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VIP Member
How do people keep so fit and active in pregnancy? I had to collect my prescription from the GP so thought I’d go after work. Had to get the bus half way there then walk to the doctors, then walk home from there. It’s about 1.5km so not that far, 40min walk and I was struggling!! My belly just feels so heavy!
Tbh my experience is that pregnancies vary widely, I had a really easy pregnancy the first time round and had no issues whatsoever all the way along up til my waters broke, and my second I was out of breath early, tiredness was off the charts and then I got terrible sciatica from 4 months I could barely walk! Just do what you can but don’t put yourself under undue pressure.


VIP Member
Has anyone had a UTI without any of the actual wee symptoms? I’m not weeing anymore than usual, it doesn’t hurt and there’s no blood or anything but I’ve been to hospital twice today with severe abdominal pain to one side of my stomach and then sharp pain in my lower back and that’s what they think it is. I thought I was being fobbed off but it actually fully matches up online so starting antibiotics now! Just weird as I’ve had them when I was younger and just thought it was the urge to wee all the time.


Active member
Does anyone else get pains like they've got a really bruised vagina at all?
It's not constant but sometimes i'll stand up and I'm taken aback by the pain it's such an odd feeling!
Yep! Not sure if it’s part of the pelvic girdle pain I’m getting, or just increase blood flow in that area but sometimes I feel like I’ve been on a bumpy bike bike 🤪


VIP Member
They told me my results at my GD lecture. You might find you’re only borderline like I was and be able to get away with eating mostly normally.

It’s a lot to get your head around at first, definitely!


VIP Member
I haven’t even had my first midwife appt yet but I’ve just got a text telling me I have an appt with obstetrics? Is that normal!?
My experience has been it varies wildly from trust to trust!

mine was self referral then I got a call asking if I knew about two appointments (I had no clue about either) one was bloods etc and the other was my 12 week scan.
went to the bloods but never got given my notes which confused me massively cause nhs guidance/friends all had theirs combined.
i then got a text asking me to go for an appointment (had no clue again what it was) which turned out to be for my notes about a week before my scan.

so I’d say not unusual to get an appointment by text for your initial appointment!

(Sorry I usually just lurk here but I was so confused by the initial appointments etc that I just wanted to say it’s probably normal in your area)


Chatty Member
Can you try white noise from outside the womb? I’d really like it if this baby would go to sleep and let me sleep! Seems to have woke up and doing gymnastics in there.


VIP Member
I’m only 10w5d, but I think I need some fluid and probably sickness injections, obviously haven’t met my midwife yet so do I go to EPU? I did in my last pregnancy but that was a different country and they had their own maternity hospital. Feel absolutely shocking 🤦🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
I was so worried about getting this last time with HG but honestly, it’s not so bad. Someone mentioned above about taking a fan, that’s a good idea! The drink was fine and I’m the fussiest person ever and I thought it was ok. For me it was the waiting about for a couple of hours afterwards, I started to feel really unwell, but I just let someone know and they took me to a bed to lie down for a bit and I was fine. Just take something to keep you occupied, an iPad with a show to watch or something?
Sorry if I’m being dumb but can someone explain why people are so freaked out by this? Is it because the taste is bad or something else?


VIP Member
Does anyone have any tips on making the GD appointment with the glucose drink as bearable as possible????
I didn’t find it that bad. Like flat acidic lemonade or a rip off berocca.
I felt sicky about half hour after due to indigestion as I’d not taken my omeprazole which apparently I could have done so if you’re prone to acid, maybe take something the night before.


VIP Member
Has anyone used or heard good things about the SNOO smart sleeper cot? It’s the one that moves and shushes the baby…


Active member
6 was 3days. I phoned the midwife last week for some pain. That was all fine and she said to wait till nearly 8 weeks before phoning back to book an appointment but should I be calling my gp now? 1st pregnancy no idea.


VIP Member
Thank you! My email says if I haven’t heard anything by 14 weeks to call them, my GP has sent a referral but it’s under community so still waiting for them to send me an appointment. Can guarantee it’s when I’m not around haha
Hang on, have you not had any appts yet?


VIP Member
My experience has been it varies wildly from trust to trust!

mine was self referral then I got a call asking if I knew about two appointments (I had no clue about either) one was bloods etc and the other was my 12 week scan.
went to the bloods but never got given my notes which confused me massively cause nhs guidance/friends all had theirs combined.
i then got a text asking me to go for an appointment (had no clue again what it was) which turned out to be for my notes about a week before my scan.

so I’d say not unusual to get an appointment by text for your initial appointment!

(Sorry I usually just lurk here but I was so confused by the initial appointments etc that I just wanted to say it’s probably normal in your area)
Thanks for that! I had my first baby in a different country so it’s all new again 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 x