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Chatty Member
Found out 2 weeks ago my Twin B was breech. Today, Twin A is breech and B is transverse and is snuggled right under my rib cage.. 33 weeks and ready for the end!!
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Had the sudden urge to pack my hospital bag. I'm 31 wks tomorrow but too many people have said it to me to pack so I said I'd make a start. Just put on a wash of the baby grows and vests etc and I'm not able for the sizes.. I'll be packing them into sandwich bags so they'll be protected from dust etc. Just nice to tick it off the list.
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is anyone else not too bothered about pregnancy food and drink rules 😂 I'll have a coffee as normal etc, just obvs not over doing it. I'll still be having prosciutto on my cheese board, might even have a lick of some baileys dessert cream with my yule log lol. There's nothing I've had to change or cut out really!
I personally have made choices within my own comfort zone. I do have caffeine but no caffeinated coffee and only 2-3 proper teas a day (think this falls within the guideline amounts). I don’t eat cheese anyway so that’s not been an issue for me. I have had some cured meat when it’s been on a buffet but only a couple of slices and again it’s not something I eat regularly. Alcohol wise I have had the odd drink - I have been to a couple of weddings and had a glass of champagne. On holiday I had a glass of red wine on my last night. But nothing habitual. Other than the odd sip of a drink to try someone else’s 😂 I do intend to have a glass of red wine with my Christmas dinner and glass of champagne on NYE. I’ll be 36 weeks then.
Alcohol I find when you read the guidance they tell you it’s 0 they recommend because they don’t know what’s safe. But then a number of years ago they told women with low iron to drink a Guinness a day! Plus in my line of work I work with people with substance abuse issues and see them have pregnancies whilst using many substances (not condoning this at all!) and they often have well babies (apart from withdrawal). So I’ve also been of the opinion I want don’t want to be reckless but I trust my own judgment.
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39 weeks today. baby has been low for two weeks but constant pressure and lightning today.

urge to clean.

please say this is a sign
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Moved up the rung to the next bracket 😆
I’m going to have to have the chat with my mother about sharing photos I send her of baby Wood when he’s here. She’s already talking about creating a round Robin whenever I send her things. I work in social media and am very aware of issues with posting photos, but she just doesnt get it. She also wants to send her friends all the photos, many of whom I don’t know. Has anyone else had to have this talk?
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Pregnancy is a roller-coaster of emotions, I'm 30 weeks tomorrow (it's insane) so I'm beginning to find clothes don't fit me as well I'm getting uncomfortable and most of all I'm quite tired.
I've never been a mad party animal but I'd have a few nights out especially over Christmas but this year I'm completely allergic I just want to be in. But then I'm on Instagram and getting fomo.. I also feel maybe I should be enjoying myself while I can be carefree but the idea of going out in a busy pub, shoving people at bars isn't appealing and waiting for a taxi in the cold. Yet I still feel slightly guilty I'm staying in that i should be out but then I keep saying for what 😂
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watermelon sugar

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With my first on the night we came home my fellas auntie dropped us off a roast dinner and it was amazing. Then my mate came a few days later with a big portion of pasta, also amazing. Then another friend came with a tesco meal deal, equally amazing 😂 Think everything just tasted unreal because I was sleep deprived. Hoping with this one there’s also some food dropped off 🤣 it’s such a good present for when you’ve just given birth. Nothing tastes as good as the toast after birth though
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Just popping in from the new baby thread as I was sorting my freezer out today and came across a random batch cooked meal from months ago and it prompted me to write here 😂
The one thing that saved my ass and I CANNOT RECOMMEND MORE is to batch cook freezer meals before baby gets here! I started just cooking one extra lot of meals a week at about 32 weeks. By the time baby arrived we had about 4 weeks worth of food in the freezer and then when it started getting low I would do a batch cook once a week to top it up. For me, it wasn’t until about 12 weeks pp that I felt like i had the time or energy to start cooking again so it was a life saver to have them! Don’t forget to make sweet slices and cookies for the night feeds either lol.
I planned to do this with my first and just didn't 🤦🏼‍♀️
We survived on a lot of takeaways. Thankfully it was the first lockdown in COVID and a lot of restaurants started doing takeaway to keep their businesses going so we got decent food and we justified it by saying we were supporting our local businesses in a difficult time 🙈

I definitely plan on batch cooking more this time around, we've got a much bigger freezer now which helps 😆
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Well-known member
Good luck @CallMeHollywood sending lots of love!

