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I had my 12 week scan two days ago, I’m measuring 13 weeks instead! Baby kept moving but so happy to have heard the heart beat aftwr weeks of being anxious!! 😍
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39 weeks, still working (until Thursday) and every single thing hurts now. Still consider work a break from my teeny tiny toddler boss at home, who has spent all evening ordering me around playing with dolls and reading books 🤣. For some reason I never ordered an armchair for her bedroom so for the past 20 minutes we’ve been cuddling on the tiny toddler armchair - me, her, 4 toy bunnies and a 39 week baby bump 😂 she’ then went into the nursery and stole a baby blanket and is now snuggled in bed with her blanket and bunnies, singing lullabies to them as she falls asleep and said “love you mummy” unprompted for the first time 🥹 so that’s just a little pep talk for everyone in discomfort that it is all worth it in the end! X
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Thanks everyone. I'm 38+3 weeks and baby hasn't grown in the last two weeks according to the measurements so they just want to check. Baby has engaged in my pelvis so I think they may be getting ready haha. It's such a strange time thinking that the baby could either be here this week or in three weeks, there's just no way of knowing, which I'm finding hard because I like to be in control and know exactly when they'll be here so that I can prepare for it 😂
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So glad other people aren’t loving pregnancy (not in a horrible way lol just in a thank god it’s not just me way!). I feel like I’m being super negative about it when people ask but my honest answer is that I’m over it! Haven’t even had a bad pregnancy at all so I feel bad complaining but I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever. I miss having my own body!! I miss not being treated as an invalid/someone who needs special treatment but then also being annoyed when people don’t acknowledge the fact that I am lol. Just don’t enjoy feeling vulnerable… It’s a real rollercoaster but bring on the baby! Weirdly feel like life will be a lot easier once I actually have control of my body again (albeit much harder in other ways because babies are mad!)

For people having a c section, when did you find out your date? Just found out that I won’t get one until I’m 36 weeks which given my due date is 29th December is incredibly annoying because I can’t plan anything!!
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Chatty Member
Have my 20 week scan tomorrow. Really nervous about it, have a horrible feeling something is going to be wrong. Haven't really felt much movement so far while my first baby was a little gymnast 99% of the time. I know it's totally irrational but can't help but have horrible thoughts in the back of my mind ☹
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I'm genuinely not even really bothering with a birth plan. I know I don't want a c section unless it is absolutely 100% unavoidable & I don't want the epidural. The rest of it 🤷🏼‍♀️ as long as I end up okay myself & the baby is healthy. It's very much a means to an end! I'm not expecting some sort of fantastic memory from it besides having my little bean released from her prison 😂
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That’s a big baby! How are you all doing?
We’re good thank you! She’s pretty sleepy, apparently that’s common after a planned section but I haven’t had much sleep as hospitals are not quiet 🤣 but I’m on a high and will hopefully get some sleep today.

However your baby arrives, there’s nothing like the feeling afterwards❤
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watermelon sugar

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So I’m 7+1, I’m on progesterone and my word everything is so EXHAUSTING 😭 I don’t know if it’s the progesterone but I am heaving, borking, nearly being sick every 5 mins, I am having 3 hour naps every single day, I’ve cried over the simplest of things. Last night me and my boyfriend ordered waffles and cookie dough (cos i was craving them obvs) and I wanted a waffle, looked back at my order and realised i’d ordered cookie dough by mistake, and I cried 😂😂 My hormones are all over the place! I went out with work on Friday night and everyone was smashed, dancing on tables, I was just sat there with my mock tail waiting to go home and spew/go to sleep 😂😂
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36 week scan today! I've recently learnt this isn't something every trust offers as standard but I'm looking forward to getting an estimate of her weight. Fully aware I won't actually see her because there's barely any space in there (as she reminds me every day at 3 am 🙃)
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I've officially finished work 🥳 and I've had my group b strep swab and it honestly wasn't bad at all! Not even as bad as a smear.

The doctor also did a scan to check heart etc and the head is in my pelvis all ready to go haha. I'm 36 weeks so hopefully I have a few more weeks to get my shit together 😂 but all positive news today. Hopefully my GBS comes back okay so that I can have a water birth 🤞
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Just been for a second reassurance scan and saw baby wriggling around. Measured 9w5d which is bang on what I should be so feeling a bit less stressed about the impact my HG could be having on the baby. Got the date for my 12 week scan through today too so not too long to wait for that.
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Just paid the nursery deposit and sent off the forms - big milestone! I’m also really slow today and everything has become an effort, including work, which I’ve fully given up on.
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Chatty Member
Found out we’re having a little boy! Now the fun of trying to find a boys name, we had a girls name picked out but cannot think of any boys names to use!

also found out I have an anterior placenta again! Gutted as I had one with my first born and it caused so many problems! Gutted but nothing I can do so trying not to dwell
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So I'm being induced in a few days because of reduced movement, I'm 40 weeks now. Feeling quite calm about it but any positive induction stories are very much welcome please! The internet is a horrible place for stories 🙈
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Still pregnant 🙃 booked in for a sweep next week. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll go before then. Midwife said the baby is in a great position for labour so she can't see why I wouldn't go before next week but equally I'm not really having any signs so who knows 🤷 hope everyone else are doing well ❤
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