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Heavy the first couple of days then more like mid-period bleeding for a bit then lighter. Then it died off then at like 2/2.5 weeks it came back to like day 1 bleeding I think it’s when the placenta scab sheds 🤢 then it was light and a bit stop start unless I did too much but still not horrendous. Mine stopped at 5 weeks but I’m still wearing pads cus I’m too scared it’s gonna bleed out of nowhere again 🤣
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Haha baby Watermelon loves that Nuby bath seat too. Why are we sponsored by all of these Nuby products please?
We’re like Nuby fan girls 🤣 they should definitely sponsor us or send us free rapid cools

The closest thing I can think of, which to be honest isn’t that close would be this
I’ve been meaning to buy one of those now he can support his own head 90% of the time anyway so I’ll probably buy that too 🤣 but the Nuby seat is more reclined which I think he likes because he can throw himself about

- - -

I don’t think I can go back to little knickers tbh 😂

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I've got a bouncy chair from Red Kite, think it was £15 from Amazon. Not really the same as the Nuby one as it's fabric but it does have straps and a similar recline to it. Sir doesn't enjoy it though, he demands to be carried everywhere in our arms 🙄

Giant pants ftw!
We’ve got a fabric bouncer which he does love but he definitely prefers the Nuby bath chair 😭 little weirdo

My life flashes before my eyes when my 2 year old decides its a no nap day.
Hope Baby R realises the joy of sleep again ASAP hahaha
Yesterday I was googling is it normal for a 6 week old to sleep so much, today I’m wondering if he’ll ever sleep again 😭
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Same! And I’ve got so many bits we haven’t used or Baby R hated.

I think another sign it’s a spinal leak is if it’s worse when you’re upright but eased when you lie down? Hope it’s better soon
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Yeah epidural is main hospital only I think. But I really don’t want one anyway.

I’m going to say we don’t have the same hospital as I’m actually Lancashire based now! I just keep driving all the way back to Manc for TC visits 😂. We used to be way closer in location, I was raised in Stockport!
Ah fair enough, jeez Mr L is a patient man if he goes with you to the TC, Mr B acts like the world is ending if I ask him to go and we're really local 😆
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Those who’ve already had their babies/have older babies - what age do you try and establish a solid evening routine with them? We have a loose bath, nap, 10 mins of play, bottle then cuddles in bed with mummy til he’s asleep thing going on but sometimes it will start at 6pm, other times at 9pm depending on what kind of day he’s had or if we’ve been out. Tonight for example it started at 6:30 with his bath. Yesterday he had his bath much earlier because of a poonami so that wasn’t part of bedtime routine. He’s a good sleeper generally at night so im happy to go with the flow and just bath, bottle, cuddles and bed whenever he seems ready but Mr R who doesn’t have to implement this routine and does about 30 mins of childcare a day is keen to get him down for 8:30 every night so I can ‘get some time to myself’ (when Mr R is at work, so presumably so I can do bottles, tidy up etc…). But I think he’s a bit young yet. He wakes up around the same time in the night etc but apart from that I’m doing everything on demand. Should I be trying to get a routine going already?
I think we started with our first around 4m, we would do bathtime around 7ish, feed and then in the next to me cot with the monitor on whilst we went downstairs, then she moved to her own room at 7 months. I never really did scheduled nap times with her though like say ‘no falling asleep after 3pm’ etc until much later (toddler years)
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Ooer maybe my c section bleeding was just really bad 🤣 Like pure murder scene
Mine was at first, I was sat on the sofa on a towel and a puppy pad underneath me and then a tena nappy and a maternity towel and I was still worried about leaking cuz the bleeding was so heavy 😂 but it died off to period level pretty quickly

Are you sure he didn’t need a bottle? 😂
Mr R isn’t here to suggest one so I wouldn’t know cuz I can’t think about giving bottles myself 🤣
But it’s taken him so long to fall asleep that he’ll probably wake up for one soon 🙄
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It is warm and wet in Scotland. I am very moist, wee man is in a grump, the threenager is sick and the OH has hayfever 🤦‍♀️
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watermelon sugar

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It’s the broken sleep that exhausted you the most. And never being in a deep sleep because you’re too aware of the baby. When my fella goes to sleep, he sleeps until he wakes up in the morning, I’m waking up constantly even if its just checking on baby. They don’t realise how lucky they have it!!
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I don’t think they had really allowed themselves to think about it to be honest. We both cried when they said twin 1 was a boy, and she was almost hyperventilating when they said a girl for twin 2. She was so shaky and shocked, she’s over the moon now though, we all are
Oh I'm so happy for you all! What an exciting time!
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I didn't get my notes and the only thing I got was a form with baby's details to go in his red book. My notes for wee man didn't even include my appointment notes either. When I had the threenager they were typed up, printed and added to the folder. For wee man that didn't happen. Only had blood test and scan results.
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I just left it 😂 I know her trying his best I think it’s just going to take him longer to get there so I don’t want to knock his confidence. But I also won’t be leaving him in sole charge any time soon. I worry leaving him in charge when I shower at the moment 😂
Just me who can’t control her big mouth then, fair play to you.

I honestly can’t gauge how my OH will be. He is such a hands on person, between him being pretty domesticated and always wanting to do everything for me so I don’t have to, you’d think he will probably be better at this looking after this baby than me. But men are still men. He will be GREAT at making bottles and also keeping up with sterilising stuff, but let’s see how the actual taking care bit goes. My current biggest concern is him being a deep sleeper, and being useless when he’s woken up in the middle of the night. Last time I woke him up for one of my 2am-pointless-overreacting-trips-to-triage he was in a daze for a good ten minutes until I was about to pour water over him. He’s gonna need to be able to move quicktime for a crying baby.
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