I got the phone call on Monday from one of the diabetes midwives confirming that I have GD (borderline positive so bit frustrating!). Picked up my meter today and tried to test and got error messages. I tested 3 times and just not working. No idea what was going wrong but burst into tears. Just feeling like a bit of a failure at being a mum already and he’s not even here yet. Going to try again tomorrow when I’ll hopefully be calmer and find some YouTube videos but if anyone else has used or is using the AgaMatrix Wavesense Jazz any advice would be appreciated because I want to give up already. I don’t know if it’s pregnancy hormones making me more emotional but right now this is making me just want my pregnancy over (I’m 21+1) and I don’t want to feel like that, I want to enjoy it as much as I can! 😞
What is the error code you are getting? I think error 4 means there isn’t enough sample to test which I had a few times. Please don’t feel like a failure, it is absolutely not your fault that you have GD.

I can recommend following gestationaldiabetes_dietician on Instagram and there’s also a really helpful GD UK group on Facebook if you use it x
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Hi everyone, new to the thread. Currently 20+1 with our second baby girl who is our rainbow baby, after having a MMC in May at 11 weeks. Feeling very blessed but have struggled with Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) since 5 weeks and I'm only just starting to feel a bit more human so it's been really rough with hospital stays and multiple medications. It's my second HG pregnancy but it's been worse this time around.

We found out we're having our second girl at a 16 week gender scan, hopefully they are going to confirm she's a girl at our 20 week scan on Friday. Our top 3 names are Freya, Maisie and Harper. Which one do you guys like best? Our other daughter is called Phoebe :)
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Pretty sure I felt little movements last night whilst in bed 🥰 I’m 13+1 and it is my second but I remembered the feeling instantly! 🥰
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Ah I knew I was having a boy, it just felt like it in my bones. He’ll be our only one, and I’m actually really glad he’s a boy - more of a football mum than a ballet mum 😄
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Thanks for all the replies. I’m booked in for a private scan at the end of the week.
I’d seen the statistic about seeing the heartbeat at 9 weeks and it was one of the reasons I’d like another scan.
I would have liked to have waited til 10 weeks but wanted to say before Christmas so I don’t have to hide it 😂
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So I’m around 8 weeks and the sickness has started. Does anyone have any tips ?
I have HG and I can think of nothing worse than ginger things personally! But definitely try if you feel you can stomach them. Things that help is definitely trying to eat little and often. Things like plain rich tea biscuits, crackers, salted crisps. Lucozade sport has been an absolute godsend at keeping me hydrated as I couldn’t stomach plain water or anything else. Eat whatever you can to get through it!

I personally avoid eating too early and almost allow my body to be sick/gag at least once or twice before eating in the morning (as I’m familiar now with when it’s at its worst!)

if you are really struggling don’t be afraid to contact to the doctor. I’m now on both Cyclizine and Metoclopramide as one alone was not working.
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@CallMeHollywood and @kayefeluu20 ye are dead right and I know I won't be missed to be honest as I only started the job in march. But I was asked straight out today was I going by the person organising it and I just want to say no but I didn't give a straight answer a 😂 it's the people pleaser in me I never put myself first and just agree.. 🤣 And if I hear one more time oh you need to enjoy it now before baby comes.. I never really enjoyed going to these nights unless I get properly fed in my own plate.. I despise finger food and piss hands 👐
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i just want him to keep our choices to ourself and don't be sharing with anyone else. Similar to how I choose to feed and everything. I literally don't want to be sharing anything as I know how judgy they can be and I don't want to hear any of it as none of them have bothered to even check in on me.
Hope you’re feeling better after talking to him. Can totally relate to this bit though. Mr R can’t stop telling everyone every single detail we discuss. He’s told everyone our name choice already (only found out the gender at the weekend), told everyone I’m asking for a C-section and why, told everyone feeding preferences, discusses my medication (HG) and any symptoms with every man and his dog, told everyone everything we’re planning to do for baby/babies room etc. It’s like he can’t keep anything to himself. I get it’s that he’s excited but sometimes I even hesitate to tell him things because I know within an hour his entire family will know along with his best mate and half of our colleagues 😅
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