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Well-known member
I’m only 10w5d, but I think I need some fluid and probably sickness injections, obviously haven’t met my midwife yet so do I go to EPU? I did in my last pregnancy but that was a different country and they had their own maternity hospital. Feel absolutely shocking 🤦🏼‍♀️
Your gp can sort you out with anti emetics if you need them


Well-known member
For the PGP I self referred and finally got seen 4 months afterwards by which point the damage was pretty much done. For the diastasis I was seen by a physio within a week of contacting the GP, awaiting an emergency appointment with the physio team to follow up.
Ah well hopefully it’s quicker than that for me , 13 weeks to go . But I’ve got an orthopaedic appt with the consultants at 32 weeks so I can always mention it then if needed


VIP Member
Guys they messed up my 12 week scan (next week) and called yesterday to ask if I could come in this afternoon instead as they’d had a cancellation and I am SO NERVOUS 😢

I know I only saw them 10 days ago and all was fine but this one feels like a much bigger deal with all the checks and confirmed due dates and probably confirmed consultant appointments etc
Sending love! So exciting for you all ❤


Well-known member
Have people been eating nuts in pregnancy? I have eczema and feel like I saw one time best not to for sake of passing down any sorts of allergies, but there’s a recipe I want to make that has almonds lol? And now every Google says it’s safe
Im pretty sure they’re fine (unless they’re in the nhs list). I don’t like nuts but a lot of people with GD have them to pair food!


Active member
Just an update on my bleeding.. I bled none stop for 5 days (at roughly 5 weeks pregnant), the bleeding got worse, then cramping and severe left ovary pain started, so I really feared the worst. I went for an emergency scan today

I’m pleased to say all looks well so far! I’m just 5 weeks (they didn’t want to scan me but the pregnancy could have been molar or ectopic) so they’d done one today (instead of next week as they’d originally told me). They don’t know why I was bleeding, but they’re treating me as high risk and giving me extra monitoring, scans, and meds now. I’m still bleeding, but they’re not worried about that and they said I should celebrate this, and it all looks good so far, with things exactly as they should be

It’s probably my cervix/ something hormonal, but it remains a mystery. I wasn’t going to post on here as I’m scared of jinxing things after previous losses (and the whole thing has RUINED my mental health), but I hoped it might help others who experienced the same as me at my point if they’re reading this in the future and it happens to them. I’ve had dark brown bleeding literally constantly for 5 days now, which would class as moderate, and yet things still look okay. I don’t want to make the post too triggering by being more descriptive, but it honestly looked like I’d lost the pregnancy and we weren’t expecting to see anything left on the scan today. I’m so grateful to the ladies on here that shared their experience with bleeds that didn’t automatically mean bad news or a sad outcome because it really gave me hope and was the only thing getting me through this week.

I’m going to dip out this thread for now for the sake of my mental health (the stress has been unbearable, perhaps due to the other losses I’ve had too, and I’m really over analysing everything so need to pretend I’m not pregnant for a bit 😂) but I hope I’ll be back soon! Lots of love and good luck to you all, and I hope we’ll be sharing nice news again soon 🩷🩷
I’m really pleased to read this! Please do keep us updated and take it easy xx


Active member
Yes I booked in my 16 week one at my 10 week appt, and today booked in the next one, and so on. I’d definitely call and ask for it to be confirmed as there are checks they need to do at each stage and if you need to be referred to any other depts it can take weeks!
Thank you! My email says if I haven’t heard anything by 14 weeks to call them, my GP has sent a referral but it’s under community so still waiting for them to send me an appointment. Can guarantee it’s when I’m not around haha


Chatty Member
Has anyone bought a bouncer/swing yet? I’ve been in two minds whether to get both a swing and Moses basket but just bought a second hand Moses basket from someone on Facebook. Now looking at swings and bouncers and there are just so many different ones. I had the mamaroo rocker last time which was great but don’t want to be spending that money again this time.


