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Baby boy arrived last week @ 38+3 after pessary induction due to growth scan showing restriction’s. Growth scan was Tuesday & they booked induction for the following day!. 5lb4oz lil lad. Currently on neo but think we are being discharged today! 5 mins pushing time. Epidural was the one 💪🏽💪🏽
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Whassup Baby was born yesterday after waiting 3 days for labour ward to break my waters! 38+5 and weighed 8lb 3! So glad I didn’t go overdue he’d of been a whopper 🤣
If anyone would like a positive induction/epidural story then I’d love to tell mine ❤
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Hey, I'm back 🙈 I had a MC at 6 weeks less than 4 weeks ago on April 26th and I got my first positive test again yday. I did a digital one today just in case and it says 1-2 weeks pregnant. 🥺 It's so hard seeing positive after a MC and I can't really let myself get too happy about it but hopefully it will be okay this time. 🤞🏼 Due date would be late January, early February.
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Aww thanks so much guys it’s been a mad few days! We had our day yesterday and my now husband(!!!) announced it at our wedding breakfast it was such a perfect day.
we filmed a little insta reel too and everyone’s messages were just so lovely, I’ve been very overwhelmed 🥲🥲
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Anyone else have absolutely no appetite? Not nauseous, just not hungry. Have to force myself to eat something.
I get hungry and start eating then after two bites I’m like yuck I don’t want this. Not sick or anything just feel full.

I had my reassurance scan today - measuring 6 weeks 3 days and heartbeat even visible on an abdominal scan! Cried in the room as it’s the first scan I’ve ever had where everything’s been as it should 😩❤
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I can’t sleep, but for a nice reason.

we did a blood test to find out the gender and the results came in - it’s a baby GIRL! 🩷🥰
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Went in for my induction today to find out I’m already 2-3cm dilated! Midwife given me an almighty sweep and sending me on my way to wait for my waters breaking. Fingers crossed it’s not going to be long (with my first I went into labour 12hrs after sweep)
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Just found out we are having a girl 🩷🩷🩷 very overjoyed, I didn’t mind obviously but had a secret feeling it was a baby girl 💞🥹
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Today a mum on the school run (who I barely know but has a kid in my kids class) asked if I was expecting. To be honest it’s quite obvious when I’m in leggings and a T shirt now

I said “yes, I’m having twins, but they’re not mine” and walked off. Now she’s got all of half term to think I’m crazy 😂
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watermelon sugar

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A bit of a long shot but I’m 2 weeks post partum and still reading along with you guys as if I’m still pregnant - I was wondering if you guys would be up for me maybe making an off topic chatter thread in the chatter section so we can all stay in touch, as I’m starting to feel I should move on but like talking to you guys 🤣 anyone up for me making a thread?
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I’ve hit 12 weeks today 🥰 scan later this week but had a private one over the weekend which was perfect. Hoping everything runs smoothly from here 🤞 it’s been a tough road to get here 😢
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Waters broken at 5am, didn’t start contractions within 2 hours that drs recommended so hormone drip started at 7.30. It didn’t do anything on the lowest settings so was turned up till I was contracting x4 in 10 mins. By 10am I had requested an epidural as contractions were really intense and fast (to be expected on drip) and felt like I wouldn’t be able to cope with them for the next potential how many hours. I asked the midwife if she could turn the drip off till my epidural came to slow things down abit however it made no difference 🤣
Examined at 7cm by 11am and by half past epidural was in and working well, my pain had gone but I could still feel all the pressure of baby moving down which meant I knew when to push and didn’t need coached pushing. It made it so I could relax and breathe baby down rather than tense up my whole body like I was before when in so much pain. Baby was born just after 1pm with only 6 mins of active pushing and 1 stitch!

So 6 hours in total from drip starting but only 4ish hours from the first contraction! This is my second baby so that might of helped with the speed of things etc. But I thought I’d share as there are a lot of horror stories surrounding inductions/interventions and epidurals and it’s nice to read a positive experience when it’s something so unknown!
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Elle Woods

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Baby is all good :) It seems he is moving more than I am feeling, presumably down to my placenta. The midwife described him as a "real wriggler" and they were happy. I'm glad I went in anyway for the reassurance. Have a scan later this week too so it'll be nice to see him 🥰
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Just had our 4D scan and feeling very smug. Boyfriend has been saying how much baby boy is gonna look like him the whole time but he actually has my nose and lips 😎
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Tomorrow is our big day and can finally tell everyone our news! I’m 16 weeks and I feel like I can’t hide it any longer 🤣
Got such a banging headache though, is paracetamol okay to take? X
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Great start with the Uber driver not even checking which part of the hospital I needed so just dropped me at A&E, and this is not an exaggeration but this hospital is so huge it took me 15 minutes to walk round to the maternity centre. Hoping my partner gets here before I'm seen, still not felt her.
We've been seen, her heartbeat is exactly as it should be for this stage so I am relieved. No explanation as to what yesterdays pain could have been or why I've still not felt her but the midwife was happy enough to say I can go home.
Stood outside an entirely different part of the hospital now waiting for my OH to pick me up and I'm hearing the most horrifying screams 😱
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I have been an emotional wreck the past few days 😢 I sadly lost my mum a few years ago before I even met my boyfriend so feels like I have a whole new life she knows nothing about! Anyway my brother came round last night with some clothes for the baby and he had bought a baby grow with our mums favourite animal on saying to me how he wishes she was here for me and I just broke down into tears 😢 Then on the train to work this morning I seen this on Insta and it just broke me again 💔


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I know it’s just people paying an interest and being polite, but I am so fed up of the amount of attention I’m getting from strangers/shop people etc. I went to a shopping centre today and I had a pregnancy/size related comment in every single shop I went into 🥲

in Next the lady serving me was being polite and chatty and asked me if I had long left to go (I was buying 2 of the same “Born in 2024” sleepsuits) and I explained when when I was due, but I’m having twins so delivering in around 3 weeks and the middle aged man behind me overheard and said at the top of his voice “OH A DOUBLE YOLKER IS IT?!?”

..please don’t talk about my eggs sir x
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I’ve been buying flowers at the same flower lady at the market for over 8 years, she can be a bit eccentric at times but she’s very nice. Today I chose peonies and she asks me if I am a mother already. I said No… but I will be soon. 🥹 She picks up the flower and caresses my cheek with it and says “Nothing is softer than this except the touch of a baby. Remember me when you have it. “ She proceeds making a bouquet and turns to me “So are you pregnant?” and I said yes but no one knows about it yet. She gave us a blessing and told my husband to take care of me. She also gave me a bouquet so big I could barely carry it home. 🥹 It’s so much easier to tell someone who doesn’t know you tho? So now 2 days after BFP the people who know I’m pregnant are my best friend, my mum and my florist. 😂 Life is funny sometimes.
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watermelon sugar

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Today we registered the baby AND have been discharged from the midwife. I should probably leave this thread now? 😆 my little preemie 5lb1 baba is now 5lb8 bless her. And when we left the hospital we had to wait an extra half an hour to go because the Dr had said she was a male and all our paperwork said she was a boy!! 🤣 Then today the registrar woman thought she was gonna be a boy because she said she was on the NHS notes!! She’s definitely a girl haha
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