if literally no one replies to this. Truly feeling like utter shit just sat here crying with my OH trying to comfort me

I have posted before about my auntie flipping on me since I’ve been pregnant, after essentially playing the role as my mum for my entire life. It started with her being really upset about my lack of want for a baby shower, which she could not get her head around that I don’t feel close to my extended family and basically tried to gaslight me into having “so there’s a reason for the family to get together, and the day isn’t actually about me”. Now I’m hearing from my little sister that she has spoke badly about me none stop for months but my sister hasn’t wanted to say as she didn’t want to hurt me further. Things like “I don’t want to ever be asked to babysit her baby so she can go out.” “All she’s doing is moaning about no one loving her, she needs to go to bed and relax” “Her hormones are so up and down, she’s crying one minute and happy the next”. Not only are they hurtful, they are CATEGORICALLY untrue. I’ve never mentioned ever feeling unloved, nor has she even asked me how I am during this pregnancy at all to even comment on my hormones/mood. She has NO idea how the pregnancy has gone, as she’s never asked which in itself has been so hurtful. I sent her a picture of my 4D scan the other day for her to reply THIS. She then proceeded to say to my little sister “Why would I say her baby is cute because she wants me to? It’s just a baby they all look the same”. Yes you fucking idiot, they DO all look the same but my god you’d just say it out of politeness as it should excite you to even see a glimpse of what you’d regard as your grandchild. She basically hates me. We’ve had NO falling out. I know that the answer is to now cut her out, it’s just really heartbreaking this is the case. It’s my OH’s side of the family baby shower in two weeks which she is actually invited to - as my “mum” figure but now I need to come up with how to uninvite her, without dobbing my sister in it. I was just going to be quiet and hope she forgot, but now I think she needs uninviting. It doesn’t make sense to literally have a hater there who hates me and an unborn child lol

View attachment 3024177

For context, my sister lives with her. That’s why I can’t just full on kick off, as she’s under 18 and needs the roof over her head. We both haven’t really got our mum in our life, that’s why we’ve grown up with my auntie as our mum.

Going forward, I won’t let her know when I’m in labour, when baby is born and I won’t send pictures. She won’t be asked to meet the baby, and I won’t go over when it’s Christmas. Of course, I’ll be slagged off for all these things too, isolating myself etc but I’m just not going to win. I just feel so devastated to lose my “mum” figure for no reason
Sorry she’s being so awful. I think you’re doing the right thing by distancing yourself.

Baby Laugh is super cute btw!
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I’ll probably end up buying a separate decent quality camera when he does move in to his own room at 10 years old so it was a bit of a waste for us. But I wanted a sock with next day delivery so got the first I found 😅
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I deffo will, it's hard isn't it cos they half make you feel lile you're imagining it but they also reassure you loads, my heads chocker I just want a Maccies now 😭😂
Yes they almost make you feel like it’s in your head cus the monitor is picking up movements but you know your body and your baby so go back as much as you need. When one mw tried to send me home I was like ok I’ll see you in half an hour when I’m still not happy with movements?! And that’s when they started taking me seriously.

Get your maccies!
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Bang on 39. It was supposed to be next Tuesday. I’d asked if it could be moved when they booked it and they said no, already full but at the pre-op today she said I could have Friday. I was like ‘oh, great, yes please’, soon as I said it, it hit me like my tummy just went ‘oh fuckkkkk, this week!’ 😱
So exciting! THIS WEEK ❤
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Those who’ve got babies already here/done this before - what do you do with clothes that are victim to poonamis? Baby R’s this morning pretty much filled one leg of his sleepsuit so I just bagged it up with the nappy and threw it all away. It wasn’t a special sleepsuit and he’s growing out of that size anyway. My friend said she’d have washed it?! Should I be washing them? If it’s a little bit I’ve thrown them in the wash but this was literally all down inside the leg - I could probably have poured it out 🤣. My biggest concern was trying to keep his excited legs out of the way and clean, not saving the sleepsuit 😂
Hahahha mate we have had 2 blow outs this weekend. I just washed them as normal cos thought they weren’t too bad… nope. Still yellow 😅
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Looking for recommendations for a changing table. I love the snuzkot but really cannot justify the price & the only one for sale second hand is across the country from me 😂
Like some others I never had a change table as such. I had one mat set up in the baby room with a caddy, waterproof change mat topper/inco sheets (like a plastic backed towel) for changes on the bed and a mat and caddy tucked under the coffee table.
This time I’ve got a 2nd hand open until one with baskets because they haven’t got their own room yet.

I joined tattle for the goss on some YouTubers I vaguely knew IRL but rarely commented. Never followed a single influencer or used IG but when I got pregnant I found a bunch of pregnant ones and followed. Turned out 90% were absolute nightmares from just idiots to downright dangerous (Char Dawson getting pissed and co-sleeping, Elle Darby announcing with a bump shot at 12 weeks) so quickly got involved more and joined the very first pregnancy threads which were a God send being lockdown pregnant then getting through the endless feeds.

Never heard of that Brittney until now but makes me die what people can be like. Even as a naive FTM we all start somewhere but Christ!
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Speaking of which I’m bored and wfh, gonna go mess with my rapid cools for the first time. Not unboxed them yet we’ve had them months!
I’ll 100% be expanding our collection if they add coloured ones. Currently searching for the two tone ones but can’t see them on sale anywhere?!

Amazing! 🤣 when we went for lunch with family we had ours and BIL had theirs for the twins and all the grandparents were like wtf that’s amazing 🤣
In store at Aldi only whenever they have them in for the two tone sadly!

Tested the Rapidcool. Shocked how quick it is, for some reason we thought it had to go a brighter green to mean it’s done, not any green! So wow it really is quick.
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