VIP Member
I haven’t even had my first midwife appt yet but I’ve just got a text telling me I have an appt with obstetrics? Is that normal!?

Elle Woods

VIP Member
Guys they messed up my 12 week scan (next week) and called yesterday to ask if I could come in this afternoon instead as they’d had a cancellation and I am SO NERVOUS 😢

I know I only saw them 10 days ago and all was fine but this one feels like a much bigger deal with all the checks and confirmed due dates and probably confirmed consultant appointments etc
Hope it all goes ok! xx


VIP Member
Has anyone gave any thought to formula and nappy brands? Trying to stock up but have no idea what to buy 🤯

Oh and those which have had c-sections, any suggestions for post-birth disposable underwear?


VIP Member
Can anybody recommend any good maternity pyjamas? They all either look like something my nan would wear or they’re about £40 which I just can’t justify for something I’m not even gonna wear out and will only use for a few months


Well-known member
Just stopped by to see how everyone is... massive congratulations @watermelon sugar, so happy for you. Hope you make a speedy recovery xx

Side note, I had bad PGP during most of my pregnancy and last week I finally got to see the physio and have been diagnosed with pubic symphysis diastasis 🙄 Any way, she mentioned about the NHS Fitness Studio videos and how I should have been following the pregnancy one as it may have stopped the issues I have now 🤦‍♀️ Here's the link to the video for those interested, hope it helps save someone some pain:
How long did the appt come through from Refferal to being seen ? I got refered last Thursday for PGP too
Morning everyone! Hope your all ok! I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and the past few weeks I have been experiencing a numbness/tingly sensation under my right boob, so its not actually on my boob its like underneath/at the top of my ribs. It isn't constantly like it all day but comes in waves. Has anyone else experienced this? I am guessing it could be where everything is being pushed up and baby could be on a nerve or something? Just wondered if anyone else had the same and if so any tips to help relieve it, it is an odd feeling 😅 thank you xxx


Chatty Member
Strongly recommend ultrasound direct over window to the womb for scans. Much more professional rather than hard sell and less of the baby stuff for sale absolutely everywhere in case of anything negative happening.
Our 4D with them was incredible.
If finances permit I’d also recommend the NIPT. For around £350-400 you have scans with proper diagnostics, find out about chromosomal abnormalities and get to know the gender for 100% at 10 weeks. I would however go for the basic test as the more you test for, the higher chance of an inaccurate result.
I’ve booked the sneak peek for 6 weeks which I think includes some testing, do you think it’s worth doing that as well?


Chatty Member
Does anyone have any tips on making the GD appointment with the glucose drink as bearable as possible????
I was so worried about getting this last time with HG but honestly, it’s not so bad. Someone mentioned above about taking a fan, that’s a good idea! The drink was fine and I’m the fussiest person ever and I thought it was ok. For me it was the waiting about for a couple of hours afterwards, I started to feel really unwell, but I just let someone know and they took me to a bed to lie down for a bit and I was fine. Just take something to keep you occupied, an iPad with a show to watch or something?


Well-known member
Nappies I’m going to get a few different ones and try but hoping Aldi cos they’re cheap. If you download the pampers app you can get £6 off a pack.

haven’t even thought about formula yet. Need to do some research!


VIP Member
Pram done. I went for the pram I wanted in the pebble. Just do NOT want a black one 😂 catch me over in new mums thread in about a year crying at all the stains xx
I have a stone/sand colour pack on mine that I’ve had for 6 years and if the brand is half decent it should be totally fine, if it gets the odd stain just take to it with a damp microfibre and it should come up good as new.
Has anyone had what I think is scistica? Shooting pain on one side from bum to thigh at the back when I try and walk. Or is this more likely to be something else ?
Yes I had this, bloody awful. Just take it easy - I think there’s some physio moves you can do - but I just complained about mine…. Mine went as soon as I had baby though, I hope that helps to at least reassure you!