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We’ve just been for Baby R’s one week check. He’s almost back at his birth weight, only 20g off it now. He put on 200g since Monday and nearly 600g since Saturday 🤣 he’s gonna be a chunk!

They took my dressing off too, Jesus Christ 👀 thanks for the free wax nhs but that’s not an experience I want to repeat! My wound feels so jiggly and unsupported now though.

I’m staying here till we get discharged by the midwife next week so sorry for the non-pregnant updates but I’m gonna miss you ladies when we have to move on 🥲
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First scan this morning 😬 not as nervous as I thought I’d be, more worried about getting there on time and finding where we need to go, that might change as the time gets closer 🙈
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watermelon sugar

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If anything the weirdest bit is pushing the body out after you’ve pushed the head out! I remember pushing my sons head out and everyone being made up and I was like ‘that was sound that I’m done’ and the midwife was like ‘errr you’ve got the body to push out 🫤’ I was like ‘oh shit yeah I thought I was done’ 😂😂😂 But that was nowhere near as bad as the head haha
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watermelon sugar

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I just need to let out a bit of word vomit I’m sorry.

TW mention of miscarriage
I’m almost 18 weeks with this baby. We had a miscarriage in December, some problems with retained product after this, and I fell pregnant on my next cycle.
Next month will be 6 months since we lost the baby.
July, baby would have been due.

This is such a bittersweet feeling, I’m incredibly grateful to be pregnant but I’m still grieving and hurting for what could have been. I’m actually worried I will resent this baby because of what happened, but I know I will love them with everything I have.
I had two miscarriages back to back in 2022 and have been trying since then and I’ve just given birth to my rainbow baby two weeks ago. I spent the whole of my pregnancy worried sick, with a strange feeling of feeling guilty for the two babies I’d lost. I’ve also had 3 other miscarriages prior to the ones I lost back to back, but the two together really affected my mental health. I wish I could tell you i enjoyed my pregnancy but I didn’t, it was a constant worry, I was questioning everything and I was an anxious mess. And I was still grieving, that feeling of losing your babies never goes away.

But yesterday, I had a hospital appointment with my newborn and I was pushing the pram, she was fast asleep and I had my airpods in (which I never get to do because my 4 yo 😅) and when I had my miscarriages I remember crying my eyes out to Wings by Birdy. Then I had to completely stop myself from listening to it because it upset me so much. Anyway, the song came on. First time I’d heard it since 2022. And it made me emotional, I was looking down at my newborn and I had goosebumps listening to this song that reminded me of the babies I’d lost, but it weren’t a sad feeling, it was was a bittersweet yet grateful feeling. I’ve got the baby I so so longed for and she’s here and safe, and the way I see it is the babies Id lost are looking down on me and her.

I thought i’d resent her, but honestly there’s not a feeling like it. After all the pain and loss, she’s completed my life. I hope you feel some comfort knowing you’re not alone in how you feel!

This image helps me:

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My placenta clinic appointment went really well, they are happy with baby girls growth and with how my placenta is working. At 23 weeks she's measuring on the 60th centile, I'm so proud of this little girl and she's not even here yet 😅
I still have to have extra growth scans from 28 weeks though just to be safe and also because of past kidney problems I had.
Feeling so relieved right now
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Elle Woods

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I’ve been awake since 1.30 just tossing and turning constantly. I have such a busy day today I honestly don’t know how I’m going to do it 😞pregnancy insomnia is awful
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I've just gone and done something mental. New Sephora opening at my local shopping centre with this big grand opening this morning with goody bags for the first 500 customers, since being pregnant I just can't seem to sleep in past 6am, so despite working late shift this month I thought sod it, I'll get up at my other early shift time and head over, grab a goody bag, have a bit of a pamper which I think all us pregnant ladies deserve right?! Doesn't open til 10am, I got there for 7.30am with my airpods and a book ready to wait. I lasted 30 seconds in the already very very long queue before being told all the goody bags are long gone and people camped out overnight for them. Now back home on the sofa with a brew, watching Married at First Sight Australia, wondering how early I can get away with inhaling some Krispy Kreme donuts.
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Yes having the most amazing time. Can’t believe he’s a week old tomorrow. He’s currently asleep on my chest which is definitely his favourite place to be. It calms him straight away and he’ll stay there for hours either asleep or just taking in the world. I didn’t know love like this was possible and it was completely worth every awful day of my pregnancy 🥰
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I have a whole new life she knows nothing about!
She knows lovely, some how, some way, she knows 💞

