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Just popping by to reassure anyone going down the induction route. Baby arrived safe and sound at 37+3, I was induced at 37 weeks due to predicted small birth weight.

Slow going at first but had the pessary for 24 hours, followed by a gel which seemed to do the trick. Plan was to break my waters but I wasn't happy to do that, and had an amazing midwife who respected that and let me carry on. No further intervention needed, birthed naturally with a tens machine and good old gas and air. Labour itself was very hands off, as I'd wanted.

After a stressful end to the pregnancy, the birth was everything I'd hoped for (and babies weight was absolutely fine!). She's also feeding like a trooper.

Hope that helps anyone in a similar boat. Trust your instincts and make your wishes clear! I was also induced with my first at 42 weeks, which was also absolutely fine (albeit quicker!).
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I really need to vent about this as I feel like I'm the surrogate to my own baby after what's happened this week.

A few weeks ago my partner went out for a meal with his family and when I came home from work they were all there at our house. As soon as I sit down I'm told "we have decided the name for the baby" and I'm sat there dumbfounded. I actually make an excuse to go out to the shop because I felt like the floor had gone from under me.

Later spoke to my partner saying wtf was that all about, why is your family deciding the name of our baby, and more importantly why are you agreeing to this? he says oh it's not like that they were just making suggestions.

Fast forward to a few days ago, at a memorial for a family member of his, we are both mentioned (this was written by his mum beforehand) and about the baby coming in december.

Then, I kid you not, the guy doing this service says that this relative had even picked the name of my baby as their dying wish.

Proceed to multiple people asking what the name of the baby is considering this relative had supposedly chosen it. My response was I haven't actually named MY baby yet, I will name them when they are here. Nothing is finalised.

I feel like this funeral was used as some weird way into guilting me into a baby name by his family because it was such a public display of it too.

We got home and I said to him just to clarify, NOBODY else is naming our baby, or having final say. He understands how uncalled for it was to do that and I've asked him to speak to his parents to stop this now. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life.
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I’ve spoken to 111 and I’m on my way to out of hours to check whether I need to go and be put on a drip. Thanks for the reassurance that that was the right thing to do. I’ve been talking myself out of it for hours thinking I was being dramatic because there’s people with it worse than me 🙈 I feel like death though and the nurse that phoned back told me I definitely needed to be seen so that along with your words of advice has given me a kick up the bum to trust my gut going forward
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I'm getting induced tomorrow at 41+3. Midwife tried a sweep on Monday but my cervix was still too high to reach. I decided that I didn't want to risk going over the 42 weeks and want the baby out so my partner can spend what is now left of his paternity leave with us. I finished up work at 37 weeks, he finished up when I was 39 weeks as we were convinced baby would come early... boy were we wrong!
I cant decide if I am nervous or not. Tbh I still feel like this is someone else's pregnancy and not my own!! It's bizarre.
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38 week midwife appointment today didn't go great. Blood pressure was high, large amounts of protein in urine, headache for last 3 days, as well as blurry vision - unfortunately all pointing towards pre-eclampsia again so spent the afternoon in the hospital. Got to go back either over the weekend or Monday for more monitoring. On the plus side I've got my c-section on Friday unless thinks take a turn between now and then.
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Chatty Member
20 week scan today and everything went well. Feel like I can relax (ever so slightly) and start organising a few bits and pieces! Feels more real now I’m over the half way mark. Wish there was just a gaurenteed date of birth so I knew how long I had left, I’m such a planner i hate the not knowing😂
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My incredibly well meaning husband has bought me Arsenal pyjamas to wear at the hospital (I do support them as well!), the baby a full kit and himself some matching pyjamas. 😆 Can't wait to be waddling round the midwife led unit in my Arsenal regalia
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Hi all, still lurking here even though I’m not pregnant anymore, still keen to know how you’re all getting on!

On the food front, I wasn’t sick in the first trimester but did have nausea so ate plain foods. I was super healthy in the 2nd trimester and probably start of 3rd but then I really started craving sugar and gave into it towards the end. Just made sure I always took my vitamins and tried to have veg with meals etc. I now have a very healthy baby so it obviously didn’t do her any harm, although she was massive haha. My husband says it’s all the cereal I ate while pregnant, I’ve had a couple of bowls post-birth but certainly not craving it like I was.

Sorry for rambling just wanted to say hi really 🤣
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The witching hour for me again. Today is a busy one, too. I realised yesterday that I’ve been pregnant for just over 200 days now, and I find that bizarre.
Still none the wiser on how to look after a child though. I attended a baby safety webinar yesterday and I’m pretty sure most things in my home are going to kill this child, according to the midwife. Are we really leaving our child unattended long enough for them to drown themselves in the cat bowl? Jury’s out.
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35 weeks today and it's all very 🤯 she's really going to be evicted at some point. It's also my last working week so I've mentally checked out basically 😂 found work a real struggle from about 30 weeks onwards, in terms of energy levels and ability to focus.
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I should have said as well that my baby weighs 9lb 6oz!!! I’m 5ft2in and usually around a size 10. No wonder I was so bloody uncomfortable 🤣

Gobsmaked as this one came at 39+3 and my first who was overdue by 9 days was 8lb 8oz - I thought that was big!
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watermelon sugar

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Thanks everyone! It was abdominal, got a nice clear picture as well 😁 I’m 9+1 apparently now too! Nice strong heartbeat 😁 so happy!
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Got our second NCT class tonight and tbh I'm really not feeling it. It's very lecturey and tonight involves birthing balls and massage which in true stoic English fashion, I'd rather chew glass than get massaged in public. I don't even like being massaged at home 😂 Plus making a pregnant woman stay alert til 9 pm? Should be illegal.
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I was up bolt awake at 430pm with what I think is round ligament pain 😭

I've got my 20 week scan today! The day is finally here! Nervous and anxious as haven't seen baby since 12 weeks and in a lot of ways I don't 'feel' pregnant (barely have a bump, only getting what I think are fluttery kicks occasionally). But also excited ❤
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37 weeks + 5 days. I'm so exhausted I'm on the verge of tears. Doesn't matter how much sleep I get each night, I'm assuming I'm still anaemic too as can't keep the tablets down. Daily naps aren't helping and my body feels so heavy when I move 😩
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My partner keeps telling me off for saying I’m tired and the baby is taking all my energy😂

apparently it can’t be that hard to grow an entire life inside of you 🙄
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Had my 20 week scan yesterday. All went well with measurements and he's a little boy as I thought! Unmistakably so 😂💙

Feel so relieved and also finally that it's really going to happen! Going to get my bum in gear for buying all of his bits now and learning about how to be a Mum!
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Finally got to hear the heartbeat at my 25 week midwife appointment 🥹❤ For some reason that’s almost made it feel more real than the scans! Although can’t believe he’ll be here in three and a half months that sounds so near!!!
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