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Chatty Member
Hi everyone. Totally new here but been ttc for 3plus months now for baby number 3. I have felt rough last few days but not expecting period until 4 days away but my friend said do a early test… I did yesterday and today and both positive. I’ve told my husband and mum and kids in excitement but now im worrying might be wrong and period could come. Has anyone ever been through this? Thanks sorry for the ramble x


VIP Member
Feeling like im doing good today.
Have done 3 sets of kegel exercises
Already had 8 drinks of water/tea
Watched 2 positive birth stories
Might read some of my posotive birthing or baby book in a bit.

First time in 27 weeks ive managed to do 3 sets of kegels. Im so bad at remembering, or i only remember when i need the loo and so its not the right time.

Saw my mum friend with a 7 month old. Had a bit of a cry #hormones. She totally got it.

I feel heard 🥰
Ooooo do you have the actual kegal trainer things? I was looking at these but wasn’t sure if you can use them through pregnancy but I’m super keen if you can! Which ones do you use if you don’t mind me asking?

I saw Elvie have a version but theirs were crazy expensive!


VIP Member
I have got the driest skin on my bump. Smothering myself in e45 doesn’t seem to be doing anything 😭 and I don’t fancy paying out for bio oil


VIP Member
Is it normal to be completely mental at 5w 5d and think things have gone wrong? I got sickness last week and nothing this week so my brain is overdrive. My scan isn’t til 4th July


VIP Member
Thinking of getting a landrover discovery 5 was looking at the velar or Range Rover sport but quite fancy something different x


VIP Member
So I'm about to have a bit of a pregnant lady rant because I've had a good cry today out of frustration and upsetness
All thanks to DFS

So we've had problems with this delivery from dfs since October
We ordered a bed
Paid for deliver and assembly
Bed that was delivered and assembled had two panels the wrong colour in December
They were apologetic said a new bed would come and be assembled etc
January came and they said the new bed was coming
Delivery men came with a load of boxes and expect my pregnant butt to go upstairs and quickly dismantle a bed and bring it downstairs and carry said boxes upstairs because apparently because of covid they couldn't built the bed
So they took the boxes and left
Fast forward to May, they come to build the new bed and its the WRONG BED
So they contact the supplier the supplier contacts me directly and arrange someone to come build the new bed again

So today this supplier person arrives at my house
Hes alone. He can't speak any English at all. He isn't wearing a mask.
I have to ask him 3 times to wear a mask and he doesn't put it on properly at all.
He isn't wearing gloves
He carries a new headboard upstairs alone and dents my walls and scuffs my walls
He keeps leaving the front door open - i have 3 cats that are all indoor cats, 2 of which are girls that haven't been fixed yet. And I ask him several times to please close the door.
I have to nip for a wee - because let's be honest at 37 weeks pregnant when am I not needing a wee.
I come out the toilet and hes left my door open and one of my cats is missing.
So I start crying and he says "I have to have the door open for the bed innit"
So I'm heavily pregnant on the floor looking under cars for my cat
Thankfully my cat Maui is a good boy and went straight to the back garden and just sat at the back door waiting to be let back in.
But I was in bits.
And then to add to the covid spectacular this man that I don't know tries to touch me with no gloves on and judging by his lack of mask wearing hes probably not sanitised his hands and keeps telling me to calm down.
So I've been all upset. I've had to go and spray disinfectant all over my house and I've been made to feel silly by the delivery man for getting upset, even though he nearly lost my cat and could have brought god knows what into the house when I could go into labour any day.
My partner is furious and already been on the phone to dfs and is currently waiting on a manager callback.
Have I over reacted and let hormones take over or is my anger and upsetness justified?
I would've been exactly the same, so inconsiderate! Maybe if you complain enough you will get some money off the bed though!!


VIP Member
Yes! She’s always been ahead, at 12 weeks she presented as 2 weeks bigger but we knew our dates and refused the due date to be changed. Every scan since has questioned us on my last period/conception.
Thank you so much, it’s really helped hearing it from your perspective and I feared having a c section would be viewed as ‘taking the easy option’ even though it still has its risks.
Appreciate you taking the time to share your story ❤

Thank you 😌❤ I just saw big head and long legs lol
I had my section on the Thursday, and by Monday I walked the mile into town for Starbucks. You know, essentials. C Sections are still seen as major surgery; I had a PICO wound pump on for over a week, and I struggled with breastfeeding as my milk didn’t come in for 3/4 days. We were questioned on our dates too, but I’m an insane person who writes everything down, and I was on nights on their predicted conception date. Not a chance 👏🏻


Hi everyone, we are looking at buying some nursery furniture soon but me and my husband can't agree (like with everything it seems atm) 🙄 does anybody have any recommendations for a decent, affordable nursery set? Thanks!


VIP Member
Yep I literally ordered mine this morning. Just under 40 quid which isn't too bad. I always knew I would do it though as I've had group B strep in the past that was picked up on a UTI test. It can be transient so I may not have it now but I think better safe than sorry.
Where did you order it from? I had it a few years ago so I want to double check again x


VIP Member
been thinking of you. Nearly fainted at work as it was so hot and a doctor was doing a trache and I was like 🤢 🤢 🤢
Oh I'd of been outta there. I picked up a bank shift in the cath lab today (yknow I like to punish myself clearly) and removing a fem stop coulda brought me to tears 😂


VIP Member
Oh hope his/her hips are OK now? Quick question what do you look out for in terms of hip health with baby carriers? For example I've heard varying things about the baby bjorn carrier even though it's been certified as hip healthy by the hip dysplasia institute so I'm a tad confused...
Sorry to quote you again, but couldn’t add to my last post. You can find a list of hip healthy carries here. It lists by brand and then the products within that brand. It’s an extensive list, so maybe best finding a carrier you like the look of and checking if it’s on there, rather than trying to use the list to find a carrier if that makes sense?



VIP Member
I just finished off the latest episode.. I LOVE Kathy 🤣
I started the first series of Cheshire… dawn is so awful! Does she get any better? 🤣
Kathy kills me. The whole martini trick was genius! I really like Erika too but she never gives much away and I want all the tea! Haha yes she is awful and she gets progressively worse, she thinks she's the Lisa Van Der Pump of Cheshire which tbf she kinda is because she's the longest standing cast member, my favs are Tanya and Ester though. I could talk about it for hours so I will stop! To bring it back to topic, the only reason I've been binging is because I'm *pregnant* and have been allowed to work from home 😉


VIP Member
Hi everyone, we are looking at buying some nursery furniture soon but me and my husband can't agree (like with everything it seems atm) 🙄 does anybody have any recommendations for a decent, affordable nursery set? Thanks!
I got a set of drawers from IKEA and put changing mat on it for baby 1. Will be using that again this time.

I agree with the other poster than company's add an extra £100 on just because an item classes as 'nursery furniture'.