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VIP Member
Anyone going through IVF or has? I’m disliking the butt shots. I get implanted on the 11th. I voted just looking, but I’m mega pumped up on hormones and could use any and all advice and hope to join with a successful pregnancy when I get my blood test on the 21st.
3 round of ivf here! I never had to do them in the Butt only tummy but can defo sympathise as some of them are nasty esp the bigger needles and anything in oil… ouch!
Everything crossed for you… keep busy and distracted in the tww. I was told gentle walks are good to get blood flowing to uterus. But listen to body and rest when needed! Have some
Funny Tv programmes lined up!! I found the tww the hardest part!
Really hope we will be hearing great news from you soon!!!


VIP Member
Hi everyone tested this morning and came back positive. I was really upset and my mum found me and I ended up telling her out of panic. Had a big chat with her about everything and going to the doctors this afternoon to confirm. Thx for all your help everyone❤
Amazing that you’ve been able to tell your Mum. I hope it was ok… xx


VIP Member
I’m 27(almost 28) weeks pregnant with my third baby, I’ve been noticing a lot of mucus discharge this week, like it’s my plug. Is this a sign I might go into labour early?
Sorry if it’s TMI 😳😳
You can lose your plug throughout, it regenerates, no indication of premature labour 😊


VIP Member
I’m trying to come up with possibles for my maternity leave as I have a meeting with my two bosses tomorrow about when I go off and I’ve thoroughly confused myself 😐

I’ve got 14 days and some change annual leave left this year. My due date is 18/03. When I come back in 24 I’ll be due 29.6 days annual leave (leave year runs from end of May to June)

I’ve worked out I can either start my maternity leave on 27/02/2022 (21 days before due date), using annual leave to go off for my last working day on 31/01/22 and come back on 5/4/24 or I can start my maternity leave on my due date, take annual leave to finish on 14/02/22 and come back on 08/04/24. I can’t work out how there’s only 3 days difference on the return side when I’ll have 9 days annual leave left in option 1 and 13 days days annual leave left in option 2?!

eta - never mind, I can’t count. How does it work if I don’t have my baby until 2 weeks overdue? Does the maternity leave start later?Or is that a risk with starting it earlier?
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VIP Member
has anyone tracked their food through their pregnancy? I have just started (24 weeks)- my key aim of tracking is to keep an eye on my salt intake and other foods that contribute to high blood pressure, but I notice that I set my calories to maintenance and I can’t quite seem to get there - my maintenance calories are quite high mind you as I’m pretty heavy. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how I can make up calories in a healthy way - looking at low salt/low sugar options. Or do I even need to worry about this? I’m over 1500 calories a day, probably coming in more like the 1700/1800 mark - which is probably maintenance for most people!


VIP Member
Does anyone on here have a tilted uterus? After years of scans no one has ever mentioned it but the sonographer at our 13 week scan told me a few weeks ago as she said it was making baby harder to look at to check everything.

I only ask as my back pain is so bad however the only thing she said was baby will grow inwards before popping out (belly I’m guessing although I have a bit of a bump!?) when they’re much bigger.
So I’m assuming that’s what the back pain is as it’s right on the side baby was at the scan a few weeks ago.

Can anyone tell me it gets better? Because this paired with what my midwife thinks is sciatica is turning my poor back in a 90 year olds 🫠🫠


VIP Member
yes I had this for a while around 20 weeks or so, it went away, it felt quite tender but never bruised. I thought it might have been a hernia perhaps but it never came to anything and went away by itself. Maybe worth mentioning to midwife or GP if it gets really uncomfortable?
I posted something similar a few weeks ago about feeling bruised and almost tender to touch. A few ladies reassured me they had felt similar and now at 30 weeks it's definitely eased but there's still certain parts of my bump that feel like this, and I think it depends on what position bubs is in 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thankyou both! Reassuring to hear it’s not just me. Yeah it defo feels tender. I’ll see how it goes next week or so and mention to midwife if not! It’s not painful as such. Seems to start after Iv eaten fist thing of the morning!!


Active member
Anterior placenta mums, I used to really feel baby kick on my left side but the baby has definitely moved around behind my placenta, I can still feel the usual kicking and the rolling sensation however it’s like cushioned, I think they have moved behind the placenta instead of on the side like it used to be! Any other anterior placenta mums had this?
I had this happen to me a few days ago and I started to panic because while I could still feel kicks, they were a fraction of the intensity and not in their normal pattern. Baba clearly likes to keep me on my toes because I was about to ring the hospital that night but baba then shifted back and kicks felt 'normal' (for me) again. If you feel worried about it, it's worth calling your midwife especially if you are concerned for a long period of time/not feeling kicks but try not to worry , there's every chance baby can shift back again. They just like to keep us on our toes!


They ask you when your last period was… and usually calculate from there. I’m not sure about blood tests being able to tell you how far along you are, usually when you go for a scan they can measure the baby and that gives an indication x
I don’t have periods because I have the implant in which I why I can’t work it out myself. Will the hormones from my implant hurt the baby?


Chatty Member
And has anyone else only had a midwife appointment at 8 weeks then had to wait until 20/21 weeks until they see them again? It’s my first pregnancy and I feel like it’s such a long time!
you should be having a 16 week appt after your 12 week scan but I know in a lot of trusts you have to book this yourself once you’ve had your scan!


VIP Member
I keep waking up at 4am and I don’t even need to pee anymore it’s just a naturally occurring event 😭 anyone have any tips? I’m not sure if it’s because I’m hungry or if baby is moving (she seems to enjoy kicking about this time) and that’s what’s waking me?


VIP Member
When did everyone get into a pattern with the baby movements? Im still getting used to the movements but thought I’d ask!
Not until about 28 weeks or so really. Wasn't so much a pattern just that she'd usually move in the morning and when laying in bed at night. Day time was any time really. I'd only really feel her around 3 blocks of time a day. Was normal for her though.
And it didn't stay the same pattern all the way through either 😊


VIP Member
Has anyone got experience with wearing the baby in a sling? I quote like the idea this time round but have no ides where to start and there are so many different types!!


Well-known member
I don’t think I’ll go back after mat leave. I don’t get paid very much and just work in a shop, won’t be able to afford childcare as it would probably be double my wages for the month. I don’t think I’d have to pay my mat pay back though? That’s a worry