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Chatty Member
A bit of a long shot but I’m 2 weeks post partum and still reading along with you guys as if I’m still pregnant - I was wondering if you guys would be up for me maybe making an off topic chatter thread in the chatter section so we can all stay in touch, as I’m starting to feel I should move on but like talking to you guys 🤣 anyone up for me making a thread?
Absolutely. This thread is the best little community and really has been a saviour for me at times when I just needed reassurance, advice or a place to vent or share silly moments. I'd be gutted to lose this community.
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Also think about where you’re going to do most of the nappy changes and set that up practically. I’ve got a changing mat in the bedroom (the shnuggle) but I hate it and I’m convinced he’s gonna roll off every time (even tho he’s only 2.5 weeks) because he’s such a fidget and had his bedroom set up with his main changing area and all his clothes etc organised perfectly. But also got a changing mat for the living room along with a nappy caddy for daytime changes. Well we’ve ended up using the living room mat on the dining table and having that set up as his main changing area. We’ve now got baskets at the end of the table with his current size clothing in and nappies etc and some wheely drawers next to it with bibs, muslins, spare packets of wipes and nappies etc in. His perfectly organised changing station and drawers in his bedroom as so far completely unused.

Definitely some kind of feeding pillow. Doesn’t have to be a specifically designed feeding pillow though. I just use the V pillow I used to have on my bed.

Also think about where you’re going to be sat with baby during the early days. I’ve had to buy a little side table for where I sit for feeding him etc because it wasn’t practical to keep leaning over to the coffee table post csection and I needed somewhere to put my drink, phone, his dummy, bottle/bottle lid, rest my dinner while also balancing a baby that definitely knows when you’re about to start eating etc.

So not necessarily things you’ll see on any kind of baby essentials list but definitely things to think about to make your life easier
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I specifically asked to see it with my second (planned section) it was gross but I just felt like I needed to see it 😂
Mr Brew last night claimed the placenta disintegrates/dissolves when baby is born. Erm no babe, us lucky ladies have to deliver it after baby. His face was a picture 🤣 not even like we're super young and naive, we're in our mid thirties hahaha
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It’s not ‘nice’ to hear about fertility struggles and miscarriages because I am devastated for everyone who suffers this, but it’s a comfort to know that I’m not alone and others do know what it’s like. I think it’s hard sometimes when you only see the highlight reel of others and don’t realise what journey they have had to get there. People don’t really talk about it do they 🩷
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I'm having a little cry tonight as I'm in so much pain in my stomach/midriff area. I suffer occasionally with gastritis which is horrendous at the best of times, it feels like it could be that but as soon as there's any aches or pains anywhere near or around baby you just panic don't you. I've felt her booting me earlier since the pains first started so I do think she's okay but it's awful not knowing for sure. And if it is gastritis again I'm too scared to take anything for it in case if harms her. This sucks. Has anyone else had pains like this? It's like really extreme hunger pains that start just under my ribs and go all the way down.

And to make matters worse (trying to make myself laugh with this next bit) I'd been saving some Wensleydale with cranberry cheese for an emergency situation, decided this counts as an emergency situation where cheese would cheer me up but the poxy thing has gone well out date as has the other cheese hidden in the fridge. What a rubbish afternoon/evening.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I’ve got the Mam ones too and one also melted on me in the microwave 😂

I’ve got the cold water steriliser and I can’t recommend it enough! So quick and easy and you can just take and refill within the 24 hrs it’s so easy. It’s a bit of an eyesore the bucket on the counter but honestly, you get used to all the random shite dotted about of baby equipment anyway 🤣 I love the milton steriliser just as much as I love my nuby rapid cool 🤪
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watermelon sugar

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Wow, can’t believe she’s 9 days old already. Awww bless her 🥺🩷 how’s your little boy doing as big brother?
Oh he’s obsessed with her! We thought he’d be quite jealous but he’s not at all, he’s jealous that me and his dad get to hold her loads and he doesn’t 😂 He’s really helpful like if she’s crying and looking for her dummy he will go put it in for her and knows to be gentle, and he put his pinky finger near her hands and she grabs it and stops crying, it’s so cute 🥺
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Chatty Member
I've got 11 working days left in work until I finish for holidays/ maternity leave and it cannot come quick enough!
I'm pretending those 11 days don't equate to 3 weeks because 11 days sounds so much quicker hahaha
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Chatty Member
GTT done! Mine was a raspberry drink which was a pleasant surprise. All went well and the midwife gave me some biscuits at the end! Another hurdle complete.
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We had to get a new car as we couldn’t fit 3 seats side by side in my old car (we also chose to do extended rear facing with our first child so the seat is big and bulky!)

