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No MW or HV who’ve been to our house have looked at where he sleeps they just ask if I’m aware of safe sleep guidelines and when I say yes they tell me the lullaby trust is a great source 😅 I could have him sleeping in my bedside drawer and they’d know no difference
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My fella is ok, bit useless, needs asking about a million times before he actually does it… He’s never gave either of our kids a bath. But he does every bedtime for our four year old unless he’s out or at work. Never sterilised the bottles. I asked him once and he just looked at me and said ‘…..but i don’t understand how to’ huh?? 🤣

Once she pooed when I was out of the room and he was holding her. I walked in and said ‘has she pooed?’ and he said ‘yeah what should i do?’ ermmm… change her???
Lack of bath time involvement annoys me! He will get the bathroom ready, and clean up after us, but disappears during the actual bath. Baby R was trying to giggle in the bath earlier, that gurgly noise they do when they’re trying to giggle and was loving life smiling his head off so I called to Mr R and said come and look he’s trying to laugh and he went “yeah 2 mins I’m just putting my washing away” cuz that can’t wait??! When he eventually came in baby r was kicking his legs, splashing, smiling, making excited sounds and all he did was go “must be cold in there buddy, daddy has the same problem when he gets cold” what?!! 🤷🏻‍♀️ your baby is being friggin adorable and all you can comment on is that?? 🙄 I can’t see him ever doing a bath time on his own
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Acid reflux has really ramped up this evening, I am so sick and uncomfortable. Searched through my cupboard for leftover Omeprazole only to find that whilst I have some, it's 6 months out of date 🙃
Fingers crossed I can get a phone appointment with my GP tomorrow to get some more.

Baby has been really quiet the last couple of days too. I'm feeling the odd movement but nothing major and not as much as usual. I still haven't noticed a proper pattern to her movements, some days she can be non-stop all day and night, then days where it's morning and late evening only, and the odd day like this where there is very little. Makes it hard for me to know if I should call my hospital or not.
Ahhhhh I’ve been waiting for someone to say the same as I’ve been thinking. I have no pattern at nearly 31 weeks. I have a midwife appt on 03/07 so gonna ask :(
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Chatty Member
Having an internal dilemma re. place of birth. There’s two options but I don’t know if I’m swaying for the wrong reasons

Option 1: Hospital 20-25 minutes drive from me. Has a birth centre that I’d choose but because it’s got the actual normal delivery ward upstairs you have a lot more availability if something goes wrong (emergency c-section, doctors, medical equipment) and of course you’re in an actual hospital. You do have to go on the motorway to get there though, and at times it’s taken us more like 30-35 minutes.

Option 2: Birth centre more like 15-20 minutes away, no motorway so that’s more likely to be closer always. Midwife led only. The bonus is it’s WAY nicer inside lol. I think you’re more likely to get your own room throughout, it’s super modern and I think you even get a double bed with proper bed linen lol. The negative is if something did need escalating, they’d have to ambulance you to the option 1 hospital, which would be another 25 minute drive.

Am I genuinely a weirdo for wanting option 2 based on better surroundings? It might be that 2 isn’t even available to me because of my low BMI but I just feel like my comforts are my priority. My boyfriend doesn’t like 2. He feels like my health is more important and the journey could be scary, but I’d like to hope I wouldn’t need it.
I don't think you're a weirdo at all for that preference especially if it is more local. Be aware though I don't think you'd be allowed an epidural if it's midwife only led, but you'd have to check with them just in case they're different to my hospital.
I wonder if my hospital is one of your options 😅
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8am 😂 she didn’t tell me and I was too scared to ask 🤣 I’ll do a test when I’m home. We’re taking Baby R to the aquarium this morning. Bet he sleeps through it!!

I’ve already told Mr R he’s on baby holding duty for the jabs and I’ll be ready with cuddles and milk 🙈
So did they tell you anything about why your scar is still hurting or just scare you about maybe being pregnant?!
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How many people have done an antenatal course (in person)? I’ve just found out ours has been canceled which is so annoying, it was a 10 min walk from us and was counting on it to learn and also meet other couples nearby. 😔😔
When I had my first all the classes were cancelled because of covid. This time round we weren't eligible, apparently only first time parents are eligible. I did some online courses and got to make some parent friends once my eldest started nursery.
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Chatty Member
Ah I'm good thanks! Got a midwife appointment in a min so just gonna cry to her I think 😂
I dunno if it's cos he's grown so much in 3 weeks that I'm not feeling him or something else but it's bloody stressful. Just want him here now 😭
Hope it goes well and she is helpful. Let us know what she says!
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Well, little one had other ideas!
My waters went at 2.30am and after a frantic but thankfully short labour, I’m now feeding them on the ward.
I still got the c-section but as an emergency, it was going so quickly, I was panicking I wouldn’t get it.
I’ll update with a pic later x
Oh my goodness what fantastic news. Congratulations! I hope you're all doing well xx
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Elle Woods

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Had a scare today, had some bleeding and it’s the first time anything bad has happened since the embryo transfer. Babies are all good, they listened to the heartbeats and they were both fine. They said to monitor over the weekend and if it’s still happening on Monday to call and they’d get me in for a scan to see where it could be coming from.

it’s mostly stopped now but I’m feeling so wobbly this evening, just so desperate for these babies to stay safe and keep growing
Sending love to you, I hope everything is okay xx
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I don’t even feel physically hot (our house is fairly cool downstairs thank god) but I have 0 motivation or energy, I feel like one of those wind-up toys who’s just run out of energy 😂 just gave up on work and sitting on the sofa scrolling
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I really want to because I love a bath and I’m not really worried about the pee or poo if it happens because we can shower 🤣 I’m just putting it off because I’m worried about him being so slippery when he’s wet and trying to get up myself while holding him when I’m still quite sore from my csection.
Didn’t think about that bit lol. It’s hard enough getting him out on his own. Hes like a carp.
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