I doubted I could have kids. My dad bought me a highchair because I'd 'need it one day'. He knew before I did. And though they never met, you wouldn't believe the personality and physical traits my LO has from him, they even sit like he did. It's like having glimpses of him back again. As hard as it is, it's wonderful too.
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Elle Woods

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I’ve just counted I only have 45 days left at work until my maternity starts 🤯🤯 I’m planning on working until 2 weeks before I’m due although I know that could change depending on how I feel but I can’t believe how fast this has all gone. The fact my baby will be in my arms before I know it is both exciting and terrifying in equal measure 😂
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God pregnancy is such a wild ride.

I'm only 9 weeks and I'd heard the first 12 can be rough and they werent kidding! I'm really struggling with sleeping at the moment (owing to getting up at least 3 times a night for the loo, not being able to get comfy and having some really weird dreams), ive got a cold that's been lingering for about 3 weeks and also had awful nausea for the last 10 days which is making me feel so miserable. Im so lucky that i WFH a lot and can be flexible with my time so im sleeping for little naps in the afternoon or working later when I need to. My OH just came into my office and said I look like I'd been dug up! He did ask if there was anything I needed and that he was sorry for getting me pregnant and having me go through all of this which just made me sob!

Got our dating scan date letter this morning which made me smile but I am so over feeling so tired and ropey. Fully appreciate I might not feel better for a while but I don't think I was prepared for how I would feel 🙈
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I feel the opposite, my boyfriend still wants it and I just don’t. He’s given up trying now out of respect / not wanting to be a pest and it does make me feel a bit guilty. I’ve dealt with re-occurring thrush which takes it off the table a lot as I’m either dealing with the symptoms so obviously don’t want to, or taking the treatment which leaves me unavailable for a week. But even then, in the moments I am sorted - I just have no desire. I feel ever so slightly bad because we’ve only been together a year and a half and I’ve been pregnant for a good chunk of that. I do mentally try to psych myself up to do it, but I just don’t want to? He’s very understanding though I’ve just literally lost my sex drive
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Growth scan today and can’t believe I’m carrying over 10lbs worth of babies with potentially 3 weeks left to go 🤣
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We've just picked up babys snuzpod, if the neighbours didn't know I was pregnant I'm sure they'll know now seeing us carry that in the house 😅
Collecting the perfect prep day and night machine tomorrow too, it's all started to feel a lot more real 🥹
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I am struggling so much today, the end is so near but everytime the baby moves it hurts so much like my whole stomach just feels bruised at this point, along with feeling like I've been sitting on an uncomfortable bike I'm just not having a lovely time right now hahaha
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Right I'm here for a little bit of a feeling sorry for myself moment, sorry in advance 🙈
Ever since we found out I'm pregnant my partner hasn't really made any attempts at physical touch/intimacy with me. I thought the first few months maybe he was afraid to disturb baby or risk the pregnancy since it took us so long (and many many tears!) to get here. But I'm now about to turn 24 weeks and still nothing. It's not just sex, it's pretty much most physical stuff. He still kisses me every day, still cuddles and spoons but he hasn't even touched my bare body and feels like he doesn't even want to particularly make an effort to look at it. I stood there naked earlier and shook my bum to get his attention, he looked up and smiled then instantly turned back to his phone.
Being honest we have never been an overly sexual couple, but to have nothing at all this far into the pregnancy is starting to worry me and make me feel undesirable. Sorry I know this all seems very petty but I just don't know if this is more common with men in pregnancy than I might realise? I know I need to talk to him but I think we're both a little awkward at having those types of chats and I don't want things to then only happen because I said something.
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