We put the isofix bases and infant carriers in today just to check we were happy with the fit… my god, all the faffing and bickering 🤪 afterwards seeing all three lined up we just looked at each other and went “what the fuck”. Can’t believe this is happening. How are we going to cope 😭😬 I feel so grateful but I am so absolutely terrified!!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
First baby for me. Dare I ask, does it hurt to push out the placenta? It is like giving birth to the baby over again? Also, how quick does it come out after the baby?
No it doesn’t hurt BUT it feels dead weird 😂😂 It’s like giving birth to a slimy snake
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Chatty Member
For nappy cream I cant reccomend Metanium enough, the purple tube for a barrier cream for regular changes and they yellow tube when they show signs of a nappy rash. The yellow one is literally magic in a tube, my son has CMPA and often gets really bad rashes if he's accidentally had dairy, he gets cuts etc all over his bum and that yellow cream clears it up literally within a few hours so it's painless again. It's wild!

Also used it on my boobs when I got a bad rash on them while I've been pregnant, works there too hahaha
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Chatty Member
Had my wedding dress fitting at 8 months pregnant 😂 I must've lost weight before getting pregnant cos it fastened fine hahaha! Gonna need a lot of taking I'm once this baby is out of me!
Got some pics where you can see the bump so in a few years I can show him how he was in mummy's belly when she got a dress haha
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VIP Member
Thanks so much for the common sense. I’ve struggled with binge eating my whole life and so have a hard concept of portion control and snacking correctly. Only time I’ve done it “right” was when I was on my weight loss and fitness plan which all went out the window after I had the MC. I’ve also been scared to work out and be active as part of my brain is telling me it could risk the baby. That being said, til now I’ve not been worried too much and eating what I’ve fancied, as I’ve been so hungry. Such a mix of emotions and then seeing that video made me feel like I’ve fucked up and will have to have a really unenjoyable summer if I do have GD (+ obvious risks that come along with it). Anyway, basically I need to get out of my head!
Just thinking about it puts you so far ahead of the game 🤍 Did you know 10% of women smoke at the time of birth, even though we know it harms babies, they choose to continue?!
The problem with food is that we can’t quit so we’re forced to try to manage it & somehow know what, when and how much to consume, encouraged to listen to and trust our bodies but expected to know the difference between a want and a need, it’s impossible! You can only do your best. Go easy on yourself.
I’d personally say to anyone don’t ‘eat for two’ simply because you may regret it after as we’re all so sadly programmed to believe weight gain is bad and the body changes after baby can already be challenging. (I stacked it on post baby using breast feeding as an excuse and regretted it)
Some weeks you’ll probably be ravenous and others have no appetite. Neither will harm baby so long as we’re not talking real extremes.
Generally speaking there is no ‘bad’ food, just bad quantity and frequency of consumption. Just try to be sensible for your own health, baby is well protected in there x
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Chatty Member
I’ve moaned on here plenty about my MIL, but she’s just came to pick up my toddler since he can’t go to nursery with the chicken pox break out. She’s walked in the door and said pffff your belly is massive!!! Told my husband I don’t appreciate that, you can’t just be calling someone massive. He said, but she hasn’t seen you for a while she’s been on holiday. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t like it if I started calling her massive!
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Chatty Member
Hi all! New member, second pregnancy, 8 weeks. Can I speak freely and whinge about how horrible pregnancy is?

I’m so grateful to be back here after two miscarriages and fertility issues but I do spend these days thinking I feel like someone dug me up 😂
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Chatty Member
First baby for me. Dare I ask, does it hurt to push out the placenta? It is like giving birth to the baby over again? Also, how quick does it come out after the baby?
I'm glad you asked cos here's me laughing at my lovely div of a boyfriend but I was generally wondering this myself haha
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